Offcycle - Default value Paymnet method

Hi All,
Requirement :
to default all ofcycle as cash pay (/557).
For this we have done config chnage in table V_T520CB , assigned one ofcy reason to "check" .
but still the chnages only reflecting / defaulting /557 only in PUOC_99, but not in PC00_M99_CALC with py type "A".
how w e can bring in "CALC"
Is this config only use for PUOC_99?

CALC program is designed like to check the payment method from Employee masters IT 0009 Bank details accordingly it will giver either /557 - Cash payment or  /559 - Bank transfer.

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        return true;
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    For this special case, you can specify:
    column_name SYSDATE
    in your SQL*Loader control file.

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         at Source)
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    parmTest( , "param2") is syntactically incorrect, so there can be no "workaround".
    In addition to solutions offered by SwapnilVJ and Saransoft84, you could also use a rest parameter:
    function parmTest(... args)
    // set up default values
    var val1:Boolean=true;
    var val2:String="";
      case 0:break;
      case 1:
       if(args[0] is String){val2=args[0] as String;}
       else{val1=args[0] as Boolean;}
      case 2:
       val1=args[0] as Boolean;
       val2=args[1] as String;
       trace(val1 + " " +val2);

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    use the set_attribute( ) method now to set the attribute with a particular key eg HIGH in ur case
    // u can use the code wizard( control +f7) this code will be auto generated when u select the
    //radio button to read the context node
    DATA lo_nd_cn_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA lo_el_cn_node TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      DATA ls_cn_node TYPE wd_this->element_cn_node.
    * navigate from <CONTEXT> to <CN_NODE> via lead selection
      lo_nd_cn_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_cn_node ).
    * get element via lead selection
      lo_el_cn_node = lo_nd_cn_node->get_element(  ).
    * set single attribute
          name =  `ATTribute name.`
          value = 'LOW' ).
    it will solve ur query ..
    also refer to this component
    wdr_test_events -> view dropdownbyidx and dropdownbykey ->method name onactionselect.

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    Error 7 occurred at Get LV Class Default
    With the following text:
    Possible reason(s):
    LabVIEW:  File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use \ as path separators on Windows, : on Mac OS X, and / on Linux. Verify that the path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer.
    NI-488:  Non-existent board.
    Complete call chain:
         Get LV Class Default
         EMS V3.0
    LabVIEW attempted to load the class at this path:
    H:\InMotion\EMS\builds\EMS_01\Emissions Analyzer\EMS.exe\1abvi3w\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb\Standard Report\NI_Standard Report.lvclass
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    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Garrett Herning

    Ok, I tried that... and now I get an error when I try to compile to an executable... This is right at the end of the build and will not let me build an executable.
    An error has occurred. Expand the Details section for more information.
    Visit the Request Support page at to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference:
    Error 7 occurred at Invoke Node in>>>>>>>>
    Possible reason(s):
    LabVIEW:  File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use \ as path separators on Windows, : on Mac OS X, and / on Linux. Verify that the path is correct using the command prompt or file explorer.
    NI-488:  Non-existent board.
    Method Name: Linker:Write Info To File

  • How can I make one entity attribute change trigger another's default value?

    Guys and Gals,
    Using JDev
    I have an order form which has a LOV (Customers) and an address field. The address field should contain the default address associated with the selected key in the LOV.
    To do this, I have an entity (Order) with two attributes (CustomerID & Address). Address has its default value set to "adf.object.getDefaultAddress" which returns the default address for the CustomerID. This only works on initial load.
    How would I make this adf.object.getDefaultAddress trigger when I select a different LOV CustomerID in the View Object?
    I've tried various things but am a little confused. Is there something akin to partial triggers for entity objects?
    I can provide pictures, code, etc.

    you can try this.
    go the the setter method in your EntityImpl class for the LOV attribute
    public void setCustomerID(Number value) {
            setAttributeInternal(CustomerID, value);
            //here call the setAddress() method
        }in your page, set the customerID autosubmit to true and make the Address field PPR the customer Id.
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.CustomerID.inputValue}"
            <af:inputText value="#{bindings.Address.inputValue}"

  • How  to set default value for Zfeild using statusprofile

    hi experts,
    I need to set a default value for a zfeild using status profile.Although we can default the values,using getter and setter methods,but in my requirement,the feild will be defaulted when the page is locked,also in display mode,which will require me to write code to unlock then set the value and then write a commit,as there wont be any user action performed.
    I have created a zstatus profile and have set the required status to inital,but no luck
    please suggest if this canbe achived through status profile.

    You can check in the getter if the Page is locked and then display the value to want to display. Note that this will be just Displaying the default value for the Zfield and it will not set the default value into  the Zfield in DB, because when the document is locked ( means locked for editing - mostly when system status is completed ) , setters are not called and so you can display the value but cant set it. This is fine if the value you want to display in Z field is just for user's informations and its not required to save this default value.
    The best approach would be to set the value in the Zfield before the page is locking. For example, If you wat to set the zfield value when status is set to "Completed" , then you can configure an action that is 1) triggered during saving of the document with 2) start condition "When status is completed"  ( both 1 and 2 you can mention in action defination ), then Implement this action badi in which you can set the Zfield to default value.
    This will ensure that default value is always set whenever the page is getting locked for editing ( i assumed that page lock means status completed ).
    Thanks & Regards

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    Hi Friends,
    In Drop Down by Index how can i pass default value Dynamically.Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

    if you want the value to be defaulted only the first time you execute the program then write the code which suman has mentioned in the views method

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    You can't do this on a running VI. If you have an idle VI, you can open a reference to that VI and use an invoke node with the Make Current Values Default method, but that will only work in LV (i.e. not in an EXE) and will affect all the controls. What you can do is save the values to a file and load them when the program starts. OpenG's File I/O package includes some VIs which will help you with that.
    Try to take over the world!

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    I have a method that I want to call with only part of the argument:
    public String UpdateTrs(String amount, String RefNo1, String RefNo2=null)
    so if I have RefNo1 and no RefNo2 I could call as UpdateTrs("333", "12222"),,,

    Here's an example to elaborate:
    // Here's your original method:
    public String UpdateTrs(String amount, String RefNo1, String RefNo2) {
        // method implementation here
    // This overloads it to add the "default" value.
    public String UpdateTrs(String amount, String RefNo1) {
        UpdateTrs( amount, RefNo1, null);
    }This accomplishes the same thing.
    Namely, calling the method with two parameters results in the third parameter being null.
    Hope that's helpful.

  • How to set a default value in a dropdownlistbox

    In CRM 2007 WEBUII have created a dropdownlistbox (ddlb)  filled with currency codes.
    Now I want the default value of the ddlb to be the currency of the country of the loggedin user, ie : 'EUR'
    Anyone an creative idea how I can achieve this ?
    In first place I need to know how I can set a default value of a ddlb.
    --> ddlb type ref to CL_CRM_UIU_DDLB.

    Hello Wolfgang,
    If the method does not exist yet, you can create it in your enhanced (Z) context node.
    ATTRIBUTE_PATH Importing     Type                  STRING
    ITERATOR          Importing           Type Ref To     IF_BOL_BO_COL_ITERATOR
    VALUE                    Returning        Type                  STRING
    method GET_BP_GROUP.
        DATA: current TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access.
        DATA: dref    TYPE REF TO data.
        if iterator is bound.
          current = iterator->get_current( ).
          current = collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
            dref = current->get_property( 'BP_GROUP' ). "#EC NOTEXT
          CATCH cx_crm_cic_parameter_error.
        CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial cx_sy_move_cast_error
        IF dref IS NOT BOUND.
          value =''
            value = if_bsp_model_util~convert_to_string( data_ref = dref
                                        attribute_path = attribute_path ).
          CATCH cx_bsp_conv_illegal_ref.
            FIELD-SYMBOLS: <l_data> type DATA.
            assign dref->* to <l_data>.
    *       please implement here some BO specific handler coding
    *       conversion of currency/quantity field failed caused by missing
    *       unit relation
    *       Coding sample:
    *       provide currency, decimals, and reference type
    *       value = cl_bsp_utility=>make_string(
    *                          value = <l_data>
    *                          reference_value = c_currency
    *                          num_decimals = decimals
    *                          reference_type = reference_type
            CONCATENATE <l_data> '-CURR/QUANT CONV FAILED-' INTO value
                        SEPARATED BY space.                 "#EC NOTEXT
          CATCH cx_root.
            value = '-CONVERSION FAILED-'.                  "#EC NOTEXT
        if value is initial.
         value = 'Your default value'.

  • How to set a default value in a Value Help Drop Down List

    I used an age Range field in my adobe form, the control  is a Value Help Drop Down List. i am populating the drop down using following code.
    IWDAttributeInfo ageInfo = wdContext.nodePersonalData().getNodeInfo().getAttribute("CTAgeRange");
         ISimpleTypeModifiable ageType = ageInfo.getModifiableSimpleType();     
         IModifiableSimpleValueSet ageValueSet =  ageType.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
         ageValueSet.put("3","35 or Above");
    My requirement is to set a default value e.g. 30-34 in the age range field.
    I want to give input to iform from my Implementation code only.
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance

    hi Ranjan,
    that means you have to set at design time,
    to set default drop down value you will have to set the value for particular attribute (which is linked to the dropdown element) in the context
    wdContext.currentContext<nodeName>Element.set<FieldName>(<default value>)
    This generally done in Initialization method of the controller.

  • How to give a default value in an inputText on a Form (Jdev 11G Preview2)

    First Test :
    In the .jspx I have a Form with an inputText :
    -id = inputText1
    In the page Def (in the <methodAction ..for the submit button) I modified the NDValue in order to have
    <NamedData NDName="ppartId" NDType="java.lang.Integer"
    --> After clicking on the submit button I got a null value for the ppartId (in my model method) [In my ManagedBean ParticipantInfo, participantId is OK]
    Second Test
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    -id = inputText1
    I replace the value
    -id = inputText1
    --> I saw the correct value when running the form but After clicking on the submit button I got a null value for the ppartId (in my model method)
    So my problem is : I just want to give a default value on an inputText on a form with a Managedbean. How to do that ?
    Could I modify the code of the action ofthe submit button to do that but how ?
    public String saisierapide_action() {
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("SaisieRapide");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    return null;

    if your attribute binding is bound to a variable, then you can achieve this by setting the DefaultValue attribute for the variable to the desired value. E.g.
      <variable Name="ppartIdVariable" Type="java.lang.String"
    <attributeValues id="ppartId" IterBinding="variables">
        <Item Value="ppartIdVariable"/>

  • How to set a default value in dropdown list in Wendynpro ABAP? Help!

    Hi Experts,
           I have Webdynpro for ABAP application that shows a DropdownwithKey UI element.
    1. I am able to populate the dropdown list. But by default the list is not showing any value. Only when I select a value from the list then it shows it.
    So how to set the default value to the first value in the list? Any code sample will be really helpfull.
    I have written the following code:
    method WDDOINIT .
        node_category TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node_info.
      node_category = WD_CONTEXT->GET_NODE_INFO( ).
      node_category = node_category->GET_CHILD_NODE( 'CATEGORY' ).
               L_VALUE type WDR_CONTEXT_ATTR_VALUE.
    L_VALUE-VALUE      = 'V1'.
    L_VALUE-TEXT    = 'yesterday'.
    L_VALUE-VALUE      = 'V2'.
    L_VALUE-TEXT    = 'today'.
    L_VALUE-VALUE      = 'V3'.
    L_VALUE-TEXT    = 'tomorrow'.
                 NAME = 'CAT_VALUE'
                 VALUE_SET = LT_VALUESET ).
    Note that: I am using webdynpro for ABAP.

    I am not sure how it works in Web Dynpro for ABAP, but in Web Dynpro for Java to set default drop down value you will have to set the value for particular attribute (which is linked to the dropdown element)  in the context
    wdContext.currentContext<nodeName>Element.set<FieldName>(<defalut value>)
    This generally done in Initialization method of the controller.

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