One step further.

Okay, so now I got a step further.
But I'm having a bit of another problem now, on my little project.
I tried Google the problem, but I couldn't solve it myself.
(For newcomers: I'm trying to make my WebView load a URL when my app starts up
My code for "main.m" is as following:
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>+
+#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>+
+@class WebView;+
+@interface Lectio : NSObject {+
++ IBOutlet NSWindow *window;++
++ IBOutlet WebView *webView;++
+@property (nonatomic, assign) NSWindow *window;+
+@property (nonatomic, assign) WebView *webView;+
+@implementation Lectio+
+@synthesize window;+
+@synthesize webView;+
+- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {+
++ NSString *urlText = @""; // <-- ';' added; 2nd string instance removed++
++ [webView mainFrame loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:NSURL URLWithString:urlText]]; ++
But now I'm getting this error:
+"_main", referenced from:+
+start in crt1.10.5.o+
+symbol(s) not found+
+collect2: Id returned 1 exit status+

Ahh, no - sorry - didn't see them. I guess they sneaked in when I tried to make the text italic
My bad.

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    good lord ... you are the first person to ever report seeing that with the flash.
    it's possible that you might have two different problems, here. let's try to see first if we can deal to that error message:
    keep us posted.
    love, b

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    Good ideas but I have checked each of those items. My camera is set to play, the tape works and I am using my firewire cable. The strange thing is I did everything exactly the same on a different apple computer and it copied the tape to the DVD with no problem.
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    My Father's setup
    Mac Mini 1.6 Ghz
    1.6 Gb Ram
    OS 10.4.8
    Video Camera: Canon ZR45
    My Setup
    Dual 2.0 Ghz PowerMac G5
    2.5 Gb ram
    OS 10.4.8
    Video Camera: Sony TRV315

    Hi Wayne,
    I honestly have no explanation why iDVD / OneStep is showing only 17 mins. left of capture unless you don't have enough available HD space to capture to.
    3 suggestions only:
    1. Make certain you have plenty of available HD space for this process. I recommend no less than 20GB of available HD space for each hour of video.
    2. Before launching iDVD/OneStep, drag and drop the plist for iDVD to the trash. Looks like this:
    3. After trashing the plist for iDVD, connect your mindv camcorder via firewire and relaunch iDVD while the camera is powered on. In most cases, iLife apps will default to the correct settings on its own (provided your mac sees the connection under system profiler).
    Good luck & hope this helps

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    I guess the One Step method only works with Device Control inputs?
    Yep - OneStep will not work witout timecode.
    Note: OneStep DVD will only capture from recorded tape on a DV camcorder or deck. OneStep DVD will not work with analog-to-DV converters. It will also not work if you are using your camcorder or deck as a pass-through device to digitize from an analog souce (such as VHS or Hi-8). In order to function, OneStep DVD reads the timecode from your DV tape and it relies on DV device control to communicate with the camera or deck.
    G5dual2GHz, 550TiBook, 9600>G3Upgraded   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1TB+ Storage

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    Dear Experts,
    On working to EXtended Classic Scenario, I need to configure one step approval for shopping cart in SRM 7.0.
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    Thanks in Advance,
    Pawan Keshwani
    Edited by: pawankeshwani on May 25, 2011 6:22 PM

    Hi Ashutosh,
    Thanks for quick reply.
    As per your comment when i am tring to activate /SAPSRM/C_SC_600_001_SP04  by t-code SCPR20, But It shows me a information pop up Maintain the client role and then Activation is Cancelled.
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    Hold down the Option key while double-clicking the file.
    This also works when opening sub-folders - the double-clicked folder will open and its enclosing folder will close.

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    Do I have to accept that stepper motors are only accurate to +/- 1 step or am I doing something wrong?
    Mike Evans
    TRW Conekt
    N.I. Alliance Member, UK

    Maybe other people will have better suggestions, but in my case I can advise to either:
    1. increase the number of pull-in moves,
    2. increase the microstepping of your drive,
    2a... together with a higher precision encoder...
    Other than that, the accuracy is advertised to +/- 1 step, so maybe you would like to consider a stepper with more steps/rev.
    Good luck!, I hope other people will give other suggestions.
    National Instruments

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    Any help and information appreciated.

    You are correct in your assessment. We created a program that submits the desired program then passes the request id, template, etc. to the xml report publisher concurrent program.

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    You have to subscribe to iTunes Match to do that.  See

  • Using "One Step DVD from Movie" on my IMac 10.8.6 using Verbatim DVD-R ("Life Series") 4.7 GB 16X 120, I get a wide angle version of my two minute story rather than the 3X4 standard aspect ratio that I normally get and want.  Help!

    While using "One Step DVD from Movie"  using DVD-R Verbatim ("Life Series" 4.7  16 X  120 min) on my IMac 10.6.8 I get a wide angle aspect ratio on the DVD not the standard 3X4 aspect ratio.  The Quicktime Movie is is standard 3X4 aspect ratio and the video video footage is standard 3X4 aspect ratio?  Advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Try this basic troubleshooting fix :
    1 - delete the IDVD preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete IDVD'S cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 -  reboot.
    4 - launch IDVD and try again.
    Personally I would not the the one step method but create the iDVD project  from scratch so you can make sure the widescreen option is not selected in the preferences and you can follow this workflow:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the  File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option.  This will separate the encoding process from the burn process. 
    To check the encoding mount the disk image and launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding was good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

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    I have to do twice, so once in itunes library the other time in device app tab., this to have "aligned" same pc same ipad.
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    So how to delete and sync the device only with one step (with iTunes 10.6.3 this was possible) ?
    If it is called sync it has to do sync or not ?

    You can also *Transfer purchases from device* to copy all your purchased content into the new library. If you've got media on the phone that wasn't backed up from the old machine then you should probably take a look at this post from Zevoneer for options on moving your data back to a computer.

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    I suggest you take a little time to watch some tutorials. If you are that new to Lightroom that you don't understand what export means then it would probably be a good idea for you to get some other information as well. If you don't I think you'll find Lightroom can be very confusing. You haven't indicated what version of Lightroom you are using. The link I'm providing you is a series of getting started videos for Lightroom 5. And just about everything in this series will apply to other versions. You will note that there is one video devoted exclusively to exporting images. But I think you really need to watch the whole series.
    Getting Started with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 | Adobe TV

  • Check/uncheck record results on more than one step at a time

    I have one hundred plus sequence files and several thousand steps total. Checking and un-checking record results one step at a time takes a long time. I'd like to be able to select several steps at a time then check or un check the "Record Results" option for all those steps at once. How do I do this? I'm using TestStand 2.0

    Hi Kevin,
    Thanks for contacting National Instruments.
    Do you want to disable result recording for ALL sequences on this station? If so, you can turn on this option in the TestStand sequence editor (Configure >> Station Options, turn ON checkbox "Disable result recording for all sequences").
    However, if you only want to do this for selected sequence files, then Ray is correct - you would need to write an external routine that will automate this for you. Attached is a zipfile containing a VBScript that will iterate through one sequence file ("c:\test.seq") and change all steps (all sequences, including Main/Setup/Cleanup) to turn off "Record Results". It first saves a backup copy of the sequence file, makes the changes, then save
    s the modified sequence file. You can enhance this script to work for more than one sequence file by using Microsoft's FileSystemObject.
    The VBScript uses a DLL I created, which exposes the TestStand 2.0 Engine object as an ActiveX DLL. Before you can run the VBScript, you will need to register this DLL:
    regsvr32 TSEngine.dll
    Then, the VBScript can be executed just by double-clicking it. Hopefully this helps get you started toward creating an automated way of solving this problem!
    David Mc.
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏4 KB

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