Number of business days (excluding holidays) ?

Hi All,
What is the SQL query to find number of business days (excluding holidays) between 2 given dates ?
List of Holidays will be maintained as a separate table.
I need a SQL query rather than a stored procedure or function.
I am using oracle 9i.
Thanks in advance.

Does this thread help?
Need to find number of business days - query pls

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  • Recursive CTE to get first business day excluding public holidays

    I wanted to write a recursive CTE to calculate the first business day excluding the public holidays for a given year. I have a table with the public holiday for that same year

    I like the functions I built to get this done:
    create function NthDayOfMonth (@year int, @month smallint, @weekday varchar(15), @nth smallint)
    returns datetime
    declare @the_date datetime, @c_date datetime, @cth smallint
    set @cth = 0
    set @c_date = convert(varchar,@year)+'-'+convert(varchar,@month)+'-01'
    while month(@c_date) = @month
    if datename(weekday,@c_date) = @weekday set @cth = @cth + 1
    if @cth = @nth and datename(weekday,@c_date) = @weekday set @the_date = @c_date
    set @c_date = dateadd(day,1,@c_date)
    return @the_date
    create function Holidays(@year int)
    returns @table table
    date date,
    type varchar(10),
    name varchar(25)
    insert into @table
    select convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@year)+'-01-01') as date,'Holiday' as type ,'New Years Day' as name UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,2, 'Monday',3),'Holiday','Family Day' UNION ALL
    select dateadd(d,0-case when datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') in (1,2) then 5+datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') else datepart(weekday,convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25')-1 end, convert(varchar,@year)+'-05-25') ,'Holiday','Victoria Day' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-07-01' ,'Holiday','Canada Day' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,8, 'Monday',1),'Holiday','Civic Holiday' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayOfMonth(@year,9, 'Monday',1),'Holiday','Labour Day' UNION ALL
    select dbo.NthDayofMonth(@year,10,'Monday',2),'Holiday','Thanksgiving' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-11-11' ,'Holiday','Rememberance Day'UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-12-25' ,'Holiday','Christmas Day' UNION ALL
    select convert(varchar,@year)+'-12-26' ,'Holiday','Boxing Day' UNION ALL
    SELECT CONVERT(DATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@year) + '-0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR, FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25))+'-'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(INT,(((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + (FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25)) + 19) % 32,0))),'Holiday','Easter Sunday' UNION ALL
    SELECT DATEADD(DAY,-2,CONVERT(DATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@year) + '-0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR, FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25))+'-'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(INT,(((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + (FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25)) + 19) % 32,0)))),'Holiday','Good Friday' UNION ALL
    SELECT DATEADD(DAY,1,CONVERT(DATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR,@year) + '-0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR, FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25))+'-'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(INT,(((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + (FLOOR((((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) - (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) + ((((2 * FLOOR((@year / 100.0)) % 4) + (2*((@year % 100) / 4))) - ((@year % 100) % 4) - ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30) + (FLOOR((@year % 19.0 + (11 * ((( (19 * (@year % 19.0)) + FLOOR(@year / 100.0)) - FLOOR((@year / 100.0) / 4) - FLOOR((8 * (@year / 100.0) + 13) / 25.0) + 15) % 30))) / 319)) +32) % 7) + 90) / 25)) + 19) % 32,0)))),'Holiday','Easter Monday'
    update @table
    set date =
    case when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name != 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 7 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name != 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 1 then dateadd(day,1,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 7 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 1 then dateadd(day,2,date)
    when MONTH(date) = 12 AND name = 'Boxing Day' and datepart(weekday,date) = 2 then dateadd(day,1,date)
    else date
    create function Dates(@date datetime)
    returns @table table
    now datetime,
    today datetime,
    Month_start datetime,
    Month_end datetime,
    Prev_Month_Start datetime,
    Prev_Month_End datetime,
    Week_Start datetime,
    Week_End datetime,
    Prev_Week_Start datetime,
    Prev_Week_End datetime,
    Quarter_Start datetime,
    Quarter_End datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_Start datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_End datetime,
    Year_Start datetime,
    Year_End datetime,
    Prev_Year_Start datetime,
    Prev_Year_End datetime,
    Month_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Month_End_TS datetime,
    Week_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Week_End_TS datetime,
    Quarter_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Quarter_End_TS datetime,
    Year_End_TS datetime,
    Prev_Year_End_TS datetime,
    Year smallint,
    Month smallint,
    Day smallint,
    Month_Name varchar(15),
    Day_Name varchar(15),
    Week INT,
    isHoliday bit
    if @date IS NULL set @date = getdate()
    insert into @table
    @date as now,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)) as today,
    dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Month_Start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Month_end,
    dateadd(month,-1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Month_start,
    dateadd(day,-1-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Month_End,
    dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Week_Start,
    dateadd(day,7-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Week_End,
    dateadd(day,-6-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Week_Start,
    dateadd(day,0-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Prev_Week_End,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01') as quarter_start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01'))) as quarter_end,
    convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01') as prev_quarter_start,
    dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01'))) as prev_quarter_end,
    dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))) as Year_Start,
    dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Year_End,
    dateadd(year,-1,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Year_Start,
    dateadd(year,-1,dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Prev_Year_End,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(month,1,dateadd(day,0-day(@date)+1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))))) as Month_End_Ts,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,-1-day(@date)+2,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Month_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,8-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Week_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,1-datepart(dw,@date),convert(datetime,convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Week_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(@date)) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,@date)-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01')))) as quarter_end_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,0,dateadd(quarter,1,convert(datetime,convert(varchar,year(dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))) +'-'+ right('0'+convert(varchar,((datepart(QUARTER,dateadd(quarter,-1,@date))-1)*3)+1),2)+'-01')))) as prev_quarter_end_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(year,1,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101))))) as Year_End_TS,
    dateadd(ms,-3,dateadd(day,1-day(@date),dateadd(month,1-month(@date),convert(varchar,@date,101)))) as Prev_Year_End_TS,
    Year(@date) as Year,
    Month(@date) as Month,
    Day(@Date) as Day,
    datename(month,@Date) as Month_Name,
    datename(WEEKDAY,@date) as Day_Name,
    datepart(weekday,@date) as WD,
    DATEPART(WEEK,@date) AS Week,
    FROM dbo.Holidays(YEAR(@date)) h
    WHERE = @date),0) AS isHoliday
    The holidays function is set up for Saskatchewan right now, but its a small matter to adjust it to your region.
    You can then do this:
    DECLARE @calendar TABLE (date DATE)
    WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @calendar) < 365
    INSERT INTO @calendar (date)
    SELECT MONTH(date) AS month, MIN(date) AS fbd
    FROM @calendar c
    CROSS APPLY dbo.Dates(
    WHERE DATEPART(DAY, NOT IN (1,7) AND isHoliday = 0
    GROUP BY MONTH(date)

  • Add number of business days to date field

    Hello, I noticed that there is not much discussion in the forum surrounding u201Cbusiness daysu201D so I hope this post/discussion/solution contributes to the content of this forum.
    I am using the following 3 formulas to try to Add number of business days (based upon a table field) to a specified date:
    1. Variable name = SetVar
    //Set Variable for Add Business Days:
    DateVar Array Holidays;
    DateVar Target:= CDate({TMS_MOVEMENT_EVT.EVT_DATE}); // Put your field name in here
    NumberVar Add:=  {DTCI_DOD_TRANS.TRANS}; // put the number of days here to add (a positive number)
    NumberVar Added := (0);
    2. Variable name = AddBizDays
    //Adding Business Days:
    WHILE Added < Add
    Do (target := target +1;
        if dayofweek (target) in 2 to 6 and not (target in holidays)
            then Added:=Added+1
            else Added:=Added);
    3. Variable name = HOLIDAYS
    //Holiday Array Formula for the report Header:
    DateVar Array Holidays := [
    Date (2003,12,25),   // you can put in as many lines for holidays as you want. 
    Date (2003,12,31)
    I am successfully getting my data needed to make the necessary calculations and variable assignmentsu2026 I believe that my ISSUE is that I am not sure where to place these formulas into my report so they assign the variables and execute properly when previewing my report. I am curious if that is my issue, and if so, can someone provide me direction on where to put each of these formulas in my report.
    Currently, when I try to preview the report, I get the following Crystal Reports Error:  -u201CA number, currency amount, Boolean, date, time, date-time, or string is expected here.u201D
    Then Crystal automatically opens the AddBizDays formula and highlights the word added, see below RE: u201CWHILE Addedu201D
    For reference, my report has 3 groups, and I am displaying all of my output information (and locating my formulas) in the group footer #3 report section. I have moved them around to other report sections/groups/placements, but to no success.
    Thanks so much.
    Best, Matt

    I worked this out... FYI - for the benefit of all forum users:
    ADDING BUSINESS DAYS TO A CERTAIN DATE (excluding weekends and holidays)
    1. Variable name = AddBizDays
    //Adding Business Days:
    DateVar Array Holidays;
    DateVar Target:= CDate(); // Put your field name in here
    NumberVar Add:=  ; // put the number of days here to add (a positive number)
    NumberVar Added := (0);
    WHILE Added < Add
    Do (target := target +1;
        if dayofweek (target) in 2 to 6 and not (target in holidays)
            then Added:=Added+1
            else Added:=Added);
    2. Variable name = HOLIDAYS
    //Holiday Array Formula for the report Header:
    DateVar Array Holidays := [
    Date (2003,12,25), // you can put in as many lines for holidays as you want.
    Date (2003,12,31)
    ...too bad i don't get forum points for sharing this solution.
    Special thanks to -- for sharing this solution.

  • Calculate number of Business Days

    I need to calculate number of Business Days in BODS. Lets say I have One source table and One Date Dimension table to identify Business Day and need to calculate the no of working days and load in to FACT table (Like in screenshot below)?
    By adding Query transform, I can calculate no of Days, but how to calculate working days between ORDER_RECEIVED_DATE and ORDER_SHIPPED_DATE.
    SQL: select count(*) from DIM_DATE  where DATE between ORDER_RECEIVED_DATE and ORDER_SHIPPED_DATE and HOLIDAY_FLAG='NO'

    Prashanth Chinta,
    I have simulated this Job in my repository and and below are the steps by step implementation.
    Your Dataflow will look like below. It contains the source and Target table with expected results. Hope this is what you are looking for.
    DIM_DATE table contains all the dates in a year and mark each date either Holiday as 'YES' or 'NO'
    Qry_Total_Ship_Days Query Transform
    Qry_Join Query Transform
    Qry_Filter_Holidays Query Transform
    Qry_Cnt_Holidays Query Transform
    Qry_Cnt_Holidays Query Transform (This is to show the groupby columns)
    Qry_Cal_Ship_Days Query Transform

  • Fucntion to Calculate business days (exclude weekends & holidays) between two days

    I need to be able to calculate business days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays. I do have a date dimension and also flags which denote weekday, holiday. Would really appreciate help in building a udf for the business days calculation.

    Hi, Please take a look and tweak accordingly. Best of luck.
    --Assuming data dimension table something like the following
    --tblDateDim (DT date primary key,
    flagHoliday bit,
    flagWeekday bit
    CREATE FUNCTION fnBusinessDays (
    @StartDate DATE,
    @EndDate DATE
    DECLARE @Days INT ;
    SELECT @Days = count(*)
    FROM tblDateDim --// date dimension
    ( DT BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate) --// dt is date column in the table.
    AND --// also flags which denote weekday, holiday
    flagHoliday = 0 --// flagHoliday= 1--Holiday;= 0 --workingday/businessday
    flagWeekday = 1 --// FlagWeekday = 1--businessday ; =0 --weekend (Saturday and Sunday)
    RETURN (@Days)

  • Calculating Business Days in a Date Range

    I have two questions:
    1. Does anyone know a better formula for calculating business days in totals?
    I am currently using the formula in
    I tailored to my needs.  However, there are still a lot of manual maintenance every year. 
    2. I have many reports that need the formula.  It is very consuming to update the formula in each report.  Does anyone know a better way to do it? 
    I use Crystal XI.  We do have a Crystal Enterprise server hosted in another department.

    Not sure if this is any simpler but you could save this as a custom function, that way you will have to modify it once a year for the holidays.
    numbervar days;
    datevar date1 := minimum({?My Parameter});
    datevar date2 := maximum({?My Parameter});
    days := DateDiff ("d", date1, date2) -
    DateDiff ("ww", date1, date2, crSaturday) -
    DateDiff ("ww", date1, date2, crSunday);    // this will give you the number of business days
                                                        // (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) for a given date range.
    // then, for each holiday, you can enter lines like this
    if date(2008,01,01) in {?My Parameter} then days := days - 1;
    // The final tally of DAYS should give you the total business days in a date range.
    where {?My Parameter} is the date range.

  • Calculate "Business Days" and account for holidays

    I have played with Date math based on what I have found for documentation, and adding an arbitrary number of days is pretty easy. But what about adding an arbitrary number of business days? I found a web site that talks about "Next business day",
    which could be adapted I am sure, but it only accounts for weekends. I want to calculate the date an arbitrary number of business days from a provided date. So, +3 business days calculated from a Monday should produce the date of the following Thursday,
    and calculated from a Friday should produce the date of the next Wednesday. And calculated from Friday Sept 4, 2015 (Friday before Labor Day) should produce Thursday Sept 10, 2015.
    Given that Windows is very business focused, I wonder if there is some nice hidden .NET functionality to calculate business days based on holidays as well? I know, some offices might give extra days off, four day weekends, etc. But those would be edge case
    enough to be safely ignorable for my purposes. Indeed, even holidays could probably be ignored, but if there is a quick approach I would rather use it. If I would need to code some sort of Exchange calendar scraper or some such, I'll live with just accounting
    for weekends. ;)

    You can pull holiday info from outlook.hol file and do the date math based on it. It won't be 100% reliable though. Not all the holidays listed in calendar are non-business days (not in all countries at least). International support may also present additional
    issues: in some countries it is a common practice to "move" weekend days to fill a single day gap between holidays and weekend (which screws up next business day calc anyway, regardless of holiday info :-). Not to mention all the possible industry-wide
    or company specific policies regarding working days.

  • Oracle 8i: Business Days Calculation in a Subquery

    To Whom It May Concern:
    I apologize if this has been posted already, but I didn't find any threads that address my issue:
    I need to find the number of business days between 2 dates (excludes weekends) provided by dates from an outer query such as the following:
         , C.ENTRY_DATE
    Thanks for your time and advice.

    you don't need a subquery. it's a very simple formula
    Re: query regarding dates
    (you may need to change the case to a decode for v8 - I don't remember when it was introduced)

  • Number of working days in customer exit?

    Hi, this is actually an extension to the following thread.
    How to calculate number of working days
    I have very similar requirement. Determine the number of working days (excluding weekends and holidays) from 2 given dates. But the <b>difference here</b> is that, one of the date in the calculation is the<b> current date.</b>
    1: Creation Date - this is present as infoobject in the ODS.
    2: Current Date - this is 'today''s date.
    And, No. of Working days(Zworkdays)  = Current Date - Creation Date.
    So, as mentioned in the thread 305257 speaks about including the logic in the update rules, I can use system variable sy-datum to get the current date in update routine. But if the load is not scheduled for every day (say,once in 2 days), then when i report this infoobject Zworkdays on Day2, then it will hold Day1 calc rite?
    PLease correct me if I am wrong.
    Could you please help me with other approachs I can follow. One I can think is Customer Exit in Bex for the same.... but I am not sure how to do the same (i am new to Bex and Customer exit). Could any one of you please guide me how to achieve the same. I Have 0CalDate in the ODS also. 
    Any other ideas/inputs is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    search for virtual key figures.
    P.S. Thanks for assigning points
    Message was edited by:
            Jürgen Hemelt

  • Business Day Calculation

    I would like to add x number of business days to a date extracted from Discoverer Plus. How might one do so?

    I think passing v_nextBusinessDate for checking holiday will solve your problem. Please refer bold lines.
    create or replace function getNextBusinessDay(IN_DATE date)
         return date
              v_nextBusinessDate date;
              v_isAHoliday boolean;
              v_isAHoliday := false;
              v_nextBusinessDate := IN_DATE;
                   v_isAHoliday := check_holiday(v_nextBusinessDate);
                   if (v_isAHoliday = false)
                        v_nextBusinessDate := v_nextBusinessDate+ 1;
                   end if;
              end loop;
              return v_nextBusinessDate ;

  • Calculating Business Days(Start_dt - End_dt)

    Hi Friends,
    Could anyone of you help me to find out the business days(Excluding Saturdays and Sundays) between two dates.
    The difference should be calculated of both the Start_dt and End_dt values truncated. The result should be calculated and stored according to business days, it means weekend days are to be ignored.
    create table sample (id number,start_dt date,end_dt date). The table values are as follows;
    ID ; start_dt ; End_dt
    1 ; 08-02-2012 ; 15-02-2012
    2 ; 30-12-2011 ; 15-02-2012
    My output should be;
    ID ; start_dt ; End_dt ; Expected Business Days (Excluding Weekends)
    1 ; 08-02-2012 ; 15-02-2012 ; 4
    2 ; 30-12-2011 ; 15-02-2012 ; 33
    Please note that, the Start Date and End Date can be any date from any year. Please help me on this.
    Edited by: Williams on Feb 8, 2012 6:28 PM
    Edited by: Williams on Feb 8, 2012 6:29 PM

    Here's my first cut at it.
    SQL> WITH sample AS
      2  (
      3     SELECT 1 AS id, TO_DATE('08-02-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') AS start_dt, TO_DATE('15-02-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') AS end_dt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
      4     SELECT 2 AS id, TO_DATE('30-12-2011','DD-MM-YYYY') AS start_dt, TO_DATE('15-02-2012','DD-MM-YYYY') AS end_dt FROM DUAL
      5  )
      6  /* END SAMPLE DATA */
      7  SELECT id
      8       , start_dt
      9       , end_dt
    10       , COUNT(*)
    11  FROM   sample
    12  JOIN   ( /* Exclude Weekends */
    13           SELECT dt
    14           FROM  ( /* Generate a range that includes all days */
    15                   SELECT min_start_dt + (LEVEL - 1) AS dt
    16                        , TO_CHAR
    17                          ( min_start_dt + (LEVEL - 1)
    18                          , 'fmDAY'
    19                          , 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=AMERICAN'
    20                          ) AS dy
    21                   FROM   ( SELECT MIN(start_dt) AS min_start_dt
    22                                 , MAX(end_dt)   AS max_end_dt
    23                            FROM   sample
    24                          )
    25                   CONNECT BY LEVEL <= max_end_dt - min_start_dt + 1
    26                 )
    27           WHERE dy NOT IN ('SATURDAY','SUNDAY')
    28         ) dys ON dys.dt BETWEEN start_dt AND end_dt
    29  GROUP BY id
    30         , start_dt
    31         , end_dt
    32  /
            ID START_DT            END_DT                COUNT(*)
             2 12/30/2011 00:00:00 02/15/2012 00:00:00         34
             1 02/08/2012 00:00:00 02/15/2012 00:00:00          6
    2 rows selected.I got different results then you though. Can you say why your counts are what they are?

  • Setting Due Date for task using business days

    While this may not be new news to many, I found little information on how to add a certain number of business days to determine the due date for a task to be used in a workflow.  For SharePoint 2010 environments that cannot run custom code, I have
    found a solution that utilizes two additional columns in the task list.  The first column I named
    Deadline (a number with no decimal places), which will contain the number of business days until a task is to be completed.
    The second I named Business Deadline (a calculated column returning a
    Date and Time).  The formula for the calculated column is:
    =[Modified]+INT(ROUNDDOWN([Deadline]/5,0)*7)+ IF(WEEKDAY([Modified]+MOD([Deadline],5))<MOD([Deadline],5), IF(WEEKDAY([Modified]+MOD([Deadline],5)+2)=7,MOD([Deadline],5)+4, IF(WEEKDAY([Modified]+MOD([Deadline],5)+2)=1,MOD([Deadline],5)+3,MOD([Deadline],5)+2)), IF(WEEKDAY([Modified]+MOD([Deadline],5))=7,MOD([Deadline],5)+2, IF(WEEKDAY([Modified]+MOD([Deadline],5))=1,MOD([Deadline],5)+1,MOD([Deadline],5))))
    The workflow on create in the task list then is:
    Set Deadline to {number of business days}
    then Wait for Deadline to equal {number of business days} 'Necessary to ensure the Business Deadline has been set
    'then Set Due Date to CurrentItem:Business Deadline
    Hope this helps a few others that are beating their heads against their desks like I was.

    Glad to hear that you solve this issue, thanks for your sharing.
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Calculate business day between two dates

    Hi Guys
    I need the count of business days between two  dates
    Date1, Date2 i need the count only business day (exclude sartuday&sunday)
    If date1 is null or nothing i need to pass 0
    If date2 is null or nothing i need to pass 0
    help on this

    To achive this within SSRS, go to the report code window and add the below
    Function getBusinessDaysCount(ByVal tFrom As Date, ByVal tTo As Date) As Integer
    Dim tCount As Integer
    Dim tProcessDate As Date = tFrom
    For x as Integer= 1 To DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, tFrom, tTo) + 1
    If Not (tProcessDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday Or tProcessDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday) Then
    tCount = tCount + 1
    End If
    tProcessDate = DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 1, tProcessDate)
    Return tCount
    End Function
    In the textbox where you need to display the value, add the below expression
    It is assumed the you want to pass the two days from parameters named Startdate and EndDate. If not, modify the expression with required values.
    Please click "Mark as Answer" if this resolves your problem or "Vote as Helpful" if you find it helpful. BH

  • Count number of hours between dates excluding holidays/weekends

    Hello all
    I havent worked with dates extensively and was recently asked to create a report where Im looking for the number of hours between two dates only counting business days.
    So for example I have data as follows
    Created 2011-03-30 15:00:00
    Processed 2011-03-30 15:03:46
    Fulfilled 2011-04-01 17:25:02
    Mailed     2011-04-01 17:45:00
    For a total of looking from the CREATED and MAILED dates
    50 hours 45 minutes
    Im also trying to exclude weekends and holidays, i was reading around and was actually able to also find a table of dates where I have the main date, HOLIDAY_IND column and WEEKDAY_IND column
    So the calender table i have looks similar to
    2011-03-31 Y Y
    2011-04-01 N Y
    2011-04-02 N N
    Im really quite stumped as to where to begin
    I was thinking of trying to write it with PL/SQL but i dont have the proper user access to create procedures/functions, so looks like straight up SQL
    Any help appreciated!

    Depeneding on your data and your requirements, you can do something like this:
    SELECT     created_DATE,
    ,     mailed_date
    ,     24 * ( (mailed_date - created_date)
                SELECT  COUNT (*)
                FROM        table_o_dates
                WHERE    main_date > created_date
                AND        main_date < TRUNC (mailed_date)
                AND        (   holiday_ind = 'Y'
                         OR  weekday_ind = 'N'
               )               AS hours_between       
    FROM     table_x
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.
    What do you want to do if created_date or mailed_date is not a work day? Include examples in you data and results.

  • Baseline date calculation excluding non-Business days

    We have a requirement to exclude non-Business days while calculating Baseline date.
    Currently the Baseline Date being populated in the Accounting Document is Document date + 5days(including Holidays).
    For eg
    Current Scenario
    Document Date: 12th Feb 2008
    Baseline date: 17th feb 2008.
    Document Date: 12th Feb 2008
    Baseline date: 19th feb 2008(Excluding Sat & Sun).
    Request you to share useful info in this regard.

    Use user exit RV60FUS5 for these base line date calculations.

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