OIncomingPayment + BillOfExchange = error -5002 - Invalid dll path or name

Hi for all,
   I´m having a problem when I try to pay a incoming payment from a invoice with BillOfExchange, I´ve been search all this forum for many hours, with all possibile combinations of subject, but any past topic could explain this problem.
   When I try to add a BillOfExchange of one invoice, I´m getting the error -5002 called 'Invalid dll path or name'. I know that the PaymentMethod that I use references the BankOfBrazil.dll library, but how can I handle this error? I´ve tried to put this file on my projects folder, but It wasn´t works...
   Here´s the code, I´m using the SAP B1 2005B PL36:
            'oIP = oIncomingPayments
            oIP = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oIncomingPayments)
            chave = oIP.DocEntry
            oIP.CardCode = oBP.CardCode
            oIP.CardName = oBP.CardName
            oIP.DocDate = Now
            oIP.DueDate = Now
            oIP.TaxDate = Now
            oIP.Invoices.AppliedFC = 0
            oIP.Invoices.DocEntry = oInvoiceIn.DocEntry
            oIP.Invoices.InvoiceType = 13
            oIP.Invoices.SumApplied = 5.85
            oIP.Invoices.InstallmentId = 1
             oIP.BillOfExchange.PaymentMethodCode = oInvoiceIn.PaymentMethod
            oIP.BoeAccount = "1121110"
            oIP.BillOfExchangeAmount = 5.85
            '**** Commita ****
            lErrCode = oIP.Add 'Occours error -5002
            connmatriz.getConn().GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
            If lErrCode <> 0 Then
                GoTo FALHA
            End If

I have also got several times same message:
1. Disconnect with development environment
2. Clear the SM_OB_DLL directory from the TEMP directory.
3. Start it again, and try
In the BankofBrazil stuffs i am so perfect....

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  • SP01: DI error -5002 Invalid Total ORDR.DocTotal

    Hi All,
    i'm getting a strange error.
    i'm adding a sales order via DI.
    when the code is executed via the .net debugger it works great.
    when i create an installer and install the Addon i receive the error:
    -5002 Invalid Total [ORDR.DocTotal]
    do someone ever had this kind of error?
    btw i'm using SAPB12005A SP1 PL2
    Moty Moshin

    Here is the code:
    oNewOrder = B1Connections.diCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
                        Dim LinesAdded As Integer = 0
                        For i = 1 To intDupAmount
                                ' this loop adds the different items to the Delivery object
                                oNewOrder.CardCode = strBPCode
                                oNewOrder.Series = strSeriesCode
                                oNewOrder.NumAtCard = strVendorRefNo
                                oNewOrder.Project = strProjectCode
                                oNewOrder.ShipToCode = strShipToCode
                                oNewOrder.DocDueDate = strDocDueDate
                                oNewOrder.Comments = strComments
                                oNewOrder.PaymentGroupCode = strPaymentTerms
                                oNewOrder.PaymentMethod = strPaymentMethod
                                'Currently not available thru the DI/UI
                                'oNewOrder.header = OQUTHeader
                                'oNewOrder.Footer = OQUTFooter
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("In For Step 1")
                            End Try
                                'Line item fields that are visible on the sales order form
                                oNewOrder.Lines.ItemCode = currSalesFormLines.ItemCode 'As String '1     'ItemCode
                                oNewOrder.Lines.ItemDescription = currSalesFormLines.ItemDesc 'As String '1     'ItemDesc
                                oNewOrder.Lines.WarehouseCode = currSalesFormLines.WhsCode 'As String '24     'WhsCode
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UnitPrice = currSalesFormLines.UnitPrice 'As Double '14     'UnitPrc
                                oNewOrder.Lines.DiscountPercent = currSalesFormLines.DiscPct 'As Double '14     'DiscPct
                                oNewOrder.Lines.Price = currSalesFormLines.Price 'As Double '17     'Price
                                oNewOrder.Lines.Quantity = currSalesFormLines.Quantity 'As Double '11     'Quantity
                                'Line item fields that are not visible on the sales order form
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_EstQty).Value = currSalesFormLines.EstQty  'As Double 'U_XX_EstQty
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_STCC).Value = currSalesFormLines.STCC.ToString    'As Double 'U_XX_STCC
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_HSC).Value = currSalesFormLines.HSC   'As String 'U_XX_HSC
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_CVal).Value = currSalesFormLines.CVal.ToString    'As Double 'U_XX_CVal
                                oNewOrder.Lines.TotalLc = currSalesFormLines.TotalLc 'As Double '21     'TotalLc
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_QtyMT).Value = currSalesFormLines.QtyMT  'As Double 'U_XX_QtyMT
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_QtyST).Value = currSalesFormLines.QtyST   'As Double 'U_XX_QtyST
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_DGood).Value = currSalesFormLines.DGood.ToString    'As String 'U_XX_DGood
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("In For Step 2 - Lines")
                            End Try
                                'Header level UDF's
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ConNum).Value = cLastUdfMD.ConNum
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ConTyp).Value = cLastUdfMD.ConTyp
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ConSta).Value = cLastUdfMD.ConSta
                                If cLastUdfMD.RefCon <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_RefCon).Value = cLastUdfMD.RefCon
                                End If
                                'Get Release number
                                'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Before Add Msg 2")
                                lngNextRelease = cReleaseNumber.GetNextNum(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)
                                If lngNextRelease = -1 Then
                                    retVal = cReleaseNumber.UnLockNumbering(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)
                                    B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - Cannot Get Next Number from NNM1")
                                    Exit Sub
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_RelNum).Value = lngNextRelease.ToString  'intRelNum
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ShDtSt).Value = cLastUdfMD.ShDtSt
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ShDtEn).Value = cLastUdfMD.ShDtEn
                                If cLastUdfMD.StrDt <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_StrDt).Value = cLastUdfMD.StrDt
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.StrAmt <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_StrAmt).Value = cLastUdfMD.StrAmt
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.AcrAmt <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_AcrAmt).Value = cLastUdfMD.AcrAmt
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_CQTY).Value = cLastUdfMD.CQTY
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_LN).Value = cLastUdfMD.LN
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STerms).Value = cLastUdfMD.STerms
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Mode).Value = cLastUdfMD.Mode
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Carrier).Value = cLastUdfMD.Carrier
                                If cLastUdfMD.PortEntry <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_PtEnt).Value = cLastUdfMD.PortEntry
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.CBrok <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_CBrok).Value = cLastUdfMD.CBrok
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Fterm).Value = cLastUdfMD.FTerms
                                If cLastUdfMD.PriveEq <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_PrivEq).Value = cLastUdfMD.PriveEq
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.Route <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Route).Value = cLastUdfMD.Route
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_TF).Value = cLastUdfMD.TF
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Season).Value = cLastUdfMD.Season
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STCity).Value = cLastUdfMD.STCity
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STCtr).Value = cLastUdfMD.STCtr
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STSt).Value = cLastUdfMD.STSt
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_TAmtIn).Value = cLastUdfMD.TAmtIn
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_TAmtOr).Value = cLastUdfMD.TAmtOr
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("In For Step 3 - Header Level UDF")
                            End Try
                            ' add sales order current quntity () from total (U_XX_TQTYR)
                            ' add sales order current dollar value() from total (U_XX_TAMTR)
                            ' Try to add the sales order object to the database
                            'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Before Add Msg 3")
                            lRetCode = oNewOrder.Add()
                            'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Before Add Msg 3.1")
                            If lRetCode <> 0 Then ' If the addition failed
                                B1Connections.diCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - " & lErrCode & sErrMsg)
                                '   B1Connections.diCompany.EndTransaction(BoWfTransOpt.wf_RollBack)
                                Catch ex As Exception
                                    B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - Add Error:" & lRetCode & " - " & ex.Message)
                                End Try
                                retVal = cReleaseNumber.UnLockNumbering(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)
                                'B1Connections.diCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
                                'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - " & lErrCode & sErrMsg)
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                            LinesAdded = LinesAdded + 1
                            ' init the order object
                            oNewOrder = B1Connections.diCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
                        Next i
                        retVal = cReleaseNumber.UnLockNumbering(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)

  • Error 5002 "Invalid code" while BP update

    I need to update BP via DI API.
    I deleted all code except update command
    But for some cards I recieve an error 5002 "Invalid code".
    From the application it is possible to update these cards without any problem.
    I tried to delete empty bank row  (note 1106928) but it did not help.
    I have XML data for 2 cards: one for successfull update and another for failed.
    Can anybody help me?
    What I can to do in this sutuation?

    Success card
                        <CardName>u05D0.u05DE u05D0u05E6u05DC u05DEu05D9u05E9u05DC - u05D0u05E6u05DC u05DEu05D9u05E9u05DC</CardName>
                        <Address>u05E8u05D5u05D1u05E2 u05D0 u05DEu05E8u05DBu05D6 u05D0</Address>
                        <MailAddres>u05E8u05D5u05D1u05E2 u05D0 u05DEu05E8u05DBu05D6 u05D0</MailAddres>
                        <Free_Text>u05D1u05E0u05E7  u05D3u05D9u05E1u05E7u05D5u05E0u05D8 u05E7u05D0u05E8u05D9u05DF/u05D0u05DCu05D9 08-8546403</Free_Text>
                        <ShipToDef>u05DBu05EAu05D5u05D1u05EA u05DEu05D4u05D0u05EAu05E8</ShipToDef>
                        <BillToDef>u05DBu05EAu05D5u05D1u05EA u05DEu05D4u05D0u05EAu05E8</BillToDef>
    Do tou need  data from CRD1 , OCPR , OSPG tables too?

  • UTL_file Procedure- some error on invalid directory path

    I Created a file procedure...but while executing a procedure its showing directory Error....
    Find the solution and post it...
    Heading 2: h2. ERROR -29280ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    create or replace
    v_MyFileHandle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_MyFileHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('C:\','HELLO.TXT','a');
    UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_MyFileHandle,'Hello World! ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM'));

    This is the spec of fopen:
       location     IN VARCHAR2,
       filename     IN VARCHAR2,
       open_mode    IN VARCHAR2,
       max_linesize IN BINARY_INTEGER)
      RETURN file_type;
    Location is not "c:\" but a directory object name. See the pl/sql manual:

  • Data load Error 1030010 - Invalid blank character in name

    <BR><BR>I try data load in Essbase Administration Services 7.1.3 and got the following error:<BR>1030010 - Invalid blank character in name.<BR><BR>I notice that this error occurred during open file before EAS even has a chance to read the first line as there was no error.txt generated.<BR><BR>The filename is ActSales1.txt<BR><BR>With the same file, we were able to load through data load in Essbase Application Manager....<BR><BR>Any idea why?

    I think you will find that the answer is a very simple one.<BR><BR>There should be no spaces in your directory or file names.<BR><BR>If you have a directory called Essbase files, then this is enough to generate the message - same with the file name.<BR><BR>I just substitute an underscore for a space so taht it is a continuous name.<BR><BR>This problem has been around for years.

  • BUG: "Error: javac: invalid flag: path/file.sqlj"

    I sometimes get this type of error when I make a file or a project in JDev 10g EA1, when all of the following conditions apply:
    - I use make (using rebuild it never happens)
    - I use javac (using ojc it never happens)
    - I make a file/projects that somehow depends on a SQLJ file (with java-only scope it never happens)
    - I use either JDK1.4.2_02 or JDK1.5.0_05
    - My JDev, the JDKs, and my project data are all on paths without any spaces.
    - Project size is ~1000 source files, source root path length is 25 chars.
    Perhaps JDev tries to send SQLJ files by mistake to javac for compilation?

    I've tried to prepare a test case, but before I barely started I narrowed it down to the simplest possible case:
    1) Create a new empty project
    2) Set the project to use jdk1.5.0_05
    3) Set compiler options to use javac
    4) Create a new class, use defaults
    5) File/Rename Class1.java to Class1.sqlj
    6) Right-click the file and choose Make
    This reproduces everytime I modify the file and make it or the project.
    Could not reproduce it using ojc, or using 142_02 (with javac or ojc).
    I believe this bug can be traced to either command-line formatting by JDev or jdk1.5.0_05's low-tolerance for passing non-java files to javac.

  • Install iTunes 10.4.1 install error - The Folder Path "File Name" contains an invalid character

    Upgraded computer from XP Prof 32-Bit to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit (Upgrade package, performed Custom Install).
    Attempt to install iTunes 10.4.1 for 64-Bit.  Receiving the following error/problem:
    The Folder Path "File Name on my external drive" contains an invalid character
    I click ok and then get this:
    The Installer encountered errors before iTunes could be configured.  Errors occurred during installation.  Your system could not be modified,  Please run the installer again, or click Finish to exit.
    Any fixes for this?

    Sorry, one of us is not managing to be clear enough.
    Does the message read The Folder Path "File Name on my external drive" contains an invalid character or perhaps The Folder Path "<some path name here>" contains an invalid character?
    If so, then the problem might be just what it says it is with the path name in question... Either way if you list the path given in the error message in a reply to this thread it might provide a clue for anyone tying to help with the problem.
    You could try downloading the installer to C:\iTunesSetup.exe in case that helps.

  • Invalid Directory Path Error

    Hi Guys i am executing the following commands to create a directory and to put a file in the newly created directory, it is givig error of invalid directory path.
    create directory dir_output as 'D:\Ora_Applications\'
    grant read, write on directory dir_output to public
    create or replace procedure Write_to_File
    f utl_file.file_type;
    f := utl_file.fopen('dir_output', 'something.txt', 'w');
    utl_file.put_line(f, 'line one: some text');
    utl_file.put_line(f, 'line two: more text');
    when i execute the procedure it gives the following error:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 18
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 424
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.WRITE_TO_FILE", line 5
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Please help me out of it.
    Imran Baig

    f := utl_file.fopen('dir_output', 'something.txt', 'w');Directory name must be uppercase. Try
    f := utl_file.fopen('DIR_OUTPUT', 'something.txt', 'w');

  • Error when creating Production Orders: -5002 Invalid Code  [OWOR.Status]

    When creating Production Orders, I receive the error: -5002 Invalid Code  [OWOR.Status] on certain of the entries. Typically 200 orders are created at once.
    What could be causing the error?

    You may check this thread to have a reference:
    Setting the repByIns to Null

  • Invalid Parent Path in Archive

    Secure Access V2.0 returned an error when I tried to open my vault. After I type in the password I get the error message, "Invalid Parent Path In Archive".  When I click 'OK' I get the standard "4 Ways To Protect Your Data" screen as usual when I open a vault. When I click the 'Next" button I get the error, "This vault could not be loaded, it may be located on another computer or the original vault file has been manually removed." After I click OK the main screen opens. It has the vault listed, but if I click on it I get the same error message.  Whats going on? How can I access my vault? It is my backup for important documents and archives. No, I haven't moved or deleted the vault. The vault is located on the memory stick.I only work from one computer running Windows 7. This particular Sandisk 32 Extreme is never used with any other computer. I haven't changed the password. Everything was working fine until I just couldn't sign in.

    Hello, There are some steps you can try in order to recover the vault files . 1) copy the vault and secure access application from the write protected drive over to the new drive2) run secure access on the new drive3) when it prompts to create a new vault go ahead and create a new vault with the exact same password as the old vault4) encrypt any file in the new vault (this will generate two new system files)5) close secure access6) open the vault folder on the new drive via windows explorer, navigate to the system files folder, you should see several files, among them are two sets of "USB Flash Drive-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.idx and .bak files7) Looking at the date stamps of the files, 2 will be older and 2 will be newer (you can also check on the old write protected drive to confirm the names of the older files, the older files contain the encryption information needed however the file name is associated with the previous drive we will need to rename the old files)8) copy the 2 newer files and paste them into any temporary location outside of the flash drive (i.e.. desktop)8) once you've copied the two new files to a temporary location delete the originals from the system files folder on the flash drive.9) go to the temporary location and copy only the file name from the .idx file (the file name, not the file itself)10) go to the vault / system files and rename the old .idx file with the name you copied from the new .idx file11) repeat the same for the idx.bak file12) now you should have renamed the old .idx and .idx.bak files with the names of the newly generated system files.  

  • 5002 Invalid Total - PO  import DI API

       I have a DI Addon that imports data from a text file into B1. The application worked fine till last week. Last week we upgraded the user to B1 2005 Sp1 PL 9. They were on a pre SP 1 version before the upgrade.
       Now when I run the import and do an add on a PO, I get an error "5002 Invalid Total".
    In my code I am setting the "Price" field of the PO to a dollar value. This used to work fine before the upgrade.
    Is there anything I need to change in code to make it compliant to SP1. Please let me know.
    My code is attached.
    modNIS.oPODoc.CardCode = modNIS.oBP.CardCode;
                   modNIS.oPODoc.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_NISCustRef").Value = modNIS.currInvNum;
                   //modNIS.oDoc.NumAtCard = modNIS.drSourceFile["customer"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODoc.NumAtCard = modNIS.currInvNum;
                   modNIS.oPODoc.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_NISInvoiceNo").Value = modNIS.currInvNum;
                   modNIS.oPODoc.DocDate = System.DateTime.Today; //modNIS.ConvertStringToDate(modNIS.drSourceFile["invoice_creation_date"]);;
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.ItemDescription = "NIS Invoice # " + modNIS.currInvNum;
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.AccountCode = modNIS.GetGLAccount(modNIS.nisApp.CHITExpenseGLAccount);
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.TaxCode = modNIS.nisApp.TaxCode;
                   <b>modNIS.oPODocLines.Price = Convert.ToDouble(
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_por").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["por"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_Origin").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["Origin"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_Dest").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["Dest"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_del").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["DEL"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_CntTraNo").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["cntr_no"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_EquipTyp").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["tpsz"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_haz_flag").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["haz_flag"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_svc_tp").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["svc_tp"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_g_rate").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["g_rate"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_a_rate").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["a_rate"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_b_rate").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["b_rate"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_ad_rate").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["ad_rate"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_delivery_date").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["delivery_date"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_pickup_yd").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["pickup_yd"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_delivery_yd").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["delivery_yd"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_return_yd").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["return_yd"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_so_mode").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["so_mode"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_fm_loc").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["fm_loc"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_to_loc").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["to_loc"].ToString();
                   //modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("u_check").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["check"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_org_loc").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["org_loc"].ToString();
                   modNIS.oPODocLines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_dest_loc").Value = modNIS.drSourceFile["dest_loc"].ToString();
                   //////////////     Code added by Deepesh on 29 March 2006

       Thank you for your resposne. FYI: I am seeing this issue on PL 9 , not PL 8. I will try your suggestion of upgrading to PL 11 on my test server and try again.
    Will let you know.

  • Invalid file path

    After upgrading to encore 2 i uninstalled 1.5 and now there is one project I cant open. Every time I get the error message "invalid file path" and then an exit to the Encore startup menu.
    I can see the Encore projet folders with all the files in and nothing seems altered.
    Any suggestions?

    >BTW, 2.0 & 1.5 can coexist happily on your system.
    Just to further clarify that statement, note that although this statement is true, Encore 2.0 projects can't be opened in Encore 1.5. Other than that, happy coexistence. :)

  • Install 11gR2 RAC Database Problem: Invalid source path /.../Datafiles

    Hello. I am installing Oracle 11gR2 RAC using 2 VMs (rac1 and rac2) whose OS are Oracle Linux 5.6 in VMPlayer according to the website http://appsdbaworkshop.blogspot.com/2011/10/11gr2-rac-on-linux-56-using-vmware.html
    I have just finished installing Grid infrastructure and start to install RAC database 11gR2.
    I have downloaded 2 files from https://edelivery.oracle.com as below:
    When I start to install the RAC database using the above 2 files but get the error below:
    [ora11g@rac1 V17530-01_1of2]$ ls
    [ora11g@rac1 V17530-01_1of2]$ cd database
    [ora11g@rac1 database]$ ls
    doc install response rpm runInstaller sshsetup stage welcome.html
    [ora11g@rac1 database]$ ./runInstaller
    Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
    Checking Temp space: must be greater than 120 MB. Actual 5028 MB Passed
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 2224 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 16777216 Passed
    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2012-03-06_11-08-23AM. Please wait ...
    Invalid source path '../stage/Components/oracle.jdk/' specified for unzip. Unzip command failed. Please check oraparam.ini and specify a valid source path.
    : No such file or directory
    [ora11g@rac1 database]$
    As we see the output above, the error is Invalid source path /../stage/Components/oracle.jdk/
    My questions are:
    First, are the files V17530-01_1of2 and V17530-01_2of2 the correct files for 11gR2 RAC database ?
    Second, how to solve the issue "Invalid source path /../stage/Components/oracle.jdk/" ?

    Hello. thanks a lot for replying.
    I go up one level ( / ) and run the command again as below:
    [root@rac1 /]# du --max-depth=1 -h
    Its output:
    8.0K ./srv
    83M ./sbin
    9.0G ./tmp
    4.9G ./usr
    157M ./var
    20M ./boot
    8.4M ./bin
    3.3G ./u01
    252M ./lib
    8.0K ./selinux
    12K ./mnt
    16K ./lost+found
    164M ./dev
    0 ./misc
    29M ./lib64
    8.0K ./u02
    100K ./tftpboot
    12K ./media
    0 ./proc
    248K ./root
    0 ./sys
    117M ./etc
    3.3G ./home
    3.5M ./opt
    25G .
    [root@rac1 /]#
    As we see the output above, it seems that 25GB disk space is used and /tmp occupies 9GB.
    I have remove the files under /tmp but after reboot OS, the same files come up again under /tmp.
    Some folks use 12GB for each of their VMs and is enough to install Grid and RAC Database.
    My questions are:
    Why my VM with 30GB disk space does not have enough disk space to install RAC database ?
    Can any folk help to solve the issue ?

  • SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010, Packaging a solution - The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

    I have a solution that used to contain one SharePoint 2010 project. The project is named along the following lines:
    <Company>.<Product>.SharePoint - let's call it Project1 for future reference. It contains a number of features which have been named according
    to their purpose, some are reasonably long and the paths fairly deep. As far as I am concerned we are using sensible namespaces and these reflect our company policy of "doing things properly".
    I first encountered the following error message when packaging the aforementioned SharePoint project into a wsp:
    "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters."
    I went through a great deal of pain in trying to rename the project, shorten feature names and namespaces etc... until I got it working. I then went about gradually
    renaming everything until eventually I had what I started with, and it all worked. So I was none the wiser...not ideal, but I needed to get on and had tight delivery timelines.
    Recently we wanted to add another SharePoint project so that we could move some of our core functinality out into a separate SharePoint solution - e.g. custom workflow
    error logging. So we created another project in Visual Studio called:
    <Company>.<Product>.SharePoint.<Subsystem> - let's call it Project2 for future reference
    And this is when the error has come back and bitten me! The scenario is now as follows:
    1. project1 packages and deploys successfully with long feature names and deep paths.
    2. project2 does not package and has no features in it at all. The project2 name is 13 characters longer than project1
    I am convinced this is a bug with Visual Studio and/or the Package MSBuild target. Why? Let me explain my findings so far:
    1. By doing the following I can get project2 to package
    In Visual Studio 2010 show all files of project2, delete the obj, bin, pkg, pkgobj folders.
    Clean the solution
    Shut down Visual Studio 2010
    Open Visual Studio 2010
    Rebuild the solution
    Package the project2
    et voila the package is generated!
    This demonstrates that the package error message is in fact inaccurate and that it can create the package, it just needs a little help, since Visual Studio seems to
    no longer be hanging onto something.
    Clearly this is fine for a small time project, but try doing this in an environment where we use Continuous Integration, Unit Testing and automatic deployment of SharePoint
    solutions on a Build Server using automated builds.
    2. I have created another project3 which has a ludicrously long name, this packages fine and also has no features contained within it.
    3. I have looked at the length of the path under the pkg folder for project1 and it is large in comparison to the one that is generated for project2, that is when it
    does successfully package using the method outlined in 1. above. This is strange since project1 packages and project2 does not.
    4. If I attempt to add project2 to my command line build using MSBuild then it fails to package and when I then open up Visual Studio and attempt to package project2
    from the Visual Studio UI then it fails with the path too long error message, until I go through the steps outlined in 1. above to get it to package.
    5. DebugView shows nothing useful during the build and packaging of the project.
    6. The error seems to occur in
    CreateSharePointProjectService target called at line 365 of
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.targetsCurrently I am at a loss to work out why this is happening? My next task is to delete
    project2 completely and recreate it and introduce it into my Visual Studio solution.
    Microsoft, can you confirm whether this is a known issue and whether others have encountered this issue? Is it resolved in a hotfix?
    Anybody else, can you confirm whether you have come up with a solution to this issue? When I mean a solution I mean one that does not mean that I have to rename my namespaces,
    project etc... and is actually workable in a meaningful Visual Studio solution.

    Yes, I thought I had fixed this my moving my solution from the usual documents  to
    This builds ok, but when I come to package I get the lovely error:
    Error 2 The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. C:\VS2010\ProjectsOverflow\DetailedProjectTimeline\VisualDetailedProjectTimelineWebPart\Features\Feature1\Feature1.feature VisualDetailedProjectTimeline
    Now, the error seems to be related to 
    Can anyone suggest what might be causing this. Probably some path in an XML file somewhere. Here is my prime suspect!
    <type name="VisualDetailedProjectTimelineWebPart.VisualProjectTimelineWebPart.VisualProjectTimeline, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$" />
    <property name="Title" type="string">VisualProjectTimelineWebPart</property>
    <property name="Description" type="string">My Visual WebPart</property>
    .... Unless I can solve this I will have to remove the project and recreate but with simple paths. Tho I will be none the wiser if I come across this again.

  • Trying to uninstall or repair get an error message: The folder path 'My Music' contains an invalid character.

    Trying to uninstall or repair get an error message: The folder path 'My Music' contains an invalid character. How do I fix?

    Try the following user tip:
    "not a valid short file name" and "invalid character" install errors

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