OA Framework Extension Number Formats

I'm developing a small customisation utilising the OA Framework extension and JDeveloper and am having a spot of trouble with the format of the number fields I have in the page. Put simply I want 10,000.00 in my number fields.
The OA Framework dev guide says the application users preferences handle this however this is not the case at the moment the numbers are coming out as they are stored and it doesn't look good. All the VO attributes that are to be formatted as numbers are of number Datatype as are their items.
Does anybody else out there have experience of this?? Do I need to work around this using attribute hints?? Am I experiencing a known Bug?? Metalink suggests that the users preference will handle this do I need to write code to hook into this functionality??
Any help would be appreciated.

Not sure what you mean by "number format in your schema" my user preferences at application user level and at site level are set for 10,000.00 which means use commas for thousand separator and full stop for decimal indicator.
Could you be more specific?

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    you are correct, Generics has a different meaning in Java then what you ask for.
    Actually to access a detail row set from a parent row, you can use code like this:
        public void voRowCancel(){
            for (int i = 0; i < this.getAttributeCount(); i++)
                   if(this.getStructureDef().getAttributeDef(i).getAttributeKind() == AttributeDef.ATTR_ASSOCIATED_ROWITERATOR){
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    Hai Itanzir
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    [email protected]

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    . . . . . . . . *1000SGD 
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      sales       .   567.45
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    thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: jie miao
    Message was edited by: jie miao

    Logout and login may help you and also Delete the session in SM04  before re login. Some times system will not do complete refresh of data even though you select refresh button.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    Word does not really have number formatting for table cells. You can align cell contents on the decimal point, though, by setting a so-called decimal tab stop.
    Option 1:
    - Select the cells for which you want to do this.
    - Display the ruler.
    - Click the Tab box on the left hand side of the ruler until the box contains an inverted T with a dot.
    - Click in the ruler where you want the decimal tab.
    Option 2:
    - Select the cells for which you want to do this.
    - Click the arrow in the lower right corner of the Paragraph group on the Home tab of the ribbon.
    - Click the Tabs... button in the lower left corner of the dialog.
    - Specify a tab position in the box, e.g. 1.5".
    - Select the 'Decimal' radio button under 'Alignment'.
    - Click Set.
    - Click OK.
    You will have to type the numbers as they should appear, including the $ for currency and the ( ) for negative numbers.
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar

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    Format type: Simple Date
    Format: dd.MM.yyyy
    The number format is:
    Format type: Currency
    Format: 0,000.00 km
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    &lt;c:forEach var="Row" items="..."&gt;
    &lt;c:out value="${Row.MyDate}"&gt;&lt;/c:out&gt;
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    I am working with the German version.

    There is no option in Numbers 3.0 for Custom Format. If that is mandatory for your purposes, it is still available in Version 2.3.

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    Could anybody explain what is FM format element for in number format model? I read the documentation, it doesn't show a clear description as it those in Datetime Format Model section.

    It works mopre or less the same for numbers as for dates:
    SQL> -- generating some numbers:
    SQL> with t as (
      2  select level n
      3  from   dual
      4  connect by level <= 10
      5  )
      6  --
      7  -- actual query:
      8  --
      9  select n
    10  ,      '*'||to_char(n, '09')||'*' nofm
    11  ,      '*'||to_char(n, 'fm09')||'*' fm
    12  ,      length(to_char(n, '09')) lnofm
    13  ,      length(to_char(n, 'fm09')) lfm
    14  from   t;
             N NOFM            FM                   LNOFM        LFM
             1 * 01*           *01*                     3          2
             2 * 02*           *02*                     3          2
             3 * 03*           *03*                     3          2
             4 * 04*           *04*                     3          2
             5 * 05*           *05*                     3          2
             6 * 06*           *06*                     3          2
             7 * 07*           *07*                     3          2
             8 * 08*           *08*                     3          2
             9 * 09*           *09*                     3          2
            10 * 10*           *10*                     3          2
    10 rows selected.As you can see, the leading spaces are trimmed.

  • Stored Procedure for Batch Number Format and Block Duplicate Batch Number

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    I am new one in forum asking question.. I want Stored procedure for Batch Number Format. I want fix one Batch number format in Stored Procedure.
    Example :
    My Batch number format Like  BATCH00001 - It should be first five digit is text format and next five is Numeric.
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    Dear Nagarajan K.
                         Thanks for your replay ..
    IF @transaction_type IN ('A','U') AND (@object_type = '106' )
    set @item = LEFT( @list_of_cols_val_tab_del, CHARINDEX(CHAR(9),  @list_of_cols_val_tab_del,1) - 1)
    set @batch = substring(@list_of_cols_val_tab_del, len(@item)+1, (CHARINDEX(CHAR(9),  @list_of_cols_val_tab_del,len(@item)+2)) - (len(@item)+1))
    --set @base =( select basetype from ibt1 where batchnum = ltrim(rtrim(replace(@batch,char(9),''))))
    set @count = (select count(*) from oibt quantity > 0 and where  batchnum = ltrim(rtrim(replace(@batch,char(9),''))))
    if @count > 1
    set @error = 1
    set @error_message = 'Please enter different Batch Code for batch ''' + @batch + ''' for item ' + @item 
    select @error, @error_message
                  I used above Stored Procedure. here we can use one batch number for different item but  i want to block one batch we should use one item and one time only after than we never use that batch number for same item and another item.
             After that I want format for Batch, we should follow unique Batch number for all items.

Maybe you are looking for