Folder node in smart form

hi all
what is the use of folder node in smartforms

Folder node is used to create the page protection and also the combining  the the related fields into one
mainly this very helpful when the total area to be displayed at the end of table and the space allotted for it can be used to dispaly the items if the no of items r more

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          can any one tell me how to print the address usin the address node in smartforms....pls explain me in detail...
    thank you.

    Hi Neelima,
    Create a Address Node to print the addres of particular object like vendor, customer, plant, company address etc...
    for example vendor address
    To Print the address, you need to declare a variable VENDOR_ADRNR TYPE ADRNR in Form interface Import Parameters.
    Get the Vendor Address Number from LFA1 Table and pass the value to the form interface parameter when you call the smartform function module in the print program.
    Pass this to Address number &VENDOR_ADRNR& in the address number field, then the system will get the address of the vendor automatically.

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    Hi Lisa,
    Yes. You can apply conditions to any of the windows(Not only main) and any of the textelements/Address texts, Tables, Templates.
    These are addtional events apart from the Conditions you have defined in the conditions.
    Please award for all useful answers.
    SAP Help on additional Events :<a href="">Additonal Events in Smartforms</a>
    Message was edited by: Lanka Murthy

  • Smart Forms: Adress nodes

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    In the adress-node in Smart Forms you can only define the number of lines, that are used for the output. If you use e.g. 4 lines the output looks something like this:
    <b>  company name
      street 123
    Is it possible to write the adress with the Smart Forms adress-node in only one line, like this?
    <b>  company name, street 123, city, state</b>
    Best regards,

    Use function
    <b>ADDRESS_INTO_PRINTFORM</b> How <b>many line u</b> want address u can specify in function.
    Address format according to Post Office guidelines
    see FM documentation.
    Note. It's enough to import two parameters:
    ADDRESS_TYPE = 1 (Firm or Organization, SAP Address)
    <b>ADDR_GET</b> Get address
    Hope this will be useful.

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    I am using the Address Node in Smart Forms to print the Addresses in Tax Invoice Printing. How to get the address details for the One-Time Customers which is stored in the BSEC table using the same Address Function.
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    Any suggestion or idea.
    Thanks & best regards

    Hi and thanks for the fast reply,
    I have created a smartstyle and also a characterformat for the barcode. This is not the problem.
    I call the layout via HRFORMS. The Form Builder for Smart Forms is called and the Editor for the text nodes is preset and is the MS Word editor. This cannot be changed. I tried different things also in the settings. The normal text editor cannot be called.
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    So maybe I have to work like this for now. Swich between HRFORMS and SMARTFORMS when working with barcodes. In the Smart Forms transaction it is the normal editor where I can see the paragraph/ character formats from smartstyle.
    Thanks and best regards

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    we can say Template is just for a static value and table is for dynamic values..
    Template can be heading columns for a table (constant)
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    material   Plant }Template
    1                   nl09       }- table first row
    2                  lt01
    23                 It09
    reward if useful

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    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Feb 18, 2009 9:52 AM
    Please use meaningfull subject titles

    Hi Ravichandra,
    You will find the similar threads and search in SDN
    Re: Complex Section in Smart Form
    Re: complex section of main window :  smart forms


    Hi all
    Hi All,
    I am designing a Smart form. i have 5 page . In my page2 (main window ) i call a command node to call page 3 with some condition it's working fine and now i going to call another page in my page2 (main window ) just behind the first command node to call the page3 but the problem is my first command take the cursor in the page3 but not come on page2 (main window ) and gives error .
    Kuldeep Singh

    when the first command get executed, then the control moves into the new page....
    but ur second command is in old page, i mean from where u called ur first command... then the control is in one page, and the command is in another page...then how can u get that executed...?
    here do one thing, using first command u r calling one page, in that page place this secod command, then after executing that page, u can get the required one using the second command...
    hope its clear.
    if any doubts, plz revert back.

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             I need the internal explanation for both Smart Forms and SAP Scripts mean when we execute what happens whether Print Program r Forms starts execution 1st  and SIMILARLY FOR SMARTFORMS WHETHER FM'S  R FORMS.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Difference with SMARTFORMS vs. SapScript(SE71)
    The Following are the differences :-
    a) Multiple page formats are possible in smartforms which is not the case in SAPScripts
    b) It is possible to have a smartform without a main window .
    c) Labels cannot be created in smartforms.
    d) Routines can be written in smartforms tool.
    e) Smartforms generates a function module when activated.
    f) Unlike sapscripts (RSTXSCRP), you cannot upload/download Smartform to your local harddisk.
    It was said that it was provided in CRM 3.0 version, but not available in R/3. You can download smartforms into Local PC in a XML format. In the same way you can upload this XML format into Smartform. From the smartform editor itself you can call download option, if you are working in CRM 3.0 environment.
    In R3 also, you can download into XML format. However, it's not sure about uploading. Refer to the program 'SF_XSF_DEMO'.
    In 4.7 Enterprise, other have seen this utlity which is completey missing in 4.6c. There is functionality to downlaod a complete form or only a particular node. (Utilities -> Download form). It will create a XML file and save it in the hard disk.
    For others, if you want to download/upload the Smartforms source, you will need the help from the Basis people. What you can do is to create a Transport and then FTP down to your local harddisk. When you need the Smartform source in another system, you have FTP up the Smartforms file back to the SAP server. Finally, the Basis team, will tp it into your system.
    g) The protect and endprotect command in sapscript doesn't work with smartforms. For example on a invoice: First data of position no 80. is printed on page one, other data of position no 80 is printed on page 2. And there's nothing you can do about it. Actually, there is something you can do about it. By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected.
    check out this link:
    Reward points if helpful.

  • How to use protect and endprotect in smart form

    hi to all experts,
                        im still begineer in smart form , i have two headings like
    company_code:              purchase doc no:
    after this i have a table to be displayed with four columns
    what i want is the whole data should not be split by a page break
    i know this can be achieved by using protect and end protect in sap scripts how to implement in smart form

    probably u have the table inside a loop or a folder or something....
    see this
    Page protection attribute
    Switch for page protection.
    Page protection switch.
    In some cases you may want to avoid that text is divided by a page break. Therefore, you can protect text sections with a page protection.
    Page protection can extend to
    a paragraph
    a text node
    all output within a folder, for example, several text nodes combined in this folder.
    a line type (table node)
    If on the current page there is not enough space left for the protected text, it is displayed entirely on the next page.
    So u can page protect a line in table...
    in the table node..goto tables tab and click the details tab-->select the line type and check the 'no page break'
    check box

  • What is the use of FOLDER NODE in SMARTFORMS?

    what is the use of FOLDER NODE in SMARTFORMS?
    please explain.

    By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected.
    How to create a New smartfrom, it is having step by step procedure
    Here is the procedure
    1. Create a new smartforms
    Transaction code SMARTFORMS
    Create new smartforms call ZSMART
    2. Define looping process for internal table
    Pages and windows
    First Page -> Header Window (Cursor at First Page then click Edit -> Node -> Create)
    Here, you can specify your title and page numbering
    &SFSY-PAGE& (Page 1) of &SFSY-FORMPAGES(Z4.0)& (Total Page)
    Main windows -> TABLE -> DATA
    In the Loop section, tick Internal table and fill in
    ITAB1 (table in ABAP SMARTFORM calling function) INTO ITAB2
    3. Define table in smartforms
    Global settings :
    Form interface
    Variable name Type assignment Reference type
    ITAB1 TYPE Table Structure
    Global definitions
    Variable name Type assignment Reference type
    ITAB2 TYPE Table Structure
    4. To display the data in the form
    Make used of the Table Painter and declare the Line Type in Tabstrips Table
    e.g. HD_GEN for printing header details,
    IT_GEN for printing data details.
    You have to specify the Line Type in your Text elements in the Tabstrips Output options.
    Tick the New Line and specify the Line Type for outputting the data.
    Declare your output fields in Text elements
    Tabstrips - Output Options
    For different fonts use this Style : IDWTCERTSTYLE
    For Quantity or Amout you can used this variable &GS_ITAB-AMOUNT(12.2)&
    5. Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program
    Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program.
    Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once to SMARTFORMS
    Declare your table type in :-
    Global Settings -> Form Interface
    Global Definintions -> Global Data
    Main Window -> Table -> DATA
    Written by : SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and ABAP/4 Programming
    At the end of your program.
    Passing data to SMARTFORMS
    call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
    formname = 'ZSMARTFORM'
    VARIANT = ' '
    DIRECT_CALL = ' '
    NO_FORM = 1
    OTHERS = 3.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: / 'ERROR 1'.
    call function FM_NAME
    SEND_ERROR = 3
    OTHERS = 5.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    for Smartforms material
    How to trace smartform
    Re: Need FAQ's
    check most imp link
    step by step good ex link is....
    Reward all helpfull answers

  • Regarding smart forms (really urgent)

    i am new to smartforms and i got report to make changes in the smart forms,plzz help me out as i know nothing about the smart forms by providing me it in easiest & simplest form.
    if find useful help will be deifnately rewarded.
    Edited by: ric .s on Mar 6, 2008 5:16 AM

    This Smartform Information I read, really helped me out.
    I think it would be of some good help to you too..
    What is SAP Smart Forms?
    SAP Smart Forms is introduced in SAP Basis Release 4.6C as the tool for creating and maintaining forms. 
    SAP Smart Forms allow you to execute simple modifications to the form and in the form logic by using simple graphical tools; in 90% of all cases, this won't include any programming effort. Thus, a power user without any programming knowledge can  configure forms with data from an SAP System for the relevant business processes.
    To print a form, you need a program for data retrieval and a Smart Form that contains the entire from logic. As data retrieval and form logic are separated, you must only adapt the Smart Form if changes to the form logic are necessary. The application program passes the data via a function module interface to the Smart Form. When activating the Smart Form, the system automatically generates a function module. At runtime, the system processes this function module.
    You can insert static and dynamic tables. This includes line feeds in individual table cells, triggering events for table headings and subtotals, and sorting data before output.
    You can check individual nodes as well as the entire form and find any existing errors in the tree structure. The data flow analysis checks whether all fields (variables) have a defined value at the moment they are displayed.
    SAP Smart Forms allow you to include graphics, which you can display either as part of the form or as background graphics. You use background graphics to copy the layout of an existing (scanned) form or to lend forms a company-specific look. During printout, you can suppress the background graphic, if desired.
    SAP Smart Forms also support postage optimizing.
    Also read SAP Note No. 168368 - Smart Forms: New form tool in Release 4.6C
    What Transaction to start SAP Smart Forms?
    Execute transaction SMARTFORMS to start SAP Smart Forms.
    Key Benefits of SAP Smart Forms:
    SAP Smart Forms allows you to reduce considerably the implementation costs of solutions since forms can be adjusted in minimum time. 
    You design a form using the graphical Form Painter and the graphical Table Painter. The form logic is represented by a hierarchy structure (tree structure) that consists of individual nodes, such as nodes for global settings, nodes for texts, nodes for output tables, or nodes for graphics.
    To make changes, use Drag & Drop, Copy & Paste, and select different attributes.
    These actions do not include writing of coding lines or using a Script language.
    Using your form description maintained in the Form Builder, Smart Forms generates a function module that encapsulates layout, content and form logic. So you do not need a group of function modules to print a form, but only one. 
    For Web publishing, the system provides a generated XML output of the processed form.
    Smart Forms provides a data stream called XML for Smart Forms (XSF) to allow the use of 3rd party printing tools. XSF passes form content from R/3 to an external product without passing any layout information about the Smart Form.
    Advantages of SAP Smart Forms
    1. The adaption of forms is supported to a large extent by graphic tools for layout and logic, so that no programming knowledge is necessary (at least 90% of all adjustments). Therefore, power user forms can also make configurations for your business processes with data from an SAP system. Consultants are only required in special cases.
    2. Displaying table structures (dynamic framing of texts)
    3. Output of background graphics, for form design in particular the use of templates which were scanned.
    4. Colored output of texts
    5. User-friendly and integrated Form Painter for the graphical design of forms
    6. Graphical Table Painter for drawing tables
    7. Reusing Font and paragraph formats in forms (Smart Styles)
    8. Data interface in XML format (XML for Smart Forms, in short XSF)
    9. Form translation is supported by standard translation tools
    10. Flexible reuse of text modules
    11. HTML output of forms (Basis release 6.10)
    12. Interactive Web forms with input fields, pushbuttons, radio buttons, etc. (Basis-Release 6.10)
    A Simple Smartform Tutorial 
    SAP Smartforms can be used for creating and maintaining forms for mass printing in SAP Systems. The output medium for Smartforms support printer, fax, e-mail, or the Internet (by using the generated XML output). 
    According to SAP, you need neither have any programming knowledge nor use a Script language to adapt standard forms. However, basic ABAP programming skills are required only in special cases (for example, to call a function module you created or for complex and extensive conditions). 
    1. Create a new smartforms
    Transaction code SMARTFORMS
    Create new smartforms call ZSMART
    2. Define looping process for internal table 
              Pages and windows
    •     First Page -> Header Window (Cursor at First Page then click Edit -> Node -> Create)
    Here, you can specify your title and page numbering
    &SFSY-PAGE& (Page 1) of &SFSY-FORMPAGES(Z4.0)& (Total Page) 
    •     Main windows -> TABLE -> DATA
    •     In the Loop section, tick Internal table and fill in
    •     ITAB1 (table in ABAP SMARTFORM calling function) INTO ITAB2
    3. Define table in smartforms
               Global settings :
               Form interface
               Variable name    Type assignment   Reference type
               ITAB1               TYPE                  Table Structure
               Global definitions
               Variable name    Type assignment   Reference type
               ITAB2               TYPE                  Table Structure 
    4. To display the data in the form 
        Make used of the Table Painter and declare the Line Type in Tabstrips Table
         e.g.  HD_GEN for printing header details,
                 IT_GEN  for printing data details. 
         You have to specify the Line Type in your Text elements in the Tabstrips Output options.
          Tick the New Line and specify the Line Type for outputting the data.
          Declare your output fields in Text elements 
          Tabstrips - Output Options
          For different fonts use this Style : IDWTCERTSTYLE
          For Quantity or Amout you can used this variable &GS_ITAB-AMOUNT(12.2)&
    5. Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program 
    Calling SMARTFORMS from your ABAP program.
    Collecting all the table data in your program, and pass once to SMARTFORMS
    Declare your table type in :-
    Global Settings -> Form Interface
    Global Definintions -> Global Data
    Main Window -> Table -> DATA
    Written by :  SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and ABAP/4 Programming
    At the end of your program.
    Passing data to SMARTFORMS 
    call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME'
        formname                 = 'ZSMARTFORM'
      VARIANT                  = ' '
      DIRECT_CALL              = ' '
        FM_NAME                  = FM_NAME
        NO_FORM                  = 1
        NO_FUNCTION_MODULE       = 2
        OTHERS                   = 3. 
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
       WRITE: / 'ERROR 1'.
    call function FM_NAME
      ARCHIVE_INDEX              =
      ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB          =
      ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS         =
      CONTROL_PARAMETERS         =
      MAIL_APPL_OBJ              =
      MAIL_RECIPIENT             =
      MAIL_SENDER                =
      OUTPUT_OPTIONS             =
      USER_SETTINGS              = 'X'
      JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            =
      JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
        GS_MKPF                    = INT_MKPF
        FORMATTING_ERROR           = 1
        INTERNAL_ERROR             = 2
        SEND_ERROR                 = 3
        USER_CANCELED              = 4
        OTHERS                     = 5. 
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    Additional Fonts for your SMARTFORMS 
    You can create additional fonts and style with transaction SMARTSTYLES
    This can then be define in the paragraph and character formats, which you can then be assign to texts and fields in the Smart Form. 
    The character formats includes effects such as superscript, subscript, barcode and font attributes.
    Difference with SMARTFORMS vs. SapScript(SE71)
    The Following are the differences :-
    a) Multiple page formats are possible in smartforms which is not the case in SAPScripts
    b) It is possible to have a smartform without a main window .
    c) Labels cannot be created in smartforms.
    d) Routines can be written in smartforms tool.
    e) Smartforms generates a function module when activated.
    f) Unlike sapscripts (RSTXSCRP), you cannot upload/download Smartform to your local harddisk. 
    It was said that it was provided in CRM 3.0 version, but not available in R/3.  You can download smartforms into Local PC in a XML format.  In the same way you can upload this XML format into Smartform.  From the smartform editor itself you can call download option, if you are working in CRM 3.0 environment. 
    In R3 also, you can download into XML format. However, it's not sure about uploading. Refer to the program 'SF_XSF_DEMO'.
    In 4.7 Enterprise, other have seen this utlity which is completey missing in 4.6c. There is functionality to downlaod a complete form or only a particular node. (Utilities -> Download form). It will create a XML file and save it in the hard disk. 
    For others, if you want to download/upload the Smartforms source, you will need the help from the Basis people.  What you can do is to create a Transport and then FTP down to your local harddisk.   When you need the Smartform source in another system, you have FTP up the Smartforms file back to the SAP server.  Finally, the Basis team, will tp it into your system.
    g) The protect and endprotect command in sapscript doesn't work with smartforms. For example on a invoice: First data of position no 80. is printed on page one, other data of position no 80 is printed on page 2. And there's nothing you can do about it.  Actually, there is something you can do about it.  By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected.
    FAQ on Migrating SAPscript to SmartForms
    Is it possible to migrate a SAPscript form to a Smart Form? 
    Smart Forms provides a migration tool for this purpose which migrates layout and texts of a SAPscript form to a Smart Form. It does not migrate SAPscript form logic of the print program. Using Smart Forms, this logic is described by the tree structure of the Form Builder. The effort involved in migrating it depends on the complexity of the print program. 
    Which Basis Release do I need to use SAP Smart Forms? 
    SAP Smart Forms is available as of R/3 Basis Release 4.6C. 
    I have heard that Smart Forms replaces SAPscript. What does "replace" mean? 
    It does not mean that SAPscript is removed from the Basis shipment. Even as of Basis Release 4.6C, SAPscript remains part of the SAP standard and there are no plans to remove it. Since Smart Forms is currently, and will continue to be, the tool for form maintenance for solutions, our further development efforts will focus on Smart Forms, not on SAPscript.
    Do we have to migrate all SAPscript forms to Smart Forms? 
    There is no point in migrating all SAPscript forms already in use. Since SAPscript can still be used and will be available in the future, there is no need to. If you plan to migrate a SAPscript form, it is recommended that you check whether benefit is worth the effort involved
    Conversion of SAPSCRIPT to SMARTFORMS
    SAP provides a conversion for SAPscript documents to SMARTforms.
    This is basically a function module, called FB_MIGRATE_FORM. You can  start this function module by hand (via SE37), or create a small ABAP which migrates all SAPscript forms automatically.
    You can also do this one-by-one in transaction SMARTFORMS, under 
    Utilities -> Migrate SAPscript form.
    You could also write a small batch program calling transaction SMARTFORMS and running the migration tool.
    SmartForms System Fields
    Within a form you can use the field string SFSY with its system fields. During form processing  the system replaces these fields with the corresponding values. The field values come from the  SAP System or are results of the processing.
    System fields of Smart Forms
    Displays the date. You determine the display format in the user master record.
    Displays the time of day in the form HH:MM:SS.
    Inserts the number of the current print page into the text. You determine the  format of the page number (for example, Arabic, numeric) in the page node. 
    Displays the total number of pages for the currently processed form. This  allows you to include texts such as'Page x of y' into your output. 
    Contains the total page number of all forms in the currently processed print  request. 
    Contains the name of the current window (string in the Window field)
    Contains the name of the current page (string in the Page field)
    Is set to 'X' after a page break (either automatic [Page 7] or  command-controlled [Page 46])
    Is set as soon as processing of the main window on the current page ends
    Contains the name of the raised exception. You must trigger your own  exceptions, which you defined in the form interface, using the user_exception macro (syntax:  user_exception <exception name >).
    Example Forms Available in Standard SAP R/3
    Simple example; invoice with table output of flight booking for one customer
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_01 but with subtotals
    Similar to SF_EXAMPLE_02, whereby several customers are selected in the application program; the  form is called for each customer and all form outputs are included in an output request
    Smart forms Frequently Asked Questions
    Forcing a page break within table loop
    Create a loop around the table. Put a Command node before the table in the loop that forces a NEWPAGE on whatever condition you want. Then only loop through a subset of the internal table (based on the conditions in the Command node) of the elements in the Table node. 
    Font style and Font size
    Goto Transaction SMARTSTYLES. 
    There you can create Paragraph formats etc just like in sapscript. 
    Then in your window under OUTPUT OPTIONS you include this SMARTSTYLE and use the Paragraph and character formats. 
    Line in Smartform
    Either you can use a window that takes up the width of your page and only has a height of 1 mm. 
    Then you put a frame around it (in window output options). 
    Thus you have drawn a box but it looks like a line. 
    Or you can just draw "__" accross the page and play with the fonts so that it joins each UNDER_SCORE. 
    Difference between 'forminterface' and 'global definitions' in global settings of smart forms
    The Difference is as follows. 
    To put it very simply: 
    Form Interface is where you declare what must be passed in and out of the smartform (in from the print program to the smartform and out from the smartform to the print program). 
    Global defs. is where you declare data to be used within the smartform on a global scope. 
    ie: anything you declare here can be used in any other node in the form. 
    Smartforms function module name 
    Once you have activated the smartform, go to the environment -> function module name. There you can get the name of funtion module name. 
    The key thing is the program that calls it. for instance, the invoice SMARTFORM LB_BIL_INVOICE is ran by the program RLB_INVOICE. 
    This program uses another FM to determine the name of the FM to use itself. The key thing is that when it calls this FM (using a variable to store the actual name), that the parameters match the paramters in your smartform.
    Another thing to note is that the FM name will change wherever the SF is transported to. 
    So you need to use the FM to determine the name of the SF. 
    Here is the code that can be use to determine the internal name of the function module: 
        if sf_label(1) <> '/'.    " need to resolve by name 
          move sf_label to externalname. 
          call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' 
                    formname           = externalname 
                    fm_name            = internalname 
                    no_form            = 1 
                    no_function_module = 2 
                    others             = 3. 
          if sy-subrc <> 0. 
            message 'e427'. 
          move internalname to sf_label. 
    It checks to see if the sf_label starts with a '/', which is how the internal names start. if it does, the name has already been converted. If not, it calls the FM and converts the name. 
    You would then CALL FUNCTION sf_label.
    Smartforms FAQ Part Two
    Smartforms output difference
    Problem with Smartforms: in a certain form for two differently configured printers, there seem to be a difference in the output of characters per inch (the distance between characters which gives a layout problem - text in two lines instead of one.                                      It happens when the two printers having different Printer Controls' if you go to SPAD Menu (Spool Administrator Menu) you can see the difference in the Printer Control and if you make the Printer control setting for both the printers as same. then it will be ok. and also u have to check what is the device type used for both the output devices. 
      SmartForms Output to PDF
    There is a way to download smartform in PDF format.
    Please do the following:
    1. Print the smartform to the spool.
    2. Note the spool number.
    3. Download a PDF file (Acrobat Reader) version of the spool by running Program RSTXPDFT4 and entering the noted spool number.
      SmartForm Doublesided printing question  Your customer wants your PO SmartForm to be able to print "Terms and Conditinos" on the back side of each page. They don't want to purchase pre-printed forms with the company's logo on the front and terms & conditions on the back. Now this presents an interesting problem. 
    Has anyone else ever had a request like this? If for example there was a 3 page PO to be printed,  they want 3 pieces of paper, the front side of each to containe the PO information (page 1, 2, and 3) and the back side of each piece of paper to containg the static "Terms & Conditions" information. 
    Anyone have a clue how to force this out? 
    Easy - page FRONT lists page CONTACTS as next page and CONTACTS lists FRONT as next page. Since CONTACTS does not contain a MAIN window, it will print the contacts info and then continue on to FRONT for the rest of the main items. Additionally, set print mode on FRONT to D (duplex) and set CONTACTS to 'blank' (for both resource name and print mode - this is the only way to get to the back of the page). 
      Transport Smart Forms
    How does one transport SMARTFORM? SE01?  
    How do you make sure that both, the SMARTFORM & it's function module gets transported? Or does the FM with same name gets generated automatically in the transported client? 
    A smartform is transported no differently than any other object. if it is assigned to a development class that is atteched to a transport layer, it will be transported. 
    The definition is transported, and when called, the function module is regenerated. 
    This leads to an interetsing situation. On the new machine, it is very likely the function module name will be different than the name on the source system. Make sure, before you call the function module, you resolve the external name to the internal name using the 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' function module. 
    Typically, generate the SF, then use the pattern to being in the interface. Then change the call function to use the name you get back from the above function module. 
      Smartforms: protect lines in main window.
    How to protect lines in the main window from splitting between pages? 
    It was easy with SAPscript, but how to do it with SF's.   For 4.7 version if you are using tables, there are two options for protection against line break: 
    - You can protect a line type against page break.
    - You can protect several table lines against page break for output in the main area.
    Protection against page break for line types 
    - Double-click on your table node and choose the Table tab page. 
    - Switch to the detail view by choosing the Details pushbutton. 
    - Set the Protection against page break checkbox in the table for the relevant line type.  Table lines that use this line type are output on one page. 
    Protection against page break for several table lines 
    - Expand the main area of your table node in the navigation tree. 
    - Insert a file node for the table lines to be protected in the main area. 
    - If you have already created table lines in the main area, you can put the lines that you want to protect again page break under the file using Drag&Drop. Otherwise, create the table lines as subnodes of the file. 
    - Choose the Output Options tab page of the file node and set the Page Protection option.   All table lines that are in the file with the Page Protection option set are output on one page. 

  • Protection of character format in Smart Forms

    Dear All,
    Similar to the "protected" option in SAP Script for Character format, please let me know "how to protect a character format in Smart forms?"

    By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected. 
    Also, chck the following link:
    Page-protection option disabled in Folder node for Smartform
    Let me know in case you need further assistance!

  • Smart forms and script

           will u tell what is the difference between smart forms and scripts.

    Sapscripts are client dependend and smartforms are client independet.
    SAPscript are CLient Dependent, SmartForms are Client Independent. The reason why SmartForms are client independent is because when you activate a SMartForm, SAP actually generates a Function Module (which as you know is client independent). The Print Program (or as SAP likes to refer to them these days - Application Program) calls your generated FM.
    In the "smartforms" transaction, when you are viewing a smartform, you can go to the Environment->Function Module Name menu path to see the FM name.
    Look at the "Application Program" for the Invoice SmartForm (RLB_INVOICE):
    determine smartform function module for invoice
             EXPORTING  formname           = lf_formname
                    variant            = ' '
                    direct_call        = ' '
             IMPORTING  fm_name            = lf_fm_name
             EXCEPTIONS no_form            = 1
                        no_function_module = 2
                        OTHERS             = 3.
    call smartform invoice
          CALL FUNCTION lf_fm_name
                          archive_index        = toa_dara
                          archive_parameters   = arc_params
                          control_parameters   = ls_control_param
                    mail_appl_obj        =
                          mail_recipient       = ls_recipient
                          mail_sender          = ls_sender
                          output_options       = ls_composer_param
                          user_settings        = space
                          is_bil_invoice       = ls_bil_invoice
                          is_nast              = nast
                          is_repeat            = repeat
         importing  document_output_info =
                    job_output_info      =
                    job_output_options   =
               EXCEPTIONS formatting_error     = 1
                          internal_error       = 2
                          send_error           = 3
                          user_canceled        = 4
                          OTHERS               = 5.
    <b>Difference with SMARTFORMS vs. SapScript (SE71)</b>
    The Following are the differences :-
    a) Multiple page formats are possible in smartforms which is not the case in SAPScripts
    b) It is possible to have a smartform without a main window .
    c) Labels cannot be created in smartforms.
    d) Routines can be written in smartforms tool.
    e) Smartforms generates a function module when activated.
    Contributed by : SAP ABAP/4 Programming, Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Tips
    f) Unlike sapscripts (RSTXSCRP), you cannot upload/download Smartform to your local harddisk. 
    It was said that it was provided in CRM 3.0 version, but not available in R/3.  You can download smartforms into Local PC in a XML format.  In the same way you can upload this XML format into Smartform.  From the smartform editor itself you can call download option, if you are working in CRM 3.0 environment. 
    In R3 also, you can download into XML format. However, it's not sure about uploading. Refer to the program 'SF_XSF_DEMO'.
    In 4.7 Enterprise, other have seen this utlity which is completey missing in 4.6c. There is functionality to downlaod a complete form or only a particular node. (Utilities -> Download form). It will create a XML file and save it in the hard disk. 
    For others, if you want to download/upload the Smartforms source, you will need the help from the Basis people.  What you can do is to create a Transport and then FTP down to your local harddisk.   When you need the Smartform source in another system, you have FTP up the Smartforms file back to the SAP server.  Finally, the Basis team, will tp it into your system.
    g) The protect and endprotect command in sapscript doesn't work with smartforms. For example on a invoice: First data of position no 80. is printed on page one, other data of position no 80 is printed on page 2. And there's nothing you can do about it.  Actually, there is something you can do about it.  By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected. 
    i) The main difference is that SAP script is client-dependant, while smartform is independent. Also there are some advanced and intreractive features available in smartforms.
    You can use an External subroutine-call in sapscript editor like:
      /: perform <form_name> in program <program_name>
      /: using <var1>
      /: using <var2>
      /: changing <return1>
      /: changing <return2>

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