Old CD's on new iBook

Hi! We got our new iBook recently with OSX (Tiger). When I try to run a CD that we used to use with our old iMac, I am told that I need Classic to run the CD. Do you suggest that I install Classic in my brand-new iBook??? That seems absurd. But so does replacing all our CD's. (I'm talking about mostly educational and game CD's)
Suggestions? Thanks!

If you install classic on your new iBook, classic does not replace Tiger. Classic actually runs as a background Tiger application. The only purpose of installing/running classic is to allow you to run pre-OS X applications.
If you need to run those old applications you will need to install classic.

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    < Edited by Host >

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    Hi Bmmm,
    I believe Abe solved your problem, correct? I noticed you marked the tread as solved, but you did not award any points to Abe for solving it.
    One of the responsibilities of the original poster (sometimes referred to as OP) is to award points to the "solver" as well as the most helpful. The reason being, not only does it show how the problem was fixed, but it 5-10 points (depending on helpful or solved) to those who helped the most. I like to think of it as paying them back with Monopoly money. It doesn't count anywhere else, but here. The reason for these points (I believe) is to show a rough estimate someone has been helpful as well as reduce the number of slipshod responses (the idea that someone will put the extra effort to try solve/help the problem). It has become proper etiquette when posting in the forums to issue these points (my opinion). I am not an Apple host/moderator, nor do I have any authority/say in this forum. I am "just another brick in the wall". It's up to you; I just thought it was something worth mentioning.
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    No need to lose the songs on the iPod. Just update the Firmware (if wanted). You can also install the latest iTunes which may 'demand' an iPod update. See these links to get the software:
    iPod Updater
    iTunes Download Page
    See: Buegie, "How do you update the iPod software?" #1, 07:18pm Oct 27, 2005 CDT
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    Just to add on,
    Henry is right, here is a forum from MacFixIt:
    http://www.macfixitforums.com/php/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=Forum40&Number=721018& page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=31&fpart=
    They have a link to AsanteTalk
    I hope this helps,

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    Ibook G3 500 MHz, iBook G4 1.33 GHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   14 GB HD, 640 MB RAM

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    Buyer beware. There is no way that you can absolutely guarantee the integrity of those packages.
    Also, I see that there's going to be a new version (Office 2007) coming out later this year.
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    ncmeg1118, Welcome to the discussion area!
    iFelix has tons of good information on how to make this all work on his site.

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