NULLIF Function converts to illegal DECODE Statement

I am converting a SQLServer 2000 application to Oracle 8i (release 3) using release of the Migration Workbench. I have 39 SQLServer stored procedures which utilize the NULLIF function. The Migration Workbench is converting the NULLIF into a DECODE statement which results in the following PL/SQL compilation error.
Line: 59 Column: 40 Error: PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'DECODE' may be used inside a SQL statement only
Why is the workbench creating an illegal use of the DECODE function in the PL/SQL ? Is there another workaround or 'trick' that I could apply so I don't have to manually correct a lot of code ?

Bug logged: Bug3393406
The workaround is to use select from dual:
This is automatically done if 'SELECT' is used in place of 'SET' in T-SQL.

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    WHEN FRCST = 0 AND SALE = 0 THEN 'No transaction '
    WHEN FRCST = 0 AND SALE <>0 THEN 'Sale ag. Nil Forecast : '||SALE||' Kgs'
    WHEN FRCST<> 0 AND SALE = 0 THEN 'No Sale ag. Forecast : '||FRCST||' Kgs'
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  • Logical Standby SQL Apply Using Incorrect Decode Statement

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    update /*+ streams restrict_all_ref_cons */ "CADPROD"."OMS_SQL_STATEMENT" p
    set *"APPLICATION"=decode(:1,'N',"APPLICATION",:2)*,
    where (:5='N' or(1=1 and (:6='N' or(,"STATEMENT")=0)or(:7 is null and "STATEMENT" is null)))) and(:8="APPLICATION")
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    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [kxtoedu+54] [PC:0x2542308] [ADDR:0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF] [UNABLE_TO_READ] []
    ORA-12899: value too large for column "CADPROD"."OMS_SQL_STATEMENT"."APPLICATION" (actual: 19576, maximum: 10)
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    I noticed some of your parameters seem to be wrong.
    fal_client - This is Obsolete in 11.2
    You have db_name='test' on the Standby, it should be 'asadmin'
    fal_server=test is set like this on the standby, it should be 'asadmin'
    I might consider changing VALID_FOR to this :
    VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES,ALL_ROLES)Would review 4.2 Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating a Logical Standby Database of Oracle Document E10700-02
    Document 278371.1 is showing its age in my humble opinion.
    -----Wait on this until you fix your parameters----------------------
    Try restarting the SQL Apply
    ALTER DATABASE START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY IMMEDIATEI don't see the parameter MAX_SERVERS, try setting it to 8 times the number of cores.
    Use these statements to trouble shoot :
    TYPE = 'PREPERER' AND STATUS_CODE = 16166;Best Regards
    Edited by: mseberg on Feb 14, 2012 7:37 AM

  • How to determine INT and FLOAT in a DECODE statement

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    Oracle NUMBER data type is mapped to "java.math.BigDecimal" class.
    You will find more information in the JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference which is part of the Oracle documentation and available from:
    Good Luck,

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    AAAA EDU CESS 1234
    AAAA CST 3% 12456
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    Table created.
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    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('AAAA','EDU CESS',1234);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('AAAA','SHECESS',123);
    1 row created.
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    1 row created.
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    e(tedcode,'CST 3%',amount,null) TAX from t;
    ITEM TEDCODE    EXCISE                                          TAX
    AAAA BED        12345
    AAAA EDU CESS   1234
    AAAA SHECESS    123
    AAAA CST 3%                                                   12456

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    BEGIN dbms_job.next_date(395,decode(sign(substr(to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi'),10,2)-17),-1,'trunc(sysdate) +18.5/24',1,'trunc(sysdate)+1+6.5/24')); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 30:
    PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'DECODE' may be used inside a SQL
    statement only
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Thanks in advance

    A possible solution:
    v_next_varchar varchar2(30);
    v_next_date date;
    select decode(sign(substr(to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi'),10,2)-17),
                              -1,'trunc(sysdate) +18.5/24',
                                 1,'trunc(sysdate) +1+6.5/24'
    into v_next_varchar
    from dual;
    execute immediate 'select ' || v_next_varchar || ' from dual ' into v_next_date;
    dbms_job.next_date(22, v_next_date);
    end;Bye, Aron

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    Thanks in advance

    There is a limitation to the Case function, as it cannot be used in the PL/SQL (atleast upto Oracle 8i). Therefore, the only option left is Decode.
    If you have to compare the values like capacity < 12 then display Less than 12. You can write it using combination of other functions.
    For e.g. follow the steps below:-
    1)If you deduct 12 from capacity : (capacity-12) [it will give result as +ve, 0 or -ve.]
    2)If you have to narrow down the values to above three options, use function sign:
    SIGN(capacity-12) [will result into +1, 0 or -1]
    3)Then compare the values using Decode:
    DECODE(SIGN(capacity-12),-1,Less than 12,Greater than or equal to 12)
    The Decode can be used inside Decode(nested Decode) in above steps to compare more than one values (range between) to get the desired result. Hope have made it clear enough. If not, please let me know.
    Yogesh D.

  • Decode Statement Inside the Case statement

    Can we use Decode Statement inside a CASE Statement as show below --
    It is giving an error -- Is the a better way to write with out any error
    create or replace
    function test (a varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2
    m varchar2(20);
    m :=
    WHEN a IN (
    '1009' -- (soon obsolete)
    THEN (SELECT DECODE(v_lef_cd,'NAM','71','GLB','99','01') into m FROM DUAL)
    WHEN a IN (
    '1069' -- South Africa
    ,'SAO' -- South Africa
    ,'SA' -- South Africa
    ) THEN '26' -- South Africa
    return m;

    You can only use DECODE in SQL statements.
    Your SELECT DECODE (...) INTO statement would work anywhere a PL/SQL statement is allowed; but PL/SQL statements are not allowed within CASE expressions.
    Remember, the expression that comes after THEN in a CASE expression must be a single value.
    I would write a function like this using IF ... ELSIF statements. It's a little more typing than CASE, but a lot easier to code, test and maintain.
    If you want to use CASE, here's one way:
    ...     m := CASE
              WHEN  a  IN ('1069', 'SAO', 'SA')
                   THEN  '26'     -- South Africa
              WHEN  a  NOT IN ('1009', '1019', '1051', 'XGP', 'XSC')
              OR    a  IS NULL
                   THEN  NULL
              WHEN  v_lef_cd = 'NAM'
                   THEN  '71'
              WHEN  v_lef_cd = 'GLB'
                   THEN  '99'
                   ELSE  '01'     -- USA
              END;This assumes that you have a variable v_lef_cd defined.
    If you want, you can nest CASE expressions, like this:
    ...     m := CASE
              WHEN  a  IN ('1069', 'SAO', 'SA')
                   THEN  '26'     -- South Africa
              WHEN  a  IN ('1009', '1019', '1051', 'XGP', 'XSC')
                   THEN  CASE  v_lef_cd
                          WHEN  'NAM'
                             THEN  '71'
                          WHEN  'GLB'
                             THEN  '99'
                             ELSE  '01'     -- USA
              END;Always format your code, so you can see where the CASE expressions and each of the WHEN clauses begin and end.
    When posting formatted text on this site, type these 6 characters:
    (all small letters, inside curly brackets) before and after sections of formatted text, to preserve spacing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • How to use nullif function

    hi frs
    how to use nullif function.
    i have used like below
    <?FTE_COUNT div nullif (FT_COUNT+PT_COUNT+PI_COUNT+TEMP_COUNT+I_COUNT),0)?>but not getting it.
    help pls.


  • DECODE Statement and argument limitations

    Does anyone know the number of arguments that the DECODE statement will allow you to enter. I currently have 863 and it gives me an error message when i try and run the query.
    Database Error - ORA-00939: too many arguments for function.

    I dont have the rights to create/edit database, just pull data from it.
    Here is my attempt at the nest, but i stil get the error message about size.
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'4260','Croteau; Mark','5001','Croteau; Mark','10714','Croteau; Mark','11966','Croteau; Mark','13739','Croteau; Mark','16233','Croteau; Mark','16736','Croteau; Mark','17276','Croteau; Mark','17377','Croteau; Mark','17387','Croteau; Mark','17436','Croteau; Mark','17452','Croteau; Mark','17485','Croteau; Mark','17681','Croteau; Mark','17741','Croteau; Mark','17794','Croteau; Mark','17799','Croteau; Mark','19364','Croteau; Mark','19462','Croteau; Mark','20205','Croteau; Mark','20995','Croteau; Mark','21916','Croteau; Mark','22269','Croteau; Mark','22629','Croteau; Mark','23562','Croteau; Mark','24078','Croteau; Mark','24079','Croteau; Mark','24550','Croteau; Mark','24796','Croteau; Mark','25196','Croteau; Mark','25506','Croteau; Mark','31494','Croteau; Mark','38067','Croteau; Mark','750457','Croteau; Mark'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'314','Bruning; Barbara','500','Bruning; Barbara','3601','Bruning; Barbara','4142','Bruning; Barbara','4433','Bruning; Barbara','8219','Bruning; Barbara','8584','Bruning; Barbara','13839','Bruning; Barbara','15195','Bruning; Barbara','15307','Bruning; Barbara','15523','Bruning; Barbara','16394','Bruning; Barbara','16529','Bruning; Barbara','17111','Bruning; Barbara','17410','Bruning; Barbara','17471','Bruning; Barbara','19158','Bruning; Barbara','19219','Bruning; Barbara','20219','Bruning; Barbara','20308','Bruning; Barbara','20687','Bruning; Barbara','22364','Bruning; Barbara','22895','Bruning; Barbara','23411','Bruning; Barbara','23983','Bruning; Barbara','24343','Bruning; Barbara','24890','Bruning; Barbara','25828','Bruning; Barbara','25866','Bruning; Barbara','32850','Bruning; Barbara','38046','Bruning; Barbara','38048','Bruning; Barbara','38049','Bruning; Barbara','38051','Bruning; Barbara','38192','Bruning; Barbara','38237','Bruning; Barbara'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'7781','Weber; Ed','8668','Weber; Ed','9016','Weber; Ed','12219','Weber; Ed','12669','Weber; Ed','13200','Weber; Ed','13529','Weber; Ed','13704','Weber; Ed','15453','Weber; Ed','16643','Weber; Ed','17127','Weber; Ed','17399','Weber; Ed','17400','Weber; Ed','17480','Weber; Ed','18064','Weber; Ed','18267','Weber; Ed','18914','Weber; Ed','20121','Weber; Ed','20177','Weber; Ed','21523','Weber; Ed','22155','Weber; Ed','22347','Weber; Ed','31405','Weber; Ed','31445','Weber; Ed','31542','Weber; Ed','31545','Weber; Ed','31696','Weber; Ed','31830','Weber; Ed','31960','Weber; Ed','32818','Weber; Ed','33111','Weber; Ed','34060','Weber; Ed','38061','Weber; Ed','38062','Weber; Ed','38063','Weber; Ed','38208','Weber; Ed','38213','Weber; Ed'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'3455','Rogers; Mary Jill','6854','Rogers; Mary Jill','7277','Rogers; Mary Jill','7376','Rogers; Mary Jill','8223','Rogers; Mary Jill','8645','Rogers; Mary Jill','12063','Rogers; Mary Jill','15449','Rogers; Mary Jill','16086','Rogers; Mary Jill','16782','Rogers; Mary Jill','16940','Rogers; Mary Jill','17036','Rogers; Mary Jill','17232','Rogers; Mary Jill','17285','Rogers; Mary Jill','17316','Rogers; Mary Jill','17430','Rogers; Mary Jill','17462','Rogers; Mary Jill','17656','Rogers; Mary Jill','20015','Rogers; Mary Jill','20277','Rogers; Mary Jill','23184','Rogers; Mary Jill','23318','Rogers; Mary Jill','23387','Rogers; Mary Jill','23388','Rogers; Mary Jill','23689','Rogers; Mary Jill','23696','Rogers; Mary Jill','24157','Rogers; Mary Jill','24219','Rogers; Mary Jill','24336','Rogers; Mary Jill','24676','Rogers; Mary Jill','24681','Rogers; Mary Jill','24793','Rogers; Mary Jill','24827','Rogers; Mary Jill','25038','Rogers; Mary Jill','25245','Rogers; Mary Jill','25281','Rogers; Mary Jill','25416','Rogers; Mary Jill','25417','Rogers; Mary Jill','25418','Rogers; Mary Jill','25419','Rogers; Mary Jill','25420','Rogers; Mary Jill','25421','Rogers; Mary Jill','25422','Rogers; Mary Jill','25423','Rogers; Mary Jill','25424','Rogers; Mary Jill','25425','Rogers; Mary Jill','25426','Rogers; Mary Jill','25427','Rogers; Mary Jill','25428','Rogers; Mary Jill','25429','Rogers; Mary Jill','25430','Rogers; Mary Jill','25431','Rogers; Mary Jill','25432','Rogers; Mary Jill','25433','Rogers; Mary Jill','25434','Rogers; Mary Jill','25435','Rogers; Mary Jill','25436','Rogers; Mary Jill','25437','Rogers; Mary Jill','25438','Rogers; Mary Jill','25439','Rogers; Mary Jill','25440','Rogers; Mary Jill','25441','Rogers; Mary Jill','25442','Rogers; Mary Jill','25443','Rogers; Mary Jill','25444','Rogers; Mary Jill','25445','Rogers; Mary Jill','25446','Rogers; Mary Jill','25447','Rogers; Mary Jill','25448','Rogers; Mary Jill','25449','Rogers; Mary Jill','25450','Rogers; Mary Jill','25451','Rogers; Mary Jill','25452','Rogers; Mary Jill','25453','Rogers; Mary Jill','25454','Rogers; Mary Jill','25455','Rogers; Mary Jill','25456','Rogers; Mary Jill','25457','Rogers; Mary Jill','25458','Rogers; Mary Jill','25459','Rogers; Mary Jill','25460','Rogers; Mary Jill','25461','Rogers; Mary Jill','25462','Rogers; Mary Jill','25463','Rogers; Mary Jill','25464','Rogers; Mary Jill','25465','Rogers; Mary Jill','25466','Rogers; Mary Jill','25467','Rogers; Mary Jill','25468','Rogers; Mary Jill','25469','Rogers; Mary Jill','25470','Rogers; Mary Jill','25471','Rogers; Mary Jill','25472','Rogers; Mary Jill','25473','Rogers; Mary Jill','25474','Rogers; Mary Jill','25475','Rogers; Mary Jill','25476','Rogers; Mary Jill','25477','Rogers; Mary Jill','25478','Rogers; Mary Jill','25479','Rogers; Mary Jill','25488','Rogers; Mary Jill','25489','Rogers; Mary Jill','25522','Rogers; Mary Jill','25532','Rogers; Mary Jill','25541','Rogers; Mary Jill','25547','Rogers; Mary Jill','25570','Rogers; Mary Jill','25775','Rogers; Mary Jill','25845','Rogers; Mary Jill','25875','Rogers; Mary Jill','32164','Rogers; Mary Jill','33328','Rogers; Mary Jill','33844','Rogers; Mary Jill','38057','Rogers; Mary Jill','38060','Rogers; Mary Jill'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'4188','Gallo; Peter','7520','Gallo; Peter','8371','Gallo; Peter','9524','Gallo; Peter','9647','Gallo; Peter','10768','Gallo; Peter','12788','Gallo; Peter','15248','Gallo; Peter','16641','Gallo; Peter','17284','Gallo; Peter','17330','Gallo; Peter','17331','Gallo; Peter','17332','Gallo; Peter','17333','Gallo; Peter','17334','Gallo; Peter','17335','Gallo; Peter','17336','Gallo; Peter','17347','Gallo; Peter','17431','Gallo; Peter','17598','Gallo; Peter','17763','Gallo; Peter','17801','Gallo; Peter','18529','Gallo; Peter','19071','Gallo; Peter','19328','Gallo; Peter','19572','Gallo; Peter','21003','Gallo; Peter','22975','Gallo; Peter','23548','Gallo; Peter','23562','Gallo; Peter','23985','Gallo; Peter','24088','Gallo; Peter','25665','Gallo; Peter','32145','Gallo; Peter','32905','Gallo; Peter','38053','Gallo; Peter','38059','Gallo; Peter','38070','Gallo; Peter','38071','Gallo; Peter','38072','Gallo; Peter','38200','Gallo; Peter'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'142','Coady; Ed','1291','Coady; Ed','2420','Coady; Ed','7726','Coady; Ed','9334','Coady; Ed','10678','Coady; Ed','11487','Coady; Ed','12052','Coady; Ed','12223','Coady; Ed','15386','Coady; Ed','15597','Coady; Ed','16245','Coady; Ed','17277','Coady; Ed','17278','Coady; Ed','17469','Coady; Ed','17674','Coady; Ed','17675','Coady; Ed','17731','Coady; Ed','17826','Coady; Ed','18500','Coady; Ed','18791','Coady; Ed','19035','Coady; Ed','19100','Coady; Ed','19130','Coady; Ed','19131','Coady; Ed','19132','Coady; Ed','19133','Coady; Ed','19134','Coady; Ed','19135','Coady; Ed','19136','Coady; Ed','19137','Coady; Ed','19138','Coady; Ed','19139','Coady; Ed','19140','Coady; Ed','19141','Coady; Ed','19142','Coady; Ed','19143','Coady; Ed','19144','Coady; Ed','19145','Coady; Ed','19146','Coady; Ed','19147','Coady; Ed','19148','Coady; Ed','19149','Coady; Ed','19150','Coady; Ed','19151','Coady; Ed','19152','Coady; Ed','19175','Coady; Ed','19300','Coady; Ed','19533','Coady; Ed','19999','Coady; Ed','20900','Coady; Ed','21020','Coady; Ed','21053','Coady; Ed','21144','Coady; Ed','21470','Coady; Ed','21665','Coady; Ed','21720','Coady; Ed','21731','Coady; Ed','22829','Coady; Ed','22841','Coady; Ed','23457','Coady; Ed','24243','Coady; Ed','24257','Coady; Ed','24345','Coady; Ed','24383','Coady; Ed','25184','Coady; Ed','25354','Coady; Ed','25777','Coady; Ed','25865','Coady; Ed','30181','Coady; Ed','31349','Coady; Ed','38052','Coady; Ed','38224','Coady; Ed'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'1106','Saale; Thomas','2726','Saale; Thomas','6840','Saale; Thomas','7785','Saale; Thomas','7834','Saale; Thomas','8464','Saale; Thomas','8843','Saale; Thomas','8897','Saale; Thomas','9074','Saale; Thomas','9809','Saale; Thomas','10259','Saale; Thomas','10301','Saale; Thomas','10313','Saale; Thomas','10314','Saale; Thomas','10604','Saale; Thomas','10662','Saale; Thomas','10788','Saale; Thomas','10789','Saale; Thomas','10790','Saale; Thomas','10791','Saale; Thomas','10792','Saale; Thomas','10793','Saale; Thomas','10794','Saale; Thomas','10795','Saale; Thomas','10796','Saale; Thomas','10798','Saale; Thomas','10799','Saale; Thomas','10800','Saale; Thomas','10801','Saale; Thomas','10802','Saale; Thomas','10803','Saale; Thomas','10804','Saale; Thomas','10805','Saale; Thomas','10806','Saale; Thomas','10807','Saale; Thomas','10808','Saale; Thomas','10809','Saale; Thomas','10810','Saale; Thomas','10811','Saale; Thomas','10812','Saale; Thomas','10813','Saale; Thomas','10814','Saale; Thomas','10815','Saale; Thomas','10816','Saale; Thomas','10817','Saale; Thomas','10818','Saale; Thomas','10819','Saale; Thomas','10820','Saale; Thomas','10821','Saale; Thomas','10822','Saale; Thomas','10823','Saale; Thomas','10824','Saale; Thomas','10825','Saale; Thomas','10826','Saale; Thomas','10827','Saale; Thomas','10828','Saale; Thomas','10829','Saale; Thomas','10830','Saale; Thomas','10831','Saale; Thomas','10832','Saale; Thomas','10833','Saale; Thomas','10834','Saale; Thomas','10835','Saale; Thomas','10836','Saale; Thomas','10837','Saale; Thomas','10838','Saale; Thomas','10839','Saale; Thomas','10840','Saale; Thomas','10841','Saale; Thomas','10842','Saale; Thomas','10843','Saale; Thomas','10845','Saale; Thomas','10846','Saale; Thomas','10853','Saale; Thomas','10854','Saale; Thomas','10855','Saale; Thomas','10856','Saale; Thomas','10858','Saale; Thomas','10859','Saale; Thomas','10860','Saale; Thomas','10906','Saale; Thomas','10916','Saale; Thomas','10960','Saale; Thomas','11012','Saale; Thomas','11420','Saale; Thomas','11723','Saale; Thomas','11872','Saale; Thomas','11939','Saale; Thomas','11940','Saale; Thomas','11941','Saale; Thomas','12650','Saale; Thomas','12657','Saale; Thomas','12717','Saale; Thomas','12749','Saale; Thomas','12756','Saale; Thomas','12792','Saale; Thomas','12847','Saale; Thomas','12969','Saale; Thomas','13063','Saale; Thomas','13323','Saale; Thomas','13413','Saale; Thomas','13433','Saale; Thomas','13475','Saale; Thomas','13493','Saale; Thomas','13754','Saale; Thomas','13859','Saale; Thomas','14204','Saale; Thomas','14612','Saale; Thomas','14615','Saale; Thomas','14748','Saale; Thomas','15147','Saale; Thomas','15149','Saale; Thomas','15473','Saale; Thomas','15551','Saale; Thomas','15613','Saale; Thomas','15659','Saale; Thomas','15872','Saale; Thomas','15891','Saale; Thomas','16360','Saale; Thomas','16837','Saale; Thomas','16849','Saale; Thomas','16909','Saale; Thomas','16981','Saale; Thomas','17048','Saale; Thomas','17153','Saale; Thomas','17402','Saale; Thomas','17833','Saale; Thomas','18095','Saale; Thomas','18226','Saale; Thomas','18342','Saale; Thomas','18900','Saale; Thomas','19331','Saale; Thomas','19651','Saale; Thomas','19667','Saale; Thomas','19850','Saale; Thomas','19856','Saale; Thomas','20054','Saale; Thomas','20069','Saale; Thomas','20120','Saale; Thomas','20454','Saale; Thomas','20753','Saale; Thomas','20758','Saale; Thomas','20765','Saale; Thomas','21860','Saale; Thomas','22062','Saale; Thomas','22548','Saale; Thomas','22772','Saale; Thomas','22966','Saale; Thomas','22972','Saale; Thomas','22989','Saale; Thomas','23623','Saale; Thomas','23816','Saale; Thomas','23817','Saale; Thomas','23893','Saale; Thomas','24014','Saale; Thomas','24022','Saale; Thomas','24122','Saale; Thomas','24158','Saale; Thomas','24179','Saale; Thomas','24248','Saale; Thomas','24329','Saale; Thomas','24338','Saale; Thomas','24366','Saale; Thomas','24481','Saale; Thomas','24517','Saale; Thomas','24611','Saale; Thomas','24618','Saale; Thomas','24816','Saale; Thomas','24820','Saale; Thomas','24880','Saale; Thomas','24924','Saale; Thomas','24925','Saale; Thomas','24936','Saale; Thomas','24985','Saale; Thomas','24998','Saale; Thomas','25191','Saale; Thomas','25326','Saale; Thomas','25327','Saale; Thomas','25598','Saale; Thomas','25821','Saale; Thomas'),
    DECODE(Point Of Sales His.End User Baan Account,'620753','Saale; Thomas','620758','Saale; Thomas','620765','Saale; Thomas','623816','Saale; Thomas','623817','Saale; Thomas','624014','Saale; Thomas','624022','Saale; Thomas','624248','Saale; Thomas','624329','Saale; Thomas','624816','Saale; Thomas','624880','Saale; Thomas','625598','Saale; Thomas','899998','Saale; Thomas','E99998','Saale; Thomas','UPS001','Saale; Thomas'),

  • Nested decode statement

    Hi i was trying to get the below information.
    I wanted to know is it possible to use nested decode function. also is it possible to use a condition in a decoded function.
    how could i frame the below mentioned information into a nested decode statement.
    IF LSGD = '00000000' then TC = "NS"
    IF LSGD <> '00000000' and RP = 0 and RC =0 OR RU=0 then TC ="NU"
    IF LSGD <> '00000000' and RP = 0 and RC >0 then TC="RR"
    If RU > 1 and INT=0, then TC="TT"
    If PERC is >=66% then TC="RR"
    If PERC is < 66% then TC="TT"
    thanks for your help

    Hi Guido,
    This is the case statement i have constructed. would appriciate if you could assist further to make it more accurate.
    case when LSGD = '00000000' then 'NS'
    when LSGD <> '00000000' then
    case when RP=0 then case when RC=0 then 'NU' else case when RC >0 then 'RR' else 'TT' end end
    case when RU=1 then 'NU' when RU>1 and INT=0 then 'TT' else 'RR' end
    when PERC >=0.66 then 'RR'
    when PERC < 0.66 then 'TT'
    end TC
    from my table
    Thanks in advance

  • How to replace huge decode statements with lookups to some simple code/key

    I have a legacy PL/SQL application, composed of many very huge decode statements. And the most terribe one is that the guys who develops the application left the company now, leaves no documentation.
    We are trying to read and understand those PL/SQL programs, and I'm asked to replace those huge decode statements with lookups to some simple code/key tables? But I have no idea about how to design such code/key tables. Is there any one who has similar experience may help me? Besides code/key tables, any idea will be welcome.
    Thank you very much!

    Not sure what your data looks like but sometimes decode can be replaced with more appropriate functions, ie;
    SQL> with t as (
       select 'DAY' a, 30 b, null c, null d from dual union all
       select null a, null b, 'MONTH' c, 12 from dual)
    select coalesce(b,d)
    from t
    2 rows selected.
    SQL> with t as (
       select 'DAY' a, 30 b, null c, 0 d from dual union all
       select null a, 0 b, 'MONTH' c, 12 from dual)
    select greatest(b,d)
    from t
    2 rows selected.

  • Decode statement in Select line of a View Object Query

    I attempted to create a view object in expert mode with a customized query.
    The query had a decode statement in the select line of the query. The view
    object compiled correctly but gave an error when run.
    ex: select .... decode(CrpSchools.SCHOOLS_ID,null,CrpCustSchools.SCHOOL_NAME,CrpSchools.SCHOOL_NAME) SCHOOL_VALUE, ...
    from ....
    where ....
    The error was that school_value does not exist in the statement. I got the error when
    doing a vo.executeQuery().
    When I removed the decode statement everything worked correctly. Does anyone know if
    the decode statement cannont be used in the select line of a query in a view object?
    Or maybe I was linking the query column (SCHOOLS_ID) up to the view attribute (SCHOOL_VALUE) incorrectly in the
    Attribute Mappings tab of the VO wizard?

    There should be no problem using a DECODE() statement, provided that you've aliases the column as you have done.
    At design time, if you click on the (Test) button, does your query test ok?
    Are you by chance applying a custom where clause at runtime?
    If so, are you saying:
    setWhereClause("yourtable.column_alias = ?";
    or are you doing:
    setWhereClause("column_alias = ?";
    for an expert-mode query, you'll need to use the latter syntax.

  • How to convert the data decoded by MJPEG Decoder MFT into RGB32

    I try to play .avi file(Motion JPEG) with MJPEG Decoder MFT and
    My ColorConverter MFT to convert into RGB32 by using the Media Foundation.
    The output format of MJPEG Decoder MFT is YUY2.
    So, I implemented My ColorConverter MFT to convert YUY2 into RGB32.
    I set the  topology to play .avi file and  to convert into RGB32.
    But I got a MEError event with ME_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW in
    IMFMediaEvent->GetStatus(&hrStatus)); after the event MESessionTopologyStatus.
    So,the file isn't started to play.
    The created topology is follow.
      Source-> MJPEG Decoder MFT -> My ColorConverter MFT -> EVR
               Format:                    YUY2                                         
    Why do the error occur in processing to convert the data decoded by MJPEG Decoder MFT
    into RGB32?
    Please tell me a appropriate way to convert the data decoded by MJPEG Decoder MFT
    into RGB32.

    You've got the High Speed Data as a starting point. That will retrieve the binary data and plot it on a chart. From the array of sgl's created, you could then use the Write to Spreadsheet to create a comma or tab separated file. The other option is to write the data straight to Excel using ActiveX. There's a shipping example that shows how that's done as well.

  • Calling a stored proc in a decode statement

    I am having a problem calling a store procedure in a SQL statement. I am using Oracle's thin driver.
    I have been able to do the following:
    select col1,
    from some_table
    where col3 = var3
    However, when I try to call a stored procedure with-in a decode statement, the call fails. I have tested the call from a sql prompt and it works fine but it does not work when I execute the query in my Java program.
    Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
    select col1,
    decode((select col1
    from some_other_table
    where col2 = var1), 'X',
    from some_table
    where col3 = var3
    Does anyone know if this type of call is not supported in Oracle's thin driver?

    I played around with a [parallel PL/SQL launcher|] a while ago, but I wouldn't call it production-ready.
    You could also [submit procedure calls in background|] using DBMS_ALERT to track completion status.

Maybe you are looking for