Open Files in Native Version not Newest

Is there a way in OSX that I can specify that a CS2 file be opened in CS2 and not in the newest version of CS3. I have been having issues with operators double clicking files and opening said file in the newest version when in all actuality it was created in an older version. I know if CS2 is open it will attempt to open in CS2, but if the app is not already running it will open in the newset Version of said application. Please help, I am getting a little onry about this. Thanks.

If the applications use the same file type, then the system will use the latest version. You can use Get Info (command-I) to set a specific default application on a file by file basis, but selecting the change all option just uses the file type, which is what you are wanting to avoid. Using Show Inspector (option-command-I) instead will let you select a specific application for multiple files.

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    Not sure if that was meant for me
    You can tell who was the intended recipient by looking at the header of the message -
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    Yes, you can have both versions installed on the same computer.
    (I am curious. Why did you get version 8.0. Why didn't you get the registered version of 8.20 instead? )
    Message Edited by altenbach on 01-21-2007 11:34 PM
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