Omega NI-DAQ in Labview

Dear all,
I'm trying to connect my Omega OMB-DAQ-2416 (with expansion module EXP32) to Labview software. But somehow I'm missing a step along the way I think....
I've installed Labview 2012, and the software from Omega Engineering (InstaCal for calibration, tracerdaq as another software for read out, and the Universal Library, which I think I need to connect with Labview.)
When starting the NI instrument driver finder, I don't see the hardware in the connected instruments list. How should I make the connection (by using the InstaCal software I checked there is proper communication between the Data Acquisition module and my PC (windows-7, 32 bit).
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Best Regards,

MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) is a program made by NI that installs with just about any NI hardware.  It is like the device manager for hardware.
Lucky for you your device does have drivers written by Omega.
You'll want to download and install them, then use the code on the palette that the installer added.  As for general LabVIEW help try some of these.
NI Learning Center
NI Getting Started
-Hardware Basics
-LabVEW Basics
-DAQ Application Tutorials
3 Hour LabVIEW Introduction
6 Hour LabVIEW Introduction
Self Paced training for students
Self Paced training beginner to advanced, SSP Required
LabVIEW Wiki on Training
LabVIEW has some concepts that are hard to wrap your head around at first so good luck, and feel free to post any questions you have on these forums.
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If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

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    I have not used these specific devices, but I have used a lot of Omega product in the past and they tend to sell good stuff. They do have a tendency to resell a lot of stuff too. So one thing that might be worthwhile is to see if this box is really theirs or if they are reselling hardware from somebody else.
    Having said that, give the .net a try. The examples in the other languages should give you the basic flow of what calls you need to make to accomplish common tasks -- like reading a value.
    PS: it also might be interesting to plug the thing in to your computer and after letting it load whatever drivers it needs, see what kind of device the OS thinks it is.
    Certified Professional Instructor
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    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    Go to Solution.

    Hey MCS11,
    I think I either talked to you earlier this week, or someone else called me about the same exact thing.  
    Either way, I assume you downloaded the LabVIEW driver support from that link you listed. Your next step is to add this driver to your Function Palette in LabVIEW.  In the instructions that you can find here: C:\Program Files\DaqIO LabView Support\Enhanced LabVIEW Getting Started.pdf it walks you through how to add these drivers to your function palette. I've copied the steps for you below.
    1) Open a new blank
    2) From the Tools menu item select Advanced >> Edit palette views
    3) In the “Edit Controls and Functions Palettes” dialog box select “New Setup…” from the Palette view list box.
    4) Enter a name for the New Palete View
    5) Right mouse click in an open spaceIn the function palette and select insert >> submenu.
    6) From the “Insert Submenu” dialog select “Link to a directory”
    7) Browse to the “C:\Program Files\DaqIO LabVIEW Support” directory and go into that directory.
    8) Press the “Select Curr Dir” button. The DaqIO submenu should appear in the function palette. 9) In the “Edit Controls and Functions Palettes” dialog box Press “Save Changes”
    The driver you found through "Find Instrument Driver" is a completely different driver which is why you are only seeing thermocouple VIs.
    Hope that helps!
    Kind Regards,
    Allie F.

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    Please advise. If there is any similar post, I would really appreciate if you could direct me to those. 
    Thank you very much!

    ben64 wrote:
    If all channels perform the same type of measurements you can just add the channels of the second daq board in the same daq assistant. The daqmx read will output an array of 32 values (assuming you use the 32 available channels).
    You should provide us with more details.
    That may not work with M series cards (unless NI changed something on me).  Last I checked, M series and older needed to have seperate tasks to run, meaning you would need two DAQ Assistants.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    If you have access to a driver that was written in C, meaning that you have a .dll file that was written in C, then it is possible to use that driver with LabVIEW to accomplish your application. What you'll need to do is figure out how the DLL works (function definitions, function prototypes, etc.), and use the Call Library Function Nodes in LabVIEW to call that driver. The tutorials on Integrating DLLs in LabVIEW will assist you on the LabVIEW side of things.
    In regards to finding a instrument driver that is already created for your Axon instrument, unless there is one already created, all you can do is submit a request on the o
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    I hope that I was able to help you out. Good luck.
    Jared A.

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    I checked our third-party intstrument driver site and did not see anything listed for the Quanser device.
    You may want to contact the original distributor of the device to validate the claim that it can interface with LabVIEW. Theoretically, you should be able to. However, the first step would be to verify if the device appears in Measurement and Automation Explorer. 
    The following links may help address your questions regarding communication with the device in real-time. 
    LabVIEW Real-Time and USB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -
    Can I Control a USB Device with NI-VISA on a Real-Time Controller? -
    Will M.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    [email protected]

    I have developed using both Omega and NI hardware.
    If you have the opertunity, just buy NI boards.
    If you where developing in an environment devloped by Omega, I would recomend the oposite.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    For all Windows/LabVIEW/Toolkits compatibility questions, check out this KnowledgeBase.
    (I know this is a pretty old post, but I'm replying anyway for posterity.)
    Happy developing!
    Sarah K.
    Search PME
    National Instruments

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    What exactly is your question? Do you have a DAQ board or are you looking for a recomendation on what to buy? If you already have a DAQ board, is it one from NI? If so, what model#? If using a NI board, you should start here. There are also a large number of shipping examples in LabVIEW related to DAQmx.

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    Is it the reason ?
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    Hi pdupre,
    i never tried to install it on different pations, but in which order did you install it? You first have to install LabVIEW and then the Driver.
    Hope it helps.

  • Récupérer le type d'un module DAQ sur Labview

    Voilà comme le titre l'indique, je voudrais pouvoir être capable de connaitre le type de mesure des Modules NI installés sur mon DAQ. Cela me permettra de facilité la lecture des valeurs données par les capteurs installés sans avoir avoir à demander à l'utilisateur d'entrée à chaque fois le type de mesure. Je pense que cela est possible car Max me permet d'afficher le type de mesure correspondant au module comme sur l'image ci-dessous. J'ai essayé d'utiliser le noeud de propriètè du périphérique mais cela ne m'a pas donnée le resultat escompté. Vous pouvez voir  les deux résultats donné par labview et Max pour un NI 9201 ci-dessous. Me suis je trompé ou serait-il impossible d'avoir ces données là à partir de labview?
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Hello sklod,
    En fait, il y a une petite erreur dans ton affirmation  
    sklod a écrit :
    Merci pour votre réponse,
    En ce qui concerne votre remarque, je m'en doutais un peu. Je voyais bien qu'il me lister toutes les mesures possibles sur le module, mais je ne comprenais pas comment MAX arrive à ne me donner que les types de mesures cités sur la data sheet du produit sans que je n'aie à crée aucune tâche. Bref, j'essaierais de comprendre plus tard.
    Votre solution me parait adéquate à mon besoin sauf que celle-ci à besoin de tâche comme données d'entrée alors que moi je voudrais utiliser le nom du module comme entrées, serait-il donc possible d'accéder à la tâche associée au module à partir de son nom? 
    En fait MAX n'arrive à rien, il a "simplement" été codé pour fonctionner de la sorte, il y a (j'en mettrais, presque, ma main au feu) une table de correspondance ou un fichier de config qui permet au Panneau de test de MAX d'avoir le "bon" type de mesure.
    Sauf qu'en réalité, ce n'est pas le "bon" type de mesure, c'est simplement un choix de type de mesure générique, parmis l'ensemble des mesures possibles avec un module donné.
    Je ne sais pas avec combien de type de module vous allez travailler, ni quel est vrai l'objectif final mais personnellement, je partirais sur un fichier de configuration pour cet effet.
    Bonne journée
    Open Diagram First

  • No aparece el DAQ assistant Labview 8.2.1fu

    Que tal,
    No aparace en las paletas el icono de DAQ assistant, ya configure el chassis de mi PXI y cree la tarea pero no me aparece en Labview el icono en Measurent I/O, ni en el express. Verifique la compatibilidad de mi Labview 8.2.1 y instale el DAQmx 8.5 y el NI-DAQmx base 2.2, reinicie y siguen sin aparecer.
    que mas puedo hacer? o a que se debe que no aparezca
    Gracias de antemano

    He instalado el LV 8.6 y además el controlador IN-DAQmx 9.5.5, para controlar una tarjeta de adquisición de datos NI USB-6008. Lo que ocurre es que no aparece el DAQ Assistant en la paleta de funciones

  • DAQ with LabVIEW Student Edition

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    Go to Solution.

    For serial communication, you need NI-VISA and for using the 6008, you need DAQmx. Both drivers are free and available from the Support page. The student suite is not at all required if this is all you are doing.

  • NI-6602 Two Channel Frequency Measuremen​t using Traditiona​l NI-DAQ and LabView 8.2

    I have been trying to program for some new experiments and have a vi setup to record the time-of-arrival for a signal using buffered event counting on two channels.  We really wanted to be able to measure the frequency of the incoming photons on both channels and thought we could just make a sub vi using simple event counting and count the number of rising edges on a source pin for a second and report that number and repeat the measurement until we were done..
    All of our vi's have to be programed using the Traditional NI-DAQ drivers as the NI-DAQmx drivers do not play well with the FIFO overwrites on the 6602 card that occasionally occur in our measurements (high instantaneous count rates from bursts of photons).  The way other groups using the 6602 card and labview have dealt with this is to ignore the error that come from the Read used with the Traditional NI-DAQ drivers when a FIFO overwrite occurs.  Trying this same technique with the NI-DAQmx drivers has not worked so we are stuck with the old drivers.
    With this all said I made a vi that counted the freqency on one counter just fine but when I adapted it for two channels it doesn't like me anymore
    I attached the llb file and any comments would be greatly appreciated
    Counts per second.llb ‏202 KB

    Hello Sprice,
    Browse the shipping examples according to “Directory Structure” and then select
    DAQ to find the Traditional DAQ examples. 
    There a lot of examples that are written for counters (Counter >>
    daq-stc.llb >> Count Edges (DAQ-STC).vi). 
    What kind of signals are your photons creating?  Are they TTL compatible at a certain
    frequency?  You don’t care about overwriting
    your buffer?
    Rob F
    Test Engineer
    Condition Measurements
    National Instruments

  • NI-DAQ and LabVIEW

    I am having a hard time convincing myself that there is any value in the generic
    DAQ functions available in LabVIEW when it is desired to have software reusability/compatibility
    with possibly non-NI hardware. It seems to me that I would be much better
    off writing code to talk to ActiveX drivers. Am I missing something?

    > I am having a hard time convincing myself that there is any value in the generic
    > DAQ functions available in LabVIEW when it is desired to have software reusability/compatibility
    > with possibly non-NI hardware. It seems to me that I would be much better
    > off writing code to talk to ActiveX drivers. Am I missing something?
    For interchangable HW, or the ability to shift between HW, then
    what you want is a common interface -- sets of VIs that have common
    connectors and common functionality. Below this set of VIs, they
    can call a DLL, a CIN, they can call peek and poke, or they can
    call an ActiveX server, OPC server, TCP to an ethernet device, or
    whatever you like. ActiveX doesn't magically make components
    interchangeable unless they have a common interface. LV is pretty
    much the same. With the VIs, it isn't too difficult to shift
    between them.
    The most common interface for doing DAQ with LV are the NI-DAQ
    icons. They have shipped for a long time and support a wide
    range of boards including different busses, remote DAQ, etc.
    There is at least one other company that makes a driver that
    uses this interface. They have VIs that look and act the same.
    That means changing your program between these two vendors is
    pretty easy. Other vendors share some common functions, but
    are not complete. Then you have the vendors that only have DLL
    or an ActiveX server for their driver. This may be great for
    you, but I suspect it will be considerably harder to use from
    LV. You will end up writing the layer of VIs to go between the
    DLL and C types or the ActiveX server and OLE types to LV types.
    You will be the one to write it instead of the vendor.
    As I said, it is possible to call DLLs, ActiveX servers, talk
    to serial, GPIB, ethernet, and register based devices without
    any vendor supplied VIs, but the easiest way to have functionality
    in LV is to wrap them in VIs. Give them help, good icons, good
    parameters, and place them logically in a palette.
    So, in my opinion, the best interface to choose is the highest
    level one that can accomplish your task. The one that is widely
    used and has a good history. I'd recommend that you go with NI-
    Of course you need to remember that I work for NI; so you
    can do whatever you like with my advice.
    Greg McKaskle

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