Odd stealth connections

Normally when I receive a a large amount of unsolicited connections I contact the server admin by email and inform them of what is going on. It this case however the whois look up is quite unhelpful.
I just tried to contact ibbs through their contact web page:
Can someone help explain why I would be getting so many connection attempts?
Thank you.
These connection attempts have been going on for over a week. Below is a small example of what is in my appfirewall.log:
Jul 14 03:54:09 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:51504 from
Jul 14 03:54:09 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:54474 from
Jul 14 03:54:10 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:49802 from
Jul 14 03:54:10 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:56003 from
Jul 14 03:54:10 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:57220 from
Jul 14 03:54:11 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:53124 from
Jul 14 03:54:11 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:57702 from
Jul 14 03:54:11 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:55762 from
Jul 14 03:54:21 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:63345 from
Jul 14 03:54:21 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:53568 from
Jul 14 03:54:22 host-xxx.xx.xxx.xxx Firewall[615]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:49714 from
Integrated BroadBand Services IBBS-209-55-0-0 (NET-209-55-0-0-2) -
Virtual Communications Corporation VCINET (NET-209-55-0-0-1) -
Link to online whois:

They're DNS connections and they're very likely lookups of some site that has ibbs.com as their name server.
These connections are harmless - what they mean is that a DNS response came in when there was no one listening for the response, often because Safari has already acted on an answer or you have since moved on to another page while surfing.

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    Looking for advice on security.
    I'm looking at my Console's appfirewall.log, and I'm getting relentless connection attempts like these on my laptop:
    Dec 29 20:31:43 *********MacBook-Pro Firewall[85]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
    Dec 29 20:31:45 *********MacBook-Pro Firewall[85]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to TCP from
    Dec 29 20:31:46 *********MacBook-Pro Firewall[85]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to TCP from
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    ...on and on for hours at a time.
    What is going on here?
    Thank you!

    I looked up the number and this belongs to Road Runner who are an ISP.
    The other numbers that start 24.xxx... also look like they are in the range owned by Road Runner. is Comcast (another ISP) covers an area for Latin America and  Caribbean.
    I have not checked the others.
    The iChat and Messages app sends Pings when trying to connect in Video or Audio Only or Screen Sharing
    If the Stealth option in the Mac Firewall is On it blocks these and you cannot connect these types of chats.
    This may give you some clues as to why you are getting these attempts.
    9:15 pm      Sunday; December 29, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Why is my router attempting UDP stealth connections?

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    Any thoughts on this?
    +Jul 9 20:42:48 mycomputer Firewall[39]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from

    UDP port 53 is normally DNS.
    Ignore the "stealth mode" bits - as I understand it (but I would be interested in any correction), stealth mode properly means that a device is set up to ignore ping requests. There is no such thing as a "stealth mode connection".
    Indeed, properly there is no such thing as a UDP connection either - UDP is a connectionless protocol. A device receives a UDP request and may send a UDP response.

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    How do I fix this?

    PS: I once had a similar problem that was fixed by a simple restart.
    I have restarted numerous times now, with no change. My MacBook was off over night.

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    If anyone could please help me I would be very grateful.

    The Airport Extreme base station has 2 passwords, one for logging into the router, the other for your network access (assuming you have security switched on). Just make sure you are trying to enter the correct password (I know this sounds obvious and no offense is meant).
    If you added the Extreme to your other router, make sure in Airport utility the Extreme is set to Bridge Mode, this will remove any incompatibility issues with 2 devices trying to obtain IP addresses from your ISP. Only one router should connect to your ISP, using password, username and relevant settings, the other is a bridge for your internal network allowing faster transfers between devices connected to say for example your extreme.
    I have a Netgear DG834PN modem/router which is assigned control to connect to my ISP (as it is a modem, the Extreme Base Station isn't a modem). The Apple Extreme is connected through ethernet to the Netgear. I have all my 802.11g/b/a devices connected through the Netgear wireless network (2.4Ghz) and all my 802.11n devices connected through the Apple Extreme Base Station wireless network ('n' only @5Ghz). I also have my Mac Pro and my AppleTV connected through gigabit ethernet (through the Extreme ethernet). Everything works well. AppleTV and Mac Pro sync very quickly, my MacBook Pro connects to other computers or devices (AppleTV for streaming content) within the Apple Extreme network, wired or wireless, and allows fast transfer speeds, especially with no g/b/a devices slowing things up.
    I also have a USB hub connected to the Extreme with USB printer attached and additional external storage connected, both available throughout the Extreme network to either wired or wireless devices.
    It sounds a bit complicated but it is really easy to do.

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    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (1): ttf-hanazono-20131208-1
    Total Download Size: 16.88 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 42.23 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages ...
    error: failed retrieving file 'ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.bytemark.co.uk : Could not resolve host: mirror.bytemark.co.uk
    error: failed retrieving file 'ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.de.leaseweb.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.de.leaseweb.net
    error: failed retrieving file 'ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.us.leaseweb.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.us.leaseweb.net
    error: failed retrieving file 'ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from archlinux.polymorf.fr : Could not resolve host: archlinux.polymorf.fr
    error: failed retrieving file 'ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.nl.leaseweb.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.nl.leaseweb.net
    ^Cerror: failed retrieving file 'ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any.pkg.tar.xz' from mirror.chmuri.net : Could not resolve host: mirror.chmuri.net
    Interrupt signal received
    samuel@arch:~$ sudo pacman -S ttf-hanazono
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Packages (1): ttf-hanazono-20131208-1
    Total Download Size: 16.88 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 42.23 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages ...
    ttf-hanazono-20131208-1-any 16.9 MiB 4.51M/s 00:04 [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) checking keys in keyring [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) checking package integrity [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) loading package files [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) checking available disk space [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    (1/1) installing ttf-hanazono [#####################################################################################################################] 100%
    Last edited by Handuel (2014-03-31 21:16:22)

    Try ping google.com
    if this does not work, try ping ... if this works out, maybe you have problems with the hostnames resolution. If so, try adding and as dns server (google). Then there is opendns that can serve you as well.
    Last edited by Void_Walker (2014-03-31 15:26:56)

  • Odd wireless connection failure

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    If you haven't done so already, try just opening System Preferences->Network and running the Assistant.
    You could also try deselecting and reselecting your network in the Airport menu to force a new connection. And try opening Internet Connect (from the Airport menu) and selecting your wireless network there.
    Failing that, I have a top suggestion for you.
    If you are connected to a wireless network but not the internet, try opening System Preferences->Network->Airport->TCP/IP and look for the Router IP address (number). Copy this and enter it into the D.N.S. field, then click apply. I don't know why this should work (especially if you are using DHCP) but it often does.
    Good luck.

  • Odd Wifi connection issue

    I have a Curve 8530 that will connect to wi-fi and connect to other hotspots. The problem is the browser insists that it is not connected to a router. This is false.
    I can connect to a site that I have previously been to (roosterteeth.com) and browse the site. I can even go to pages that I have not previously browsed on the site so the connection is there. If I try any other site through the "go to" screen, or the google app, it says that I need to talk to my service provider if I want to connect to it without wi-fi.
    I have tried:
    resetting the connection with the router
    a battery pull
    deleting and reconnecting with the router
    all of these have ended with the same page telling me to call the service provider.
    Is there any solutions before I have to call the provider? I have not had any problem with the wi-fi before.

    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    Try cleaning the browser cache followed by a hard reset of the device.
    KB03865 How to clear the BlackBerry Browser cache
    KB02141 How to reset a BlackBerry smartphone
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • Odd iPod connection conundrum

    A few days ago, my iPod connected to my iMac via FireWire just fine. iTunes detected it and auto-updated it as it was supposed to, the iPod charged as it was supposed to, and everything was fine and dandy.
    Now, only one of those two things happens. The iPod charges, but does not show up in Finder or iTunes. I have tried the first 4 of the 5 Rs, so to speak, but I cannot restore the iPod as all of the sites I've found say that I need to be able to see it in iTunes to do so. I'm fairly sure that it's not a problem of a bad cable or FireWire port, because the iPod can still draw power from the connection.
    I haven't found anything else on the boards or the support page that has helped, but if I've overlooked something, please link me.
    iPod (non color, click wheel, 20GB) Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    It probably is the Firewire ports since a locked up port will still have power, just no data transfer. Do you have other FW devices you could try to check?
    The good news, in a twisted sort of way, is that Macs have a tendancy to lock up the FW ports so they don't work but can be fixed by resetting them.
    See, most modern Macs, even when you power them "off" still have power applied to their mother/logic boards and this includes the Firewire chip set. Sometimes the FW chipset gets into an unknown state and sits there locked up. Even when you shut down the computer, the chip set is still powered and so still locked up.
    So to reset, shu down your computer and then unplug it's power cord completely from the wall or power strip. Now unplug all the other cables except for keyboard and mouse. Let it sit unplugged for a good minute or two to allow the internal capacitors to discharge and all power to drain away.
    Now plug the power cord back in and restart the Mac. Now reattach the iPod and see if you see it again and it syncs ok now.

  • Odd internet connectivity

    Ok, bear with me. I use a macbook air, my husband uses a PC. I have a netgear router / modem running and connected (amazing speed!)and a time capsule running for backing up. The time capsule is doing its job beautifully, my husband can access the internet in a flash but me, on my state of the art macbook air its a different story. Sometimes airport connects immediately on start up, sometimes it refuses to recognise the network - no rhyme or reason. I have the network password, often have to go through diagnostics to get it recognised. It is finding my network, but saying my preferred network is not available ( I only have one!), then I have to go through trying to join it - sometimes restarting my machine 5 times before it just connects all by itself .... it's driving me nuts!
    Any ideas?

    Upon trying to nslookup www.microsoft.com, no timeout occured.
    Actually that is not enough.  nslookup may work fine, even show you all the pieces of the lookup but when you look at the dnscache nothing will have changed. 
    To see this first do an  ipconfig  /flushdns.  Then do your nslookup.  Then do an  ipconfig /displaydns
    Then compare what you get if you try to  ping -n 1 -w 1 
    Hmm!  W8.1.1 has really improved this!  I was going to show you that you would be pinging an alias and then only see the alias cached and then have to ping and cache the remaining pieces in the lookup chain in order to have a completely cached
    lookup for IE to use but it appears that this is not the case any more?  Wonderful!  (After so many years.)
    Similarly it used to be that even if you used the troubleshooter for the lookup nothing extra would be cached.  That has changed too.  A reason that all used to work anyway is that then enough would be cached or in downstream caches that the timing
    of the lookup would be changed and thus allow the retry to succeed.
    So, is there anything wrong for you now if you get your lookup completely cached and try to use it before the  Time To Live  on the earliest expiring piece?  Note that TTL is rated in seconds.
    However, also note that in the case of both of your examples, there may be an immediate redirect to another host name which would start the same issue with it.  Use the Developer Tools, Network capture tool to find out what is really going on. 
    Notice that you will want to turn off an unfortunate default: 
    Undo  Clear entries on navigate  to see the full effect of any redirects.
    Robert Aldwinckle

  • Airport (new applemac pro) connection to router issues?

    Hi all
    I know this subject as been aired many times, and I have scoured the forums for an answer but there does not seem to be a definitive answer. But here goes with our particular issue. We bought a new 15inch apple mac pro laptop a few days ago. Being PC users this was a big step for us.
    Setting it up was not a problem but what is an issue is the so called Airport hardware/software.
    I use a Belkin N wirelss modem/router F5D 8633-4 uk. This connects my PC and 2 pc laptops (PC and 1 laptop us ethernet cable, the other uses wireless connection). all works wonderfully well.
    Having set up the account in the apple mac pro as instructed, we find that:
    *we had to change from PPPoA to PPPoE
    *the ethernet connection is fineish
    *the wireless connection is not and cannot find our network. It shows it on the list but refuses to ackowledge it, it greys out?
    It does for some odd reason connect via PPPoE but shows no network and thus when I check my PC for connected devices the apple mac does not show up. It may be using another network but I have no access to any other than the one we use at home.
    I spoke to the people at Belkin who took me through the ethernet connection and helped sort out an issue re outgoing mail (it would receive and not send).  The ethernet connection will now do both. Issue resolved.
    However, not so through Airport.
    We have tried adding new account, deleting accounts and  even deleted the keychain as is suggested in these forums.
    I have spoken to apple helpdesk but to no avail. Might need another go.
    Basically all I am after, is that the laptop through Airport connects to the network and recognises it as such.
    Any help gratefully recieved.

    I was given this as a solution from another forum, it seems to work:
    The only place you need to be making changes is in System Preferences > Network > Airport
    However, before you do that, connect the MBP to the Modem/Router with ethernet cable.
    Can you access the internet and do everything else that you need to?
    Go through the Wireless settings on the router again, and remove any security (purely temporary).
    Go back to the Mac and set up the Network > Airport (it may now be called Wireless) for your wireless network.
    Once the security has been removed and you have restarted the router, can you connect to the wireless network?
    If you can, go back and add security to the wireless network, WPA2 should do, make a note of the password/those numbers, and try again.
    The PPPoE thing should only apply to the Modem side of the Modem/Router, to connect the Router to the DSL line and should not apply to anything on the Router side of the device. All your computers and network printers will not be concerned anything to do with PPPoE. The Router side of the device deals only with regular TCP/IP and wireless.
    The wireless side of the MBP is not concerned with how the Modem talks to the outside world (ISP). If it did, then you would constantly have to reconfigure your wireless network on the MBP every time you tried to connect to a different wireless network.
    Hope it helps.

  • Problem connecting OSX 10.6.8 to Windows 7 Shared Folder

    We are having a serious issue connecting either of our 10.6.8 Macs (Macbook Pro & Powermac) to any Windows 7 machine in our studio. We just upgraded from XP.
    Connection is usually possible, but is incredibly unstable,
    In the console I am getting this error pretty heavily in the Console:
    1/16/12 3:32:01 PM
    smb_maperr32: no direct map for 32 bit server error (0xc0000205)
    Also a few of these sprinkled in:
    1/16/12 4:20:14 PM
    Enumerate shares failed!: syserr = Function not implemented
    1/16/12 4:20:14 PM
    SharePointBrowser::handleEnumerateCallBack returned 78
    1/16/12 4:20:23 PM
    SharePointBrowser::handleOpenCallBack returned 12
    On a recent file transfer attempt TO my mac, it crashed as it typically does. It generated the following error message in the Finder:
    The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8084).
    On a recent file transfer attempt FROM my mac, It generated the following error message in the Finder:
    The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “Test” can’t be read or written.
    (Error code -36)
    When I lose connection from the Windows 7 machine, I get a Finder error:
    "Connection failed      There was an error connecting to the server "sever name". Check the server name or IP address, and then try again. If you are unable to resolve the problem contact your system administrator."
    Often any reconnect attempt will fail for 5 minutes after this message.
    We has disabled the Windows 7 firewall and forced open ports for mac traffic.
    As we are pulling in files to Final Cut, this issue is killing our workflow. If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate the help, this issue has us a bit stumped.
    Thank you in advance!

    Having the exact same problem with connecting ML and Snow Leopard machines to a Windows 8.1 machine. Oddly enough, connecting and copying to/from works perfectly from a Mavericks machine, despite the problems reported about Mavericks regarding the exact opposite. An old thread, but did you find a solution?

  • I am having trouble connecting MacBook Pro (10.6.7) to Novell server. I get incorrect username and password message. I can connect worksations running 10.5 without any problem. Any possible solution? Thanks, Ned

    I am having trouble connecting MacBook Pro (10.6.7) to Novell server. I get incorrect username and password message. I can connect worksations running 10.5 without any problem. Any possible solution? Thanks, Ned

    Having the exact same problem with connecting ML and Snow Leopard machines to a Windows 8.1 machine. Oddly enough, connecting and copying to/from works perfectly from a Mavericks machine, despite the problems reported about Mavericks regarding the exact opposite. An old thread, but did you find a solution?

  • Connectivity issues with AE card after v4.2 update on 10.3.9

    Teach me not to read up on updates before installing them, though I suppose I shouldn't have to....grr. Stupid lack of quality control.
    Anyway, I have a 1.25ghz PB running os 10.3.9, and my network was running just fine before I installed the update. Afterward, when I opened up Safari, I had full, fast connectivity for about 15 minutes. Then certain sites, like the MacAddict forums and Yahoo, simply refused to open (they timed out), and several others would take five or six tries to get through (all other tries would time out) Some sites would open consistently, but the vast majority of those I could even contact would not load properly or completely. Most would either not load graphics, hang midway through the transfer, or never reach 100%
    Oddly, my connectivity through other non-web ports (AIM, bittorrent) seems unaffected.
    My wired ethernet capability is still fine as well, no problems with any browser, so long as I'm plugged in (to the netgear router at the moment).
    This same problem occurs with Safari, Mozilla and IE (yeah, I even tried IE) So I doubt it's the Safari 1.3.1 update that I installed at the same time.
    It also occurs on both an AEBS and a Netgear WGR614, so it's not a matter of the AEBS firmware.
    I've tried rebooting, resetting, reinstalling the 4.2 software from the standalone package, reinputting my network settings, deleting pref files, etc. All to no avail.
    If anyone has any clue what's going on, I would much appreciate the help.

    Sadly I don't have answers either. I'm not sure what happened but as of the last few days i've been having the same problems. There are also times when my mac mini wont even connect to the base station.
    What I find strange is that my sister has the same airport firmware installed and her machine is unaffected. I'm on hold with apple atm, so we shall see what they can figure out.

  • Anyone else notice the Connect Mobile app is no longer on ITunes?

    Folks, this is odd: the Connect Mobile App is no longer on itunes. The link that used to take you there (http://itunes.apple.com/si/app/adobe-connect-mobile/id338279127) now causes an error to popup in itunes:
    Your request could not be completed. The item you've requested is not currently available in the US store.
    Yet I had visited the link just last week I thought (I share it with people often). And I know I just got an itunes update to the app (1.0.4) on my phone just in the past couple of days.
    Anyone know what's up?

    The Adobe Connect Mobile application was temporarily unavailable from iTunes around Dec 7-10, 2010 but you can now download its latest update (1.0.5 - posted Dec. 13, 2010).
    Vincent Toesca
    Group Product Manager, Adobe Connect

Maybe you are looking for