On-line J2EE Performance Lecture by book author Ted Osborne

Book Author Ted Osborne Presents: "J2EE Performance - from Design to
          Ted Osborne, co-author of the recently published books "J2EE
          Performance Testing using BEA WebLogic Server" and "Professional EJB,"
          will be hosting a one time on-line presentation entitled: "J2EE
          Performance, from Design to Test" on November 13th at 1pm EST.
          Everyone is welcome to attend.
          Ted will be speaking about common J2EE performance bottlenecks and the
          benefits of testing enterprise applications from start to finish.
          Drawing from his material in his two books, Ted Osborne will walk
          through some of the practical motives, useful techniques, and
          potential hazards in testing J2EE and EJB designs. In the
          presentation, he will also review some of the actual test results and
          analysis obtained from running test cases against BEA WebLogic Server.
          To sign up, visit Empirix's new J2EE Performance and Testing Center at
          http://www.empirix.com/J2EE or Ted Osborne's site at

          "Tony Glaccum" <[email protected]> wrote in message
          news:3ead5520$[email protected]..
          > Tom Barnes you mentioned a book "J2EE Performance Testing with BEA
          WebLogic Server"
          > by Peter Zadrozny, Philip Aston, Ted Osborne. Any idea when this was
          > - I have searched Amazon plus a few book stores and cannot find it.
          > Thanks

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    the file com.apple.iPhoto.plist contains your iPhoto preferences and when you launch iPhoto and there is none a fresh new reference file is created so you can throw the old one away
    To preview your book before ordering I recommend Apple's Knowledge base article - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1040
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    ORA-06512: at "WKSYS.WK_QRY", line 1007
    ORA-06512: at line 1
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    I will appreciate if somebody can help me!!!
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    *How to enlarge the Pic size in the page?*

    Hi ricardog,
    Hopefully I can help in some way, as I have only just started using iPhoto myself.
    Regarding pics, I found it much easier to create a single roll containing all of the images you want in the book. However, that is not essential. As far as getting the book to see the relevant images, you need to select the actual pics you want in the iPhoto preview window, and drag those over the Book icon that will be in the left hand pane. This tells the Book (or calendar) which images are going to be used in the project.
    Quality wise - it is unfortunately a bit of a problem if you are creating a book at a large size, with perhaps full size images approaching A4 - many consumer digital cameras are not going to be producing images capable of going up to that kind of size, and you may need to rethink your layout or book choice. Basically, images placed in the book or calendar will need to be at a final resolution of at least 300dpi once they have been resized to the pic box size in question. The smaller the pic box size, the greater chance you have of this happening.
    You can save your book out as a PDF first, via the print menu, which allows you to check the quality of images and to make sure your captions look how you want them to. You will end up with a 300dpi PDF image which is exactly how the file will be sent to Apple - if your images look poor on your PDF preview, then they will look poor on the book you receive.
    You can resize and recrop images by double clicking them after you have dragged them to the book. This brings up a slider at the top of the image where the size can be altered. Dragging across the image will make the hand icon appear, and this is where you can alter the crop. Bear in mind though, that if you are already struggling with image resolutions, making images bigger will only make this problem worse.
    Hope that all helps and not confuses!

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    hi,all friends
    I have a question as following.
    A J2EE application is running normally. When the
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    , the performance decreases much. Why?Such questions can not be reasonably answered without specifics of the application. 'J2EE' (rather, an implementation thereof) is not necessarily (not all "platform vendors" are good "platform developers"), to be blamed. 'J2EE' is designed to be "highly scalable"! Yet, the application written to it must still be smartly designed and coded. By "smartly" here is meant with a firm understanding of the architecture and supporting platforms to which it is targeted, and a "judicious use" of appropriate design patterns helps along the way. ;) In any case, does your application use Entity Beans? Does it use "a lot" of them? Does your application use them for "general data portals"? Thinking of Entity Beans as being "the J2EE method for accessing data" (meaning, "any and all" data), is not only a common misconception but is highly erroneous architecturaly and an all too common reason for cries of "it's performance is poor" against the backdrop of rightly proclaimed "high scalability". Do not blame the platform for the house crumbling like cards atop it... go back and re-check your design.
    Thank you all in advance.
    Tony "Vee Schade" Cook

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