Open Image in separate Screen (InApp)

How can I link an image in a Folio, so that it opens in a different screen, where it can be zoomed and panned?
Zoom & pan restricts the picture to the container frame, but I want the effect similiar to a website-hyperlink, which can be opnened within the app and when the user closes the image, he/she returns to the folio.
Hope someone understands my questions and can even help me.
Best regards

Good Morning,
Neil thank you very much for your answer. I guess there simply is no possibility to open the image in a full screen mode automatically. Only the workaround with a second status of the image and a selfmade button to return to the former status.
I'll post the images of the InDesign Document to make my problem clearer concerning the restricted area.
Original situation of the folio page
User klicks the image, which opens within the thumbnail container. Pan& zoom Effect or webcontent restricted to thumbnail container.
Workaround Solution for fullscreen mode via multi-state-Objects with selfmade buttons.
I wish there was an automatic method to open images full screen. I thought this would probably work by hyperlibke the thumbnail image with the original imagefile, but that won't work.
I guess the hyperlink functionality only works for real web-hyperlinks or PDF-Files, but not for jpg- or pnd-files.

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    Of course that does not fix your dilemma if you must use Document Windows instead of Tabs. So I will link you to two scripting venues for a possible solution.
    Photoshop Scripting • Index page

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    I don't know how Pixelmator created their Service, but I suspect it involves programming that is beyond my abilities.
    The following AppleScript will copy the selection in Pages and open a new preview window from the clipboard. It could be run as a Service with Automator. (It will also leave the image on the clipboard; if that is a problem, it could probably be modified, but I didn't get that sophisticated with it.)
    tell application "System Events"
              tell process "Pages"
                        set frontmost to true
      click menu item "Copy" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1
              end tell
              tell process "Preview"
                        set frontmost to true
                        click menu item "New from Clipboard" of menu 1 of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1
              end tell
    end tell

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    <a href="" /></a>
    <img alt="Picture hosted by Pixentral" src="" border="0" />
    <br />c Click on thumbnail

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    Okay, previously you seem to have been using the bridge version of camera raw to edit your raw photos. That has many more options than the PSE version of the raw converter. (If you still have PSE 8, you can see the difference by using File>Open in the editor to open a raw photo for the PSE version of ACR, which works the same way in PSE 9.) In PSE's raw converter, you use the Open button, then save your photo in an image format in the editor. The Save button in ACR in PSE is only the DNG converter.
    Layer styles should work exactly the same way as in PSE 8. However, in any version of PSE a drop shadow, like a real shadow, needs someplace to fall, so unless there is empty space on the layer, it won't appear. Try creating text or drawing and simplifying a shape and adding a drop shadow. Does it appear then?
    Also remember that Jpegs won't let you save either layers or transparency when you resave the file.

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    It sounds like you've been doing the search in the menubar Spotlight field. If so, here are two things to try:
    One, when you have located the image you think you want to open, hit Command-Return, which will open (in a new Finder window) the folder in which the image file is located, even if it is inside your iPhoto library. The default application for opening the image then should be Preview (it is for me).
    Two, select "Show All" at the top of the results, which opens a Finder search window. An image file in the resulting list, even if it is inside the iPhoto package, will open by default in Preview (That's what it does for me.)
    Hope this helps.

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    I spent over and hour on the phone with Customer Support the first time, and I'm trying to get help elsewhere before I call again.
    I have a MacBook Pro running Leopard 10.5.8 with 4 GB of RAM.
    Any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

    derMueller wrote:
    Another expirience is, when I try to open directly from Photoshop any other image, Photoshop ignores the XMP and opens the original file without any modification.
    That's normal if the raw files were originally edited in Lightroom. Lightroom stores all edits in the catalog, not the xmp sidecar. You can set Lightroom to write to xmp as well, but that slows it down a little and so it's off by default. The Lightroom shortcut ctrl/cmd+S will also save to xmp.
    I do have a warining at several images in Lightroom = "metadates have been changed - would you like to overwrite data or import ?"
    That's related to the above, and also normal if you go the other way - edit in ACR and then move to Lightroom. It'll then be in xmp, but not the Lightroom catalog.
    As for the missing on-screen image, that's a common video driver bug (although I suppose other causes are possible). For Windows you can download updated drivers directly from the manufacturer's website, but that's not possible with Mac. You'll have to wait for Apple to fix it.

  • Open Image Size 50% instead of 33% Photoshop CS2

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    Ok, this is what you need to do.
    1. Create a new action and when you are recording that action go to the
    flyout menu for the actions palette and choose insert menu item. Then go to
    the view menu and choose actual pixels. Stop recording. Basically you just
    created an action that zooms your image to 100%.
    2. Go to the file menu and choose Scripts and then Scripts Event Manager.
    Choose the option to have the action start when you open a document, then
    choose your action set and then the action you just made to zoom the
    document to 100%, click on the add button.
    Now anytime you load a new document it will zoom to 100%.

  • Need help placing images on separate layers

    I'm a novice to Javascript but I've been trying to learn. I have a project where i need to place muliple images from a folder onto separate layers (same page) in a template. I tried to modify "ImageCatalogue" script within InDesign to disastrous results. On another thread someone was kind enough to give me a short script "Objects to Layers" written by Kasyan Servetsky. This was very helpful but not exact to my needs so now I'm starting from scratch. I've been playing with the following code trying to get it to work. It doesn't and I'm getting frustrated. I keep changing this line but it keeps coming back as "undefined":;
    Can someone please point me in the right direction? Is my coding too simple? The end comments are my wish list of add-ons should I ever get these layers working.
    Thanks for your help!
    // script to place images on separate layers
    function Main(){
              // get path to folder, ask to select which folder
              var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select folder containing images");
              // use open document
              doc = app.activeDocument;
              // if folder is empty, tell user to select another folder
              if(myFolder.length == 0){
                        selectDiaglog("Folder empty, select new folder");
              // select each file in myFolder and place on new layer in active document
                        var myImage = myFolder.item;
                        newLayer = doc.layers.add(+1);
    // rotate image 90 CCW
    // place image at x-6.41, y9.9955 on page
    // rename layer as filename

    function Main(){
         // get path to folder, ask to select which folder
         var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select folder containing images");
         // use open document
         doc = app.activeDocument;
         // if folder is empty, exit
              alert("no Folder selected, I am quitting"); exit();
         // place each file in myFolder on new layer in active document
         // files are filtered by their extension
              myImages = myFolder.getFiles(/\.jpg$|\.tiff$|\.pict$|\.bmp$|\.eps$|\.pdf$/i),
              len = myImages.length, currImg,
              mAngle = 270,
              mX = -6.41,
              mY = 9.9955;
              while (len-->0) {
                   currImg = doc.pages[0].place(
                        myImages[len],     // current file
                        [0,0],     // initial place point
                        doc.layers.add({name: myImages[len].displayName}),          // rename layer as filename
                        {absoluteRotationAngle: mAngle}          // rotate image 90 CCW
         ;     //  fix frame to content
                   currImg.move([mX,mY]);          // move image at x-6.41, y9.9955 on page
    Each image in the same point placed?
    Good help is served here:
    Each object has properties and methods.
    Used above: folder.getFiles(),, and rectangle.move() methods.

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