Old Conference Numbers

A few months ago, we completed our Lync 2013 migration from Lync 2010, and previously we were on OCS 2007 R2. I have recently noticed that some of our dialin conferencing numbers aren't showing
up when running a Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber. They do however show up when going to the dialin.domain.com web site. It would appear that the numbers missing are considered "legacy" numbers in the Lync configuration.
My question is, does anyone know how to either move these over to the current configuration, or remove them and recreate them in the current configuration? We currently have 6 numbers showing
in the config when there are approximately 20 all together showing up. I've checked ADSIEdit and the numbers don't show up under application contacts or anywhere else.
I havetried the Import-CSLegacyConfiguration and it didn't resolve the issue.

A couple of things, first, give this article a shot, the resolution helped me:
What I've also done is simply re-add the number with the same display name, tel URI, and region as you see in the meeting invite, and delete that which has pulled it out completely for me a few times.
Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
SWC Unified Communications

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     contact customer service   and provide with the number you wish deleted and they will do it manually.
    If you found my answer useful, you can express that by giving me Kudos ↘. If my suggestion did the trick, mark it as a 'Solution' to help others.
    Thank You!

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    @ adobe-admin (J.C.?):
    Thanks for fixing the "backslash" error. Accuracy is important, and doubly so when presented as an F.A.Q.
    The sad thing is how prevalent the usage of "backslash" is when a plain old slash is meant (generally, the "forward" attribute is assumed and unneeded), and by people who should know better. It's a direct result of people knowing just barely enough about the Windows file path naming protocols, and then applying the only terminology they're familiar with incorrectly to URLs.
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    zmeshign wrote:
    I was wondering whether I can buy an unlimited world subscription and use it with a Skype to Go number without having to add credit?
    The Unlimited World Plan will work with your STG set up so your calls within your Plan will be free. Depending upon your cellphone Plan you may need a little credit to acess your STG # or it may be free.
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    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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    Hi onnygirl,
    Numbers 3 will not open Numbers '08 documents.
    On your iMac, open and then export your Numbers '08 documents to Excel.
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    In Numbers '09, use Insert > Page Number
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    May have changed in Numbers 3 (current version).

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