NSURL Error Domain -1100

Good day --- When I have tried to use the "Software Update..." feature in the Apple menu, I have been greeted with the Error Message in the subject line. Cannot find any explaination within forums here or with a Google search. Any insight would be appreciated.
Thanking you in advance for your time and help.
Robert Flahiff
Leksand, SWEDEN
iMac Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

baltwo --- thanks for the post. I did see that web site that you listed below, and what was discussed there is way out of my league. May as well be Swahili for what I understand. I did however, try the suggestion of deleting the Pref .plist given with no help.
But the more I look around, the more I am seeing a pattern. Seems now I cannot also access Apple Music Store or update any podcasts either. Any ideas? Something with firewall or proxy settings? Maybe Apple doesn't like me? Ha, Ha.
Thanks for your interest in my problem. Robert

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    That's because the download on the App store is to bussy.
    I hat yersterday the same message ... after a fuw hours everything whas back to normal.
    This is NOT your Mac or internet connection.

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    This error message has been coming up for several hours for people now. Searching the forum, people say it is a Apple Server problem.
    Only thing to do is to be patient, and try again later.
    Here is a link to download 10.9.3 Update (Combo) manually:

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    Apple servers are down temporarily.
    Try again later.
    You're not alone.
    Click here.

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    There are many people suffering from this problem right now (including me). It appears to be a server issue. Just wait and try checking for updates again tomorrow.
    Some things I have heard indicate that this may be a regional problem, though what parts of the world are affected I don't know yet. A few people have been helped by deleting the following preference file (paste the path into the Go -> Go to Folder window in the Finder to locate it), though most have not:
    Note that if you are trying to download iTunes 10.7, that can be found here:
    Also, note that there is no reason to be anxious to get it, as the only thing added in iTunes 10.7 is compatibility with iOS 6, which will not be available until the 19th, and the new iPhone, which will not be available until later as well. The new iTunes that was announced is iTunes 11, which is also not yet available.

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    PowerOn Failed : Result - failed:<Exception: return=>failed:<Exception: ['xm', 'create', '/var/ovs/mount/69D37D3828A040A08A7E01E5DE43C1D8/running_pool/ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm/vm.cfg'] => Error: Domain 'ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm' does not exist.
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    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/OVSCommons.py", line 69, in run_cmd
    raise Exception('%s => %s' % (cmdlist, p.childerr.read()))
    File "/opt/ovs-agent-2.3/OVSSiteVM.py", line 113, in start_vm
    raise e
    Here's my vm.cfg
    acpi = 1
    apic = 1
    builder = 'hvm'
    device_model = '/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm'
    disk = ['file:/var/ovs/mount/69D37D3828A040A08A7E01E5DE43C1D8/running_pool/ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm/ECM_XMonth_2010_disk.img,hda,w',
    kernel = '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader'
    maxmem = 2999
    memory = 2999
    name = 'ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm'
    on_crash = 'restart'
    on_reboot = 'restart'
    pae = 1
    sdl = 1
    serial = 'pty'
    timer_mode = '0'
    usbdevice = 'tablet'
    uuid = '4d3f3741-e29c-472a-bfaf-7416d31d21e8'
    vcpus = 1
    vif = ['bridge=xenbr0,mac=00:16:3E:4C:BF:71,type=ioemu']
    vif_other_config = []
    vncconsole = 1
    vnclisten = ''
    vncpasswd = '****'
    Any advice?
    Edited by: dierardi on Jan 6, 2010 9:21 AM
    Edited by: dierardi on Jan 6, 2010 9:24 AM
    Edited by: dierardi on Jan 6, 2010 10:00 AM

    dierardi wrote:
    PowerOn Failed : Result - failed:<Exception: return=>failed:<Exception: ['xm', 'create', '/var/ovs/mount/69D37D3828A040A08A7E01E5DE43C1D8/running_pool/ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm/vm.cfg'] => Error: Domain 'ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm' does not exist.Check /var/log/xen/xend.log for errors during boot: Essentially, the domain is failing to be created properly on startup.
    If this is a linux guest, try running xm create -c vm.cfg from the ECM_Xmonth_2010_vm directory to start the guest with the console immediately attached. You may be able to see a boot/GRUB related error. If this is a Windows guest, you could start it paused with xm create -p vm.cfg and then attach a VNC console. Once you have a VNC session, you can resume the guest and it will begin booting.

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    Software Update showed the iTunes update.
    Could you install the update?
    I was able to download the iTunes 10.7 update just now successfully.

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    Domain MWART fixed value  does not exist
    Message no. F4341
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    Please follow this procedure for the input tax codes which experience
    the error F4341:
    1) Go to SE16 and enter table T007A
    2) Hit enter and in the next screen choose the following parameters
       and enter values that represent the tax code for input tax which are
       encountering the problem.
       KALSM (tax procedure)
       MWSKZ (tax code)
    3) Click on the "execute" button.
    4) Take special attention to column MWART which represents tax type.
       This should only have a value "V" to represent input tax (or "A" if
       output tax).
    5) The cause of the error F4 341 is when this column does not contain
       any value or is blank.  Which means that there is no defined tax type
       "A" or "V" maintained in customizing.
    6) To correct this you should maintain the value again via FTXP for the
       corresponding tax codes and complete all the customizing settings
       relating to tax on sales and purchases thereunder. Afterwhich you
       should no longer experience the error message.

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    Using FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4319
    Troubleshooting FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3367
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    iOS: FaceTime is 'Unable to verify email because it is in use'
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    iOS 6 and OS X Mountain Lion: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    How to Set Up & Use iMessage on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch with iOS
    http://osxdaily.com/2011/10/18/set-up-imessage-on-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-with-io s-5/
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Troubleshooting iMessage Issues: Some Useful Tips You Should Try
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime
    http://macmost.com/setting-up-multiple-ios-devices-for-messages-and-facetime.htm l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/facetime-and-imessage-not-acc epting-apple-id-password/
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
    How to Block Someone on FaceTime
    My Facetime Doesn't Ring
    To send messages to non-Apple devices, check out the TextFree app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/text-free-textfree-sms-real/id399355755?mt=8
    How to Send SMS from iPad
    You can check the status of the FaceTime/iMessage servers at this link.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi Callum,
    What is the domain name and to what site are you trying to add it to?

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    I am in the middle of testing and i would appreciate your ideas.
    asadmin> start-domain --user admin
    [Fatal Error] domain.xml:248:80: XML document structures must start and end with in the same entity.
    Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
    Log redirected to /var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.
    Please enter password>
    Error refreshing ConfigContext:/var/opt/SUNWappserver/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml
    cause: Failed to create the XML-DOM Document. Check your XML to make sure it is correct.
    XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
    CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.

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