Old videos still taking up space

The available space on my iphone has been steadily decreasing even though I have been reducing the amount of stuff I sync with the phone. I just noticed that when I go into settings, it says I have 73 videos on the phone yet when I select videos from the iPod app , it only shows 5 videos. It looks like every video podcast I have ever watched is hidden somewhere inacceable on the phone. Why aren't they showing up in the ipod app? How can I find them, get rid of them, and free up the space?

Definitely do a reset on your phone and, if that doesn't work, a restore (neither is harmful -- they are benign and you won't lose anything). Then resync and see if that helps.

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    Did you try to set it up as new device, as explained in this article?
    How to erase your iOS device and then set it up as a new device or restore it from backups
    If this does not work, use iTunes to set it back to factory settings, which would also install the latest software:
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support

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    Assuming you are using iTunes 11.1:
    Connect your iPhone to your computer.
    In iTunes towards the upper right of your screen you will see the name of your iPhone. Click on it (not the eject symbol.
    This will open a series of windows with tabs.
    Select the tab for photos.
    Untick the ones you do not want on your iPhone and at the bottom right click on Apply.
    They will be removed.

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    Message was edited by: bliew

    Thats it! You're a genius!
    The KEY point here is this:
    Just like in Itunes, the Music Library and Playlist are two different things.
    Just because you delete a playlist, doesn't mean you deleted it from your library.
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    No I did not but it says on storage that I have 14 GB left and that I have no video data and the games only take up 4 GB. it is not coincidence that the other 8 GB that are used on the device happen to be the size of the two films I have. It says I don't have them and without internet they don't show up on the device (e.g. Because they are on the cloud) so why are they still taking up storage?

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    Hey there ImpossibleXY,
    It sounds like you have some items on the phone taking up space but you cannot find them to delete them.
    First, if you have not already start by restarting the phone and your computer, then try the sync again to see if it updates correctly.
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    If the issue persists I would next backup restore the device with iTunes to see if that refreshes the space correctly on the phone.
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    Is a glitch I have seen reported.
    The fix.
    Conenct iPhone to computer.
    On summary tab for iPhone switch to manually manage content. (check box).
    Now over in tree menu on right you can expand out your iPhone and see all the files on it. You can find those movies and just delete them.
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    Specs: Mac OS X 10.5.8, 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 2 GB memory
    Recently procured a used 2008 MacBook Leopard from a relative before going overseas. They also gave me a DVD of Windows 7 Home Premium.
    Thing is, I can't seem to partition it in Boot Camp Assistant. It's got 150GB, but only 100GB is actually available. 
    1. Boot Camp Assistant gave me:
    "The disk cannot be partitioned because some files cannot be moved. Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Volume. Restore your information to the disk and try using BCA again."
    2. Rebooted and held down Cmd/Opt/R keys. Only the HD drive was visible. 
    3. Disk Utility. Only one volume: Mac OS Extended (Journaled). So I tried:
    First Aid:
    No problems/bugs reported when verifying the disk, so there wasn't anything to repair.
    Erased all free space and tried BCA again, still no luck.
    Tried adding a new partition and resizing. Tried resizing the original partition. Same result: "Partition failed with the error: No space left on device". Then it just defaulted to the 150-GB sized drive with only 100 GB available.
    Tried to restore from the external drive-based backup I made before erasing it the first time. None of the disks could be set as the destination.
    I haven't got the install disk or the money to upgrade the OS, so any help would be appreciated!

    Well even a good backup program costs something.
    Disk Utility is free and can copy the system to another drive (RESTORE TAB)
    5.8 is so old you should not be connected to the internet with it probably.
    yours is like the 2,999th post of the same error and asking 'what do I do.'
    you need contiguous unfragmented free space. Leo 10.5 is not as flexible as later to shrink a partition to help move files to consolidate that free space like 10.6.8 ($20) which is what I would go out and buy.
    Carbon Copy Cloner older versions are free/shareware and great for making a bootable backup of your system to another disk drive. Use it!
    Not sure what you used or did but to backup and restore you need to use a program that makes bootable backups (you can't just copy files by hand).

  • Files can't be found, but are still taking up space.

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    Thanks for any help!

    wocketpatch wrote:
    All I get when I swipe to the right is the next page of apps.
    i get to the next app screen when i swipe from right to left. swiping from left to right brings up the keyboard and search bar.

  • All songs are gone, still taking up space

    Hi, just recently my iPod has been acting a bit weird and it has been having trouble connecting to my computer. I plugged it in last night and it failed to show up in iTunes or my Windows Explorer. I left it plugged in just in case it just had to take a while to work. When I woke up this morning and checked it was basically asking me all the questions it asks when you first install the iPod. It was asking me the name of the iPod, whether I wanted the iPod to auto-update the songs onto it from iTunes, and if I wanted to register my iPod. Also, it said there were no songs on it. I was baffled and shut down my computer. After my iPod was disconnected from the Firewire power source from my computer I disconnected it and lo and behold, it also says I have no songs on it. The weird thing is that it still says that out of the 37.1 GB total capacity, I only have 14.3 GB available. This means that all my songs must be on there, but it's just not recognizing them. I tried to use the iPod Updater/Restorer application, but when I plugged my iPod in it said that it couldn't mount the iPod. What do I do?
    Version: 3.1.1
    Model: M9268LL
    Format: Windows
    (This is the 40GB 4th Gen iPod. Basically the one that came out before the color ones.)

    Anything here relevant to your situation?

  • After running a disk checker, I have 30 gigs showing as used but unaccounted for anywhere, all the files I moved to an external hdd are still taking up space

    I recently purchased a mac book air with the 128g SDD. After setting it up with all my desired applications I started to download some large media files. Knowing that I'm working with limited HDD space I hooked up a portable 1TB Drive, formatted it for MAC OS Extended (journaled) and moved all of my large files onto the back up drive. After moving all the files in my downloads folder to the trash, and then emptying the trash the space on the SDD "Macintosh HD" did not change. Currently reading at used 91g, available 29g (as seen in the disk utility program with the Macintosh HD highlighted). To find the 'mystery used space' I ran a program called 'DIsk Inventory X' on their opening screen the program shows a smaller capacity with 84g used and 27g free, running the program adds up the value of all the folders and applications on the HD only to discover their is only 54g's accounted for (this is realistic for the files and applications I currently have installed and intend to carry with me on a daily basis)
    So my question is why is my SDD only filing up and not clearing the space I move to trash and empty, at this rate I won't have any space left.

    sounds like the drive may be defective. remember that hardrives can crash at any time even if new and the drives in the air books are just really big flash drives. sound like you have an appointment for the genius bar to get it replaced.
    i have one more possible fix but requires you download a free app called "OnyX". if you are not famliar with the power of this app, be carefull about what you have it do. hit me back up if you choose to go this route. other wise to the apple store you go my friend

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