Ole Adobe Reader integration

I would like to start Adobe Reader from Abap with OLE automation. I want to know is that possible and how?
Kind regards,
H. Hendriks

Hi H. Hendriks,
i use PDF-Integration not by OLE but with WE_EXECUTE.
I fill an itab, put the itab in an simple FORM
convert the FORM to PDF and download it.
Then I Read the PC-Pfad in my report
and execute it.
Here a short example to show an abap-code as PDF.
      END   OF ITAB.
DR_PARAM-TDDEST    = 'LOCAL'.        "Ausgabegerät
DR_PARAM-TDIMMED   = ' '.            "Sofort ausgeben
DR_PARAM-TDPREVIEW = 'X'.            "Druckvoschau
DR_PARAM-TDGETOTF  = 'X'.            "Ausgabe in  Tabelle
          DEVICE   = 'PRINTER'
          DIALOG   = ' '
          OPTIONS  = DR_PARAM
          FORM     = 'ZS_ITAB'
          LANGUAGE = SY-LANGU.
            WINDOW  = 'MAIN'
            ELEMENT = 'AUSGABE'.
          OTFDATA = OTFDATA.
          FORMAT_SRC  = 'OTF'
          FORMAT_DST  = 'PDF'
          DEVTYPE     = ''
          LEN_IN      = ''
          LEN_OUT     = PDF_FILESIZE
          FILENAME         = 'D:TEST.PDF'
          FILETYPE         = 'BIN'
          DATA_TAB         = PDFDATA
          FILE_WRITE_ERROR = 1
          NO_AUTHORITY     = 5
          UNKNOWN_ERROR    = 6.
Programmpfad auf PC für PDF ermitteln
            DOCTYPE           = 'PDF'
            PATHNAME          = PROGRAM
            PATH_NOT_FOUND    = 1
            PROGRAM_NOT_FOUND = 2
            NO_BATCH          = 3
            X_ERROR           = 4
            OTHERS            = 5.
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    write: / 'PDF-Programm kann nicht ermittelt werden!'.
            COMMANDLINE        = 'D:TEST.PDF'
            PROGRAM            = PROGRAM
            FRONTEND_ERROR     = 1
            NO_BATCH           = 2
            PROG_NOT_FOUND     = 3
            ILLEGAL_OPTION     = 4
            GUI_REFUSE_EXECUTE = 5
            OTHERS             = 6.
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    write: / 'PDF-Programm kann nicht ausgeführt werden!'.
Programmende                                                        *
Hope i can help you.
Regards, Dieter

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    You test the plug-in, as well you can, using Acrobat. You also build
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    If you are saying, is there w way around the Integration key for
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    I think what Leonard (aka: One-line Leonard) means is :
    You cannot do this with the SDK.... since it relies on the Reader/Acrobat as a platform.
    If you purchase the PDF library - a spearate product - you might be able to get the functinality that you are looking for -
    Is this right Leonard ????

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    Yes, I read this section.
    The contentis as follows:
    Visit the Adobe web site and fill out an Adobe Reader Integration Key License Agreement. There is a fee involved. The Adobe Reader Integration Key Licensing Agreement can only be submitted as a web form. Information can be found at http://www.adobe.com/go/acrobat_developer.
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    Can you try this next: navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader (if you have Reader XI installed), or C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader (Reader XI on 64-bit Windows), and double-click on Eula.exe, then accept the license agreement.
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    best regards,

    Section 3 doesn't talk about distribution. It mentions that you can't integrate it in to other software unless you have applied for and received the Adobe Reader Integration Key.
    To do that, you can go to the following link: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/reader/ikla.html
    And don't worry about your English. Even if it was your first language, it's pretty tough to understand. Go to the link above and you'll find a ton of information in regular English rather than a bunch of legal speak. If in doubt, you'll be able to find contact information there as well.

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    Section 3 doesn't talk about distribution. It mentions that you can't integrate it in to other software unless you have applied for and received the Adobe Reader Integration Key.
    To do that, you can go to the following link: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/reader/ikla.html
    And don't worry about your English. Even if it was your first language, it's pretty tough to understand. Go to the link above and you'll find a ton of information in regular English rather than a bunch of legal speak. If in doubt, you'll be able to find contact information there as well.

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    "Adobe Reader":
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    Don't use the download manager; download the installer directly from http://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/10.x/10.0.0/en_US/AdbeRdr1000_en_US.exe (English version 10.0 for Windows).
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    Message was edited by: Hans-J. Dohrmann

    Not possible with Adobe Reader.

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    Thanks in advance and best wishes,
    Cheers, fondue

    My replies are in Bold.
    Thank you for your response and message.
    1. Are you seeing this problem with all kinds of PDF's or some specific  kinds like secure PDF's (with doc open password or printing  restrcitions), reader extended PDF's or PDF forms.
    This problem is with all kind's of PDF's.
    2. Are you opening a locally saved PDF by doing a drag drop in the  browser or right click and open with IE/FF or directly opening a PDF  hosted on the internet?
    It doesn't matter. However I do it, I see this problem in Firefox, IE & Google Chrome.
    3.  Can you also check the version of the Reader X browser plugin? you  could find it at C:\Program Files\Common  Files\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroPDF.dll. Right click -> Properties  -> Details
    If version is 9.0.x then you could try a clean install of Reader X.
    I have checked it. It's the latest plug-in (though at the moment, I have gone back to Adobe Reader 9.4.1, as I've mentioned before, because I need the reader to be working fine for my work and daily life. I am just waiting for a fix before I try Adobe Reader X again.
    As I've mentioned before, I am seeing this issue ONLY on my Windows 7 Ultimate (Laptop). In the desktop's at work, with Windows XP / Vista, I don't see it. Adobe Reader is working fine, browser integration is fine, the floating tool bar works fine, the right click menu pop' up where the right click is done...I can also save PDF' from the main toolbar at the top and so on...
    I really have run out of ideas.... and I am very surprised that no expert support personnel (if at all there is one) have dropped by or said anything or mentioned anything about this.
    Anyway.... Cheers.

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    Inserting another ole object (e.g. excel) works!
    I tried uninstall from control panel.
    I also downloaded and ran acrobat_ittools_cleaner_p1_061713 and acrobat_ittools_cleaner_p2_061713 (downloaded from your web site), then reboot and reinstall. No change!
    Any hint?

    Hi albourg,
    Try disabling the protected mode in Reader and check the performance.
    You can find the option at: Edit > Preferences > Security (Enhanced) > Enable Protected Mode at startup

  • Embed Adobe Reader with OLE into Java client

    Hi all,
    I am trying to integrate Adobe Reader 9.3 using OLE into an Eclipse base Java client using SWT.
    However the basic initialization of the OLE Control fails with this error:
    Unable to open type library for AcroPDF.PDF.1
    org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to create Ole Client. result = -2147221164
        at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OLE.error(OLE.java:302)
        at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite.<init>(OleControlSite.java:142)
    Here is the code I used:
    String progID = "AcroPDF.PDF.1";
    Shell shell = new Shell();
    OleFrame frame = new OleFrame(shell, SWT.NONE);
    OleControlSite site = null;
    OleAutomation auto = null;
    try {
        site = new OleControlSite(frame, SWT.NONE, progID);
        auto = new OleAutomation(site);
    } catch (SWTException e) {
            System.err.println("Unable to open type library for " + progID);
    I can see the key "AcroPDF.PDF.1" in my registry...
    Does anybody know what I am missing here?

    I'd suggest posting to the Acrobat SDK forum. You may need a license to do what you want.

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    This bug is consistent across IE 8, Chrome 7.0.517.44, and Mozilla Firefox 3.6.12 (running on Windows 7 Enterprise x86).

    Please fix this. Its just ridiculus to provide a plugin like _THE_ Adobe Acrobat Reader and not be able to implement a proper scroll behavior. Come on it can't be _that_ hard .

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    Disable the protection mode in the preferences of Adobe Reader.

Maybe you are looking for