Offline files - Red text.

Browsing samples. Unable to play samples in red text. User guide states that these are offline files - no mention of what an offline file is or where it's located. Can someone please help me unlock the mystery of the red text. Thanks.
iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

...oops! If I had of bothered to read some of the other posts I would have discovered the solution. A question I have now is how large is the additional file?
iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

Similar Messages

  • Windows 7 and Offline Files - Sync at logoff

    I have set up folder redirection in my organisation (testing purposes) The problem I am facing is Windows 7 will not automatically sync offline files back to the share.
    There is a gpo for Windows XP to do this when a user is either is logging off on on. I am trying to accomplish the same when a user logs off and a script can be run to initiate a sync.
    Please help.
    This is the VBS script I am using, but does nothing when I run it. IS there something missing? A better solution?
    ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    ' Usage: CscSyncAll.vbs [/Direction:in|out|inout] [/PinNewFiles:1:0] [/Conflicts:local|remote|latest] [/Machine:value] [/User:value] [/Password:value]
    ' Demonstrates how to sync the entire Offline Files cache.
    const cComputerName = "LocalHost"
    const cWMINamespace = "root\cimv2"
    ' Process commandline arguments
    strComputerName = WScript.Arguments.Named("Machine")
    If Len(strComputerName) = 0 Then strComputerName = cComputerName
    strUserID = WScript.Arguments.Named("User")
    If Len(strUserID) = 0 Then strUserID = ""
    strPassword = WScript.Arguments.Named("Password")
    If Len(strPassword) = 0 Then strPassword = ""
    ' Sync control flags from Win32_OfflineFilesCache.Synchronize
    const fFillSparse = &H00000001
    const fSyncIn = &H00000002
    const fSyncOut = &H00000004
    const fPinNewFiles = &H00000008
    const fPinLinkTargets = &H00000010
    const fPinForUser = &H00000020
    const fPinForUser_Policy = &H00000040
    const fPinForAll = &H00000080
    const fLowPriority = &H00000200
    const fAsyncProgress = &H00000400
    const fInteractive = &H00000800
    const fConsole = &H00001000
    const fSkipSuspendedDirs = &H00002000
    const fBackground = &H00010000
    const fCrKeepLocal = &H10000000
    const fCrKeepRemote = &H20000000
    const fCrKeepLatest = &H30000000
    const wbemFlagSendStatus = &H00000080
    SyncControlFlags = fSyncIn + _
    fSyncOut + _
    fPinNewFiles + _
    fPinForUser + _
    fConsole + _
    strDirection = WScript.Arguments.Named("Direction")
    If Len(strDirection) <> 0 Then
    if LCase(strDirection) = "in" Then
    SyncControlFlags = SyncControlFlags - fSyncOut
    Elseif LCase(strDirection) = "out" Then
    SyncControlFlags = SyncControlFlags - fSyncIn
    Elseif LCase(strDirection) = "inout" Then
    ' Do nothing. Flags already indicate in/out
    Wscript.Echo "Invalid direction value [" & strDirection & "]"
    Err.Raise 507 ' "an exception occured" error
    End if
    End if
    strPinNewFiles = WScript.Arguments.Named("PinNewFiles")
    If Len(strPinNewFiles) <> 0 And strPinNewFiles = "0" Then
    SyncControlFlags = SyncControlFlags - fPinNewFiles
    End if
    strConflicts = WScript.Arguments.Named("Conflicts")
    If Len(strConflicts) <> 0 Then
    If LCase(strConflicts) = "local" Then
    SyncControlflags = SyncControlFlags + fCrKeepLocal
    Elseif LCase(strConflicts) = "remote" Then
    SyncControlFlags = SyncControlFlags + fCrKeepRemote
    Elseif LCase(strConflicts) = "latest" Then
    SyncControlFlags = SyncControlFlags + fCrKeepLatest
    End if
    End if
    Set objWMILocator = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    Set objWMIServices = objWMILocator.ConnectServer(strComputerName, _
    cWMINameSpace, _
    strUserID, _
    Set objCache = objWMIServices.Get("Win32_OfflineFilesCache=@")
    Set objParams = objCache.Methods_("Synchronize").InParameters.SpawnInstance_
    Set objSink = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemSink", "SINK_")
    Set objItemInstances = objWMIServices.InstancesOf("Win32_OfflineFilesItem")
    ' Set up the API arguments
    Dim ItemPaths(0)
    objParams.Paths = ItemPaths
    objParams.Flags = SyncControlFlags
    ' Constants for cache item types
    const cFile = 0
    const cDirectory = 1
    const cShare = 2
    const cServer = 3
    ' Execute the sync action on each share in the Offline Files cache.
    For Each objItem in objItemInstances
    If cShare = objItem.ItemType Then
    ItemPaths(0) = objItem.ItemPath
    objParams.Paths = ItemPaths
    objWMIServices.ExecMethodAsync objSink, "Win32_OfflineFilesCache", "Synchronize", objParams, wbemFlagSendStatus
    End If
    ' Loop until we receive an OnCompleted event
    bDone = False
    While Not bDone
    wscript.sleep 1000
    Sub SINK_OnProgress(UpperBound, Current, Message, objContext)
    DIM Reasons(3)
    ' The message is composed as follows:
    ' <reason>:<result>:<result msg>:<path>
    ' <reason>
    ' Integer indicates reason for progress callback.
    ' Values are:
    ' 0 - "Begin" overall operation
    ' 1 - "End" overall operation
    ' 2 - "Begin Item" operation
    ' 3 - "Item result"
    ' <result>
    ' Integer result code; HRESULT.
    ' <result msg>
    ' Text describing the result. In most cases this is translated using
    ' the Win32 function FormatMessage. In some cases a more descriptive
    ' message is provided that is better aligned with Offline Files.
    ' <path>
    ' UNC path string associated with the progress notifcation. This is
    ' empty for the "Begin" and "End" notifications.
    ' Define indexes of the various parts in the message.
    PART_PATH = 3
    ' The reason codes present in the <reason> part.
    REASON_END = 1
    ' split the message into the 4 parts and extract those parts.
    Parts = Split(Message, ":", -1, 1)
    Reason = CInt(Parts(PART_REASON))
    Path = Parts(PART_PATH)
    Result = CLng(Parts(PART_RESULT))
    ResultMsg = Parts(PART_RESULTMSG)
    Select Case Reason
    WScript.Echo Path
    if 0 <> Result then
    Wscript.Echo " Error: " & Hex(Result) & " " & ResultMsg
    end if
    if 0 <> Result then
    Wscript.Echo "Error: " & Hex(Result) & " " & ResultMsg
    end if
    End Select
    End Sub
    ' Called when the operation is complete.
    Sub SINK_OnCompleted(HResult, objLastError, objContext)
    bDone = True
    End Sub
    *This code was pulled from:

    Please know that Offline Files in Windows 7 uses Bitmap Differential Transfer. Bitmap Differential Transfer tracks which blocks of a file in the local cache are modified while you are working offline and then sends only those blocks to the server. In Windows
    XP, Offline Files copies the entire file from the local cache to the server, even if only a small part of the file was modified while offline.
    How the synchronization in Windows 7 Offline Files works
    That should be the cause of the issue that your script didn't work.
    Considering that the issue should be related to the script, I suggest to post the question on Script Center forum for further help.
    Script Center forum:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. 
    Thanks for understanding.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Finding offline files

    I have a timeline that's two hours. I have a couple audio files that are listed as offline, but since they are files brought exported from soundtrack, the name of them doesn't show up when I highlight everything and hit reconnect media.
    My question is: Is there a way to search for offline files other than making the timeline big and scrolling through

    No need to search the timeline. The offline clips icons are marked with a red line through them in the Browser. Right click, choose Reconnect > Search.
    Note that they will not be found if you changed the name in Finder. Turn off the "Find matching name only" option and you can replace them with a renamed version.

  • How does FCE reconnect offline files?

    Can someone explain the mechanism that Final Cut uses to reconnect offline files? If I understood the process, possibly I might be able to solve the following problem:
    I have a project with many offline files. They happen to be all of the still photos whose source is an iPhoto Library. In the timeline (where all the offline files are shown in red), a right click reveals the correct name of each file, however, FCE is unable to reconnect.
    If I try to reconnect, there is no indication of any Offline Files in the Reconnect Window. If I select the Search button and navigate to the location of the missing files, all of the file names are grayed out.
    How is it that FCE knows the name of the offline files but not their location nor is able to reconnect with either the Locate or Search functions?

    "When you navigate to the file names can you hit the All Files in the SHOW sub-menu?"
    Yes, I can select All Files, which allows me to select and reconnect a single file. If I select more than one file, nothing happens. I have many files to reconnect. Doing them one at a time is not practical.
    In the past, I have been able to reconnect multiple files, simultaneously. Of course, those files were also listed in the Reconnect Files window. This time they are not.
    Regarding changing the file path, in the past I have moved the location of source files and after launching FCE, it seems to know immediately where they are. So, apparently that is not the problem.
    For the record, this project has many Bins, each containing a sequence, many video clips and still photos. This is the only bin that has a problem and it is only with the still photos in that bin and sequence. One more bit of info that may or not be meaningful: This particular bin was temporarily misplaced within another bin. For some time, I thought that it was lost. When I finally discovered it, I moved it to its proper location and it was then that I discovered the offline files problem.

  • Excel 2010 changes relative link paths to absolute in files synced with Offline Files in Windows 7

    Hello! I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this problem: I have a large number of Excel 2010 and 2003 files in a folder on my file server. This whole folder is also synced to my computer using Offline Files in Windows 7. I have a lot of references between
    cells in different Excel files, and all referenced workbooks are physically in the same folder. This all works nicely when I create these files at work - all file paths referenced in the cells are created as relative paths and the documents open correctly.
    This is, I understand, the expected and default behavior when Excel creates links. When I edit these files at home, nothing seems odd until I get back to work and sync these files back to the file server. At this point, I discovered that Excel 2010 has, when
    I saved the files while away from the corporate network, changed /all/ the cell references in any offline-edited Excel files to point at absolute paths, and that these absolute paths point to somewhere in my %APPDATA% structure. So whenever I come to work
    and I try to open an Excel file that I have recently worked with offline, I get a bunch of error messages about referenced files that are missing, although clearly they exist in the same folder as the file I've opened, and I must edit all the file references
    again, whereupon they are again created correctly as relative paths (since all files exist in the same folder), which are promptly mangled into absolute C:\....\Offline Files\.....\..... paths whenever I save them at home (and since that works too, I don't
    notice it again until I come back to work and the offline files are synced back to the real network location). This seems to be a case of Windows 7's Offline Files not being able to fool Excel 2010 into believing it is working on a file server - apparently
    Excel 2010 can see through the fakery and decides on it's own to "fix" the problem (which obviously isn't a problem since the paths are relative to begin with) by saving the paths as absolute paths instead. Yes, really clever, Excel. The exepected behavior
    according to MSKB is that links are created as relative paths, so why does it change to absolute whenever Offline Files are involved? I know Offline Files only syncs, it doesn't actually change the files, so I can conclude that Excel is the program at fault
    here. Is there a fix for this, or a known workaround? Because frankly, this bug makes it impossible for me to work in any advanced manner with linked Excel files. The sad thing is that this worked perfectly fine with Office 2003 and Windows XP. Is there a
    patch for this problem that I might have missed (I am running the latest Service Pack and I get Office updates from Microsoft Update). If not, is there a workaround I can use to prevent Excel from corrupting my links when I edit the files offline?

    Hello danceswithwindows,
    Thank you for your post.
    This is a quick note to let you know that we are performing research on this issue.
    Rex Zhang
    Rex Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do I prevent offline files from syncing accross WAN

    I have multiple sites connected via smaller WAN links (1.5 meg).  I am trying to prevent any Offline Folder Syncing across the WAN. 
    When users travel to other sites there is an issue where their laptop wants to sync their MyDocs folder across the WAN.  Since the user has several Gig of Data at the remote site this could take all day and can consumes all of our bandwidth between
    the sites.  This doesn't happen unless the users have their MyDocs folder set to 'make available for Offline Use'. 
    The users MyDocs folder is automatically redirected to a network file server at the users main location.
    I have tried setting the Network Transparency to 64 ms (64) but that doesn't seem to help.  Normal latency between sites (based off of a ping) is 75-100 ms (unless under heavy load).
    Do you have any suggestions or recommendations?  I tried looking at the below technote but I couldn't seem to get a setting that made this issue go away.
    Any help you can offer will greatly be appreciated.
    Thank you

    The article you looking at is not for preventing the offline file sync. So what's your requirement? If you don't want the offline file sync, just disable the it in the sync center:
    1. Open the Control Panel, click on the Sync Center icon.
    2. In the left pane, click on the Manage offline files link.
    3. Click on the Disable offline files button.
    4. Click on OK and restart the computer(see screenshot below).
    If you want to sync the offline file, the guide you refer is the optimal solution for you. Since your file is too big. However, I suggest you sync it completely if you really need it when slow network or disconnection from the Server. It won't copy
    the whole file every time. It just sync the new version of the file when it checked the file has be changed.
    Karen Hu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Recover Deleted Offline File in Window's 7

    Documents that were suppose to sync with the server had not synced in months. The filess I am sure were being saved to the offline file cache. The offline file cache was deleted by using microsoft hotfix 50561 (kb230738), reinitalizing the cache and correcting
    the save path. The documents are very important. I researched and found the xp tool for recovering deleted offline files. csccmd.exe by using the command
    csccmd.exe /extract /target:c:\docs /recurse
    Is There a tool like this for windows 7? is there a way to recover the lost files. Previous versions and system restore was not enabled and I have not been able to enable then.

    Hi ShaneC_76,
    Thanks for the post!
    Please refer to<cite>
    </cite>Windows Offline Files.
    Check the 10. Restoring Offline Files In Windows Vista and 7.
    Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer
    your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Hi ,How can I get a list of all laptops or users with folder direction enabled or offline files enabled, be it sccm or poerwshell . i have struggled for a week.

    Hi ,how can I get a list of all laptops or users with folder direction enabled or offline files enabled, be it sccm
    or poerwshell . i have struggled for a week

    There is no such PowerShell command can achiev this. Maybe you can use a script to get the user name with folder redirection enabled. However, I am not familiar with writing script, and it would be better for you to ask in script forum below for professional
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • How can I get a list of all laptops or users with folder direction enabled or offline files enabled, be it sccm or poerwshell . i have struggled for a week.

    How can I get a list of all laptops or users with folder direction enabled or offline files enabled, be it sccm or poerwshell . i have struggled for a week.

    There is no such PowerShell command can achiev this. Maybe you can use a script to get the user name with folder redirection enabled. However, I am not familiar with writing script, and it would be better for you to ask in script forum below for professional
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Offline Files sync gives Access Denied on Windows 8.1 Enterprise

    A small number of our staff have now been issued with Windows 8.1 Enterprise hybrid tablet computers, however there is a problem with using Offline Files on them - when synchronising, it responds "Access Denied".
    The tablets have Windows 8.1 Enterprise with all the latest updates on them. Staff users have a home folder on the network under \\server\staff\homes\departmentname\username which gets mapped to U: and their My Documents is redirected there. The server is currently
    Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2.
    We have tried:
    Resetting the Offline Files cache using the FormatDatabase registry key
    Using Group Policy Objects to force Offline Files synchronisation at logon and logoff
    Clearing the local cached copy of the user's profile from the machine and getting them to log back on to recreate it
    Setting up Offline Files event logging to the event viewer - this provides no useful information as it only logs disconnect/reconnect and logoff/logon events
    Forcing Group Policy update using gpupdate /force
    Forcing synchronisation using PowerShell and
    As suggested by we gave the All Staff security group Read permissions on F:\Staff (which is the one that is shared as \\server\staff) and then blocked inheritance for folders below that
    We also checked the following:
    The CSC cache has not been relocated
    No error 7023 or event 7023 errors relating to Offline Files are present in the event logs
    The Offline Files service is running
    The OS is already Windows 8.1 Enterprise, so installing the Pro Pack is not applicable
    In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UserState\UserStateTechnologies\ConfigurationControls  all the values are set to 0 and not 1
    We do not use System Center Configuration Manager
    No errors were found in the Folder Redirection event logs
    None of these solved the problem, does anyone have any suggestions?
    Here is the error we are seeing:
    Dan Jackson (Lead ITServices Technician)
    Long Road Sixth Form College
    Cambridge, UK

    Generally speaking, this problem is most probably occurs at File Server Client. 
    Firstly, please check the sharing file Sync Settings.
    Shared file properties\Sharing\Advanced Sharing\Caching 
    Also check shared file user list, make sure these problematic user account have full permission.
    On the other hand, could you able to access to the shared file directly in Windows Explorer?
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Yes, the user can access the shared folder in Windows Explorer. The user has the following permissions:
    Traverse Folder/Execute File
    List Folder/Read Data
    Read Attributes
    Read Extended Attributes
    Create Files/Write Data
    Create Folders/Append Data
    Write Attributes
    Write Extended Attributes
    Read Permissions
    Here is a screenshot of how the Caching settings are set up on the top-level Staff share.

  • Download and Upload Status/other utilities in one offline file

    Is it possible to download or upload the GUI statuses?
    Also, I am curious if there is any utility by which I can find all the related technical objects for one report/utility?
    e.g. when i try to copy objects from one system to another(which are not connected), I often forget to copy few objects which i have to find out through code inspector errors. (eg. message classes, search helps etc).
    also, i repeatedly have to copy the screens and statuses to other systems. Is it possible to download all of the related objects in an offline file? so that i can upload the same to other system.
    our sandbox system is not connect to the real time system and we need to copy objects from dev/quality to sandbox if we want to try out few things.

    Hello Chinmaya,
    I know of a program REPTRAN which can download all your code and the related things in multiple offline files.
    But dont know if it will be of any help to you or not.
    Please check the same.
    Hope it helps.

  • Save as PDF file as excel file or text file in vba excel

    Hi all,
    I am opening a PDF document fromm VBA excel. After opening document it should save the document as excel file or text file in one folder.
    I am trying to do this with some code but not able to , pls help me thatnks.
    Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp
      Dim Part1Document As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
    Set Part1Document = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
       Part1Document.Open ("Z:\EG MI Information\MIS\Requests\Req_156\NO.1.pdf")
      Dim app As Object, avdoc As Object, pageview As Object
    Set app = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    Set avdoc = app.GetActiveDoc
    app.MenuItemExecute ("SaveAs")

    In the documentation for the saveAs function it has the following params
    cPath The device-independent path in which to save the file.
    cConvID (optional, Acrobat 6.0) A conversion ID string that specifies the conversion
    file type.
    cFS (optional, Acrobat 7.0) A string that specifies the source file system name.
    bCopy (optional, Acrobat 7.0) A Boolean value which, if true, saves the PDF file
    as a copy. The default is false.
    bPromptToOverwrite (optional, Acrobat 7.0) A Boolean value which, if true, prompts the user if
    the destination file already exists. The default is false.
    In order to get a text file saved you need to specify the correct cConvID.
    See the documentation for the valid convID's -
    Please note the Acrobat SDK contains all the information and does not require much installing ( as it is a zip file(on windows) and a disc image (on Mac) it just needs extracted)

  • How to display an HTML file in text Area?

    I am trying to display an HTML formated file in  text area component using Action 3.0. The following script does not generates compiler errors, each function seems to be executed yet the file is not displayed. When trying the same code with myCV.txt and myCV_TA.text = ( the text file is displayed OK. Flash MX and actionscript 2.0 had handled that differently but with success???
    ( myCV_TA is the text area component)
    var loader1:URLLoader =new URLLoader();
    function textload(file:String)
    loader1.load(new URLRequest(file));
    trace("in textload");
    function displayText(e:Event)
    myCV_TA.htmlText = (;
    trace("in displaytext");

    hmm.. never tried to use an .html file like that in flash, what's inside that file? text with images tables and so on? the htmltext property supports only a few HTML tags, maybe it's not working because an unsupported tag has been detected.

  • Win 7 Offline Files and Captivate

    We save files to "My Documents" so that we can use Windows Sync to enable offline files (portability and server backup). Adobe products don't like pointing to network locations for output (published files and such). If I publish to a sync'd folder, it looks like a network file and Adobe products seem to hesitate or complain about this. I can point published files to the hard drive (C: for instance) but I lose the functionality of offline files (sync, backup). I have "aliased" a drive (for instance the L: drive) which Captivate thinks is a local drive (and not a network drive) and that works pretty well. The "aliased" drive points to the sync'd drive (read: networked drive).
    Any suggestions for more suitable implementations are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Do you configure “Always available offline” on the clients? If so, disable it to check if the issue still exists. The Offline Files feature must be enabled on the client computer for files and programs to be automatically cached. Additionally, the
    Optimized for performance option does not have any effect on client computers using Windows Vista or newer.
    For more detailed information, please refer to the articles below:
    Working with network files when you are offline
    Configure Offline Availability for a Shared Folder
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • How to Move Offline Files Cache in Windows 7?

    I'm using the offline files feature in Win7 (much better implementation, btw - kudos!) and I've run into a problem:  the CSC is using up all the drive space on C:\.  I'd like to move the CSC to D:\, however I've been unable to do so.
    I've seen this posted here previously (2/2009), however the response was to follow the instructions from Vista (using migwiz.exe).  When I launch migwiz.exe, I have no option of selecting the offline files as outlined in the Vista instructions (
    Are there any other ways of doing this?

    Hi everyone,
    I have found a way to move the offline cache in W7, but it means you have to reset your existing offline files, give the new location, and resync the folders in the new location.
    Here is what to do (if you haven't synchronised any offline files yet, for exemple after a clean install, you can start directly in step 3):
    0) Make sure your existing offline files are synchronised with the server, as you are going to lose ALL the offline copies and you don't want to lose any new/modified files. Make a backup if you're not sure and if the files are important.
    1) reset the content of the old cache by adding the following command in a batch file and running it (of course you can add the parameter in the registry manually, but it's quite handy to have the batch ready whenever you need to reset the cache):
    REG ADD "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC\Parameters" /v FormatDatabase /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    2) Reboot, the added key will be detected, all the content of the cache will be deleted, as well as the key itself (it only resets once)
    3) Add the following registry key in the same HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC\Parameters section of the registry:
    Type: REG SZ (string)
    Name: CacheLocation
    Value: the new location in NT format, ie \??\d:\csc if you want to create the new cache in d:\csc
    4) Create the folder in the new location
    5) Reboot (not sure if it's necessary, but better safe than sorry)
    6) Reselect the files/folders you want to sync offline, and they should sync in the new location.
    7) If you want to, you can delete the old cache location in c:\windows\csc by following the end of the vista procedure linked in the first post (using takeown etc)
    It worked for me (Win7 RTM x86), let us know if it works for you...
    Obviously it won't help if you don't want to / can't resynchronise, but if you're starting from scratch or don't mind resyncing from scratch, it's a good workaround.
    EDIT: if you sync a lot of files and get a lot of errors, try to reset your offline files again following the above procedure (steps 1-2), disable offline files, reboot, enable offline files, reboot, and resync your files. Again, it worked for me...

Maybe you are looking for