NVIDIA GEFORCE GT330M driver needed!

Hi guys, i just bought a new macbook pro 15" i7. I swapped my HD from the 17" to the new 15" i just figured out that i dont have the driver for the 15" for the new graphic card hence i cant get it to work. I left the CD at my home country and will be a while before i comes back. How do i obtain the driver for the GT330M? thanks!

Swapping the hard drive from an older computer into a newer one without reinstalling anything on it seems like it would be a good way to save time and trouble. But it isn't, as you now know. Chances are good that the GT330M isn't the only hardware feature of your new machine that's not working as it's supposed to, and you just haven't yet noticed the others.

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    OS X graphics drivers are updated along with OS X. You will not find stand-alone drivers. If you need the latest OS X drivers for your machine/GPU, update to 10.5.7. If you do, or you are already running 10.5.7, you have the latest drivers.
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    Though I have personally not had issues with new drivers, I always try to keep a few nVidia drivers tucked away, just in case. However, and from time to time, others have hit upon "bad" drivers, and either a roll-back, or patience, until a new "good" driver is released, has helped them.
    I also do not update my nVidia drivers all that often, and usually only when I begin experiencing a problem.
    Good luck, and that BSOD is scary. While most BSOD's are hardware related, a system driver certainly CAN cause them too. On my workstation, all that I can recall HAVE been triggered by drivers, and most of those for something like a Maxtor external. I do not use their "one-button backup" function, but the drivers for that do get installed, and sometimes act up. I suppose that was once a good idea, but has bitten me a few times in the past.
    Good luck, and wish that I had something that would help you. Please report how things go.

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    RizalYara, welcome to the forum.
    Here is the AMD driver provided by HP for Win 8.1.  I suggest installing it to see if it solves your problem.  If this doesn't help, I suggest going back to the seller for help.  They should either help you fix it or reinstall Ubuntu.
    Please click the "Thumbs up + button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

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    DemetriAA wrote:
    no this does not work. bootcamp drivers are broken for windows 8.1 on an efi install. apple is withholding the discreet gpu drivers from microsoft to trick people into thinking osx is more stable/efficient and thus windows cannot detect which gpu it is supposed to use when it can see both. the discreet gpu is hidden in the fake bios setup that bootcamp wants you to install with. the problem with doing this is that the more powerful gpu is all you can use in windows so the computer runs more hot and is louder which is annoying and hard on the battery life.
    thanks apple, if i knew that when i bought the laptop i would have gone with something else.
    This is not correct. If you force an EFI installation on a preUEFI Mac, you will see GPU and Audio errors. A non-EFI Hybrid MBR installation works correctly. Does Windows have the ability to switch GPUs? OS X, using external monitors, uses the non-Intel discreet GPU and the machine does not run hot. If Windows can provide dual-GPU support (which they have) and also provide GPU-switching (missing), this can be done. Can it be done for older hardware, highly unlikely. MacRumors has threads with PCI Register changes to expose the Intel GPU and the machine still runs hotter.
    From Bootcamp Info.plist...
    You can verify your Model Identifier from How to identify MacBook Pro models - Apple Support. The 2012 MBPs are 9,x models.

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    I'm getting the driver from the official NVIDIA website.
    That is the problem. The only place to download any type of updates for a Mac are from Software Update, otherwise you will run into issues such as the one you just experienced. I'm guessing you may have come from the Windows world where it's regular practice to have to go searching for new drivers, with OS X you no longer have to do this. Run Software Update and if it finds updates for your machine install them. You can also set Software Update to check on a regular basis in System Preferences - Software Update.

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    Hi, we're stuck with what Apple gives us in the OS, before reinstalling 10.5, try reinstalling the big 10.5.8 combo.
    Repair Permissions afterwords, reboot.
    1058 Combo Update, 10.5.8...
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
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  • Need driver for Nvidia Geforce Go 6150 for Windows 7

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    I followed this tutorial after installing Win7 on a friend's HP Pavilion tx1332LA (the tutorial is in Spanish):
    And since the coprocessor was no longer listed as an unknown device (or something similar), I assumed everything worked correctly afterwards... is that alright or do I have to check in some other way? 
    Well, here is a part of what the tutorial says (what was enough for me):
    -Should work for 32-bits and 64-bits versions (I installed it on Windows 7 x64).
    -First of all, we see that in the Device Administrator, there is an unknown device, a coprocessor. That's because Windows 7 can't find its driver.
    -Download and install the following:
    NVIDIA nForce Chipset Driver
    and see if the coprocessor is recognized.
    -If not, go to the Device Administrator and find the unrecognized coprocessor.
    -Right-click on it and select Update driver...
    -Select browse my computer -> let me pick -> have disk (this is what the tutorial says, it wasn't exactly the same for me, but I eventually got to pick a folder on my hard drive)
    -Browse and select the following (assuming C represents the drive where everything from the file above got unpacked):
    C:\swsetup\SP39535\WinVista32\SMU\smuc.inf (for 32-bits version)
    C:\swsetup\SP39535\WinVista64\SMU\smuc64.inf (for 64-bits version)
    Note: That is what the tutorial says, but I could only select the SMU folder and not a specific file. After selecting the SMU folder, a driver was automatically listed, I selected it and it got installed.
    -Now, the coprocessor should be recognized (check the Device Manager).
    Hope it helps!
    (PD: HP, the graphical editor on this forum sucks on Opera 10.01)

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    Hi.. I really need your help guys..
    First of all, I have Windows XP Pro.
    Okay, I have this MSI nVidia GeForce 4200 TI card, and wanted to change drivers.
    I had 50.xx, and wanted to change back to 40.xx, because it works better with Counter-Strike.
    So, I went into Device Manager and went into the video card properties -> driver.
    I pressed the 'Uninstall driver', because you need to uninstall the newer driver if you want to install an older driver.
    Then my computer restarted, and when it was booting, a blue screen or something came up, with text about my computer was deleting and scanning some files(?).
    I don't know what it was uninstalling excatly, but when I got into Windows I had to use a 'VGA driver' or something..
    I tried to install the 40.xx driver, double clicked the Setup.exe but when it was begining to install this error came up: 'An error occured while launching the setup. (0x80040702)'.
    I don't know what it means, but I can't install any drivers for nVidia?!
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    It's like my computer isn't recognizing the card or something.. I've tried 'Add new hardware' and everything.
    Please help me!
    Thanks in advance.
    P.S. My PC specs:
    Intel Pentium4 2.0GHz
    Some IBM mainboard
    GeForce 4200 TI
    Windows XP Pro

    Generally for nVidia drivers for the VGA, is what I explained above by going to Add Remove programs in control panel and look for the entry for nVidia display drivers.
    Since you are asking me this, I fear you may not be at the experience level required to do this as it can be somewhat of a nightmare if all the drivers are not removed completely. This is what you just experienced.
    Look at the top of this forum and you will se an Important thread called driver cleaner, by Bonz and then the one above it by me. Go to the DriverHeaven Website and download the DC utility but make sure you read EVERYTHING and understand it before you proceed. If you are confused or not comfortable, then I suggest finding someone that is experienced enough to do it for you.
    It should be pretty straightforward.
    Good luck

  • Reset NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics driver

    How can I reset my NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics driver in my MBP 2.2 GHz, 2 Gb RAM, Mac OS X 10.7.2?  When I start it up, white screen appears OK, but when the login window should appear, the screen goes black, and I need to connect my external monitor (Apple Cinema Display 23-inch DVI) to see the image.  When I finally log in, and I go to the System Preferences panel and try to detect my MBP display, it seems that it does not exist.
    I have tried everything: resetting PRAM, fixing permissions, etc, but nothing happens. I even formatted the HD, and tried to reinstall OS X Lion, and in this case, both monitors work as mirrors (weird, eh?).  As it did not work, I tried to install the original OSX that the installation disks have, but starting the installation process from the disk did not work, because the video is scrambled (weirder!). So it is not a hardware problem, and I think the NVIDIA drivers are corrupt, but I don't know how to fix this problem.  Can anybody help?  Thanks in advance

    Are you getting the MacBook Pro repaired ?

  • "GPU enhancements/display driver" error with NVidia GeForce 8600 GTS

    I am currently evaluating a demo of Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended. I am using a NVidia GeForce 8600 GTS video card. When I open the application, I get this error:
    Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disables GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software.
    GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences.
    Here's the thing - the NVidia graphics driver I'm using is current! It's version 195.62. And here are the specifications of my video card (which is about a few years old).
    I am using Windows XP Home 32-bit SP3 with 2GB of DDR2 memory. Processor is AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+.
    I've read over the functionality that this error message affects, and I'm not sure I understand it. If my video card is using its most current driver, what the heck am I to do? How badly will this handicap my Adobe Photoshop experience? (For reference, I plan on not doing that much using the 3D capabilities of Photoshop - but it may be interesting one day.)
    Also, one bug I'm experiencing is that the Layers window is present, but its contents don't appear unless I click on it.
    I'm not sure if I'm open to buying a new video card just to satisfy my Photoshop needs. Any help is much appreciated in overcoming this error and enabling FULLY-operational functionality of Photoshop CS4. Thanks!

    Here is a link that may help with old GPU's. Also ensure before you update the drivers that opengl is turned off otherwise PS will use the old drivers.

  • Reccomendations needed for NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT replacement.

    I just had my third NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT graphics card fail (got them replaced through Apple Care which has now expired). I need to get a replacement graphics card but do not want another one of these!
    Specs on my '07 Mac Pro:
      Model Name:    Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:    MacPro1,1
      Processor Name:    Dual-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:    3 GHz
    Any recommendations greatly appreciated!

    Requires 10.6.5 - and 10.6.5 DVD retail don't seem to exist for anyone that doesn't already have 10.6 installed which means "no booting from DVD for us" if needed, and 'slipstream' drivers also is a no-go. In Panther 10.3 you could, BootCD was a great tool to have current OS X on your own DVD. Now you need to create your own flash based boot volume or something.
    Check the display setup tips, running multiple displays isn't always obvious.
    Radeon 5870 and 5770 on 2006 Mac Pro
    I don't even think that even the custom driver folks have Leopard drivers. 
    Most of their sights are on ATI 6xxx or GTX 500s, and Lion.
    netkas.org forum

  • What is the current driver for an nvidia geforce 9800gt gpu please?

    in my pursuit of installing the trial of cs6
    i have fired up another desktop computer
    win7 64bit // 8gb of ram // 4 x 7200rpm hdd
    it has an nvidia geforce 9800gt  (it is a LEGACY card)
    (but it doesn't look like the one on the nvidia website with dual dvi
    this one has 1 hdmi, 1 dvi, 1 standard monitor)
    it has 1gb ddr3 memory
    installed, the gpu driver is (according to gpu caps viewer)
    when i check on nvidia's website it says the current driver is this
    320.18 whql (release date may 20, 2013)
    can someone please confirm i'm in the right place if it's not too much trouble
    the gpu seems to be working spot on, but i'd like to have the driver on file
    in case anything goes wrong
    i'm not one to update unless something is broken or amiss or i need new features
    thanks in advance, j

    If that is what nVidia indicates, I don't think anyone here will know something that nVidia doesn't know
    I would download the driver to your chosen hard drive folder, if you wish
    I also COMPLETELY agree to NOT fix something that is working !!!

  • Nouveau driver NVIDIA GeForce Go5200 corrupting on GNOME 3

    I am trying to get Arch running on my sister's laptop, since she was an idiot and didn't upgrade or update Fedora 14, which caused it to be unable to update at all.
    I've had the worst time getting this thing running. But my final unsolvable problem is getting the graphics card to work in Gnome 3.
    I installed the nouveau drivers as suggested before messing with nvidia drivers. The nouveau drivers have this severe problem: they don't draw GNOME 3 or GDM consistently. They draw GTK windows and apps fine, though.
    The text is garbled.
    The top bar isn't drawn at all, or it's drawn with messed up icons and messed up text.
    The animated water drop that shows when you move the cursor to the top left of the screen works fine.
    So I installed the nvidia driver because this is simply unacceptable. followed all instructions by the book, then restarted. The desktop reverted to the "fallback" method, which was usable, but this indicated problems with the driver (supposed to be 3D accelerated).
    Then I did "nvidia-xconfig", and rebooted. The kernel module now wouldn't work. The /var/log/kernel.log read near the bottom of it,
    NVIDIA GeForce Go5200 GPU installed in this system is supported through the NVIDIA 173.14.xx Legacy drivers. The NVIDIA driver will ignore this GPU.
    Well that certainly isn't what I bargained for. It's nvidia's stupid driver. WORK already!
    I'll include another log found at /var/log/Xorg.0.log because I think the DRI modules, whatever those are, may be responsible for this, even though I followed the directions and made sure the nvidia config didn't have any DRI anything:
    loading extension XFree86-DRI
    load module "dri2"
    loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri2.so
    load extension DRI2
    loadModule: "nvidia"
    loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so
    Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module. Please check your system's kernel log for additional error messages.
    Don't pay attention to the capitalization. It doesn't matter. The capitalization is correct in the files. I think the problem is to do with something else.
    My guess is that somehow this laptop's graphics card is just so d--- old that nvidia forgot about it *sarcasm*. It doesn't explain why the nouvea drivers suck so much on it. Why are they corrupting gnome, and better yet, will it be fixed? Otherwise, this laptop has met its life-span.

    I forgot something.
    I uninstalled the nvidia driver afterward and reinstalled the nouveau driver, but I'm having new problems. I've tried to recall what all config files I changed to work with the nvidia driver, and I've reverted them. I could have missed some.
    GDM will start, and I can log in but now Gnome 3 doesn't show any GUI controls. Only the background.
    Xabre wrote:Well, as noted, you dont need nvidia driver (which is for geforce 6 and newer chips), but  nvidia-173 driver (gf 5 series),  which currently doesn't support xorg 1.11, which is in arch repoes.
    Best suggestion, if nouveau doesn't fit,  is to rebuild or find a repo with xorg 1.10 (wiki might help), and the install nvidia-173 from AUR.
    Isn't there a way to force the update server to give you an earlier version of a package? And if so, would it automatically uninstall the newer version, and its dependencies and its dependees, and replace them? I've been reading Man pages all day, so I'm really tired at this point and need a little help sorting through the information in my head.
    Last edited by rj.AMDphreak (2011-11-21 06:16:24)

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