Object sending problem .

for some reason , i seek , but do not know a particular object i send to another from clinet to server using the regular outputstream method
arrives with its default values (the values that its builder sets) rather then with the currnet values .
this is the method that sends :
//sends data to the server
  private void sendData(MovingObject obj)throws IOException{
    System.out.println("Client: objects being sent details: ");
    System.out.println("Client: data sent");
  }and this is the methods that recieves :
//recieves an objects to the object called this class
private void recieveTo()throws IOException,ClassNotFoundException{
    System.out.println("Reciever: starting recieve procedures");
      Object obj=(MovingObject)in.readObject();
      System.out.println("Reciever: recived movingObject :");
    //  System.out.println("Reciever: recieved " +obj.getClass()+" object");
  }the object is being sent value A and gets with value B .
what can cause it ?

those are the objects fields:
Point position;
  int angle;
  int speed;
  transient ImageIcon img;
  int id;when the user press on the keys , it moves and turns , very simple .
then i send it to the server and for my suprise it returns to the defaults that the builder sets :
MovingObject(Point p){
Random r=new Random();

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    why when you serialize the same reference multiple times after an internal state change does it not update in the sent copy?
    meaning , if i have a Tree object with a height parameter , and i send it with height=50 and then i update the same objects (SAME!!!) height
    to 30 and send it , it will still arive to its destination with 30 .
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    out.writeObject(t); ...
    Tree t=(Tree)in.readObject();
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    ObjectInput/OutputStreams have this functionality to keep and object from being serialized multiple times if the object is reference multiple times in an object graph. If you want to resend and object that you have already sent, and you want your changes to go with it, then you must call:

  • Object send using Serializable problem

    My broblem here is that client send an object throw a socket and make some update in the server and send the object back to client but it seem that there is a problem in the following code :
    in = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
    out = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
    in the clientTCP class and in connection class .. this problem that it seem that the server doesn't get the object send by the Client .. can any one help me ..
    This is the code for the object to be send:
    public class Msgmsg{
    private String type;
    private String cur1;
    private String cur2;
    private double value;
    Msgmsg(String type,String cur1,String cur2,double value){
    void setType (String type){this.type = type;}
    void setCur1 (String cur1){this.cur1=cur1;}
    void setCur2 (String cur2){this.cur2=cur2;}
    void setValue(double value){this.value=value;}
    String getType (){return type;}
    String getCur1 (){return cur1;}
    String getCur2 (){return cur2;}
    double getValue(){return value;}
    This is the code for TCPServer
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class TCPServer implements Serializable{
    public static void main (String args[]){
    int serverPort =8080;
    ServerSocket listenSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort);
    Socket clientSocket = listenSocket.accept();
    Connection c = new Connection(clientSocket);
    catch (IOException e){System.out.println("listen: "+e.getMessage());}
    This is the connection class
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    class Connection extends Thread{
    ObjectInputStream in;
    ObjectOutputStream out;
    Socket clientSocket;
    public Connection (Socket aClientSocket){
    clientSocket = aClientSocket;
    in = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
    out = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
    catch (IOException e){System.out.println("Connection: "+e.getMessage());}
    public void run(){
    Msgmsg message =(Msgmsg) in.readObject();
    if (message.getType().equals("Request")){
    if (message.getCur1().equals("Dollar")&&
    double changeValue = message.getValue();
    changeValue = changeValue * 71 / 100;
    if (message.getCur1().equals("Dinar")&&
    double changeValue = message.getValue();
    changeValue = changeValue * 100 / 71;
    else {
    message.setCur1("Undefined Currency");
    message.setCur2("Undefined Currency");
    message.setType("Undefined Message");
    message.setCur1("Error Message");
    message.setCur2("Error Message");
    catch(EOFException e){System.out.println("EOF: "+e.getMessage());}
    catch(IOException e){System.out.println("IO "+e.getMessage());}
    catch(ClassNotFoundException e){System.out.println("Class: "+e.getMessage());}
    finally {
    catch(IOException e){/*close failed*/}
    This is the code for TCPClient
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class TCPClient implements Serializable{
    public static void main (String args[]){
    Msgmsg message;
    Socket s = null;
    ObjectInputStream in;
    ObjectOutputStream out;
    message = new Msgmsg("Request","Dinar","Dollar",50.5);
    int serverPort = 8080;
    s = new Socket("localhost",serverPort);
    in = new ObjectInputStream(s.getInputStream());
    out = new ObjectOutputStream (s.getOutputStream());
    message = (Msgmsg)in.readObject();
    System.out.println("Recieved1: "+message.getType());
    System.out.println("Recieved2: "+message.getCur1());
    System.out.println("Recieved3: "+message.getCur2());
    System.out.println("Recieved4: "+message.getValue());
    catch(UnknownHostException e){System.out.println("Sock: "+e.getMessage());}
    catch(EOFException e){System.out.println("EOF: "+e.getMessage());}
    catch(IOException e){System.out.println("IO: "+e.getMessage());}
    catch(ClassNotFoundException e){System.out.println("Class: "+e.getMessage());}
    finally {
    if (s!=null)
    }catch (IOException e){System.out.println("Close: "+e.getMessage());}
    Thanks for ur time

    You need to create ObjectOutputStream first and
    flush() it before creating the ObjectInputStreamwhat the difference I work these clases like another clases I have but the problem here is difference .. coz Imake tracing but it couldn't reach the following code:
    in = new ObjectInputStream(s.getInputStream);
    out = new ObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputStream);

  • About callable object-send notification

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    when i create a callable object-send notification,when i test it,an exception occurs:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataHandler
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        at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.model.fnd.mail.MailFactory.sendMail(MailFactory.java:396)
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    Hi Jorgen,
    This behavior is completely normal. It can seem awkward but what you described is somehow logical.
    Let's say you have three actions, the second one is the email notification. When completing the first action, the second action is triggered. As it is a background callable object, it is put into the queue and wait for processing. As the refresh of the screen is faster than the processing of the callable object, the next action (the third) is not yet active/ready to be processed.
    When the email is sent (i.e. the background callable object executed), a callback takes place and the next activity is triggered. Then, the 3 action is active and can be shown.
    Due to technical restriction of Web Dynpro, it is not possible to refresh the screen when the action is ready to be processed. The user has to refresh it explictly.
    With SP12, the processing of the queue has been improved and it's much more faster than before. The "problem" you noticed shouldn't be there anymore.
    Hope this helps.

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    I first noticed the problem about 3 weeks ago while travelling across the country (Canada).  (I do recall about that time there was an update of my IOS and I also for my wife purchased from the Bell store an iPhone which shares my Apple account.)  Prior to that everything worked well for a couple of years.
    I noticed earlier this month that the iPad received mail fine but would not send at night using the motels’ WiFi.  During the day, using my 3G account, all worked fine.  I phoned Bell but was told that my experience was normal so I thought no more about it until I returned home and found the same problem at the house.  I called Bell again and worked for 2 hours with 3 Bell technicians who succeeded in getting the iPad to neither send nor receive and gave up advising me to take the iPad into a Bell store to have it looked at.  I did that and the young technician got the iPad sending and receiving by changing the        smtp.bellaliant.net      to         mail.1xbell.ca
    However, when I returned home again, I realized that it was working on my 3G and still doesn’t send on my WiFi
    I’m looking for any suggestions that might solve this annoying problem?

    iOS: Unable to send or receive email
    Can’t Send Emails on iPad – Troubleshooting Steps
    Setting up and troubleshooting Mail
    Server does not allow relaying email error, fix
    Why Does My iPad Say "Cannot Connect to Server"?
    iOS: 'Mailbox Locked', account is in use on another device, or prompt to re-enter POP3 password
    iPad Mail
    Configuration problems with IMAP e-mail on iOS with a non-standard SSL port.
    http://colinrobbins.me/2013/02/09/configuration-problems-with-imap-e-mail-on-ios -with-a-non-standard-ssl-port/
    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.)
    Or this - Delete the account in Mail and then set it up again. Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Accounts   Tap on the Account, then on the red button that says Remove Account.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Rfc sender problem(sap r/3 -se37) 'alternativeServiceIdentifier: party/serv

    Rfc sender problem: While executing the rfc in sap r/3 system
    It is showing abap run time errors are
    'alternativeServiceIdentifier: party/service from channel
    configuration are not       
    (i have taken hint from this weblog /people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/03/29/configuring-the-sender-rfc-adapter--step-by-step)
    These are the configuration at sap xi and sap r/3 system
    1) SAP XI (ID)
    I have created rfc sender commuication channel in I.D.
          Rfc server Parameters->
                A.S.(Gateway)-> server    {sap r/3 server name}
                A.S.S.(Gateway) -> sapgw00 
                program id         -> PDPT
         AND RFC Metadata repository parameter
    2)SAP R/3 (SM59)
        Rfc destination ->  PPPP
        Connection type -> T
        Technical Settings->
             (*)  Registered Server Program
          Program ID  ->    PDPT
    Gate way options
          Gateway host -> server
          gateway service -> sapgw00
    Testconnection-> connected
    3) testing rfc at sap r/3(se37)
    But when i am executing a rfc in sap system
    Rfc target system -> PPPP
    and some import parameters
    and it is showing the error message as
    'alternativeServiceIdentifier: party/service from channel
    configuration are not  '
    4)SAP R/3( SMGW)
    Please help me how to solve this problem

    SAP Note 730870 FAQ: XI 3.0 RfcAdapter Q.no 15
    <i>Q 15: Whats wrong when the error message "lookup of alternativeServiceIdentifier via CPA-cache failed" shows up while sending a RFC call to the RfcAdapter?
    A: A RFC sender channel is located beneath a service within the Integration Directory. Within this service choose "Service" -> "Adapter-Specific Identifiers". The values in the fields "R/3 System ID" and "Client" has to be maintained with the correct values of the system, that sends the RFC call to the RfcAdapter. It normaly only makes sense to have these values filled for services of type "Business System". If maintained in SLD, this fields will be filled automaticaly for services of type "Business System" and can be updated with the button "Compare with System Landscape Directory".</i>
    - Give correct appserver and gateway service details in XI.
    - Open the service holding the RFC adapter you are trying to use. On the top menu, goto Service -> Adapter Specific Identifiers..

  • A new clue to the Apple Mail sending problems?

    In my continuing efforts to fix the SMTP/POP mail failures with Apple mail, I've noticed a glitch that some of you more advanced readers might be able to decipher.
    After lots of fruitless messing around with port numbers, preferences, and keychain fix attempts, what did work for me (temporarily) was a cleaning out of all the servers listed on the mail account options window, and then putting the original names and other info back in. Somehow, the mail app is spontaneously generating multiple combinations of server names, usually the original server name, plus a user name, the server name again, or some other redundant combination.
    As I use mail to manage two separate POP accounts, sometimes it also creates hybrid server names by combining the server/user name pieces across both accounts.
    This appears to happen entirely on its own; I had mail working for about 90 minutes, then it fell into this problem again. I'll probably have to keep cleaning it out, like a boat owner scraping barnacles off the hull, until Apple offers some kind of a patch.
    Has anyone else who has the nagging "can't send SMTP mail" problem seen this phenomenon in their server/account preferences specs? If so, any ideas on how to stop this madness?

    You haven’t said what the problem was in your case, i.e. what error message did you get when sending, if any, whether the mail account and the associated outgoing (SMTP) server were provided by your ISP or by someone else, etc.
    Mail doesn’t spontaneoulsy generate outgoing server entries, but it keeps information about outgoing (SMTP) servers in a separate list independently of the mail accounts themselves. The account settings just associate one of the available outgoing servers with each account. Deleting an account doesn’t remove from the list the outgoing server that was associated with it. Orphaned or dangling outgoing server entries (i.e. not associated with any account) sometimes cause weird sending problems, and could very well have been the problem in your case as well.
    As you appear to have already found out, you may go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Account Information > Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), choose Edit Server List from the popup menu, and delete any servers that shouldn’t be there — the Edit Server List panel shows the account each outgoing server is associated with.

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    Parallels desktop 7
    I have old version of XP, parallels does not detect (virtual machine is  not available) when I locate, set up.exe is grey
    I am unable to send problem report? please check network settings and try again, my network settings are working, I'm sendint this thread?? emails sending and recieving, any help would be really appreciated

    You ain't gonna believe this but:
    In 2006 I tried half heartedly to set up parallels and just took a look at a response I got, it suggested.
    There's a bug in the Apple firmware in the Mac Pro that prevents the hardware virtualization support that's built into the processor from being used. Since you will be running a VM (Virtual Machine) to install your guest OS, hardware virtualization support will let your VM run directly on the processor hardware. Without Vt-X support, software emulation is required, which is many times slower.
    Sometimes, putting your Mac to sleep and waking it up will allow getting around the Apple bug and allow Vt-X to work, speeding up your VM.
    Well I just put mine to sleep and the bloody thing downloaded perfectly, go figure.
    Shootist, you were perfectly correct, I was just frustrated and was trying anything.
    Actually Tempelton, I put it here and parallels because I think it's a combo problem, but, thanks for your help anyway mate. Also, I do like a little Robert Johnson matter of fact the Blues Bros were real good at sweet home chicago too
    Thanks all

  • JNDI NIS object access problem

    JNDI NIS object access problem:
    Hi all,
    After long fight, i'm now able to connect to my NIS server on my network. the initial context factory is 'com.sun.jndi.nis.NISCtxFactory' and provider url are given and i obtain namingennumeration of items in the NIS directory.
    purpose of my project:
    using ypcat command we can view the services,passwd,host... objects in unix.
    my project requirement is that i shd open this 'services' object in java (using JNDI probably) and shd access its content.
    i'm able to obtain the object and the type of this object is 'NISCtxServices' defined in 'com.sun.jndi.nis.NISCtxFactory' package, but all the classes and methods except some are not public and so im not able to use almost all the methods in this class 'NISCtxServices' .
    Can any one help me in accessing the information inside this object.
    Thanks in advance! and i'm waiting!

    It's because JFrame does not have a public progessbar variable, only your subclass has that.
    //change this
    JFrame frame = new ProgressBarDemo();
    //to this
    ProgressBarDemo frame = new ProgressBarDemo();

  • Mail locked up because of sending problem.  How do I stop the send function?

    Mail locked up because of sending problem.  How do I stop the send function?

    Didn't help.  Wound up talking to A Support & deleting the cache in my Library Mail file then restarting.  Thanks anyway.

  • Adobe Send - Problem with uploading files. When is this going to get fixed?

    When is the Adobe Send problem with uploading files going to get fixed. Similar to others - I have tried and tried to make Adobe Send work and get an error. I have tried to upload the file and it looks like it uploads and then - it is nowhere to be found.
    I then go to Adobe Send Now and it works fine.

    The problem is the same as described in other similar threads.
    I have a 57 MB PowerPoint file I am trying to send using Adobe Send. I go through the normal steps to identify the file and select recipients and then send the file. After the file completes the upload - an error saying there was a problem comes up and the file is not uploaded.
    I have tried to upload the file to the site with similar results - error and the file doesn't go.
    I can go to the old SendNow site and it works flawlessly.
    If I need to get screenshots - let me know. There are several other threads describing this same problem. It isn't something new or not heard of before.
    Sent from my iPod

  • Yahoo! Mail send problem

    Hello all, anyone know when we will see a fix for the Yahoo! Mail sending problem? (This is when the iphone appears to have sent an email by playing the "swoosh" sent mail sound, but the message was not sent, the way users have been getting Yahoo! Mail to send again is by turning their iphone off then back on).

    For what it's worth I also had this problem with Yahoo mail on my iPhone. After getting tired of waiting for Yahoo to do something about it, I decided to cancel my Premium Yahoo account and switch to Gmail. I have to tell you Gmail has been amazing and I haven't looked back since. IMAP Gmail on my iPhone has made my email experience a pure joy.
    BTW - I had my Yahoo account for over 7 years. And did you know that Yahoo is an acronym for You Always Have Other Options? Well I took them up on their advice since I wasn't too impressed with their service! My 2 cents.

  • "Send" Problem with Mail

    When I reply to an email in Mail, the "send" button in the reply message windeow is greyed out and will not function. This has occured since the machine was updated to OS X Tiger. What is the fix?

    In case you're missing something, instructions for setting up an AOL account in Mail can be found here:
    The instructions are for Mail 1.3, but they can be used for Mail 2.x as well, noting that the Special Mailboxes preference pane is called Mailbox Behaviors in Mail 2.x.
    You may also want to read the more general guide the above article is part of:
    Accessing the AOL Mail System using IMAP - An Unofficial Guide
    Also, Mail Help has some articles devoted to sending problems, e.g. I can't send email or I can't send email because the connection to the server on port 25 timed out. You may want to take a look at them in case there is something there that applies to you. Something that usually works is changing the outgoing server port to 587 instead of 25.

  • Issue :  Child view object refresh problem,

    Hi ,
    Child view object refresh problem,
    Detail expaination of problem with DEPT and Emp table:
    I have two pages first.jspx and secound.jspx
    In the First page we are showing one department and All Employee blongs to that department. Employees are shown in table format.
    and i have duplicate button in table--> this will create a duplication record of selected employee by calling application module
    and the control moves to sencound page to show the newly created Employee details.
    From secound form am returning back with some action button to previous page to the same dept , The newly created records are not showing in the table [but the database has newly crated].
    How do i refresh the child view object ?

    Hi Frank,
    We are creating new record from the AM with help of ADFBC.
    Would like know how to refresh UI Datacollection and AM view objects.. ? i have added vo.executeQuery in AM . But the changes not reflecting in UI,
    Thanks for the reply... am ready to give any other info required,,,

  • Applet-servlet communication, object serialization, problem

    I encountered a problem with tomcat 5.5. Grazing the whole web i didn't find any solution (some guys are having the same problem but they also got no useful hint up to now). The problem is as follows:
    I try to build an applet-servlet communication using serialized objects. In my test scenario i write a serialized standard java object (e.g. a String object) onto the ObjectOutputStream of the applet/test-application (it doesn't matters wheter to use the first or the latter one for test cases) and the doPost method of the servlet reads the object from the ObjectInputStream. That works fine. But if i use customized objects (which should also work fine) the same code produces an classnotfound exception. When i try to read and cast the object:
    TestMessage e = (TestMessage)objin.readObject();
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: TestMessage
        at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1359)
        at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1205)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:319)
    ...That seems strange to me, because if i instantiate an object of the same customized class (TestMessage) in the servlet code, the webappclassloader doesn't have any problems loading and handling the class and the code works fine!
    The class is located in the web-inf/classes directory of the application. I've already tried to put the class (with and without the package structure) into the common/classes and server/classes directory, but the exception stays the same (I've also tried to build a jar and put it in the appropriate lib directories).
    I've also tried to catch a Throwable object in order to get information on the cause. But i get a "null" value (the docu says, that this will may be caused by an unknown error).
    I've also inspected the log files intensively. But they gave me no hint. Until now I've spend a lot of time on searching and messing around but i always get this classnotfound exception.
    I hope this is the right place to post this problem and i hope that there is anyone out there who can give me some hint on solving this problem.
    Kindly regards,

    hi, thanks for the reply,
    all my classes are in the web-inf/classes of the web-app and have an appropriate package structure. thus the TestMessage class is inside a package.
    i tried some names for the testclass but it didn't matter. the exception stays the same. I also tried to put the jar in the common/lib but the problem stays.
    Well the problem with loaded classes: As i mentioned in the post above i can instantiate an object of TestMessage in the code without any problems (so the classloader of my webapp should know the class!!)
    only when reading from the objectinputstream the classloader doesn't seem to know the class?? maybe theres a parent classloader resposible for that and doesn't know the class?
    strange behaviour...
    p.s. sending the same object from the servlet to the client works well
    Message was edited by:

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