Notifications cannot be dismissed

Notification banners cannot be dismissed and won't go away. When I hover over the notification, I get the spinning wheel. All of my notifications preferences are set to either Banner or None. I'd say this is a bug   If someone can help me with a workaround, I would appreciate it.  For now, I have all preferences set to None, but I don't have any control over notifications for the App Store updates (and possibly others).  So far, the only way I've managed to get rid of them is to restart.

Did you try a full re-start of the Playbook and the phone?
On the Playbook, hold down for about 8 seconds the tiny red "OFF" key on the top of it. This will force a full re-start.
On the phone, do a battery pull for about 1 5 seconds. Some people also suggest to also pull the SIM card for a few seconds and put it back in before re-installing the battery. This should also re-set the SIM card.
If the above does not work, I would suggest calling tech support for the Playbook. There seems to be a number of unusual descriptions here.
About a month ago, I had an issue where the screen was not responding to finger swipes. I had to make a full re-set to get it to start working.  I rarely have any issues with this tablet. It has been extremely reliable. I use it for about 3 to  5 hours many days of the week.
Jerry G.
Jerry G.

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