Odd Illustrator question

I'm using CS6, Adobe Illustrator. I placed a .png image with transparent background on my illustrator document and I want to use the bezier tool to create simple shapes on top of it. But when I click to create a point, the point appears a few pixels away from where I click - above, below, to the right or the left, nothing consistent. I tried using the direct selection tool to drag the point to the right location, but it jumps past where I want it to go. This is so even if I lock the .png image and create a new layer upon which to draw the simple shapes. I've also made sure 'snap to' is not checked (although in this case it seems to be snapping away from, rather than to.
The only way I can get the bezier points where I want them is to painstakingly adjust the x and y coordinates for each one until ends up where I want it to be. I tried using an .ai file, thinking I would create a clipping mask to remove the background, but of course I couldn't create an accurate clipping mask, for the same reason.
I've used Illustrator for many years and have never encountered this before. Can anyone help?

It sounds like the effect of some Align/Snap to something issue, so you may need to look for the offending one and turn it off.
The newly added bug > sorry > feature of this kind is the Align to Pixel Grid. It may be unticked in the Transform panel, in two places/options, one for the selected object, one for new objects.
Edit: Hi Doug.
Strangly, the first post only turned up after my posting #2.

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    That video shows the use of the Dynamic Shapes tool, a part of the commercial VectorScribe plug-in (from Astute Graphics).
    To create this shape without a plug-in, see this recent Forum thread:

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    I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go the route you go now.
    You are asking for assistance and – as I understand it – you are just trying to pass a class right now, but you don't know the answers to a lot of pretty basic questions.
    What's your purpose?
    I – as well as many people here – could answer all your questions. Also, I could provide some misleading hints which could cause serious trouble for you in case you would use them in your exam.
    You should go a different route.

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    1) No. Photoshop does not create true vector files. Anyone asking for an EPS more than likely wants a true vector EPS file.
    2) No way of telling without seeing the results. But it could be perfectly normal. Increased file size in an EPS does not automatically mean there is a problem.
    3) Illustrator is a drawing tool. The tools in Illustrator are designed for object-oriented vector drawing. In many respects they are better than Photoshop's tools for those type of projects. And No, you can not edit photographs easily with Illustrator. While you can include photos or raster items within an Illustrator file, Illustrator is not inherently designed to edit iamges at a pixel level.
    4) Just add a new layer and fill it with white (or whatever color). Vector EPS files have no background.
    5) If you have Photoshop or Illustrator you have Bridge. You can view files in Bridge. I wouldn't know of any other Windows software. It may exist, I simply wouldn't know.

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    Sounds like you ARE eligible for your annual upgrade (are you the primary, or only line on the account? IS you base plan $49.99 or more per month?)
    You can get the 2 yr promo pricing on a new phone, you lose any additional $30 or $50 credit you may be eligible for, and there is a $20 upgrade fee. For some, it's worth that to get the early upgrade at 12 months rather than 20 months on a 2 year contract.

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    Ok, now, when I take over this network I realized that those people who were looking after this network had created two VLANs, VLAN 2 (acting as the default VLAN 1 actually and used for managemnt of devices too) and VLAN 3 (VLAN 3 is for, i.e. the DEv Evironment, so bacically all of my devices, servers and users are on VLAN 2!!! and no trunking.....
    I have provided a Diag of my network topology.
    what I need to do is to find the best way to create a few more VLANs on my main network ( and and put all the servers on one VLAN; say VLAN 2 and few other segments and ten start to route between them by trunking. My problem is that the AD guys do not want to get involve and do not want (one of them my boss) to do IP renumbering so i need to do this at the L2 (by MAC addrss may be) and then use the router or (I can upgrade my main router to provide more interfaces with more mem and processing power) and use t to route between VLANs. this router is also used to connect us to a remote office where we have our Web Servers hosted via a T1 point-to-point as we are an online business so I need to be very carefull with this mission and have all the server and web Servers at this locations and my remote locations ( on a same VLAN and then user on different VLANs by segmenting departments.
    Now, you see my delema and the challange that I am facing. how this can be done slowly and gradually. first adding one more VLAN put all the servers on it (also, back interfaces and clustering of servers in mind) and users on another, then, start trunking and see how it works. if all goes well then I can start creating more VLANs and that would be the easy part and point them to the trunk Interface / Link.
    Your thoughts will be greataly apreciated.

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    I'm working in CS4 illustrator, I need to create a 35 page document for translation into different languages (Chinese), this is an easy job in InDesign but Client wants it in an .ai file, (it also has a couple of text charts).
    Can I create this in CS4, can I bring charts in from CS4 InDesign? I've tried doesn't work.
    If I were working in Adobe CC would this be possible?
    ...The end result is an .ai file: about 35 pages/artboards, mostly text with a couple of text charts.

    It's been many years since I worked in AI CS4, so I don't remember whether it had Artboards or not. But in later versions, the Artboard can be many pages long, limited only by RAM.
    From InDesign, you may be able to save pdf's of various pages, and OPEN them in AI.

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    After dealing with another logic board failure on my iBook g3, I have reached the point of wondering if I should avoid the g3 boards entirely and go with an iBook g4 board this time.
    Does anyone know if the logic board from a 12" iBook g4 will physically fit into the case of my 12" iBook g3? And what about all the other internal components, would they be compatible with a g4 board, or would they all have to be replaced as well?

    After more than six years in the Apple iBook Discussions (anyone who was here before August 25, 2000 got that "join" date because of a Discussions software update), starting, myself, with a 300MHz Tangerine iBook and then a 500MHz Dual USB iBook and making approximately 10,000 posts in this Dual USB iBook "usage" forum here, I have never, ever heard of anyone who has successfully done that. If I were you, I would listen to Ronda's advice...

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    20, 12, 17, 36, 25, 49, 52, 65, 42, 35, 71, 43, 54
    I wanted to ask if in inorder to create the complete binary tree, do I need to start in the very middle (52) then half the left and right side and continue this process until complete? eg:
    36 71
    Or do I start from the begining of the array, as below:
    12 36

    Thanks for the answers guys!
    Paul based on what you said, does this then look correct to you or have I got the wrong idea?:
                                      12                        36
                                            17          25              49
                                                              35      42     52
                                                                           43      65
                                                                                54       71

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    Go back to the viewer... dancing at 9... back to the timeline... BBBBUUUUUZZZZZZZZZ -- dang thing's pegged!!
    Left side sound fine in the timeline and dances at -6.
    ANY clue?
    Never had this happen before... any way to take the Right Audio off the viewer and use what ever it is trying to play?
    Edit -- Right side of this pic is Viewer audio... Left side is the timeline audio loaded BACK to the viewer...
    Message was edited by: Captain Mench

    I am an idiot...
    Yes... I'm the FIRST of the L4s to admit to this I know... but I'm an idiot.
    Figured it out.
    Audio is fine. For the first 10 seconds of the clip (or so) Audio Dude had Line level for Mic level...
    I never match framed...
    After the first few seconds... all is fine.
    I'm such a behind.
    Darn this wine!!

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    Thanks everyone!

    laughs I wish I could get some of that quantum lubricant for my car.

Maybe you are looking for