OMBIMPORT - Match By option

I'm writing some OMBPlus scripts to export/import mappings from a development repository to a seperate Production Repository.
When I run the OMBIMPORT, I get the following error:
* Import for OWB Release: Version:
* User: owb_prod Connect String: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(
* Definition File: null
* Data File: c:/temp/guy/PKG_ENRL_ADDRESS_LOAD_1.mdl
* Log File: c:/temp/guy/PKG_ENRL_ADDRESS_LOAD_1_imp.log Log Message Level: ALL
* Physical Names: Y Mode: CREATE Character Set: WE8MSWIN1252
* Ignore Universal Identifier: N Commit At End: Y
Informational at line 19: MDL1205: PROJECT with Unique Object ID (UOID) <C078ACB2E36B57EFE0340003BA1D6538> already exists, so PROJECT with physical name <IMS> and business name <IMS> not imported.
Error at line 28: MDL1203: DATAWAREHOUSE not found by Unique Object ID (UOID) <C078ACB2E36F57EFE0340003BA1D6538>. Cannot create DATAWAREHOUSE because a DATAWAREHOUSE with physical name <IMS> already exists.
So, as you can see, the last line here seems to be doing a Match by "Universal Identifier" (as identified in the GUI version of OWB). Is there a way to match by "Physical Name" in OMBPLUS? I read the scripting reference manual, but can't seem to see any references to this.
I have tried importing this file using OWB, with "Universal Identifier" and it fails with the same error. If I try it with "Physical Name", it works fine.
Guy LaBelle

A client of mine just had the same problem, and I noticed what sems to be an anomaly.
In the GUI, there are radio buttons. For metadata matching criteria, you can select either 'Universal Identifier' or 'Physical Names'.
In an OMBPlus OMBIMPORT control file, I imagine this would correspond to either
What about
PHYSICALNAMES=Y (a sort of 'both' situation)
PHYSICALNAMES=N (a sort of 'neither' situation).
Seems we have just two options in the GUI, bit four possibilities using a control file.
Any comments?

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    r Item in query expression 'Post_Date LIKE
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    Like it says, you have a missing ")" character
    rs=stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Name FROM
    NoticeBoardTable WHERE Post_Date LIKE to_date('"+
    date_str+"', 'dd/MM/yyyy' <--HERE NEED A CLOSING
    BRACKET ");
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    But even better would be to use a prepared
    String sql = "SELECT Name FROM NoticeBoardTable
    WHERE Post_Date LIKE  ?";
    PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);
    stmt.setDate(1, date_sql);
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
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    If you're still using Buckminster 3.6, I strongly suggest switching to 3.7 - it has a number of bug fixes and improvements. This applies to both headless, and the IDE (assuming Eclipse 3.7 Indigo).

  • Match/copy option while installing BC

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    I would like to know the exact functionality of Match/copy option while installing Business content.
    Thanks in advance

    hi Ali,
    Match (X) or Copy
    If the SAP delivery version and the active version can be matched, a checkbox is displayed in this column.
    With the most important object types, the active version and the SAP delivery version can be matched.
    From a technical point of view, the SAP delivery version (D version) is matched with the M version. As in most cases the M version is identical to the active version (A version) in a customer system, this is referred to as a match between the D and A versions for reasons of simplification.
    When a match is performed, particular properties of the object are compared in the A version and the D version. First it has to be decided whether these properties can be matched automatically or whether this has to be done manually. A match can be performed automatically for properties if you can be sure that the object is to be used in the same way as before it was transferred from Business Content. When performing matches manually you have to decide whether the characteristics of a property from the active version are to be retained, or whether the characteristics are to be transferred from the delivery version.
    Example of an automatic match
    Additional customer-specific attributes have been added to an InfoObject in the A version. In the D version, two additional attributes have been delivered by SAP that do not contain the customer-specific attributes. In order to be able to use the additional attributes, the delivery version has to be installed from Business Content again. At the same time, the customer-specific attributes are to be retained. In this case, you have to set the indicator (X) in the checkbox. After installing the Business Content, the additional attributes are available and the customer-specific enhancements have been retained automatically. However, if you have not checked the match field, the customer-specific enhancements in the A version are lost.
    Example of a manual match
    An InfoObject has a different text in the A version than in the D version. In this case the two versions have to be matched manually. When Business Content is installed, a details screen appears which asks you to specify whether the text should be transferred from the active version or from the D version.
    The Match indicator is set as default in order to prevent the customer version being unintentionally overwritten. If the Content of the SAP delivery version is to be matched to the active version, you have to set the Install indicator separately.
    The active version is overwritten with the delivery version if
    ¡ the match indicator is not set and
    ¡ the install indicator is set.
    In other words, the delivery version is copied to the active version.
    If the Install indicator is not set, the object is not copied or matched. In this case, the Match indicator has no effect.
    In the context menu, two options are available:
    a. Merge All Below
    The object in the selected hierarchy level and all objects in the lower levels of the hierarchy are selected as to Match.
    b. Copy All Below
    The Match indicators are removed for the object in the selected hierarchy level and all objects in the lower levels of the hierarchy. If the Install indicator is also set, these objects are copied from the delivery version to the active version.
    The most important properties which are taken into account when versions are matched are now listed.
    hope this helps.
    Asign points if helpfull

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    Correct. Let's say you're using the working RGB color space of Adobe RGB in Photoshop. At all times, that color is being translated to the monitor color space by ColorSync for the rendition that is actually displayed. The file itself remains Adobe RGB, but that's not your monitor's profile, so it needs to be continuously converted for display.
    When you print the image, the first thing ColorSync does is convert the color space from Adobe RGB to your monitor profile (all with temporary data, not to the original). Now the image is in the color space you were viewing, which is where is needs to be since the idea is for the print to match the monitor color you are looking at. But the printer is not a monitor, so the monitor profile color space the data is currently in is not correct for printing. So it goes through a second conversion from the monitor color space to the printer profile's color space. That is what finally gets sent to the printer.
    This is where any automatic color correction must be off. You've already told ColorSync to use the proper profiles to achieve a print that will match the monitor as closely as possible. This assumes of course you have accurate profiles for both your monitor, and the printer with the paper being used.
    As a further test, I then ColorSync to the AdobeRGB(1998) profile and made a new ps file. The RGB values in the distilled PDF were still the same as the Word doc.
    That's what throws people off. An RGB value isn't a specific color. It's a representation of where that RGB value falls in relation to *L*A*B. So a fully saturated red of 255,0,0 will look different in a short color space as opposed to a larger space. Here's an example (see image below). I have two different profiles overlapping each other. The red point circled in green is the most saturated red that can be attained in relation to *L*A*B in that smaller color space. The point circled in yellow is that larger space's most saturated red. In both cases (the confusing aspect), both will assign 255,0,0 to that point, but one would obviously be a richer red than the other. Think of it this way. 255,0,0 is the maximum color space that particular color space (profile) can handle within *L*A*B. It's not necessarily the maximum red we can see in the visible color spectrum.
    So, your converted files look the same because ColorSync is generating the color based on your monitor profile for display. Since that's always the same, the color will look the same, regardless of the input RGB profile. At least as long as you don't use a really small RGB space as an assigned color space and squeeze it down to some noticeably dull color.
    I'm a trainer for Fuji Xerox and am writing a course for our Mac users on Colour Management (in particular for our high-end production RIPs (Fiery/Creo/FreeFlow) with serious colour management being applied).
    Fun! I've been doing prepress work as as in-home business for quite a few years now, but worked in a couple of different high end print shops for many years. Last thing I used on that end was a Scitex Brisque RIP. As I'm sure you know, Creo bought out Scitex. I'm sure RIPs have changed a lot since I last looked at one.
    I only discovered the other day that the Mac OS has the "Color Matching" option and wondered if the OS was in any way bending the colour values before our RIPs have a chance to properly manage the colours. So far it looks like the setting is not having any impact.
    It all depends on where your settings are on both the Mac and at the RIP. Too long of an explanation to go into here I think.
    As a further note, I even tried setting ColorSync to the "Generic CMYK" profile and the distilled PDF still showed the correct RGB values. So, maybe the print to PDF option is ignoring the Color Matching settings or something else is at play but this setting is still a mystery to me...
    ColorSync will only apply matching profiles on the fly. So something would already have to by CMYK before it would apply the Generic CMYK profile. Which no one in their right mind would ever use. It's the flattest, ugliest CMYK profile you will ever see.

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    Many thanks

    Andrewdoc74 wrote:
    In itunes I've noticed that when I right click on a song that hasn't uploaded the iCloud options have gone
    That's because the track is now available in the cloud. You need to enable the iCloud Status column to see then status of the song. Pull down View > View Options, select "icloud status" and click OK. After the initial scan, match and upload process has completed you will see one of two statuses on a track: "matched" or "uploaded." Neither of these will have the "add to icloud" option in the contextual menu. Andy songs that are "waiting" still need to be processed by iTunes Match.
    Keep in mind that not all songs actually "upload" to the cloud; most of them will "match" to songs in the iTunes Store. Hence the name of the service: iTunes Match.

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    I ran into the problem you have after trying to update to 7.1.2 the phone updated, but got stuck in recovery mode, and none of the reset methods worked. I did some searching and came up with a simple method, and it got me out of the loop.
    Once i used this app, My phone booted and The update was in place.

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    I think you are mixing the two things,well i think anyway. Match approval level and match invoice options are independent. You can set the match approval level as default in the setup to say 2-way. Assuming you have done that when you enter the shipment details you can select the match invoice option to PO or to receipt.
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    Match is optional (in fact you have to pay extra for it) - so carry on as before.
    iCloud is separate from iTunes and is used for syncing - it's generally recommended you use a separate Apple Id for the stores(s) and iCloud anyway - that way the family can share music &amp; apps but sync individually.

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  • Match Records - Import manager

    Dear Experts,
    When there is a table with NO DATA init, the match records options work diffrently.
    This could be because matching record allways tries to compare source with destination values.
    As here the destination table is blank i guess this could be the reason i am not able to judge the outcome.
    Lets say i have 3 fields.
    name        dept   cost     
    adapter    IT        20
    adapter    IT        20
    when i try to import the above data..
    matching fileds : name
    active     match type      default import action
    2 of 2        NONE                 CREATE
    Now if i chk the DM i can see only 1 record.
    Is this behaviour correct!!! please educate me if i am missing something.
    I would like to know how matching records work on a empty table.
    Kind Regards

    Hi Eva,
    if 2 fileds selected INDIVIDIALLY.
    1st field values are duplicated and second field does not have duplicate.
    all the records where 1st field duplicates are present ARE NOT IMPORTED.
    Yes, your understanding is partial correct, i mean new record will not imported(gets created into MDM) but it can be imported with updated fields with conditions (Partial or conflict) only
    Now, when i need to push some data to a table which has data already.
    -> it first chks the Matching fields comparision 'within' source fields data first.
    -> then it compares the result data and Destination data
    See as suggested above, if you select matching field as single field or Multiple fields selection with combined option then it worka as single match for these records if it finds already existing match for the combination of these fields only in that case you will able to update else result in newly created records.
    If you go mutliple fields selection with Individual Option, I mean you will able to create new record only if all of these records fields has distinct values e.g. Suppose
    Existing record in MDM
    Name dept rating
    adapter elec 30
    will create new record only if your source file has below record.
    Name dept rating
    adapter1 elec1 40
    else if you have any of the record for which any of the fields has same value it will only update the records based on condition as below:
    Exact. All the individual value matches are Equal. e.g. source file has values adapter elec 30
    Partial. At least one value match is Equal and at least one Undefined;   e.g source file has values adapter 20
    here one value is equal adapter, one value is not defined value for dept is null in your source file
    Partial. At least one value match is Equal and no value matches are Not Equal e.g source values as adapter elec1 40
    Conflict. At least one value match is Equal and at least one value match is Not Equal. e.g. Src value as adapter elec 40
    @Sudhanshu, M i right or not. Your understanding is correct. Imported records would be only one of these 1 a d, 1 a z , 2 a b
    For more understanding Please refer page 347-348/432 of import Reference guide
    Figure 220. Multiple matching fields (SKU and UPC) and Figure 221. Multiple matching fields (SKU and Mfr. & PartNo.)
    Hope it clarifies both of you.
    Mandeep Saini

  • Is there a way to promote results with exact match?

    Is there a way to promote (like add results block or something) results with exact match over results that match?
    (when stemming is on, so the search consider also words with morpholgy match, and sometimes display them at the top, and wWe want to put in top of the results a block of results with exact match)
    keren tsur

    Yes you can promote the result with exact match.....
    1. Navigate to the search center
    2. Navigate to the search result setting page and click to the Query rule as per your scope.
    3. Create the new query rule depend upon your result source.
    4. Give the query rule name. Under the Query Condition-> select "Advanced Query Text Match"-> Select Option that you want form matches input->Make the Check box "Entire Query Matches Exactly".
    5. Create the promoted results and Result block as per your description.
    6. save the Query rule and apply the query rule to your search vertical.
    sharepoint for developer
    Basant Pandey

  • Vista/Win7 Bit-Matched Playback over SPDIF (and Crystalizer)

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    . I want to achei've automatic bitperfect output over SPDIF, the 'Bit-Matched Playback' in Audio Creation Mode option is there in both Vista + Win7. IE When playing music 44.k, TV/Videos 48K without using ASIO or WASAPI as Media Center does not support. However the 'Bit-Matched Playback' option appears to do nothing to the output other than disable the Crystalizer option (which doesn't work anyway over SPDIF), it always remains on the default format selected on the audio endpoint properties. Why is the option presented if it doesn't work? I understand in great detail the big differences in the XP/Vista+Win7 audio architecture and know dynamic sample rate switching worked on XP with some cards.
    2. Also on a completely different tact why do none of the enhancements (mainly Crystalizer) not work on SPDIF if default Windows audio endpoint? (I know this is completely contrary to point above/audiophiles).
    Really if neither of the above two points can work or be addressed then having an expensi've XFi card for SPDIF output is pointless as give no benefit over onboard SPDIF.

    spl83 wrote:
    I have an Creative Audigy 2 ZS and Vista 64 bit Ultimate.
    I ve installed newes audio Drivers form Creative Homepage (no beta).
    Problem 1:
    In Windows and in the Creative Audio Console i ve selected 5. Audio.
    When i play MP3s in winamp i have no 5.!! I Only hear the sound in in the center and left / right front box.
    Whats the Problem here
    When i make the soundtest (5.) in vista everything is okay.
    Problem 2:
    I want spdif ac3 passthrough. I have an external AV Reciever conneted through SPDIF.
    When i play an DVD on my computer, i want ac3 passthrough over spdif.
    But the card only makes Stereo over spdif
    When i make the SPDIF soundtest - the ac3 and the DTS test iss okay here.
    can you tell me whats wrang here
    Problem 3:
    How can i enable CMSS 2 I only see CMMS in creative audio console!
    When i Put the stereo fokus in CMMS the the boxes behind me.. it hase no effekt!! can put this regulator to the left ore to the right side and nothing happend
    Problem It's the 2.2.0002 drivers. The 2.5.0002 ones are better, but Creative never released an installer for Audigy series.... Problem 2Windows Vista 64bit doesn't support SPDIF pass through. There's a chance it might work with the "dell driver trick" but the driver release notes clearly state it's not supported. Problem 3It's the 2.2.0002 drivers. The 2.5.0002 ones are no better. CMSS 3D effect only at the moment.Hope this helps

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    I'm using KDE and I found the recommendation on the KDE configuration page of Arch's wiki to set the keyboard layout to "Evdev-managed keyboard". Googling also suggestions this might be the solution.
    However, when I look at the list in the drop-down menu of System Settings > Input Devices > Keyboard > Hardware > Keyboard model, I can't find anything which looks like this option. I'm using the default Arch config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-evdev.conf and it is obvious from that that evdev _should_ be managing my keyboard.
    Can anybody tell me what I'm missing? Where can I find this option?
    The option isn't listed in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst or /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst which do seem to match other options in the menu. So I assume it should be added automatically by KDE? Or does its absence show there is something wrong with my setup/installation at some point?
    Thanks for any hints. (I am afraid I am asking a lot of questions right now!)

    It is definitely not the locale issue in my case - my locales are set properly and the output of locale is as expected.
    No, I haven't found a solution. I'm beginning to suspect it is a bug or something odd about the interaction between KDE and Arch somehow. I had this problem on pretty much a new install and my installation is not "generally messed up" so far as I can tell. (I am just starting to get it configured a little more comfortably but have a ways to go.)
    I would be very grateful for any hints, pointers, suggestions, solutions, tea or sympathy available.

  • I am wanting to exactly match two ID numbers from two differing worksheets within one work book. Once matched I am wanting to retrieve a row value from the second worksheet into the first. Any help much appreciated.

    I am wanting to exactly match two ID numbers from two worksheets within the one work book. ID numbers are non linear. Once exactly matched I wish to retrieve a corresponding row value from worksheet two and have it appear in worksheet one against the correct ID number. I have been looking at IF, VLOOKUP, and MATCH functions and suspect that what I want to do requires a combination of two or more. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    regards Vaughanh

    Data A:D is all cells start at column A thru column D.
    There is built-in help using the menu item "View > Show Function Browser"  in the search field (top right) you can enter vlookup and you will see the detailed description.
    From this we see:
    (search-for, columns-range, return-column, close-match)
    search-for:  The value to find. search-value can contain any value type.
    columns-range:  A range of cells. range is a reference to a single range of cells, which may contain values of any type.
    return-column:  A number that specifies the relative column number of the cell from which to return the value. return-column is a number value. The leftmost column in the range is column 1.
    close-match:  An optional value that determines whether an exact match is required.
    close match (TRUE, 1, or omitted):  If there’s no exact match, select the column with the largest top-row value that is less than the search value. Wildcards can’t be used in search-for.
    exact match (FALSE or 0):  If there’s no exact match, return an error. Wildcards can be used in search-for.
    So... the 2,0 means return the value form the same row as the lookup value but from the 2nd column of the range.  3, 0 means from the 3rd column.  the ", 0" means exact match

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