OID traps

Please, I need a command or directory patch file , where I can get the OID of some traps.
Like the output that can get when I put command "ovdumpevents" in HPOV software.
For example OID of the following traps:
snmp-server community ******** RO
snmp-server community ******** RW
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart
snmp-server enable traps chassis
snmp-server enable traps module
snmp-server enable traps tty
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server enable traps event-manager
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server enable traps memory bufferpeak
snmp-server enable traps entity
snmp-server enable traps cpu threshold
snmp-server enable traps rsvp
snmp-server enable traps vlancreate
snmp-server enable traps vlandelete
snmp-server enable traps envmon fan shutdown supply temperature status
snmp-server enable traps port-security
snmp-server enable traps alarms informational
snmp-server host ******** envmon snmp
snmp-server host ******** envmon snmp
Thanks very much in advance
Best regards,

Thank you very much for the information. I´m need to find a command that can be executed in the ciscoworks server to see the OID and the traps.
Specifically, I need to analyze a "Cisco 7609 Router"  in which I have configured the following traps:
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart
snmp-server enable traps chassis
snmp-server enable traps module
snmp-server enable traps tty
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server enable traps event-manager
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server enable traps memory bufferpeak
snmp-server enable traps entity
snmp-server enable traps cpu threshold
snmp-server enable traps rsvp
snmp-server enable traps vlancreate
snmp-server enable traps vlandelete
snmp-server enable traps envmon fan shutdown supply temperature status
snmp-server enable traps port-security
snmp-server enable traps alarms informational
What OID correspond for example to "module" or  "chassis" traps ?
The IOS for this device is a "Cisco IOS Software, c7600s72033_rp Software (c7600s72033_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.2(33)SRB5a"
Best regards!

Similar Messages

  • Problems understanding SNMP OIDs/Traps

    Dear Community,
    i would be very glad if you could help me with this thopic...i seem to have some trouble understanding it...
    Here an example:
    2010-01-18 06:28:44    Unknown alert received from device ber-be-swt01.is24-rz.de of type SwCiscoIOS. Device Time 82+21:21:53. (Trap type\nTrap var bind data: \nOID:  Value:  1\nOID:  Value:  4\nOID:  Value:  2\nOID:  Value:
    Ok. Let's take the trap type:
    Searching with SNMP Object Navigator (http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseOID.do?local=en) i only get as far as:   -> ...6.0 is unkown.
    If i search for the OID for example
    i get the following:  -> ...738 is unknown.
    This happens with a lot of OIDs for me (not just these ones). If i understand the OID correctly, this could be a command from the command line which forced this trap.
    So what's the .738 for? Why couldn't it be recognised by the search-function?
    In advance i like to thank you for any feedback.
    Sven Schlingloff

    Try using my search and translate tool at http://jaguar.ir.miami.edu/~marcus/snmptrans.html .  If you do, you will see that translates to ciscoConfigManEvent.  The OID translates to ccmHistoryEventCommandSource.  However, ccmHistoryEventCommandSource'd OID is  The .738 is the specific instance.  The definition of ccmHistoryEventCommandSource is:
    "The source of the command that instigated the event."
    This object comes from the ccmHistoryEventTable which is indexed by the ccmHistoryEventIndex object.  The definition of that object is:
    "A monotonically increasing integer for the sole
    purpose of indexing events.  When it reaches the
    maximum value, an extremely unlikely event, the agent
    wraps the value back to 1 and may flush existing
    So, the 738 is simply a unique number which identifies this particular history event.

  • Trap OID mismatch between send/receive - why?

    I am using a trapgen tool with the following command to send a trap to TEO:
    trapgen -f input.txt
    input.txt file contains the sender's OID specified with a -o option. Now on to my question:
    Regardless of the what the sender's OID is, the OID received by SNMP adaptor in TEO is different as seen in the log file. In my case, I am sending the following OID but am seeing the following OID in SNMP adaptor log file:
    Question: Would like to understand why this OID mismatch between what is sent Vs what is received by TEO?

    Same post from the email I sent and posted otherplace.
    Here is the email info as well...
    My assumption is because of some other parameter in that tool. It is *forcing* it to be that. Maybe it’s the version or something in the variable bindings. I do not know SNMP deep enough or that tool deep enough to give a complete answer. I found some sites by googling that tool, so that’s a start:
    Again, my understanding and knowledge of SNMP is limited, so if you need a SNMP expert, better to look to the networking TAC I’d guess.
    I was able to send in a different OID by running the command like this:
    Trapgen –d –o . –v . INTEGER 20
    This was picked up in TEO like this…
    04/25 15:49:01:075[TrapListener.0]: (mem=45222712/375521280) TrapReceiveHandler: Incoming trap from to local port 162
    04/25 15:49:01:075[TrapListener.0]: (mem=45222712/375521280) TrapReceiveHandler: Incoming trap version: V1 and community string: public
    04/25 15:49:01:075[TrapListener.0]: (mem=45222712/375521280) TrapReceiveHandler: Incoming trap has no Trap OID
    04/25 15:49:01:075[TrapListener.0]: (mem=45222712/375521280) TrapReceiveHandler: Convert incoming V1 trap's trap OID to:
    04/25 15:49:01:075[TrapListener.0]: (mem=45222712/375521280) TrapReceiveHandler: Trap source FQDN :IA-TAC-AUTO-TLS.CISCO.COM
    04/25 15:49:01:075[TrapListener.0]: (mem=45222712/375521280) TrapReceiveHandler: Trap source from computer:IA-TAC-AUTO-TLS
    And I verified that in the GUI.
    Furthermore I found that I could trigger off of “*” for Trap OID in the trigger. So you can put a star to trigger off of any OID, and then just put some criteria for the variable bindings. This might work better.
    Remember in the process we wrote and gave you, that the trigger does a search into the variable binding for *ERROR* so if you were monitoring "*" OID but still using that conditional it should be fine.

  • OID of storm control trap

    Hello everyone,
    I have a question about Strom Control trap.
    I configured "storm-control action trap" on cat2960-24
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    What is this OID?
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    best regards.
    Yusuke Matsumoto

    I receive also the trap but I could not find the appropriate mib
    Is someone could give an help
    best regard

  • Creating SNMP Trap Monitors in 2012 R2

    For the past week or so  I have been attempting to create a MP for my company's UPSs to be monitored in SCOM 2012 R2. I have created a custom MP with custom datasources and objects. All seems to go according to the plan until I attempt to create a SNMP
    Trap monitor for those objects. I am able to verify that the device is discovered and is sending the traps successfully with a view. The problem seems to lie within the setup of the monitor. I have followed the steps as much as I can from this page http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh563870.aspx
    to create a monitor that will be triggered by an incoming trap saying the UPS is on Battery Power.
    This is the initial or trigger event information received by SCOM:
    <DataItem type="System.SnmpData" time="2014-07-03T08:48:07.6990732-07:00" sourceHealthServiceId="26DF02E5-DEA0-BED0-443B-3605A05D4790">
    <Value VariantType="19">17567220</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">UPS: On battery power in response to an input power problem.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    This is the event should signal that everything is operating normally once again.
    <DataItem type="System.SnmpData" time="2014-07-03T08:48:12.9133769-07:00" sourceHealthServiceId="26DF02E5-DEA0-BED0-443B-3605A05D4790"><Source></Source>
    <Value VariantType="19">17567730</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">UPS: No longer on battery power.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    You may notice that these traps are being sent as SNMP v1. I am unable to change that on the UPS so i have modified the monitors to account for that. Here is the code for the monitor:
    <UnitMonitor ID="UIGeneratedMonitorc2c65f3c85fe42f48ce8d2580c57bbae" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="APC.MP.UPS" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="SNL!System.NetworkManagement.SnmpTrapProvider.2SingleEvent2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">
    <AlertSettings AlertMessage="UIGeneratedMonitorc2c65f3c85fe42f48ce8d2580c57bbae_AlertMessageResourceID">
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId2750c1ab2cd14b4a8a8e9f4633eba0b0" MonitorTypeStateID="SecondEventRaised" HealthState="Success" />
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId5753748399984d08953c1a46895df99c" MonitorTypeStateID="FirstEventRaised" HealthState="Warning" />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>
    I tried the following things while attempting to troubleshoot this issue:
    Leaving  First
    SnmpTrapProvider and Second
    SnmpTrapProvider blank while creating the monitor.
    Adding "" and also '' around the value as it is a string and perhaps that was the cause.
    Changing the First and Second SNMPTrapProvider to . since that is the specific OID I am looking for the value of.
    Reading every page of the internet and bashing my head on the keyboard.
     I am guessing that the issue will reside in the the monitor creation and definition, but I have not found anything that clearly describes how to fill out the SNMP Trap Monitor wizard given the trap info. Especially since the trap I am receiving does
    not seem to contain the usual OID with a common Int or string value.  Hopefully someone can provide assistance as I am nearing my wits end with this problem.

    Firstly, thank you Michael Skov, knowing that the First and Second SnmpTrapProvider or <FirstOIDProps> in the xml, needed to be blank got me pointed in the right direction. I figured I would come back and share my final working code snippet in case
    others run across a similar issue. 
    <UnitMonitor ID="UIGeneratedMonitorf9f671e5456c44fd807d6ec2bd09621d" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="Disc!APC.Disc.UPS" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="NetworkManagement!System.NetworkManagement.SnmpTrapProvider.2SingleEvent2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">
    <AlertSettings AlertMessage="UIGeneratedMonitorf9f671e5456c44fd807d6ec2bd09621d_AlertMessageResourceID">
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId8700c95344254f87a60c92d30d4a3953" MonitorTypeStateID="SecondEventRaised" HealthState="Success" />
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId7bf68c6cfe3d4faabe83e630781c7327" MonitorTypeStateID="FirstEventRaised" HealthState="Warning" />
    <FirstOIDProps />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>
    <SecondOIDProps />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>

  • SCOM 2012 SNMP Trap - Does anyone have it working?

    I am wondering if anyone out there has had any luck with getting SNMP Traps to be captured by SCOM 2012?  Probes work fine.
    We have been unable to get SCOM 2012 to receive a SNMP Trap from network devices.  We currently have a case open with Microsoft, but they dont have any answers as of yet.
    Here are the cliff notes version of what we have done so far.
    Discovery - OK
    The nodes discover without issue.  I made sure they were set to SNMP only.  I did this to verify we were talking SNMP and not just ICMP.
    Open Ports/Firewall Issues
    No firewalls are in place on the SCOM server and none exist between devices we are trying to get traps from.  Using a port tool, I can see that UDP 162 is listening as expected and its the System Center Management Host Process that is running the
    process.  We have tried having SNMP installed, but disabled, installed and running, and uninstalled.  Currently we have the SNMP service installed and running.  The SNMP Trap Service is NOT installed.
    Data Validation
    Using Wireshark running on the SCOM box I have been able to validate the OIDs we are searching for are hitting the SCOM server.  I installed an SNMP Trap generator and Receiver on my local machine as well as Jalasoft SNMP Simulator.  I was able
    to discover my local machine as a network device and if I send a TRAP from the TRAP generator on my local machine to the receiver on my local machine I can validate the data is coming through ok.
    What has been done on SCOM side
    The simplest place to look for data is with an Event Collection Rule and then an Event View Monitor.  We have set up an Event Based Monitor to search for an OID that I know to be accurate and then I set up an Event monitor to look for
    anything hitting that Collection Rule.  The Event monitor showed nothing so we changed the EVent Monitor to look for anything that hit Node which should show any SNMP traps that have hit from network devices.  No results.
    We tried to run WFAnalyzer from the 2007R2 Authoring Console, but it wont run against 2012 and from what I have found the 2012 edition doesnt exist anywhere yet.
    So has anyone succesfully received a SNMP TRAP into SCOM 2012?

    As this thread has been quiet for a while, we assume that the issue has been resolved. At this time, we will mark it as "Answered" as the previous steps should be helpful for many similar scenarios.
    In addition, we’d love to hear your feedback about the solution. By sharing your experience you can help other community members facing similar problems.
    Yog Li
    TechNet Community Support
    How could you possibly mark this as answered? No answer was given, it was quiet for a couple of days including one of which was a holiday in the US. The previous steps are NOT helpful.  The question remains, Does anyone have it working?
    People have given troubleshooting advice, but nobody has actually answered the simple question.  Do they have it actually WORKING?

  • Monitoring SNMP Traps from Windows Server

    Hello All
    im looking for a way to monitor an application that runs with os windows server 2003 and windows 2008 r2 and send its alarms as a snmp traps with system center operations maanger 2012 R2.
    in the scom 2007 environment i could discover the servers as network device and recive traps and genrate alerts.
    is there a way to edit the existing management pack to enable the windows server discovery as a network device
    and enable traps with a microsoft oid to be resived  ?
    i understand that this is by desigin from
    or is there another option to create this monitor with scom 2012 R2?
    Thank you

    Hello Yan.
    thank you for the replay i understand that this is by design, 
    what im looking for is a way to edit the management pack that discard those OID
    or even a 3rd part solution to monitor windoes server snmp genrated alerts.
    thank you

  • No SNMP traps from sun x4150 ILOM server

    Hi all,
    I have set up the ILOM alerts with SNMP traps (v2c,public) according to the ILOM user guide and pressed the "send test alerts". Nothing shows up in the SNMP trap monitor (using MG-SOFT software). When I add another alert of IPMI pet type (same destination ip as of SNMP trap alert) I see events in the trap monitor. It looks like the ILOM does not generate SNMP traps but only IPMI traps.
    In the ILOM user guide there is an explicit example of traps sent from the ILOM (in addition to the fact that the ILOM features include SNMP traps AS WELL as IPMI) so it seems this is possible...
    my ILOM version is
    SP Firmware Version
    Does anyone have any idea of any step I have missed ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Once the Network Device (Linux server in this case) is discovered you will still need a rule that targets that class and accepts incoming SNMP Traps for that OID, or All OIDs if you prefer.  I found 2 links that may be of help, the first is just a basic
    overview of the SNMP listener in SCOM 2012 as it has changed from the OS Listener in 2007 to a dedicated one.
    The second link covers SNMP setup, but starting at Step 7 there is a great how-to on creating your own SNMP rule which will be needed to collect your traps.

  • SNMP traps from EMC SRM to SCOM 2012 R2

    I'm trying to configure SCOM 2012 R2 as an SNMP trap listner.  I've seen many articles on setting this up but all are based around SNMP traps from network devices which must first be discovered and identified in the network device list.
    However in my scenario I am trying to monitor/listen for traps send by a Linux box hosting EMC SRM - this management software can be configured to send SNMP traps out so it is these that I need to try and listen for/capture.
    So can anyone explain how I can configure SCOM 2012 R2 to do this.  I have tried to just used the IP of the Linux box and discover it as a network device but it fails - in Network Devices Pending Mgmt it says No response Ping, even though I can
    ping the box from the Server OK - so I am guessing you cant cheat scom in discovering the Linux box as a network device in ths way?
    Can anyone offer any advice for setting this up.  Just to add I've ensured the RunAs Community String (public) and SNMP version is correct on both side...

    Once the Network Device (Linux server in this case) is discovered you will still need a rule that targets that class and accepts incoming SNMP Traps for that OID, or All OIDs if you prefer.  I found 2 links that may be of help, the first is just a basic
    overview of the SNMP listener in SCOM 2012 as it has changed from the OS Listener in 2007 to a dedicated one.
    The second link covers SNMP setup, but starting at Step 7 there is a great how-to on creating your own SNMP rule which will be needed to collect your traps.

  • Prime Infrastructure 2.1 - Fan-Failure SNMP-Trap Issue

    I am facing the following Prime Infrastructure (v2.1) issue:
    - A Fan-Failure SNMP-Trap from a Cisco 3650 switch doesn't appear on Prime, but a Link-Failure from the same switch does.
    - The both events appears on Prime with Syslog.
    - The command "snmp-server enable traps envmon fan shutdown supply temperature status" is set up.
    - The switch is in "Managed" state in PI, I have checked the ACL at the "snmp-server community" command, it is okay.
    - I have set up an SNMP-Trace for the switch on PI, but only "SNMP Null was returned for class com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats attribute fanIndex" arrived. Please find the log below.
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] Adding attributes for object Fan3KStats[151206060_,1012]
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] Index name : fanIndex
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] Index Value : 1012
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] Device MIB table index: .1012
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] MIB table row index: .1012
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     OID for : fanIndex =
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     OID for : fanOperStatus =
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] Get fragment
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] [] Creating PDU: Get
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     VarBind OID=
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     VarBind OID=
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     VarBind OID=
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     VarBind OID=
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     VarBind OID=
    07/02/14 12:39:53.211 TRACE [presence-9] []     VarBind OID=
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] Error Status: 0
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] Error index:  0
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] SNMP Null was returned for class com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats attribute fanIndex
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     Setting attribute: fanOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     SnmpInt Value : ?
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] GetMultiAttributes, storing result, class=com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats, attr=fanOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] SNMP Null was returned for class com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats attribute fanIndex
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     Setting attribute: fanOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     SnmpInt Value : ?
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] GetMultiAttributes, storing result, class=com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats, attr=fanOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] SNMP Null was returned for class com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats attribute fanIndex
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     Setting attribute: fanOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     SnmpInt Value : ?
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] GetMultiAttributes, storing result, class=com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.Fan3KStats, attr=fanOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] GetMultiAttributes, assembling attributes
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     MIB lookup, OID for: powerSupplyIndex =
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     GetMultiAttributes needs class=com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.PowerSupply3kStats, field=powerSupplyIndex
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     MIB lookup, OID for: powerSupplyOperStatus =
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] []     GetMultiAttributes needs class=com.cisco.server.managedobjects.bridge.PowerSupply3kStats, field=powerSupplyOperStatus
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] GetMultiAttributes invoked
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] GetMultiAttributes building OIDs for next PDU
    07/02/14 12:39:53.218 TRACE [presence-9] [] Adding attributes for object PowerSupply3kStats[151206060_,1009]
    - The switch sends the SNMP Trap, based on the followings:
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: %PLATFORM_THERMAL-6-FRU_FAN_OIR: Switch 1: System fan 1 removed
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: %PLATFORM_THERMAL-1-FRU_FAN_NOT_PRESENT: Switch 1: System fan 1 not present
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33202, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576753333
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, NotExist
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 5
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33203, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576753333
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, NotExist
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 5
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33204, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576753333
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, NotExist
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 5
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:30 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33205, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576753333
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, NotExist
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 5
    Jul  7 13:38:31 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:31 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:31 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:31 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS 
    Jul  7 13:38:45 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:51 UTC: %PLATFORM_THERMAL-6-FRU_FAN_OIR: Switch 1: System fan 1 inserted
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33206, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576755733
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, Normal
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 1
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33207, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576755733
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, Normal
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 1
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33208, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576755733
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, Normal
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 1
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: Queuing packet to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:54 UTC: SNMP: V2 Trap, reqid 33209, errstat 0, erridx 0
    sysUpTime.0 = 576755733
    snmpTrapOID.0 = ciscoEnvMonMIBNotifications.8
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.2.1010 = Switch 1 - FAN 1, Normal
    ciscoEnvMonFanStatusEntry.3.1010 = 1
    Jul  7 13:38:55 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:55 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:55 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    Jul  7 13:38:55 UTC: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to IP_ADDRESS
    It seems like PI and the switch doesn't understand each other concerning the fan...
    Thanks for any ideas, comments and feedbacks,

    I have the very same problem.
    The switch has a power supply error (one of the two is down). There is the syslog message in PI about it, but no event has created, so nor alarm is there as well.
    When I check the status of the switch in the Device Work Center, and choose the Environment in Device Details I can see that PI has not realized the power supply error.
    However when I click on the Sync for this very device the power supply status is updated, but still no event or alarm.
    This is the case with the FANs as well.

  • SNMP OID for AssociatedAPs in Virtual WLC

    Hello Guys!
    I need you help for something that I need to do to monitor my Wi-FI network.
    I'm using a Virtual WLC (SW Ver where most that 30 APs are associated with, but I would like to monitor each disaciossiation of APs using SNMP. After some search, I have found this OID . on some forums but it doesn't work, I see random number in my monitoring tool.
    Do you know if there is any another OID to use with this software version or maybe if I have to upgrade to ver7.6 or ver8?
    Thanks in advance,

    I'm assuming you don't own a license for Cisco Prime Infrastructure
    One thing you can do is send SNMP traps to your monitoring software from the WLC (I've never used virtual WLC but my assumption is most options are the same. If your software doesn't support SNMP Traps consider a different monitoring software...
    Go to Management > SNMP > Trap Receivers and set up your receiver
    Then to to Management > SNMP > Trap ControlsHere is where you set what traps are sent via SNMP. If you see the "AP" tab you can set several things.
    If you only want to see if an AP is dropping off the network and the above doesn't work, you could just put dhcp reservations on your APs and have your software ping it. This of course is only if its off network, not if it simply disassociates.

  • LMS 4.2.1 - unidentified traps in fault monitor

    MY LMS, under fault monitor, shows many messages (actually hundreds), "Unidentified Trap Generic Trap:6 Specific Target:1 EnterpriseOid:."
    This OID leads me down the CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB.my, to ciscoSyslogMIBNotification.
    vestigaiton looks like this MIB actually doesn't do anything (other than generate a fault message on LMS).
    Anyone have any ideas how I can get rid of this fault in LMS, such as adding the CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB.my to my LMS so that it can at least identify the OID being sent.
    Along these lines, I have downloaded the above referenced MIB, and have tried in LMS to upload it, but the "upload MIB" functionality ONLY allows the loading of MIBS which already exist on LMS (only choose a server side path).
    Any ideas would be aprpeciated.

    Hi Joe,
    check the below link for more results on Unidentified traps:
    It looks like  "snmp-server enable traps syslog"  is enabled on your devices, and this will appears as Unidentified trap , you can stop this by change the configuration on the Device , or disable the "InformAlarm" from the notification Group under :     Admin > Network > Notification and Action Settings > Fault Notification Group      From the following Link you can check the traps that will generate "INFORM ALARM" event :
    I hope this will help

  • OID

    Ladies and Gentleman´s
                    I have problem with cable modem Cisco DPQ3925, the OID “ i 1” leave the wifi off, and in “ i 3” leave the wifi on (I guess).
    See config file the OID
   -> 1 (u32)
    SNMP ask the answer was 3
    [nelson@MON ~]$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c mpplrld\!\!
    SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.1429. = INTEGER: 3
    Which means 1 (u32), in provisioning the value is 3?

    Hello Falk, was the Cisco-Wireless-Notification MIB before MIB police approval. is the approved MIB OID. This MIB is used
    to send Northbound SNMP traps. The current approved MIB are not available yet (they got delayed somehow), but I think it should be available soon.
    I hope this answer your question.

  • Dynamic User Tracking Incorrect OID

    macuhic.log is filled with Incorrect OID errors
    class com.cisco.nm.cm.ut.uhic.mac.AsnDecoder.AsnObject: CB-Error-incorrectoid: Skt IP Address:, Incorrect OID:, location ctxt: AsnMakeMe_snmp_v2c, SNMPv2c
    Decoder Stage: deviceIP : timeStamp : 30083207 Processed : false
    class com.cisco.nm.cm.ut.uhic.mac.AsnDecoder.AsnObject: CB-Error-incorrectoid: Skt IP Address:, Incorrect OID:, location ctxt: AsnMakeMe_snmp_v2c, SNMPv2c
    Decoder Stage: deviceIP : timeStamp : 30086951 Processed : false
    class com.cisco.nm.cm.ut.uhic.mac.AsnDecoder.AsnObject: CB-Error-incorrectoid: Skt IP Address:, Incorrect OID:, location ctxt: AsnMakeMe_snmp_v2c, SNMPv2c
    Decoder Stage: deviceIP : timeStamp : 31619009 Processed : false

    I put this configuration on 3500 switch:
    conf t
    mac address-table notification change
    mac address-table notification change interval 15
    snmp-server host aa.bb.cc.dd XXXXXX udp-port 1431 mac-notificationint range fa0/1 - 24
    snmp trap mac-notification change added
    snmp trap mac-notification change removed
    Normally, only mac-notification traps would be sent to LMS.
    I will take a look on received traps on LMS.

  • How do we add trap-recipients to the acl file?

    How do we add trap-recipients to the acl file?
    Any examples.

    Here's some documentation I am working on for my place of work - hope this helps:
    There are two Sun-provided configuration files of note that must be maintained and provided to the SNMP agent program as command line arguments when it runs. They are:
    X.acl (subagent access control file, where X is your agent name)
    X.reg (subagent registration file, where X is your agent name)
    Note: For more information on either of these files, read the Solstice Enterprise Agents User Guide found on the Sun website, but don't expect too much.
    The reg file specifies the subagent name and OID tree it is responsible for, among other things.
    The acl file contains a list of communities that will be sent traps. This file will need to be periodically updated with the IP addresses of any entity that wants to receive traps from the X subagent. The file looks in part like this:
    acl = {
    communities = public, private
    access = read-write
    managers = dv, localhost
    trap = {                                                             
    trap-community = SNMP-trap
    hosts = dv, localhost
    trap-num = 1-5
    Where "dv" and "localhost" are configured in the /etc/hosts file as IP addresses to send traps to and "Xenterprise" is an enterprise that must be registered EXACTLY as is shown in the /etc/snmp/conf/enterprises.oid file. (Note: Some of the enterprises in this file have spaces within their name. This WILL NOT WORK. So if for some reason, an enterprise you were going to use is "MY Enterprise" you must changes this file because your MIB will not compile with an enterprise with spaces in the TRAP-TYPE declaration.
    So, to add a new community, add an argument to the "managers" and "hosts" line in the .acl file and ensure that this reference has its IP address listed in the /etc/hosts file.
    Furthermore, in /etc/snmp/conf/snmpdx.acl a comparable entry needs to be added as well. The snmpdx executable is the master agent that the subagent communicates with. It also has an entry in its .acl file as follows:
    trap = {                                                            
    trap-community = SNMP-trap
    hosts = dv, localhost
    trap-num = 1-5

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