November Update Erased Slideshow Widget

My site is On there I have 4 picture galleries each using a basic slideshow widget. They resided on a separate galleries page, but single-picture links to the galleries page are on the home page. The same for both my desktop and phone versions (I have no distinct tablet version).
When I upgraded to the November update, every one of these slideshow widgets simply vanished from the galleries page, on both my desktop and phone versions!
Even more odd, the pictures on the home page that linked to the galleries page had also vanished, on both desktop and phone versions!
So, I called up the version of the site in muse made before the November update. I went to the galleries page and copied and pasted the slideshow widgets to from the old desktop galleries page to the November update galleries page. The paste worked perfectly.
But there's more: now, the pictures and links on the home page re-appeared, in perfect place. And the same is true for the phone version.
The problem seems solved to me, but I thought you'd want to know of this decidedly odd behavior.

I'm not sure, but I think so, yet I really don't know how.
As per my description of the problem, when I pasted the slideshow widget from the working pre-november muse file to the November release file from which they had disappeared, it asked me if i wanted to unlock the relevant layers.  I didn't understand why that question came up, since as far as I was aware all layers were visible and unlocked.
So, I told it to unlock what it needed to and the paste went ahead as normal.
Yet, aside from that, it is still a mystery to me how the one paste operation I described fixed the missing slideshow widgets on both layouts (desk and phone) gallery pages, and put back the images that linked to them on the home page.
I wish I could be of  more help, but as I mentioned above, the non-working November update muse file doesn't exist anymore.
As always, thanks for your quick attention and commitment to make Muse a great product.
P.S.: I'm sure they were visible and working on the published site before the November update. It is the file file that uploaded that working site that I edited with the November update and noticed the problem. I check this site regularly and such an important part of it missing would have been noticed by me or my co-workers.

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    Sorry, should've been more clear on that. Yes, the images
    have been converted to movie clips, adn the linkage ID's are
    img1-img8. The reasoning behind that is that, at some point, new
    pictures will take the place of the current pictures.
    The attempt at randomness is actually a leftover from a
    previous incarnation of this project. Ideally I'd like the pictures
    to always play through in the same order, but I'd like it to start
    at a random place in that order so it's not always the same image
    coming up when the page first comes up. So, basically, I left it in
    for lack of a better idea.
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    that part is complete patchwork on my part. I'm not surprised that
    I missed something or included something extra. There isn't any
    code beyond what's attached in my previous post.
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    > nTimeout){" part was on the right track, but are you saying
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    The exclamation mark is an indication that the file path/link between the thumbnail and the full size master has been broken. Do the following:
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down to open the First Aid window. Be sure to follow the circled recommendation in the screenshot.
    2 - run Option #4, Rebuild Database.

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    The sequence of operation you are doing to set the home page for public users is correct. You are getting the login screen as the "custom page group" selected as "home page" has not been granted to public.
    Also, while logging-out, it is normal behaviour to get the screen where it shows the list of partner applications from where user has been logged-out. When you click on "Return" button, you will get to the "home page" set above.
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    Ok the image aren't loading.
    ithink the problem is the file name with spaces.
    bc has no problem with them and your server is....  Just a guess
    You should remove the spaces from your original file names...
    it's know to cause problems in some cases
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    You can surely achieve this using any composition , for example insert a composition and then insert another widget in that.
    This way the image on click would show another widget with images or information.
    Sorry but currently as you have mentioned , you are using Slideshow and we cannot insert other object in slideshow.

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    Please share the site url , also refer to this post and check if this helps :
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    Secondly , if you change the fill type then does that makes difference ?

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    Hi Pam,
    Instead of using the slideshow widget in sync with the composition widget, I will suggest that you switch to using one composition widget. Slideshow widgets does not allow text frame but composition widgets allows images as well as text frames. So you can allocate individual text frames to each target and that should give you the effect that you are looking for with no sync issues.
    Let me know if you need more clarifications on this.
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    Rant now over and I will happily apologize if the metada fields are, indeed, available.  Please explain how.  Thanks.

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