OO Programming: 2 Tiers Applications

Dear fellow Java developers
I have been dying to know how to work this problem out and I can't seem to figure out a flexible way to solve this:
The problem at hand is the following:
I have a 2 tiers application thus meaning that I have my Presentation/Business Logic layer and my Database layer being a small MySQL Database.
I am creating an application with multiple forms which all need to share the same connection to get data from my database.
It seems very inefficiënt if I would just create new connection objects all the time for each new form that I create. Therefore it would seem that using 1 Connection object (being ofcourse a Connection Class) for each form would be the most efficiënt way to work. The problem is that I have it figured out in my head but I can't seem to put it into code or at least not in a very efficiënt way.
Is there anyone who is interested and would find the time to help me figure out what would be a good way to solve this problem ?
I thank you all very kindly !

Herazio wrote:
Dear fellow Java developers
I have been dying to know how to work this problem out and I can't seem to figure out a flexible way to solve this:
The problem at hand is the following:
I have a 2 tiers application thus meaning that I have my Presentation/Business Logic layer and my Database layer being a small MySQL Database.
I am creating an application with multiple forms which all need to share the same connection to get data from my database.
And why exactly do you think that?
It seems very inefficiënt if I would just create new connection objects all the time for each new form that I create. You would be wrong for the system you described.
Therefore it would seem that using 1 Connection object (being ofcourse a Connection Class) for each form would be the most efficiënt way to work. The problem is that I have it figured out in my head but I can't seem to put it into code or at least not in a very efficiënt way.
Which isn't what you said above. One connection per form would seem to be an entirely reasonable way to do this.
Is there anyone who is interested and would find the time to help me figure out what would be a good way to solve this problem ? Note as well that nothing in your description so far would suggest that you actually need to use a connection pool. A client application intended for use by a user does not mandate a pool. You might choose to use one solely for the learning experience but that would be the only benefit. And although not true for your database there can be situations where a pool would absolutely be the wrong choice for your current set up.

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    Not sure if this data generator is available in 6.20 or now.  SAPBC_TOOLS_GENERATOR_NEW  Run this program to generate the data for the FLIGHT tables.
    Then you should check out the example programs which start with BCALV*   and also check out transaction code DWDM.
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    In MacOS X you can delete most applications by simply
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    Hi HotRock, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Very Important, how much Free Space is on your Hard Drive first of all? Click on the Macintosh HD on the Desktop, then do a Get Info on it.
    If you have 20GB or much more you're OK.
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
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    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.
    I dont want to have to upgrade to Snow leopard because I dont have the time to wipe everything off my hard drive and start again.
    While you really need to have a bootable backup or two, installing SL/10.6.x does what we used to call an Archive & install, nothing should be lost.
    But we really need to fix things first.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
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    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.


    Good Morning!  Where do you go on your Mac to find programs and applications that are actually on your Mac?  Also, if there are any malware apps or programs, will it show this, or can they "hide"?
    Thank you!

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    06-sep-2012 0:14 
    Me compre un ipod classic de 160gb cada vez que trato de ponerle musica de mi disco duro externo solo copia hasta 1500 canciones y luego me congela el Itune  y no lo puedo cerrar, me pide que restaure el ipod como de fabrica, lo hago y nada.  Trato de cerrar el programa de itune y no me deja, trato de apagar el computador y no lo puedo apagar,  he buscado para ver si tiene errores  el disco del Ipod y me dice que esta bien.  Lo he restaurado como 8 veces y le he puesto musica y videos pero siempre me borra todo.  He aplastado Menu y Seleccion para entrar al sistemade diagnostic o del ipod y le pongo el test manual donde entro al IO y me dice q todo esta bien.  Le he dado ya varios Format directamente desde el Windows 7 y nada tampoco, siempre me borra todo desde que pasan mas de 1300 canciones y me congeal todo el equipo.  Ya no se que pensar de esta compania Apple porque no da ninguna solucion ha este tema.
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    iPod classic, Windows 7, ME BORRA TODO Y SE CONGELA 

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    It's been a confusion actually.
    Just note that the programs and all the objects in the SAP are stored in the "Application Server".(Not ur hard disk).
    Here the Application Server refers to the server where the only way interaction between ur presentation server and the Database server.
    Hope it is clear.
    Reward all the helpful answers..

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    Hi, everyone. I'm trying to call an external program from ABAP by using SM69 and FM SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE
    MOVE 'zlong_bat' to ld_comline.         "Maintained using trans SM69
    * Execute external command, contained in 'ld_comline'
                commandname                   = ld_comline
    *           additional_parameters   = ld_param  "Params passed to script
    *           operatingsystem               = 'UNIX'
                status                        = ld_status
                exec_protocol                 = ld_output
                no_permission                 = 1
                command_not_found             = 2
                parameters_too_long           = 3
                security_risk                 = 4
                wrong_check_call_interface    = 5
                program_start_error           = 6
                program_termination_error     = 7
                x_error                       = 8
                parameter_expected            = 9
                too_many_parameters           = 10
                illegal_command               = 11
                wrong_asynchronous_parameters = 12
                cant_enq_tbtco_entry          = 13
                jobcount_generation_error     = 14
                OTHERS                        = 15.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    In the  sm69, I define zlong_bat with
        Operating system command: cmd
         Parameters for operating system command: /c remoteconn.bat
    It can run well if remoteconn.bat contain some simple command of dos like dir, md, mk... But when I call a program from remoteconn.bat, the abap program hang. I also cannot test in sm69 because it hang too.
    If I call direcly from sm 69 with
         Operating system command: cmd
         Parameters for operating system command: /c  psexec.exe
    localhost -u test -p 1234
         Operating system command: C:\psexec.exe
         Parameters for operating system command: 
    localhost -u test -p 1234
    The SM69 also hang.
    Are there any method to call a program from sap without hanging
    of course the program is in its position on application server.
    Thank you in advance.
    Edited by: dragonking88 on Aug 25, 2010 12:54 PM

    Hi Long Le Hoang,
    I am running a shell script fromSM69 which call psexec.
    shell script runs fine but SM69 execution goes on hold.
    Can you please help me how to terminate SM69 execution.

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    Thanks in Advance. 

    Technet forums are dedicated by technologies. Since you are more looking for concept, you should check for blogs on the Internet (try google...).
    Otherwise please refer to TechNet forums homepage and look for your technology (C# for instance).
    Hope this helps.
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

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