One-way Google sync

is there a way to do a one-way sync of my address book with my Google contacts (from AB to Google)? I don't want Google messing with my AB contacts, I just need them to be in Google Mail.

Syncing AB contacts with Google has been a disaster for me! If there were some way you could ONLY go in ONE DIRECTION (AB to Google Contacts) things might work better. I find that using this sync, three problems occur:
1) loss of contacts
2) loss of contact group
3) loss of picture
4) loss of the entire contact!
5) address gets duplicated in two address 'fields' when it syncs back from Google to AB; and, in the second address field, the zip code ends up in the street address.
The problem, as I see it, is that Google cannot stop from overwriting the AB info after you sync. This is because only a 'merge' is allowed. You cannot set it (as you can with Mobile Me) to have the AB contacts be the 'mother' source (primary).
I have also had similar problems with Mobile Me, but more just loss of contacts. Some contacts mysteriously just disappear. Fortunately, when I realize a contact is missing, I can go into Time Machine and retrieve it. Unfortunately, what I'm worried about is the contacts i don't realize are missing!
I am seriously thinking about going back to utililizing hard-wire synchronization between my iPhone and Primary computer (macbook pro 15", unibody, 2009) again. All of these 'cloud' syncs are just not ready for prime time, and I'm concerned about data loss.
If there is a way to JUST do calendar sync, between my iPhone and my 2 macbooks, this would be helpful, as i find these to be reliable. Any suggestions on the settings for this?

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    Are you sure that you are observing and interpreting this activity properly?
    The iSync Palm Conduit places all event and tasks created on a Palm device in a single, separate calendar named—by default—Unfiled. You will not find Palm created data in the 'matching' calendars in iCal, if you are using iSync. If you have no Unfiled calendar, or have not assigned such entries to a single specific calendar in the drop-down configuration pane in iSync, then they will not transfer or appear.
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    Hello Everyone,
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    Hello ggap10,
    You can try to enabled an advanced logging of the Calendar to see where the alarm flag is not populating.
    KB01451 will guide you through the process to enable the logging.
    If you need further technical assistance, you can call your service provider.
    Thanks and have a great day!
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    You do realize that the SIM only contains account information for your wireless account.
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    MikkG wrote:
    Can Apple update iTunes and add in iTunes>Devices>"Device name">Info: Sync iCal Calanders - **Sync Google Calander.**
    That's not how it should work.
    As paulsalter noted, you should add Google calendar to your iCal on the Mac and Calendar app on iPad.
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    If you sync it with Google calendar, the iPad and the Mac will both get updated when you update one.
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    Then add the Google calendar to your iPad.
    See this -> CalDAV: CalDAV Calendar Sync

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    2. Have my private calendar synched with Google
    3. Have my work calendar synched with Exchange
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    Hi Adam,
    As you probably discovered, the problem is Google Calendar. The iPhone can get email directly from Gmail - without Google Sync - but the Calendar won't work. There are two main options
    1. The simplest option is to view your Google calendar via CalDAV. The iPhone supports CalDAV and can sync with any any CalDAV compatible calendar system. Unfortunately, I believe that it's read-only: using CalDAV, you can't update your Google calendar from the iPhone. However, if read-only is fine, that's the simplest option. Then you'd use Exchange for your work stuff, Mail on the iPhone to talk directly to Gmail, and CalDAV support in the calendar to view your Google calendar.
    2. The more sophisticated option is to use Mail on the iPhone to get Gmail, then use Exchange for everything else. You'd then add SyncMyCal on your Windows PC to sync your Google calendar with your Exchange account. The sync is two-way and works very well. With your Google calendar available in Exchange, the sync from Exchange to the iPhone will now have your Google calendar items too - and you can create new events on your iPhone's calendar that'll end up in Google calendar.

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    Is it because the new itunes looks different.
    View > Show Sidebar
    Then it should work just the same as on your old computer.

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    I am using a Nokia N8 and syncing with Outlook 2007.
    I have both Ovi Suite and Nokia PC Suite (, which is one of the last versions that doesn't prohibit a connection with the N8). And, I've synced succesfully with both of them.
    Nokia PC Sync is set to synchronize tasks and files/folders, but not appointments or contacts. I set it to sync an empty Calendar folder within Outlook. But, it syncs my normal Tasks folder. That way, Tasks go into a calendar on the N8 called "PC Sync."
    Then, Ovi Suite synchronizes appointments and contacts, but not tasks or files/folders. I set it to sync an empty Tasks folder within Outlook, but it syncs my normal Calendar folder. Ovi Suite places the appointments into the default N8 calendar called "Personal"
    Is there a way, preferrably using Ovi Sync, where I can place tasks into one calendar, on the N8, and Appointments into a different calendar?
    Why do I do this? Nokia didn't provide a way to exclude tasks from any of the calendar views (but provided a task-only view - what were they thinking!?). This means the daily and weekly views are filled with tasks, all set ahead of the appointments. I cannot imagine why anyone would want that to constitute their default view of the calendar. Particularly since there is a view available, of only tasks.
    By placing tasks in a separate calendar from appointments, I can pick and choose whether I want to see tasks with appointments, in the daily and weekly views.
    Now, if only Symbian would be able to sync the categories associated with my tasks and appointments, in Outlook. . . But, I realize (even after years of hoping Nokia would introduce the concept of categories to its software) that you have to walk, before you can run.
    I hope you have found this post to be entertaining. But, back to my original question: Is there any way to sync - using only one software solution on the PC, tasks into one of the Nokia N8's calendars and appointments into another?
    Thanks for any ideas.

    Here is the text of my feedback letter regarding Tasks...
    Come on Apple! You have to be kidding me! I got caught up in the iPhone 3G euphoria and blindly ordered my 16GB Black about a week ago. (still waiting for it BTW) I had not purchased an iPhone Edge specifically because of its lack of Exchange connectivity. I have been "suffering" with an AT&T Tilt (HPC 8925, TyTn II) for the past year while I waited for Apple to "catch up" as it were.
    Well, imagine my surprise a few minutes ago when I read that "Exchange ActiveSync Support" on the iPhone is not as capable as it is on a Windows Mobile device or even a Blackberry for that matter!
    Look, any junior Exchange admin knows how important Public Folders are in the enterprise. There is absolutely no excuse for the lack of Public Folder support on the iPhone. This is a serious issue that will lose Apple and AT&T important high use, high revenue enterprise customers.
    Then there is the issue of tasks. It has been my experience that many Exchange users utilize the Tasks feature extensively. I am dumbfounded that task support is missing from the iPhone.
    Finally comes Notes. While it might not be used as much as Public Folders and Tasks, from the outside looking in it seems that integrating Exchange Notes would be a fairly simple endeavor.
    PLEASE tell me and the rest of your customers (and potential customers) that support for Exchange Tasks, Notes, and Public Folders is in the works. We need something integrated just like mail, calendars, and contacts, not some patch-on workaround.
    I and the rest of your users look forward to your response.

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    Hey, migration from an old mac late 2008 aluminium to a brand new mac book air. Only the new one has firewire. Transmissiom via wifi estimates ~50h. Is there a faster Way to sync? Tanks in advance

    I'll venture that your problem here is that you're using two very different versions of Mac OS X.  The USB adapter has been useful to me when making big downloads or while using other networks, but it might not be your case. 
    Here's what I would advise, though it may be less than stellar:  Copy the files you need into folders and move them through a USB flash drive or using that external hard drive of yours. (Could the format be the reason your MBA can't see it?). Some stuff like calendars and contacts can be exported too. At least in Lion, I haven't used Tiger in a while. 
    Good luck.

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