Nvidiafb and console fonts

I don't know if this is the right list to post, but...
Recently, I'm having problems with nvidiafb kernel module. I'm using fb driver to run xorg, but at console, fonts seems a little distorced (sorry for my english, I don't even know if this word really exists , so the bottom of console doesn't appears. It was working last upgrades I did.
Anyone with the same issue?
Thank you.

Generally you can't use true type fonts (or open type fonts) in the console, though you can use them in a terminal emulator running under X. A similar thread on this here may interest you.
Last edited by frabjous (2010-10-03 22:10:46)

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    bohoomil wrote:Did you really rebuild the initramfs? Once it becomes a part of your boot image, it shouldn't be reset (which happens when the video driver like nouveau gets loaded: if this is the case, add your video driver to the MODULES array in /etc/mkinitcpio,conf and rebuild the image again). I have been doing the very same thing every time I prepare a new setup and it always works as expected.
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    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights

    Thanks. I am aware of the console settings available to powershell, but thanks anyway.
    So the reg settings should be stored for the current user only in the key HKCU\Console. That will only affect the logged on user. It is not dynamic, as you say, but that's ok. I just need to have it set.
    So changing the following settings would change the font for CMD.exe and powershell.exe:
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FaceName /d "Lucida Console" /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FontSize /t REG_DWORD /d 0x000c0000 /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FontWeight /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000190 /f
    REG ADD HKCU\Console /v FontFamily /t REG_DWORD /d 0x36 /f
    Set-Location HKCU:\Console
    New-Item ".\%SystemRoot%_system32_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe"
    Set-Location ".\%SystemRoot%_system32_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe"
    New-ItemProperty . FaceName -type STRING -value "Lucida Console"
    New-ItemProperty . FontFamily -type DWORD -value 0x00000036
    New-ItemProperty . FontSize -type DWORD -value 0x000c0000
    New-ItemProperty . FontWeight -type DWORD -value 0x00000190
    New-ItemProperty . HistoryNoDup -type DWORD -value 0x00000000
    New-ItemProperty . QuickEdit -type DWORD -value 0x00000001
    Set-Location HKCU:\Console
    New-Item '.\%SystemRoot%_SysWOW64_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe'
    Set-Location '.\%SystemRoot%_SysWOW64_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe'
    New-ItemProperty . FaceName -type STRING -value "Lucida Console"
    New-ItemProperty . FontFamily -type DWORD -value 0x00000036
    New-ItemProperty . FontSize -type DWORD -value 0x000c0000
    New-ItemProperty . FontWeight -type DWORD -value 0x00000190
    New-ItemProperty . HistoryNoDup -type DWORD -value 0x00000000
    New-ItemProperty . QuickEdit -type DWORD -value 0x00000001
    So, that should've done the trick. I can open cmd.exe and powershell.exe, open the system menu, go to defaults, and verify that the settings are in fact set. However, the settings just doesn't take effect. I even opened the properties dialog box for the
    PowerShell shortcut, to check the settings and I can still confirm that it had set the font correctly.
    Still, whenever I launch PowerShell, I am greeted with the ugly raster font. So, the last check I did was to go into properties in the PowerShell window system menu, and check the font.
    It was set to raster. So I changed it. The next time I opened PowerShell, it was back to raster.
    So, no matter where I set it, or what I set, it still goes back to raster every da** time.
    Where i come from, we call this a bug... A very annoying bug...
    Edit: Btw, this is only happening on a handful of servers, not all. On some i am able to successfully script changing the font.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights

  • Console font size in console mode Arch x86_64

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    Last edited by H20 (2013-03-01 20:44:07)

    [ 15.458823] NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console
    [ 15.458830] NVRM: on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver
    [ 15.458834] NVRM: requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other console
    [ 15.458838] NVRM: drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in
    [ 15.458841] NVRM: corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.
    I suspect that it's still the case. You may even have this message in your own dmesg.
    Switch console to VGA mode and use xterm instead.
    This has nothing to do with resolution setting in a framebuffer, which is what the title of the thread suggests.
    I'm pretty sure it does - it looks like the console is being switched to VGA text mode; nvidia has no reason to touch fonts.
    Last edited by mich41 (2013-03-01 21:40:35)

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    You should embed these fonts in the document.
    If you need more help with this, please ask in the Acrobat forum.

  • How to use console font in terminal

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    is it possble to convert bitmap font to ttf fon?
    i really want to work in X with terminal like console (the same meaning).
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    litemotiv wrote:
    jasonwryan wrote:
    Have you tried copying the required font to a directory X knows about; eg.,
    (assuming that is in your fontpath)?
    I don't have a font called terminal in my /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts/ but
    having Tamsyn there and in the fonts/local means I can use it in TTY and X.
    No that doesn't seem to work, it looks like they are a different format (PSF versus PCF).
    There is this for converting PCF to PSF: http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/21144 (courtesy of...)
    So we should need a utility to do the opposite i guess.
    As always, there are a couple of steps:
    You can use psftools to convert from .psf to .bdf, and from there to .pcf
    ...in theory, anyway
    Both tools are helpfully available
    1. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=22491
    2. http://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra … -bdftopcf/

  • [SOLVED] "Loading console font" fails at boot

    Hello everyone,
    At each boot, the line where it loads the console font fails. The font configured in rc.conf is "161", it's the one by default on installation.
    Loading Console Font: 161 ^[[231G [BUSY] ^[[231G [FAIL]
    It's a fresh install done today.
    Any idea why it would fail that?
    Last edited by blno (2012-01-06 21:18:47)

    Navigate to /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts, pick the font, test it by issuing
    setfont font-name.gz
    -- and if everything works OK, add it to rc.conf and rebuild your initramfs.
    Edit (because I'm extremely short-minded): while adding the font to the rc.conf file, do so without any extensions, eg. Uni2-Fixed16. And 2: before you rebuild your initramfs, it's wise to add "consolefont" to HOOKS in mkinitcpio.conf. It's not obligatory, but this way the new font will become active at the earliest boot stage.
    Last edited by bohoomil (2012-01-04 22:52:51)

  • Restoring default console font size

    I recently performed a long overdue series of updates, and now I'm facing the same font size issue that was discussed in this thread: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=96768
    Now I've seen this page, which talks about changing the font and the size: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … fault_font
    But the thing is I actually like the font, it's just the size that I'm trying to change. When the system starts to boot, the size is great. It's only after "waiting for udev uevents to be processed" has finished that the font gets tiny. So I know the right settings are somewhere in there, I just don't know where to keep them the way they are without getting changed.
    I have a sneaking suspicion the fix is easy, I'm just missing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Last edited by Infrared (2012-06-03 02:49:31)

    jasonwryan wrote:
    Instructions for changing the default console font are on the wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … fault_font
    As far as I can tell, the default font is called, oddly enough, default - and if you look in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts you will see only two options: 8x16 and 8x9 - use setfont to confirm.
    If neither of those is large enough after KMS kicks in, you might try one of the other older school fonts in that directory.
    Oddly enough, it is called default, haha. Played around with a couple of the font settings, but what wound up happening was that it would load the font, and then after ""waiting for udev uevents to be processed" finished, the font got tiny again.
    So it might be a resolution thing. Will look into that.
    Gusar wrote:When this comes up (this thread is by far not the first one on this subject), the reaction is always advising to change the font. Never to change the resolution. Yet another one of the weird phenomenons I find so interesting.
    Suggestions on best method to do so?
    Last edited by Infrared (2012-06-04 01:46:15)

  • Consolas font rendering issues

    Hi All,
    Consolas font is not getting rendered properly with Konsole on KDE & Openbox. LXTerminal on KDE is displaying the same behaviour. But it works well with LXterminal on Openbox 3.5.2.
    Any idea where the problem could be?
    http://aruncpp.blogspot.com/2014/02/con … linux.html

    Yeah I've never seen this before either. Please open a
    support webcase!
    Flash Player technical support is available via webcase only
    There is no phone support for Flash Player.
    Be sure to provide OS and system info..
    Also, if it were my machine I'd create a new admin user
    profile, install a browser to that profile, then install FP10 and
    test with -just- that profile...

  • Changing console font.

    Console font is huge. I see the font variable in rc.conf, but not sure what to do to make it smaller. All the font names look like gibberish, and I don't want a new font. I just want this font smaller, so that the screen can show more than 25 lines at a time.

    Add vga=*** to your grub menu.lst. It should look like this:
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/hda3 ro vga=789
    You can change the vga number to whatever you want.

  • [SOLVED] Console Font Gets Reset During Boot

    I've recently switched to Arch Linux and am quite happy with it.  I've never had so much fun with Linux until a friend recommended Arch.  I have since installed it on both my MacBook Pro and Mac mini.  Everything has been pretty smooth, but I do have one issue.
    During the boot process, the system starts up with its default console font, per the usual.  I have edited /etc/vconsole.conf to set the font to Lat2-Terminus16 and to set the keyboard layout to Dvorak.  Here's my current config:
    Part-way through the boot process, the font switches to use the new font.  So far, so good.  Shortly after, however, the screen gets cleared and continues to produce normal kernel messages until the screen is cleared once again and presents the boot prompt, but with the default console font as opposed to the font in vconsole.conf.  I am able to re-set the font again by using the setfont command, but this is a bit of an inconvenience.  The keyboard layout, however, is as it should be: set to Dvorak.  So, systemd-vconsole-setup.service is doing its job.
    I have narrowed down the problem to that when agetty starts, it seems to be resetting the font back to the default.  I have tried adding nouveau (my machines have Nvidia) to the array of modules within /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and rebuilding initramfs, but I get the same results.  I have also tried adding vconsole.font=Lat2-Terminus16 to the boot arguments in GRUB, but I get the same results.  This is affecting both of my machines.  I have updated them with pacman -Syu, but the problem still exists.
    I have found a workaround which is to add a service to systemd (I call it fontfix.service), set it to start after getty.target, and have it included in multi-user.target.  But is there a better way?  Or is something else other than agetty resetting the font?
    agetty appears to be resetting the console font after systemd-vconsole-setup.service sets the font.  Is there a way to have agetty recognize what console font is currently is use?  Or is something else other than agetty resetting the font?
    Last edited by linux2647 (2013-01-10 07:30:30)

    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sy … er_boot.3F

  • [SOLVED] Console Font Not Retained After Reboot

    Hi, again.  Happy to report that I successfully installed Arch Linux last night, with no problems whatsoever.  Thanks to those who addressed my concerns.  Still reading up on the package manager, user and group management, etc.
    Anyway, one of the first things I noticed is that the console font gets reset after every reboot.  I need to manually type "setfont Lat2-Terminus16" - which works just fine, except for the annoyance in having to do that each time I boot up.  My /etc/vconsole.conf has the following:
    Following the solution described here:
    I added 'consolefont' (without quotes) to the beginning (first item) of the HOOKS line in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.  Then I rebuilt the initramfs by typing "mkinitcpio -p linux".  Again, no errors during the rebuild.
    I've rebooted several times, but there's no change...  my selected console font is not retained.
    Can anyone point what I'm doing wrong, or offer ideas?  Thanks.
    Last edited by R0b0ty (2013-03-06 16:52:42)

    Have you tried
    If the fonts seems to not change on boot, or change only temporarily, it is most likely that they got reset when graphics driver was initialized and console was switched to framebuffer. To avoid this, load your graphics driver earlier. See for example KMS#Early_KMS_start or other ways to setup your framebuffer before /etc/vconsole.conf gets applied.

  • Set default console font early in the boot process using mkinitrd?

    I'm a Slackware user, and I have a cross-distro question to the Arch gurus here. I like using a custom font (Lat2Terminus16) in the console, on servers. Now I remember having defined this font as default in the Arch console when I gave it a try, and then added it not only to rc.conf, but also to the configuration file that drives the initrd creation. Thus, the console font was defined very early in the boot process.
    Now here's my question: is there any way to achieve this on a stock Linux distribution like Slackware? The man page for mkinitrd and mkinitrd.conf doesn't say anything about custom console fonts. So how do you guys do that?
    Cheers from the sunny South of France.

    Zom wrote:
    We do it by adding 'consolefont' to the HOOKS section in mkinitrd.conf.
    E: Or you could just add the relevant files to the FILES section, if you don't want to use the hook I suppose.
    Yes, but there's no HOOKS and no FILES section in a default Slackware install. My question was more or less to the Arch devs, to know if there was a *generic* (e. g. non-Arch-specific) way to achieve this.

  • Console Fonts... inconsolata?

    Hey folks,
    So, I program a lot and it has made me a bit nutty about my fonts.  I'm big fan of Inconsolata.  Trouble is, it seems the console can't handle ttf? Or more accurately, the console font must come from /usr/shared/kbd/consolefonts.
    My question is this: is there a work-around or am I doomed?

    Generally you can't use true type fonts (or open type fonts) in the console, though you can use them in a terminal emulator running under X. A similar thread on this here may interest you.
    Last edited by frabjous (2010-10-03 22:10:46)

  • Consolas font size (system vs. xfce4-terminal)

    Hi there,
    I use infinality's patched fontconfig and the Consolas font for monospace. The problem I have is that 10pt Consolas is, imo, too small, whereas 11pt is too large.
    The screenshot below shows how they look on my system (in Sublime Text, but its the same in e.g. Eclipse). The thing is that xfce4-terminal somehow displays
    Consolas differently. I really like the style, but I dont know why this is the case and how to get the style in Sublime Text and Eclipse (or systemwide). Screenshots:
    As you can see, the terminal version is smaller than 11pt but larger than 10pt. It is indeed Consolas, I checked multiple times.

    The first two images are using the Truetype hinter, whereas the third image is using autohinter.  Not sure how some of your programs could be using one, but others using the other one?  I would check your fontconfig settings.  Also, unless your DPI is set to 72, pt heights are different than px heights (points vs. pixels).  So, there may in fact be one size inbetween the two you mentioned if you're using 96 dpi.

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