Notification on E61 whenever new Outlook email

I use my Nokia E61 quite a lot. I am a consultant, therefore I often work with two computers, one belonging to the client company and one being mine. My own laptop is, of course, mostly on Screensaver-mode because I only use it to contact with my colleagues and company systems. The tricky thing about this is that I don´t notice when I receive a new email or Skype message while the laptop is on Screensaver mode, so I have to activate it regularly just to check.
Wouldn´t it be possible to configure my E61 so that it connects via Bluetooth to the laptop and beeps every time a new Outlook email arrives? Since synchronisation with Outlook is possible, that should be possible too, no?
Thank you very much!
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Yes, you can. In the Human Task, there is a Notification tab that allows you to configure when you want to send notification emails. In order for Notification emails to work, you will need to setup the User Messaging Service for your environment and also turn on Email notifications on your SOA server by right clicking on your SOA server and selecting SOA Administration/Workflow Notification Properties. You will need to restart the SOA server.

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    I am using Outlook2010.  My current incoming port is 110.

    Stormy wrote:
    I have gotten the "Second Notice" email instructing me to change my Outlook email settings.  I have tried to do it for two hours or more, just on my main computer. My outgoing settings are fine, but when I try to switch the Port number for incoming and then test settings, I have to wait  and wait and finally get get an error message. I have tried restarting, as instructed, with no luck.  This leaves me wondering if this is an authentic email.  I haven't tried to change settings on my other 3 devices,
    I am using Outlook2010.  My current incoming port is 110.
     The changes encompass more than just the port setting. I'm not sure what version of Outlook you are using, but here is what it looks like in the version I have when I set up (fake) account "[email protected]" with current settings:
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
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    12:44 AM
    cgedwards wrote:
    We are living in Spain and this device is pretty new here.
    So we have brought it but cannot get an help to configure it at all.
    I urgently need to set it up to ge email in and send it, also to get access to the internet.
    Can someone help please?
    #1: Get the Internet access point settings from your network operator. (If you have problems with this step, start a new discussion topic/thread.)
    #2: Get the email account details from your email service provider (username & password, POP3 or IMAP4 server name, SMTP server name, any particularities regarding security settings, port numbers, etc). Note: You might have to use your network operator's SMTP server for sending, instead of the email provider's SMTP server (if they are different, and if your operator has prevented access to other SMTP servers than their own).
    #3: In the Messaging app on the phone, hit "Options" (or whatever it is in Italian), choose "Settings", then "E-mail" and finally "Mailboxes". Create a new mailbox using the access point name from step #1 and the details from #2.
    #4: Now your mailbox is usable and you should be able to send/receive email.

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    It should be noted that just relying on the browser handling for the [url mailto: reference|] does not guarantee handling by any specific email application. It is completely up to the browser implementation - The HTML 4.0 spec does not specify any handling other than:
    MAILTO URLs have the following syntax:
    User agents may support MAILTO URL extensions that are not yet Internet standards (e.g., appending subject information to a URL with the syntax "?Subject=my%20subject" where any space characters are replaced by "%20").
    Then again - given that WDA supports so few browsers (user agents!), you could probably get around the different support in each them in a reasonably common way.
    To ensure that it is MS Outlook you are launching and potentially pass more data into that email you'll need to make use of the [ACFExecute functionality|] and then also the [command-line interface of Outlook.|]

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    Thank you
    Best regards

    Hi Manfred,
    This is what I did.
    Implement GET_P_XXXX method
    Below is the sample code:
      CASE iv_property.
        WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter~fp_fieldtype.
          IF IV_DISPLAY_MODE = abap_true.
            rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_link.
            rv_value = cl_bsp_dlc_view_descriptor=>field_type_input.
        WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_onclick.
        get the current entity
          me->collection_wrapper->find( iv_index = iv_index ).
          me->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
        Get the  Email Address
          lv_string = me->GET_E_MAILSMT( attribute_path = 'EMAILADDR ).
          CONCATENATE 'mailto:' lv_string INTO lv_string. 
          rv_value = lv_string
    Paparao Undavali

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    POP does not support synchronization between the server and clients. You will need to use IMAP or Exchange Active Sync if your email provider supports it.

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    after the email is received!
    I have a list of open applications if you're interested in that. I did try turning my iphone on and back off but it still happens.  I realize I could probably fix by re-installing the OS but I'm interested to know what's going on and why.
    I have my iPhone connected to my iMac and running Xcode, when the
    weird email notification comes in there's this line in the console:
    Nov 23 14:43:16 unknown SpringBoard[15] <Warning>: No alert sound
    found at path 'UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName'.
    AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundIDWithPath() returned: -1500
    Andy Triboletti

    I had the same issue for somtimes now and eventually removed the GMail app because the sound notifications I had happened everytime I received an e-mail in my GMail account (including spam).
    Since I removed it, no more problem and my battery life is way better !

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    Cherry63 wrote:
    I am talking about the icon on the docking row, that's the guy with the smily face. When you click on him it brings up a bunch of files of what I seem to have store/created on my Imac. There are hundreds of emails and some other documents. I tried to delete a few of them when I first got the MS office but it did not like that, it said it have to rebuild oulook. Why cant i delete these files? is this Apple version of Window outlook PST files?
    These file extenssions are listed as
    olk14_message or even or ccontact. I wish I could send a screen print but I dont see that on the key board. Maybe I should have stuck with windows..
    Oh the ...olk14_message's.  Do not delete them behind Outlooks back, i.e., from the finder.  Those are the various messages that you sent, received, or deleted in Outlook.  They are indexed by Outlook so if you delete behind Outlook's back Outlook will get confused trying to access those messages.
    You can delete them however using Outlook itself.  In outlook select a mailbox (Drafts, Sent Items, Deleted Items, etc.) by clicking on the mailbox on the left.  It will show you the messages in that mailbox.  You can now select all or selected items in that mailbox.  The click the Edit menu and select Delete.  You will get a dialog asking if you really want to delete the selections.  Answer "Delete" and the messages will get deleted.
    The olk14_message's you are seeing are the actual messages shown the Outlook mail boxes.  When you actually delete them the way I just described the corresponding olk14_message files will also be deleted.
    Note Outlook's Deleted Items mailbox is where all deleted messages go when you click the Delete tool in the Outlook toolbar.   Thus using the Delete tool from the toolbar does not permanently delete the messages.  So if you been using that for months or years you are going to have a very large Deleted Items mailbox.  And every one of those items in there is going to have a corresponding olk14_message file for that message.
    So if those olk14_message files you are seeing are from the Deleted Items mailbox you can get rid of all those corresponding olk14_message files by selecting all the messages in Deleted Items and using the Edit menu's Delete.
    Alternative ways to the Edit/Delete to do the permanent delete is select (all) the messages to delete and control (right) click to bring up the Outlook contextual menu and select Delete from it.
    Finally if you use the Delete tool in the toolbar for messages selected in the Deleted Items mailbox you will be able to permanently delete those too.  It's an exception since using the tool on the Deleted Items means there's no place to put those messages except to "oblivion".
    So, in summary, using the Delete tool in the toolbar on messages in every mailbox except the Deleted Items mailbox just moves messages to the Deleted Items mailbox.  But using the Delete tool on items in them Deleted Items mailbox permanently deletes the selected items in there.  And only permanently deleting items removes the corresponding actual ...olk14_message files.

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    I set up Icloud and an icloud email account in outlook 2010.  The calendar dates transferred to my Iphone but nothing of the emails.  The only email that go to my iphone are those that go to the new Iphone email account in outlook.  Do I have to use the Icloud email account instead of my existing outlook accounts in order for my email to sync?  If not what can I do to get my outlook email to sync with my iphone? Thanks.

    iCloud only "syncs" data in the iCloud account, not data in other external accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.  If your email, contacts and calendars are hosted by another external account, such as Gmail/Google, you may want to not sync this data using iCloud as you would have import it all to the iCloud account in order to do so.  Instead, add your external account to your iOS devices and in Settings>Mail,Conacts,Calendars>Add Account and turn on contacts and calendar syncing with your external account.

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    In the new outlook, how do I forward an email to someone on my contacts. I do not see any icon to forward.

    Click the dropmarker (down pointer) beside the reply button and there is a forward option.

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    PS - have found other posts indicating that clips smaller than 2s or sometimes 5s, or "short files" can cause this. Modern style editing often uses short takes ! Good grief I cannot believe Apple. Well I deleted a half a dozen short sections and can export, but now of course the video is a ruined piiece of junk and I need to re-do the whole thing, the sound etc. which is basically taking as much time as the original. And each time I re-do it I risk again this lovely error -50 and again trying to figure out what thing bugs it via trial and error instead of a REASONABLE ERROR MESSAGE POINTING TO THE CLIP IT CAN'T PROCESS. What a mess. I HATE this iMovie application - full of BUGS BUGS BUGS which Apple will not fix obviously, since I had this product for a few years and see just hundreds of hits on Google about this error with disappointed users. Such junk I cannot believe I paid money for it and Apple does not support it with fixes !!!
    If anyone knows of a GOOD reasonably priced video editing program NOT from APPLE I am still looking for suggestions. I want to do more video in future, but obviously NOT with iMovie !!!

  • Error when attaching files from SharePoint library to an Outlook email?

    I've got a user who's reporting that recently she started getting en error whenever she tries to attach a file from a SharePoint library to an Outlook email.
    When she either drags from the library in Windows Explorer, she receives this:
    When uses Attach File via Outlook and navigates to the library, she receives this:
    If the file is checked out, or if require check out is disabled, then it attaches.
    Anyone know why this might have started happening?  I'm assured it has historically been working for the past couple years.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    Thanks for your reply:)!  Mine's below:
    > Whether other users meet this issue
      Yes, it's happening regardless of user.
    > Whether other files also have this issue when the user tries to attachment these files to outlook.
      Yes, it's happening regardless which file is tested.
    > Please check whether the problematic file was checked out by another user. And Please attach a file without Check-out to outlook, compare the result.
      It happens consistently when someone tries to attach a file that is
    not checked out.  If a file is checked out (regardless of who it's checked out to), then it attaches to an Outlook email without error.
    > In addition, please check ULS log file to check whether there are some errors about this issue. The path of the log file is: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS.
      Nothing jumped out in the logs.  I pasted them below FWIW, but nothing jumped out at me.
    Thanks again for any suggestions!
    Timestamp Process TID Area Category EventID Level Message Correlation
    02/27/2015 10:27:50.93 wsstracing.exe (0x08BC) 0x11B8 SharePoint Foundation Tracing Controller Service 5152 Information Tracing Service started.
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.07 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.07 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: 712b2714-d9d6-47df-b722-100d85ee575e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.07 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET 712b2714-d9d6-47df-b722-100d85ee575e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.07 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET 712b2714-d9d6-47df-b722-100d85ee575e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.07 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Locations/India/Lists/India%20Photos/Attachments/5/3130688354_1f9638d0c1_b.jpg 712b2714-d9d6-47df-b722-100d85ee575e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.07 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=7.6251 712b2714-d9d6-47df-b722-100d85ee575e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.26 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.26 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: 490f2046-a185-4b35-a2de-73b140b8f602
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.26 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET 490f2046-a185-4b35-a2de-73b140b8f602
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.28 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET 490f2046-a185-4b35-a2de-73b140b8f602
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.28 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Locations/VietNam/Lists/Vietnam%20Photos/Attachments/1/a.jpg 490f2046-a185-4b35-a2de-73b140b8f602
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.29 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=19.0138 490f2046-a185-4b35-a2de-73b140b8f602
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.70 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.70 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: b20b6de8-13d1-4d18-9cc7-af5fca987b37
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.70 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=0.9171 b20b6de8-13d1-4d18-9cc7-af5fca987b37
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.85 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.85 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: cad18282-c3e3-4438-a6a0-d6e3ec8fe55e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.85 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET cad18282-c3e3-4438-a6a0-d6e3ec8fe55e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.85 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET cad18282-c3e3-4438-a6a0-d6e3ec8fe55e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.85 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Locations/Bangladesh/Lists/Bangladesh%20Photos/Attachments/6/IMG_1676.jpg cad18282-c3e3-4438-a6a0-d6e3ec8fe55e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.85 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=8.73 cad18282-c3e3-4438-a6a0-d6e3ec8fe55e
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.93 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.93 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: d7862a07-2447-412b-9636-b9e5c9cbbd8c
    02/27/2015 10:27:51.93 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=1.7573 d7862a07-2447-412b-9636-b9e5c9cbbd8c
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.04 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.04 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: 6657828b-c46f-4057-a196-d9b6c92f8563
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.14 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (GetFileAndMetaInfo). Execution Time=58.7597 6657828b-c46f-4057-a196-d9b6c92f8563
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.14 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly High Leaving Monitored Scope (GetWebPartPageContent). Execution Time=59.4011 6657828b-c46f-4057-a196-d9b6c92f8563
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.14 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Site=/ 6657828b-c46f-4057-a196-d9b6c92f8563
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.17 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=124.4297 6657828b-c46f-4057-a196-d9b6c92f8563
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (PROPFIND:
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (PROPFIND: a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: PROPFIND a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af77 Medium HTTP request depth header: 0 a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: PROPFIND a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.40 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af76 Medium HTTP request translate header: f a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.42 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (PROPFIND: Execution Time=13.4056 a0783ff5-4675-4481-857b-472c609d5929
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.54 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (OPTIONS:
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.54 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (OPTIONS: 375eb954-11cc-49db-8fc8-7476a18301c8
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.56 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: OPTIONS 375eb954-11cc-49db-8fc8-7476a18301c8
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.56 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: OPTIONS 375eb954-11cc-49db-8fc8-7476a18301c8
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.56 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/ 375eb954-11cc-49db-8fc8-7476a18301c8
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.56 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (OPTIONS: Execution Time=5.5319 375eb954-11cc-49db-8fc8-7476a18301c8
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    02/27/2015 10:27:52.57 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: POST 7ead700f-27f9-4e29-8cb1-325e3933150b
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.57 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /_vti_bin/shtml.dll/_vti_rpc 7ead700f-27f9-4e29-8cb1-325e3933150b
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.57 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General 72ng Medium RPC method = url to web url 7ead700f-27f9-4e29-8cb1-325e3933150b
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.59 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST: Execution Time=8.7236 7ead700f-27f9-4e29-8cb1-325e3933150b
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.60 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (HEAD:*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder))
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.60 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (HEAD:*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder) a9987bbf-fde4-46f6-80a8-3b97c5f64244
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.60 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (HEAD:*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder)). Execution Time=1.9077 a9987bbf-fde4-46f6-80a8-3b97c5f64244
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.60 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (HEAD:*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder))
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.60 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (HEAD:*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder) e9dc78fe-cc27-498c-8f88-9b665ea58fe0
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.62 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: HEAD e9dc78fe-cc27-498c-8f88-9b665ea58fe0
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.62 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: HEAD e9dc78fe-cc27-498c-8f88-9b665ea58fe0
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.62 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?dialogview=FileSave&FileDialogFilterValue=*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder e9dc78fe-cc27-498c-8f88-9b665ea58fe0
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (HEAD:*.*&location=Documents/New%20folder)). Execution Time=36.0601 e9dc78fe-cc27-498c-8f88-9b665ea58fe0
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:*.*&location=Documents%2FNew%20folder))
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET:*.*&location=Documents%2FNew%20folder) da6fcece-013e-42cf-b16e-4f7842e837c5
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET da6fcece-013e-42cf-b16e-4f7842e837c5
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET da6fcece-013e-42cf-b16e-4f7842e837c5
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?dialogview=FileOpen&FileDialogFilterValue=*.*&location=Documents%2FNew%20folder da6fcece-013e-42cf-b16e-4f7842e837c5
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0684) 0x17A8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Timer Job job-email-delivery) a2c2dd0e-f0b2-41d7-8735-b53f8b5c7a25
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0684) 0x17A8 SharePoint Foundation E-Mail 6873 Warning An error occurred while processing the incoming e-mail file C:\inetpub\mailroot\Drop\caada12401d0529300000001.eml. The error was: Unknown alias: implementationlearningteam.. a2c2dd0e-f0b2-41d7-8735-b53f8b5c7a25
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0684) 0x17A8 SharePoint Foundation E-Mail 6871 Information The Incoming E-Mail service has completed a batch. The elapsed time was 00:00:00. The service processed 1 message(s) in total. Errors occurred processing 1 message(s): Message ID: The following aliases were unknown: implementationlearningteam a2c2dd0e-f0b2-41d7-8735-b53f8b5c7a25
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.67 OWSTIMER.EXE (0x0684) 0x17A8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Timer Job job-email-delivery). Execution Time=4.304 a2c2dd0e-f0b2-41d7-8735-b53f8b5c7a25
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: 08c98511-73c6-42e5-a564-802876288d66
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET 08c98511-73c6-42e5-a564-802876288d66
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET 08c98511-73c6-42e5-a564-802876288d66
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Departments/Administration/Administrative%20Services/Recent%20HQ%20Party%20Pictures/HQ%20Holiday%20Party%202015%20room%20photo.jpg 08c98511-73c6-42e5-a564-802876288d66
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=7.5187 08c98511-73c6-42e5-a564-802876288d66
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.90 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 Document Management Server Document Management eub5 Medium ERFileDialogPostProcessor Render normal Open webview no MDN tree[NoSettings] for url: Site/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?dialogview=FileOpen&FileDialogFilterValue=*.*&location=Documents/New folder end da6fcece-013e-42cf-b16e-4f7842e837c5
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.92 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:*.*&location=Documents%2FNew%20folder)). Execution Time=257.5603 da6fcece-013e-42cf-b16e-4f7842e837c5
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (PROPFIND:
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (PROPFIND: f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: PROPFIND f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af77 Medium HTTP request depth header: 1 f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: PROPFIND f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af76 Medium HTTP request translate header: f f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:52.99 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (PROPFIND: Execution Time=15.2898 f9321424-9e76-4c13-b65e-4a2b5b9fbe81
    02/27/2015 10:27:53.73 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:53.73 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: 07e17ab2-fbc4-4572-8294-63744f7760ab
    02/27/2015 10:27:53.73 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET 07e17ab2-fbc4-4572-8294-63744f7760ab
    02/27/2015 10:27:53.73 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET 07e17ab2-fbc4-4572-8294-63744f7760ab
    02/27/2015 10:27:53.73 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Departments/Administration/Administrative%20Services/Recent%20HQ%20Party%20Pictures/HQ%20Holiday%20Party%202015%20-%20Ugly%20Sweater%20Contest1.jpg 07e17ab2-fbc4-4572-8294-63744f7760ab
    02/27/2015 10:27:53.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=37.8311 07e17ab2-fbc4-4572-8294-63744f7760ab
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.45 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.45 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: 68302a72-b30c-4a2f-9ebe-a139409bba2b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.45 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET 68302a72-b30c-4a2f-9ebe-a139409bba2b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.45 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET 68302a72-b30c-4a2f-9ebe-a139409bba2b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.45 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Locations/Egypt/Lists/Egypt%20Photos/Attachments/11/ishare2.jpg 68302a72-b30c-4a2f-9ebe-a139409bba2b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.45 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=6.3367 68302a72-b30c-4a2f-9ebe-a139409bba2b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (OPTIONS:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (OPTIONS: 8edf7b11-1afd-426e-96d0-9c445adf7934
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (OPTIONS: Execution Time=0.8285 8edf7b11-1afd-426e-96d0-9c445adf7934
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (OPTIONS:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.65 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (OPTIONS: 3fb5ba44-985f-4822-8ef4-74da6b30b98b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: OPTIONS 3fb5ba44-985f-4822-8ef4-74da6b30b98b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: OPTIONS 3fb5ba44-985f-4822-8ef4-74da6b30b98b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder/ 3fb5ba44-985f-4822-8ef4-74da6b30b98b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.67 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (OPTIONS: Execution Time=15.2583 3fb5ba44-985f-4822-8ef4-74da6b30b98b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.68 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (OPTIONS:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.68 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (OPTIONS: a00098cf-0d97-44a1-9d8f-515c2e0de479
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.68 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: OPTIONS a00098cf-0d97-44a1-9d8f-515c2e0de479
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.68 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: OPTIONS a00098cf-0d97-44a1-9d8f-515c2e0de479
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.68 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder/ a00098cf-0d97-44a1-9d8f-515c2e0de479
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.68 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (OPTIONS: Execution Time=2.8446 a00098cf-0d97-44a1-9d8f-515c2e0de479
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.76 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (OPTIONS:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.76 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (OPTIONS: c640cfbc-9255-4c71-b4b9-cd1f154a6663
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: OPTIONS c640cfbc-9255-4c71-b4b9-cd1f154a6663
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: OPTIONS c640cfbc-9255-4c71-b4b9-cd1f154a6663
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder/ c640cfbc-9255-4c71-b4b9-cd1f154a6663
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (OPTIONS: Execution Time=2.717 c640cfbc-9255-4c71-b4b9-cd1f154a6663
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (POST:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (POST: 7e3b6ef1-f21b-4d44-a58d-78aa13f35891
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: POST 7e3b6ef1-f21b-4d44-a58d-78aa13f35891
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: POST 7e3b6ef1-f21b-4d44-a58d-78aa13f35891
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /_vti_bin/shtml.dll/_vti_rpc 7e3b6ef1-f21b-4d44-a58d-78aa13f35891
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0874 SharePoint Foundation General 72ng Medium RPC method = url to web url 7e3b6ef1-f21b-4d44-a58d-78aa13f35891
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x08D0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST: Execution Time=3.6072 7e3b6ef1-f21b-4d44-a58d-78aa13f35891
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (POST:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.78 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (POST: 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: POST 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: POST 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.dll 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General 72ng Medium RPC method = getDocsMetaInfo 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1B00 SharePoint Foundation General 72n1 Medium in getDocsMetaInfo after getlinks 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.79 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST: Execution Time=11.4586 52da0423-5a92-4836-ba13-3cd6fe850975
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (LOCK:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (LOCK: 105bbbe5-8c71-48c5-9650-282a5dfb51e5
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: LOCK 105bbbe5-8c71-48c5-9650-282a5dfb51e5
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: LOCK 105bbbe5-8c71-48c5-9650-282a5dfb51e5
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder/Edit%20test.docx 105bbbe5-8c71-48c5-9650-282a5dfb51e5
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.81 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0EAC SharePoint Foundation General af76 Medium HTTP request translate header: f 105bbbe5-8c71-48c5-9650-282a5dfb51e5
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.87 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.87 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: cc7b6b53-e89b-4124-b3a1-b3793bd782c1
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET cc7b6b53-e89b-4124-b3a1-b3793bd782c1
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET cc7b6b53-e89b-4124-b3a1-b3793bd782c1
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Departments/Finance/BFRU/FinancialSlideShowPictures/_w/Subawards_PNG.jpg cc7b6b53-e89b-4124-b3a1-b3793bd782c1
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: c18c9092-5c15-4688-ad57-079d19ea621b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x14E8 SharePoint Foundation General 72nz Medium Videntityinfo::isFreshToken reported failure. cc7b6b53-e89b-4124-b3a1-b3793bd782c1
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET c18c9092-5c15-4688-ad57-079d19ea621b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET c18c9092-5c15-4688-ad57-079d19ea621b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1938 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Departments/Finance/BFRU/FinancialSlideShowPictures/_w/New%20Projects_PNG.jpg c18c9092-5c15-4688-ad57-079d19ea621b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (LOCK: Execution Time=73.0217 105bbbe5-8c71-48c5-9650-282a5dfb51e5
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=11.7474 cc7b6b53-e89b-4124-b3a1-b3793bd782c1
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=7.2141 c18c9092-5c15-4688-ad57-079d19ea621b
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.89 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: c5e05713-b035-4e2a-b625-48c533cc5a59
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.90 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=0.5873 c5e05713-b035-4e2a-b625-48c533cc5a59
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.90 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.90 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x18F0 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.92 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.92 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.92 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Topics/SharePoint/Test%20Site/Documents/New%20folder/Edit%20test.docx cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.96 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation Office Parser ey9c Medium Metadata parse dirty the file, Csi PreserveCellStorageStateInFfm skipped cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:54.98 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x03E0 SharePoint Foundation Office Parser ey9f Medium Metadata demote dirty the file, Csi PreserveCellStorageStateInFfm skipped cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.20 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=298.8552 cb8c34a6-4f44-4f1a-b196-f0e216f05802
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.21 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.21 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: f5043333-b674-43ad-a330-db385fcfab97
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.21 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET f5043333-b674-43ad-a330-db385fcfab97
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.21 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET f5043333-b674-43ad-a330-db385fcfab97
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.21 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D0 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Locations/Pakistan/Lists/Pakistan%20Photos/Attachments/6/image004.png f5043333-b674-43ad-a330-db385fcfab97
    02/27/2015 10:27:55.21 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=4.6817 f5043333-b674-43ad-a330-db385fcfab97
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.09 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.09 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x16D8 SharePoint Foundation Logging Correlation Data xmnv Medium Name=Request (GET: ef289f25-3bb2-4047-a3b7-ff6fcd54e958
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.09 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af71 Medium HTTP Request method: GET ef289f25-3bb2-4047-a3b7-ff6fcd54e958
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.09 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af75 Medium Overridden HTTP request method: GET ef289f25-3bb2-4047-a3b7-ff6fcd54e958
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.09 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E54 SharePoint Foundation General af74 Medium HTTP request URL: /Organization/Locations/India/Lists/India%20Photos/Attachments/6/DSC04066.jpg ef289f25-3bb2-4047-a3b7-ff6fcd54e958
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.09 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x0E94 SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET: Execution Time=5.4938 ef289f25-3bb2-4047-a3b7-ff6fcd54e958
    02/27/2015 10:27:56.26 w3wp.exe (0x17C0) 0x1580 SharePoint Foundation Topology e5mc Medium WcfSendRequest: RemoteAddress: 'http://hqspprodsrch01:32843/cc9b564b2b6140109e547c7ee30cc722/MetadataWebService.svc' Channel: 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.IMetadataWebServiceApplication' Action: '' MessageId: 'urn:uuid:5c71c7a8-a57f-4358-9eb0-efdea802bbc2'

  • My boss is using Mac machine, whenever I send email from my windows machine he receives email as winmail.dat, is there any solutions for this ?

    My boss is using Mac machine, whenever I send email from my windows machine he receives email as winmail.dat, is there any solutions for this ?
    My boss is using Mac machine, whenever I send email from my windows machine he receives email as winmail.dat, is there any solutions for this ?

    Upgrading my work PC is NOT an option, but I'd like my Mac to be able to recognise the attachment for what it is
    Let see, you are using a proprietary file format that is only supposed to work with Outlook. It doesn't work for millions of Windows or Mac or Linux email users that depend on other email programs like Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, webmail, etc.
    Microsoft has had to publish instructions so that their program's users can make themselves compatible with the rest of the world.
    You are causing your own problem by not making a simple change in your program's options. Changes in the Outlook preferences can be made either Globally or by the Recipient.
    Follow these steps in Outlook 2007 to turn off TNEF:
    1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
    2. Click the Mail Format tab.
    3. In the Compose in this message format box, click Plain Text or HTML, and then click OK.
    Don't know of a better way to fix this problem for everyone concerned. Even if you get the fix to work with your machine, you will not enable all of the people receiving your emails to be able to work with you. That's a losing battle that's been caused by Microsoft.
    Now if Microsoft created a Mail plugin for other email programs like they do for their video format's and services (flip4mac, Office Live Plugin, etc), then I would consider using their email program to deal with my clients. Until then, I need to be compatible with many different programs in other countries, on different platforms. Maybe that's going to change when they bring out the new Office 2011 with Outlook for the Mac...

  • How to make Rule to get notification for Shared Mailbox on Outlook 2013

    Hi All, is anyone have idea how to make rule on Outlook 2013 to get notify if you receive new email from your "Shared Mailbox".
    Is it possible that make a Rule for that notification? I have outlook here and I can't see notification when I receive new emails. Hope anyone can help me how to do this.

    Assuming the mailbox is open in outlook as a shared mailbox, you can use a macro to watch the folder: 
    Private WithEvents Items As Outlook.Items
    Private Sub Application_Startup()
      Dim Ns As Outlook.NameSpace
      Set Ns = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
      Set Items = GetFolderPath("Accounting\Inbox").Items
    End Sub
    Private Sub Items_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
      On Error Resume Next
    MsgBox "new message  from " & Item.SenderName & " in shared folder"
    End Sub
    Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
    Outlook & Exchange Solutions Center
    Outlook Tips
    Subscribe to Exchange Messaging Outlook weekly newsletter

  • I am using the Good for Enterprise app to synch my outlook email and when I try to turn on ICloud to synch my music in ITunes I get a warning that I will not be able to synch my Iphone 4S with my computer.  Does this mean my office PC or home Mac?

    I am using Good For Enterprise on my Iphone 4s to connect with my Office PC Outlook email system.  I am having trouble synching my Itunes music from my Mac at home with my IPhone 4s.  I am considering using ICloud to share the music as I also have an IPad2.  When I go to turn on the ICloud application, I get a message that alerts me to the fact I will no longer be able to synch with my computer.  Does that mean with my Office PC and my Outlook email, or my Mac and my home email and other applications?  I want to use the ICloud but don't want to screw up my Good for Enterprise application and connectivity with my Office PC and Outlook email.  What should I do to be able to update all my tunes and photos on my IPhone 4S and IPad2 from my Mac?

    I seem to never tire of saying this. It was for Apple when they first announced 10.7 to disclose this. Yes, it was widely reported -- or rather, rumored -- but not by Apple. And many people who have gotten caught by this assumed that Apple itself would have told them beforehand about the loss of this very important feature which they had come to rely on. As far as I know, not even in fine print, does this appear anywhere on the Lion announcement or any of its links.
    I am not saying Apple had to continue Rosetta in Lion, or forever, just that if it was going to be dropped, it should have been made known.
    As relative "insiders" we should not forget that many people don't have the time, habit or interest to do this kind of research. I think it is a breach of trust that Apple has never directly made this announcement or given people the opportunity to decide beforehand if giving up their PPC apps for a new OS is a worthwhile tradeoff.

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