Objects IDs

HI, I have a problem in hashcode(). About the hash code i think that for every object which is created from same class have unique hash code. But By using java debug interface when i get some class creation events from two different objects (of same class) i get same hash code.
I want to get the "called method's" original "calling object" and not the "calling object's class". when i have same hashcode for all objects then i cannot distinguish that which object have called the method. and all method events have same hashcode also.
What I want is.........
Why this things happens and if i want to get a unique ID for every individual object (even if they are of same type) and then try to distinguish that which objeddct have clled method then what can be possible solution.
This is from the Object API;
public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hashtables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable.
The general contract of hashCode is:
Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the equals(java.lang.Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results.
However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hashtables.
As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the JavaTM programming language.)

System.identityHashcode(Object o); is not required to return -unique- values for each object, at least according to the documentation and I quote...
"As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the JavaTM programming language.)"
If this is true then you cannot rely on System.identityHashcode to provide unique hashcodes.
If you really want to uniquely identify Objects then you need to look at GUID's (Globally Unique IDentifiers).
Here is a link that can help you with that.

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    - Atul

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    Abe White wrote:
    From the documentation and newgroups discussion, it seems that object IDs
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               width="980" height="627"
           <param name="movie" value="SPM.swf" />
           <param name="quality" value="high" />
           <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
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            width="980" height="627" name="SPM" align="middle"
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    Define the event handler outside the start function. I would
    use name instead of id:

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    we have scanned user manuals for some of our materials and archived them in an Open Text (former IXOS) archive. The documents are attached to the material masters.
    Now, we would like to export the following information:
    material no.
    material description
    document ID of the manual in the archive
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    Thanks in advance

    Ok, we found it ourselves:
    Tables TOA01, TOA02 and TOA03 contain the material numbers and document-IDs, so it is easy to export the information.

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    MI 70 SP 16 Patch 0 Build 200806100346
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    Best regards
    Hendrik Bendicks

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  • FRM-41045 no such object: invalid ID

    Hi everyone,
    I have an Alert with three buttons:
    1 Save,
    2 Rollback
    3 Return to Item and not change anything.
    The module is a master detail module. When the user presses the Edit-Button, there is a new record inserted on detail level, with a new date time. All the other fields have the same values.
    This Alert will pop up, when the user presses the save button, after he pressed the edit button. Because for the system, the record already was in the database, the moment the user presses save, the message FRM-40401 -- No changes to save is displayed. I filtered this out.
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    Hans van Baal

    That error will be rasied by a Get/Set_<something>property call. e.g Setalert_property.
    If you are passing Object IDs around - for instance variables of type ITEM or ALERT, you might want to do an ID_NULL() check on them before using them.

  • PTSpy - trying to find an object in the Portal

    PTSpy is throwing this error:
    -2147024891 - Current User does not have sufficient permission to object with id = 202
    (full error at the end)
    I looked above to the sql and ran the query - of course nothing is found:
    Create query: '/* QUERY_USER_ACCESS:ANSI */ SELECT DISTINCT(b.ACCESSLEVEL) FROM PTOBJECTSECURITY b, PTVGroupMembership gm WHERE b.groupid = gm.groupid AND gm.userid=? AND b.classid=? AND b.objectid=? ORDER BY b.ACCESSLEVEL DESC'
    setInt, index: 0, value: 4762.
    setInt, index: 1, value: 47.
    setInt, index: 2, value: 202.
    How do I find the object that does not have permission it is looking for - in the Portal?
    Display: The following error occured when trying to display the HTML:
    com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException: -2147024891 - Error in function PTBaseObjectManager.Open (nObjectID == 202, bLockInitially == false): -2147024891 - Current User does not have sufficient permission to object with id = 202
    com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException: -2147024891 - Error in function PTBaseObjectManager.Open (nObjectID == 202, bLockInitially == false): -2147024891 - Current User does not have sufficient permission to object with id = 202
    at com.plumtree.openfoundation.util.XPException.GetInstance(String strErrorMsg, Exception e)
    at com.plumtree.server.impl.core.PTBaseObjectManager.Open(Int32 nObjectID, Boolean bLockInitially)
    at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.directory.DirModel.GetWebService(Int32 _nDataSourceID)
    at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.directory.DirModel.SupportsUpload(Int32 _nDataSourceID)
    at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.directory.documentsubmitsimple.DirCardSubmitSimpleView.DisplayJavascript()
    at com.plumtree.portalpages.browsing.directory.documentsubmitsimple.DirCardSubmitSimpleDP.DisplayJavaScriptFromChild()
    at com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.form.AFormDP.Display(IWebData pageData)
    at com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter.Interpreter.HandleDisplayPage(Redirect myRedirect, RequestData tempData)
    at com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter.Interpreter.HandleRequest(IXPRequest request, IXPResponse response, ISessionManager session, IApplication application)
    at com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.interpreter.Interpreter.DoService(IXPRequest request, IXPResponse response, ISessionManager session, IApplication application)
    at com.plumtree.uiinfrastructure.web.XPPage.Service(HttpRequest httpRequest, HttpResponse httpResponse, HttpSessionState httpSession, HttpApplicationState httpApplication) in e:\buildroot\Release\httpmemorymanagement\6.1.x\dotNET\src\com\plumtree\uiinfrastructure\web\XPPage.cs:line 82
    at com.plumtree.portaluiinfrastructure.activityspace.PlumHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) in e:\buildroot\Release\portalui\6.1.x\ptwebui\portal\dotnet\prod\src\web\PlumHandler.cs:line 37
    at System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication+IExecutionStep.Execute()
    at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
    at System.Web.HttpApplication.ResumeSteps(Exception error)
    at System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData)
    at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpWorkerRequest wr)
    at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequest(HttpWorkerRequest wr)
    at System.Web.Hosting.ISAPIRuntime.ProcessRequest(IntPtr ecb, Int32 iWRType)
    Caused by: com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException: -2147024891 - Current User does not have sufficient permission to object with id = 202
    at com.plumtree.server.impl.core.PTBase.ThrowException(String message, Int32 errorCode)
    at com.plumtree.server.impl.core.PTBaseObjectManager.VerifyObjectAccess(Int32 minAccessLevel, Int32 lObjectID)
    ... 18 more

    Hey Vivek, I couldn't agree with you more. It is definitely a hassle to try to find the broken object in statements like "Current User does not have sufficient permission to object with id = 202"
    I created a ticket with Plumtree about this 2 years ago and they informed me that because object IDs are not unique and have to be used in conjunction with a class ID that they can't perform a reliable search.
    Instead you must test each class ID and match it against the object ID to find your problem.
    Its a bit labor intense but there are only about 15 different class ID's to run through.
    I posted a list of our ID's in our portal team collab project and each time this situation comes up we just scan through the list using a URL

  • Org and Staffing-Object Id to be displayed

    Dear All,
    Can anybody pls help me out with the settings which would enable me to have the various object ids displayed against the objects in PPOCE, PPOME, PPOSE ie Org and Staffing.
    Eg. I want to have the org unit id across the Org unit created in PPOME.
    Points would be awarded.

    use transaction ppom_old
    enter organisation id
    then select view button from menu bar.........select key on. you will get the object id for unit and positions.
    try this............points required.

  • Can we import 3D objects into AE?

    I have v6.5 and in the manual it says AE can import certain 3D files. Yet everyone in this forum always say to render stuff in whatever 3D app and import the *video* into AE. Even 3D plugins like zaewerks seem to export only video into AE, not 3D model (or so I'm told).
    So what is it, can AE read 3D models or not? If not, is there any reason why it hasn't been improved to do so? Shouldn't this be a high priority thing and easy to do, since it's already almost there.
    If yes, why isn't anyone doing it? At least I haven't read about how to import 3D objects into AE.

    This area of functionality has changed little between After Effects 6.5 and CS3, so the
    " 3D files from other applications" section of After Effects CS3 Help on the Web is still relevant for you.
    Here's an excerpt:
    "After Effects can import 3D-image files saved in Softimage PIC, RLA, RPF, and Electric Image EI format. These 3D-image files contain red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) channels, as well as auxiliary channels with optional information, such as z depth, object IDs, texture coordinates....
    After Effects treats each composited 3D file from another application as a single 2D layer. That layer, as a whole, can be given 3D attributes and treated like any After Effects 3D layer, but the objects contained within that 3D file cannot be manipulated individually in 3D space. To access the 3D depth information and other auxiliary channel information in 3D image files, use the 3D Channel effects."
    Also, you can import camera data and other data from 3D applications.
    So, yes, you can import files from 3D applications; but, no, you can't import 3D models per se and do new camera moves on them, et cetera.
    Yes, this is a common feature request. Yes, it is being very seriously considered.
    P.S. Mylenium has a lot of information about working with After Effects and data from 3D applications on his website: http://mylenium.de/creation/motiondesign/ae_vault/ae_vault_main.html

  • Object Id from address SMON trace file

    Hi Friends,
    We have a block corruption in undo TBS ( I guess as SMON crashes while dp ) in one of our database , In the trace file generated, I saw the following lines
    Block header dump:  0x0297ce55
    Object id on Block? Y
    seg/obj: 0x508f3  csc: 0x0f.a306350  itc: 3  flg: E  typ: 1 - DATA
         brn: 0  bdba: 0x297ce0a ver: 0x01 opc: 0
         inc: 0  exflg: 0
    Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc
    0x01   0x008b.025.000131c8  0x0f81af61.24c6.40  C---    0  scn 0x000f.0a2cfcfa
    0x02   0x003a.000.0003f46d  0x0f8bbddb.dc12.32  --U-    2  fsc 0x0000.0a3063e1
    0x03   0x0067.019.00020d74  0x0f817878.5823.08  C---    0  scn 0x000f.0a2a30e2How to identify the object id from seg/obj: 0x508f3 , I cannot recollect it now. Thanks in Advance.

    SSNair wrote:
    Hi Friends,
    We have a block corruption in undo TBS ( I guess as SMON crashes while dp ) in one of our database , In the trace file generated, I saw the following lines
    seg/obj: 0x508f3  csc: 0x0f.a306350  itc: 3  flg: E  typ: 1 - DATAHow to identify the object id from seg/obj: 0x508f3 , I cannot recollect it now. Thanks in Advance.
    Bear in mind that this is the "data_object_id", not the "object_id".
    Clustered tables have different object ids but the same data object id.
    The data object_id for a given object id will change if you truncate or move a (non-clustered) table, or rebuild an index.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Object ID for Various Forms

    Can anyone tell me the object id for A/P invoice and also for GRPO. If any one sends the object id for variuos forms it will be very useful for us to write Stored Procedure.
    Suresh Murugan

    Hi Suresh,
    Following are the required Object ids:
    oPurchaseInvoices(A/P Invoice) 18
    oPurchaseDeliveryNotes(GRPO) 20
    If you need other object id. Then  you can find below.
    oChartOfAccounts 1
    oBusinessPartners 2
    oBanks 3
    oItems 4
    oVatGroups 5
    oPriceLists 6
    oSpecialPrices 7
    oItemProperties 8
    oUsers 12
    oInvoices 13
    oCreditNotes 14
    oDeliveryNotes 15
    oReturns 16
    oOrders 17
    oPurchaseInvoices 18
    oPurchaseCreditNotes 19
    oPurchaseDeliveryNotes 20
    oPurchaseReturns 21
    oPurchaseOrders 22
    oQuotations 23
    oIncomingPayments 24
    oJournalVouchers 28
    oJournalEntries 30
    oStockTakings 31
    oContacts 33
    oCreditCards 36
    oCurrencyCodes 37
    oPaymentTermsTypes 40
    oBankPages 42
    oManufacturers 43
    oVendorPayments 46
    oLandedCostsCodes 48
    oShippingTypes 49
    oLengthMeasures 50
    oWeightMeasures 51
    oItemGroups 52
    oSalesPersons 53
    oCustomsGroups 56
    oChecksforPayment 57
    oInventoryGenEntry 59
    oInventoryGenExit 60
    oWarehouses 64
    oCommissionGroups 65
    oProductTrees 66
    oStockTransfer 67
    oWorkOrders 68
    oCreditPaymentMethods 70
    oCreditCardPayments 71
    oAlternateCatNum 73
    oBudget 77
    oBudgetDistribution 78
    oMessages 81
    oBudgetScenarios 91
    oSalesOpportunities 97
    oUserDefaultGroups 93
    oSalesStages 101
    oActivityTypes 103
    oActivityLocations 104
    oDrafts 112
    oDeductionTaxHierarchies 116
    oDeductionTaxGroups 117
    oAdditionalExpenses 125
    oSalesTaxAuthorities 126
    oSalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes 127
    oSalesTaxCodes 128
    oQueryCategories 134
    oFactoringIndicators 138
    oPaymentsDrafts 140
    oAccountSegmentations 142
    oAccountSegmentationCategories 143
    oWarehouseLocations 144
    oForms1099 145
    oInventoryCycles 146
    oWizardPaymentMethods 147
    oBPPriorities 150
    oDunningLetters 151
    oUserFields 152
    oUserTables 153
    oPickLists 156
    oPaymentRunExport 158
    oUserQueries 160
    oMaterialRevaluation 162
    oCorrectionPurchaseInvoice 163
    oCorrectionPurchaseInvoiceReversal 164
    oCorrectionInvoice 165
    oCorrectionInvoiceReversal 166
    oContractTemplates 170
    oEmployeesInfo 171
    oCustomerEquipmentCards 176
    oWithholdingTaxCodes 178
    oBillOfExchangeTransactions 182
    oKnowledgeBaseSolutions 189
    oServiceContracts 190
    oServiceCalls 191
    oUserKeys 193
    oQueue 194
    oSalesForecast 198
    oTerritories 200
    oIndustries 201
    oProductionOrders 202
    oPackagesTypes 205
    oUserObjectsMD 206
    oTeams 211
    oRelationships 212
    oUserPermissionTree 214
    oActivityStatus 217
    oChooseFromList 218
    oFormattedSearches 219
    oAttachments2 221
    oUserLanguages 223
    oMultiLanguageTranslations 224
    oDynamicSystemStrings 229
    oHouseBankAccounts 231
    oBusinessPlaces 247
    oLocalEra 250
    oSalesTaxInvoice 280
    oPurchaseTaxInvoice 281
    BoRecordset 300
    BoBridge 305
    oNotaFiscalUsage 260
    oNotaFiscalCFOP 258
    oNotaFiscalCST 259
    oClosingDateProcedure 261
    oBusinessPartnerGroups 10
    oBPFiscalRegistryID 278

  • Howto manage object-livecycle in distributed systems?

    Hi there,
    I am currently working on a distributed clients-server system where a GUI resides on the clients whereas the programmer programs to server-side dummies like the GUI would be running local.
    Therefor I map between client-side-Implementation and server-side-dummy using object-IDs:
    client-side-widget-implementation ------ network (only ID is transferred) ------ server-side-dummy-object
    The problem I have is that I would like a system without forcing the programmer to explicitly dispose an object (since both sides don't know wether the object is still visible on the other side). How did RMI solve this issue and are there some clever designs to avoid this problem?
    Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

    There are only three possibilities: dispose/destroy, timeouts or wait for GC.
    And timeouts are probably required regardless.

  • Finding existing allocated object ID numbers in OID & OVD

    Is there any way to find the object IDs that are already used in OID and OVD?
    I need to create some new attributes - so I'll need to assign new object IDs to these attributes - and I want these to continue on from IDs that have previously been assigned (and obviously, be different numbers).
    I can see that I can use the Oracle Directory Services Manager to find the Object ID for each individual attribute we already have set up by clicking on each individual attribute in the Schema tab, but given that we have a couple of thousand attributes, that's not very practical.
    Is there some other way to view to allocated Object IDs via the DSM, or some query I can run on the OID & OVD databases?

    Actually, the fact that it's a string works for me here,
    since my custom formatter expects a string.
    That's the one last thing I'm confused about. Following the
    example I got from a book, I made my formatter. And it was the
    place I got the "myNumber" thing. So how would I modify my
    FractionFormatter.as to eliminated the need to pass the string from
    the main file (if I understand correctly):
    package myComponents
    //Import base Formatter class
    import mx.formatters.Formatter
    public class FractionFormatter extends Formatter {
    // Declare the variable to hold the pattern string.
    public var myNumber:String;
    // Constructor
    public function FractionFormatter() {
    // Call base class constructor.
    // Override format().
    override public function format(value:Object):String {
    //Validate value - it must be a nonzero length string.
    if(value.length == 0) {
    // Return empty string and error message for zero-length
    error="Zero Length String";
    return ""
    //If the value is valid, format the string.
    switch (myNumber) {
    case ".25" :
    return "1/4";
    case ".5":
    return "1/2";
    case ".75":
    return "3/4";
    case "1":
    return "1";
    case "1.25":
    return "1 1/4";
    default :
    // If formatString is not "upper" or "lower",
    // return empty string and set the error message.
    error="Invalid Format String";
    return "";

Maybe you are looking for