Num rows  inserted by DML query

This is an embarrasingly simple question, but I've spent half an hour searching and can't find the answer!
I have some procs which insert records based on a query.
[insert into fred (MYVA) (select (STUFF from JOE where SomeInfo = 'FRED')]
I want to know how many records were added by the query.
I KNOW it's going to be obvious...

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> begin
  2    insert into test select * from scott.emp ;
  3    dbms_output.put_line(SQL%RowCount||' rows inserted.') ;
  4  end ;
  5  /
14 rows inserted.
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Similar Messages

  • How to find number of rows inserted by dynamic query

    USING p_start_date, p_end_date
    RETURN sql%rowcount into l_count;
    Here l_sql is is selecting record from table_1 based on p_start_date, p_end_date and inserting record in table_2.
    There is some further process to be done on table_2 which I want to do only if atleast 1 record is inersted in table_2 by the select query on table_1 for this I am using RETURN sql%rowcount into l_count;
    I am geting error pls-00103 for this.
    Is there any way to achieve this functionality.

    Is there any way to achieve this functionality.Depends on your exact form of l_sql. Here are two ways to get the rowcount out of execute immediate:
    SQL>  create table emp_test as select * from emp where 1=2
    Table created.
    SQL>  begin
       execute immediate 'insert into emp_test select * from emp';
       dbms_output.put_line ('Count: ' || sql%rowcount);
    Count: 14
    SQL>  rollback
    Rollback complete.
    SQL>  declare
       l_count integer;
       execute immediate 'begin insert into emp_test select * from emp; :1 := sql%rowcount; end;' using out l_count;
       dbms_output.put_line ('Count: ' || l_count);
    Count: 14
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Multiple row insert not working as before after applying hotfix apsb13-13

    Coldfusion 9.01
    Windows Server 2003
    Microsoft Access database (yeah, we know)
    Before the hotfix was applied, we could add multiple rows (anywhere from 1-100 or more) and now we're limited to 15 rows at a time after applying the hotfix. We've narrowed it down to the hotfix being the culprit as we had to rebuild the server not to long after this hotfix was applied (~ 1 month) and the multiple row inserts were once again working fine until we got to the point of applying this hot fix again.
    Anyone heard of this happening? Any ideas how to correct?
    Thanks in advance,
    Below is code  of how we're doing the multiple row insert (it's performed over 3 pages):
    Page 1
    <cfform name="form1" method="post" action="handler.cfm?page=update_2">
    <input type="hidden" name="sProductID" value="<cfoutput>#qProducts.sProductID#</cfoutput>">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
        <th scope="row" colspan="2" align="center">Update an Inventory Product</th>
        <th width="42%" scope="row">Product ID</th>
        <td width="58%"><cfoutput>#qProducts.sProductID#</cfoutput></td>
        <th width="42%" scope="row">Friendly Name</th>
        <td width="58%"><cfoutput>#qProducts.sFriendly_Name#</cfoutput></td>
        <th width="42%" scope="row">Description</th>
        <td width="58%"><cfoutput>#qProducts.sDescription#</cfoutput></td>
        <th width="42%" scope="row">Vendor</th>
        <td><select name="sVendor">
          <cfoutput><option value="#qProducts.sVendor#">#qProducts.sVendor#</option></cfoutput>
          <option value=""></option>
          <cfoutput query="qVendor">
            <option value="#sVendor#">#sVendor#</option>
        <th scope="row">Order No.</th>
        <td><cfinput name="sOrder_No" type="text" value="" required="yes" message="Order number is a required field."></td>
        <th scope="row">Lot No.</th>
        <td><input name="sLot" type="text" value=""/></td>
        <th scope="row">Date Expires</th>
        <td><input name="dtExpire" type="text" value=""/></td>
        <th scope="row">Boxes received</th>
        <td><input name="iBoxes" type="text" value="" /></td>
        <th scope="row">Doses/Units</th>
        <td><input name="pcount" type="text" value="" /></td>
        <th scope="row">Note</th>
        <th scope="row"> </th>
        <td> </td>
        <th scope="row" colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></th>
    Page 2
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="handler.cfm?page=update_3">
    <cfoutput><input type="hidden" name="pcount" value="#FORM.pcount#"></cfoutput>
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
              <td colspan="6" align="left">Record count (Doses/Units)= <cfoutput>#FORM.pcount#</cfoutput></td>
            <td>Product ID</td>
            <td>Order No.</td>
            <td>Lot No.</td>
            <td>Expiration Date</td>
            <td>Num. of Boxes</td>
        <cfset Peoplecount = 0>
        <cfloop index="Add" from="1" to="#form.pcount#" step="1">
                <cfset Peoplecount = PeopleCount + 1>
                <td><input  <cfoutput> value="#FORM.sProductID#" </cfoutput> name="sProductID_<cfoutput>#Peoplecount#</cfoutput>" type="text" id="sProductID_"></td>
                <td><input <cfoutput>value="#FORM.sVendor#"</cfoutput> name="sVendor_<cfoutput>#Peoplecount#</cfoutput>" type="text" id="sVendor_"></td>
                <td><input  <cfoutput> value="#FORM.sOrder_No#" </cfoutput> name="sOrder_No_<cfoutput>#Peoplecount#</cfoutput>" type="text" id="sOrder_No_"></td>
                <td><input <cfoutput>value="#FORM.sLot#"</cfoutput> name="sLot_<cfoutput>#Peoplecount#</cfoutput>" type="text" id="sLot_"></td>
                <td><input  <cfoutput> value="#DateFormat(FORM.dtExpire, 'MM/DD/YY')#" </cfoutput> name="dtExpire_<cfoutput>#Peoplecount#</cfoutput>" type="text" id="dtExpire_"></td>
                <td><input <cfoutput>value="#FORM.iBoxes#"</cfoutput> name="iBoxes_<cfoutput>#Peoplecount#</cfoutput>" type="text" id="iBoxes_"></td>
            <td> </td>
                <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
                <input name="HowMany" type="hidden" id="HowMany" value="<cfoutput>#Form.pcount#</cfoutput>">
    Page 3
    <cfquery name="qGetOnHand" datasource="#variables.DSNCI#">
    SELECT        *
    FROM        Products
    WHERE        sProductID = '#session.sProductID#'
    <cfquery datasource="#variables.DSNCI#">
    UPDATE        Products
    SET            iOnHandQty = (#FORM.pcount# + #qGetOnHand.iOnHandQty#)
    WHERE        sProductID = '#session.sProductID#'
    <cfset quantity = #FORM.pcount#>
    <cfset Pcount = 0>
    <!-- Start Loop -->
    <cfloop index="Add" from="1" to="#form.howmany#" step="1">
        <cfset Pcount = Pcount + 1>
        <cfset Product = "Form.sProductID_#Pcount#">
        <cfset Product = Evaluate(Product)>
        <cfset Vendor = "Form.sVendor_#Pcount#">
        <cfset Vendor = Evaluate(Vendor)>
        <cfset Order  = "Form.sOrder_No_#Pcount#">
        <cfset Order = Evaluate(Order)>
        <cfset Lot = "Form.sLot_#Pcount#">
        <cfset Lot = Evaluate(Lot)>
        <cfset Expires = "Form.dtExpire_#Pcount#">
        <cfset Expires = Evaluate(Expires)>
        <cfset Boxes = "Form.iBoxes_#Pcount#">
        <cfset Boxes = Evaluate(Boxes)>
        <cfquery datasource="#variables.DSNCI#" name="InsertData">
            Insert into Received_History (sProductID, sVendor, sOrder_No, sLot, dtExpire, iBoxes, dtReceived)
            values ('#Product#', '#Vendor#', '#Order#', '#Lot#', <cfif Expires IS "">NULL<cfelse>#CreateOdbcDate(Expires)#</cfif>, #Boxes#, #CreateOdbcDate(Now())#)

    Rasi wrote:show your complete (also make sure that you dont override pulse settings in ~/.config/pulse) this setting should allow sound for ANY user - i just tried it and it works
    also: of course you restarted pulseaudio?
    I restarted pulseaudio and my computer.
    My is displayed in the first post.
    My files in /etc/pulse:
    > ls -la /etc/pulse
    total 28
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 116 May 16 10:22 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3740 May 16 10:47 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1269 Mar 3 21:31 client.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2348 Oct 8 2013 daemon.conf
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5756 May 16 10:24
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5718 Oct 8 2013
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2112 Oct 8 2013
    My files in ~/.config/pulse:
    > ls -la ~/.config/pulse
    total 1048
    drwx------ 1 homeuser homeuser 660 Sep 12 2013 .
    drwx------ 1 homeuser homeuser 1054 Apr 24 14:06 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 40960 Oct 17 2013 1a8726d55f9140ae9d95dc512eacea67-card-database.tdb
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 43 May 16 10:37 1a8726d55f9140ae9d95dc512eacea67-default-sink
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 42 May 16 10:37 1a8726d55f9140ae9d95dc512eacea67-default-source
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 12288 May 16 10:49 1a8726d55f9140ae9d95dc512eacea67-device-volumes.tdb
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 homeuser homeuser 23 Sep 12 2013 1a8726d55f9140ae9d95dc512eacea67-runtime -> /tmp/pulse-cDmMRoO9oFBz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 12288 May 15 22:43 1a8726d55f9140ae9d95dc512eacea67-stream-volumes.tdb
    -rw------- 1 homeuser homeuser 256 Jun 15 2013 cookie
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 331776 Jun 21 2013 equalizer-presets.tdb
    -rw-r--r-- 1 homeuser homeuser 659456 Sep 20 2013 equalizer-state.tdb
    Thanks for your efforts.

  • How to get number of rows return in SELECT query

    i'm very new in java, i have a question:
    - How to get number of rows return in SELECT query?
    (i use SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC and everything are done, i only want to know problems above)

    make the result set scroll insensitve, do rs.last(), get the row num, and call rs.beforeFirst(), then you can process the result set like you currently do.
             String sql = "select * from testing";
             PreparedStatement ps =
             ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
             System.out.println("Row count = " + rs.getRow());
    NOTE: Ugly, but does the trick.

  • Number of rows inserted is different in bulk insert using select statement

    I am facing a problem in bulk insert using SELECT statement.
    My sql statement is like below.
    strQuery :='INSERT INTO TAB3
    (SELECT t1.c1,t2.c2
    FROM TAB1 t1, TAB2 t2
    WHERE t1.c1 = t2.c1
    AND t1.c3 between 10 and 15 AND)' ....... some other conditions.
    These SQL statements are inside a procedure. And this procedure is called from C#.
    The number of rows returned by the "SELECT" query is 70.
    On the very first time call of this procedure, the number rows inserted using strQuery is *70*.
    But in the next time call (in the same transaction) of the procedure, the number rows inserted is only *50*.
    And further if we are repeating calling this procedure, it will insert sometimes 70 or 50 etc. It is showing some inconsistency.
    On my initial analysis it is found that, the default optimizer is "ALL_ROWS". When i changed the optimizer mode to "rule", this issue is not coming.
    Anybody faced these kind of issues?
    Can anyone tell what would be the reason of this issue..? any other work around for this...?
    I am using Oracle 10g R2 version.
    Edited by: user13339527 on Jun 29, 2010 3:55 AM
    Edited by: user13339527 on Jun 29, 2010 3:56 AM

    You have very likely concurrent transactions on the database:
    By default, Oracle Database permits concurrently running transactions to modify, add, or delete rows in the same table, and in the same data block. Changes made by one transaction are not seen by another concurrent transaction until the transaction that made the changes commits.
    If you want to make sure that the same query always retrieves the same rows in a given transaction you need to use transaction isolation level serializable instead of read committed which is the default in Oracle.
    Please read
    You can try to run your test with:
    set  transaction isolation level  serializable;If the problem is not solved, you need to search possible Oracle bugs on My Oracle Support with keywords
    wrong results 10.2Edited by: P. Forstmann on 29 juin 2010 13:46

  • Count the number of rows inserted

    Is there a way to count the number of rows processed post DML in PL/SQL?
    For eg,
    a function to count the number of rows inserted into tmp1

    SQL> set serveroutput on;
    SQL> begin
    2 insert into tmp1 select * from emp;
    3 dbms_output.put_line(SQL%ROWCOUNT||' rows inserted');
    4 end;
    5 /
    15 rows inserted
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Checking for duplicate primary keys on row inserts

    Checking for duplicate primary keys on row inserts
    I have a situation where I will be making bulk table inserts knowing that the primary key value will in some cases already exist. In this is the case I simply want to ignore the duplicate inserts.
    Should I be performing a sub-query on the table and using a statement like:
    where not exist in
    Or is there a cleaner way of discarding or checking for duplicates on insert.
    My concerns were mainly one of performance, as my routine will be inserting a few thousand rows in its operation.

    The MERGE commnad is a good option when a large percentage of the data will exist in the target because it is much more efficient to attempt to update then insert when the update affects zero rows than capture an error and convert it to an update.
    However, since in this case it would appear that only a few rows will alreadys exist and we want to ignore the duplicates when they exist then
    when dup_value_in_index then null;
    would be the way to code this one. The bulk insert version has in 9.2 the ability to store the errors so that they can all be handled at once which means the rest of the array insert can work.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Master-Detail Multi-Row Insert

    Im still using Oracle forms 6i. How do we create here in ADF for the transaction in master-detail operation specially in inserting multi-row in detail. In forms we can use key-next item trigger next_record for new record transaction for drugs or we can use bar code scanning to insert new records & automatically go to next records waiting for another input...
    pls help me i want to upgrade & pls sorry for my english...
    just want this adf behave like forms in terms of master-detail transaction entry...
    i appreciate if someone can help me or give me demo file to download & play with it...
    Edited by: user8983555 on Nov 10, 2010 10:30 AM

    tnx for the fast reply..
    im new with jdeveloper and no knowledge in java or html. im concentrated in pl/sql , forms 6i.We still using this until now in character base in unix environment but some module in gui working in hospital which is complete informations sytem (stock, which in bulk transactions specially patients outclinic & inpatients we have also this reservations system for out clinics thats the reason im like to develop for in a web that a patient can reserve on line and i dont like running our application in different front end (forms 6i &jdeveloper).
    (now currently checking form10g & just set up AS10g which is working.can deploy and connect,LAN). but im very interested in ADF when i see the demo on Oracle website.
    now our company pplanning to change our application to power builder whiich is not good in performance regarding in hadling big databases (slow query,needs burst AS...) thru to the demonstration of the
    apllication vendors.
    im very glad if you can help. can you post a links or demo file to do this as you said....(You can replicate the code in the button in some other event on your page, for example when the value of the last field in the row is changed.
    It all comes down to the question of when you actually want to create a new row, and in that event you call the createInsert method.)
    this is my only problem now to make this master-detail multi-row insert like ora form.
    again sorry for my english...

  • How can I use multiple row insert or update into DB in JSP?

    Hi all,
    pls help for my question.
    "How can I use multiple rows insert or update into DB in JSP?"
    I mean I will insert or update the multiple records like grid component. All the data I enter will go into the DB.
    With thanks,

    That isn't true. Different SQL databases have
    different capabilities and use different syntax, That's true - every database has its own quirks and extensions. No disagreement there. But they all follow ANSI SQL for CRUD operations. Since the OP said they wanted to do INSERTs and UPDATEs in batches, I assumed that ANSI SQL was sufficient.
    I'd argue that it's best to use ANSI SQL as much as possible, especially if you want your JDBC code to be portable between databases.
    and there are also a lot of different ways of talking to
    SQL databases that are possible in JSP, from using
    plain old java.sql.* in scriptlets to using the
    jstlsql taglib. I've done maintenance on both, and
    they are as different as night and day.Right, because you don't maintain JSP and Java classes the same way. No news there. Both java.sql and JSTL sql taglib are both based on SQL and JDBC. Same difference, except that one uses tags and the other doesn't. Both are Java JDBC code in the end.
    Well, sure. As long as you only want to update rows
    with the same value in column 2. I had the impression
    he wanted to update a whole table. If he only meant
    update all rows with the same value in a given column
    with the same value, that's trivial. All updates do
    that. But as far as I know there's know way to update
    more than one row where the values are different.I used this as an example to demonstrate that it's possible to UPDATE more than one row at a time. If I have 1,000 rows, and each one is a separate UPDATE statement that's unique from all the others, I guess I'd have to write 1,000 UPDATE statements. It's possible to have them all either succeed or fail as a single unit of work. I'm pointing out transaction, because they weren't coming up in the discussion.
    Unless you're using MySQL, for instance. I only have
    experience with MySQL and M$ SQL Server, so I don't
    know what PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, DB2 and all the
    rest are capable of, but I know for sure that MySQL
    can insert multiple rows while SQL Server can't (or at
    least I've never seen the syntax for doing it if it
    does).Right, but this syntax seems to be specific to MySQL The moment you use it, you're locked into MySQL. There are other ways to accomplish the same thing with ANSI SQL.
    Don't assume that all SQL databases are the same.
    They're not, and it can really screw you up badly if
    you assume you can deploy a project you've developed
    with one database in an environment where you have to
    use a different one. Even different versions of the
    same database can have huge differences. I recommend
    you get a copy of the O'Reilly book, SQL in a
    Nutshell. It covers the most common DBMSes and does a
    good job of pointing out the differences.Yes, I understand that.
    It's funny that you're telling me not to assume that all SQL databases are the same. You're the one who's proposing that the OP use a MySQL-specific extension.
    I haven't looked at the MySQL docs to find out how the syntax you're suggesting works. What if one value set INSERT succeeds and the next one fails? Does MySQL roll back the successful INSERT? Is the unit of work under the JDBC driver's control with autoCommit?
    The OP is free to follow your suggestion. I'm pointing out that there are transactions for units of work and ANSI SQL ways to accomplish the same thing.

  • How to restrict number of rows returned in a query

    Hi frnds,
    I'd like to restrict number of rows returned by my query to some 10 rows. how to do that.When I try doing with the rownum<10 its giving results for a particular dept and that too some 6 rows only...btw I'm grouping my table and includes joins from many a table and am ordering the table results by a column.. How to do this..

    776317 wrote:
    Hi frnds,
    I'd like to restrict number of rows returned by my query to some 10 rows. how to do that.When I try doing with the rownum<10 its giving results for a particular dept and that too some 6 rows only...btw I'm grouping my table and includes joins from many a table and am ordering the table results by a column.. How to do this..
    Because you have only *6 rows* in you column, if you less than 10 rows then it displays only containied/exist rows. nothing much
    select ename,empno from emp where rownum < 10;Thanks

  • How to get row number in the fetch row itself in Sql Query ?

    i am fetching some rows from a sql query . Is there any way to get row number as well in each row while all rows are fetched ?
    like this :
    RowNum data1 data2
    1 abc ere
    2 bnh ioi

    Ofcourse you can get the rownum inside a query, just keep in mind that the rownum is the number of order in which the records were fetched from the table, so if you do an order by, the rownum will not be sequential, unless you query the information in a subquery first.
    SELECT rown, col1, col1
    FROM table
    SELECT rownum, col1, col2
    FROM (SELECT col_1, col_2 FROM table ORDER BY col1)

  • How to find out the rows inserted between a time period.

    Please help me to solve this.
    Table - emp.
    Colmns - empno(Primary Key),ename, mgr
    How to find out the rows inserted between a time period.
    For eg:- Between 02-Oct-2006 1 PM and 03-Oct-2006 2 PM.

    Maybe work:
    For each row, ORA_ROWSCN returns the conservative upper bound system change number (SCN) of the most recent change to the row. This pseudocolumn is useful for determining approximately when a row was last updated. It is not absolutely precise, because Oracle tracks SCNs by transaction committed for the block in which the row resides
    SGMS@ORACLE10> create table test(cod number);
    Table created.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> insert into test values (1);
    1 row created.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> insert into test values (2);
    1 row created.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> insert into test values (3);
    1 row created.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SGMS@ORACLE10> select SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(ora_rowscn),ora_rowscn,cod from test;
    06/11/06 08:56:56,000000000         727707205          1
    06/11/06 08:56:56,000000000         727707205          2
    06/11/06 08:57:05,000000000         727707210          3Cheers

  • Needs  help to retrive the last row in a  select query without using rownum

    Hi ,
    i need to retrive the last row from the select sub query without using rownum.
    is there any other way to retrive the last row other than the below query.
    is that the ROWNUM=1 will always retrive the 1 row of the select query ?
    select from*
    *(select ename from employee where dept_id=5 order by desc) where rownum=1;*
    Please advise.
    thanks for your help advance,

    957595 wrote:
    Actually my problem is ithat while selecting the parents hiearchy of the child data using
    I need the immediate parent of my child data.
    For example my connect BY query returns
    AAA --- ROOT
    BBB --PARENT -2
    CCC --PARENT-1
    DDD IS my input child to the connect by query
    Immediate parent of my child data "DDD" ---> CCC(parent -1)
    i want the data "CCC" from the select query,for that i am taking the last row of the query with rownum.
    I got to hear that using ROWNUM to retrive the data will leads to some problem.It is a like a magic number.I am not sure what the problem will be.
    So confusing with using this rownum in my query.
    Please advice!!!It's not quite clear what you're wanting, but perhaps this may help?
    you can select the PRIOR values to get the parent details if you want...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select empno, lpad(' ',(level-1)*2,' ')||ename as ename, prior empno as mgr
      2  from emp
      3  connect by mgr = prior empno
      4* start with mgr is null
    SQL> /
         EMPNO ENAME                                 MGR
          7839 KING
          7566   JONES                              7839
          7788     SCOTT                            7566
          7876       ADAMS                          7788
          7902     FORD                             7566
          7369       SMITH                          7902
          7698   BLAKE                              7839
          7499     ALLEN                            7698
          7521     WARD                             7698
          7654     MARTIN                           7698
          7844     TURNER                           7698
          7900     JAMES                            7698
          7782   CLARK                              7839
          7934     MILLER                           7782
    14 rows selected.(ok, not the best of examples as the mgr is already known for a row, but it demonstrates you can select prior data)

  • Can we display comments row for row in Input Ready Query...

    Dear All,
    Currently I have created Web template with Signle Document. When executed it in the Portal it will come up with a "Save" and "Cancel" button of its own and can allowing me to capture comment here & Finally Click on SAVE button which was stored in Documents area in RSA1.
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    Check link
    In query properties in BEx query designer you have to do settings to - Display document links
    For metadata, master data, and InfoProvider data for a query, you can display links to Documents that you have created for these objects. If documents exist for these objects, the symbol  appears next to these objects. If you click on this symbol, you jump to where the document is displayed on the Web.
    Highlight the appropriate setting so that the document links for the desired document class are displayed. The document classes are oriented to the various categories of BW objects. InfoProvider data, metadata and master data.

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    How Can I do the same with Analyzer 7.0 ?

    .) Open the analyser and connect to the BI system,
    .) open an empty excel
    .) switch to design mode (first icon on second task menu)
    .) insert a table (second icon on second task menu)
    .) select the query
    and so on...

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    Good day I have a problem here Since I have installed my Windows 8.1, integrated Skype works so slowly My video calls are worse than ever I usually get videos, both sending and receving at a medium fps of 10 My system requirements are more than enoug

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    We have a requirement of payment term to vendor is by progressive payment depend of the percentage of completion. The vendor will bill us 10% w 10%, then when delivery done by 30%, it will bill us another 30% so on so forth. What payment term to be s

  • How to call web page to search document with parameters?

    Hi! i need to call a web page with access parameters to search a document and display this in .pdf format (external system). Example: PARAMETERS: license code = xxx society code = yyy nickname = ... password = ... fieldsearch = .... valuefieldsearch