Openbox approach - Need to find a complete GTK theme, daemons needed ?

So friday, I tried to install Openbox on my second desktop, and it was an EPIC FAIL !
I've experimented a lot of issues..
1] I was unable to found a complete icontheme (who contains all icons that I need)
2] I was unable to found a complete GTK2 theme (needed by some apps)
3] When I tried to launch pidgin, emesene, and midori, I had bus errors...
And finnaly, can you telm me a complete list of daemons needed for openbox usage ?
Hal ? Dbus ? Gamin ?

I don't use openbox, i use fluxbox, but i may have some solutions for you.
1) icon issue.   I use this icon theme nuovext2.  Install with 'yaourt -Ss nuovext2'
this is a kind of shiny icon theme, i happen to like it alot and haven't run into any issues with missing icons.  This will get you going even if you don't like the theme.
2) I am not sure what problems you are refering to when you say complete gtk2 theme.  Many complete gtk2 themes can be found on  Perhaps what you are missing is the .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory.  This will give you the control to choose which font, gtk theme, and icon theme.  I'll post mine.
gtk-font-name = "sans 8"
gtk-theme-name = "Aurora-Blanco"
gtk-icon-theme-name = "nuovext2"
some older or no longer supported apps may still need gtk1.  The syntax is exactly the same for this file which is named .gtkrc - so i just simlink it to my .gtkrc-2.0.  You can control this globally by putting this is the /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc file.  Just make sure the theme and icon sets you want to use are installed in the /usr/share themes and icon directories.   OK, i feel i am rambling now.  next.
3) asking for a list of daemons required to run openbox is kind of an open ended question.  It's more like what daemons are required for the apps you want to run while using openbox.  I'll post the startup daemons i use for my fluxbox system.
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng hal fam nfs-common netfs !network wicd avahi-daemon alsa sshd gpm)
syslog-ng is my choice for system logger
hal is hardware abstraction layer which i have a hunch also starts dbus because dbus is running on my system after boot.
fam ... i'm not sure what that is but it is required by nfs. 
netfs mounts network shares in your fstab
network is disabled because i am using a laptop with wireless and wicd and find it unnecessary.
the rest of the stuff is optional, avahi-daemon is a network broadcast system which broadcasts and finds smb, afp, and othe types of shares.
alsa is my sound system
sshd is for remote login
gpm is mouse support for when you are not using X 
Hope this helps.

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    There are various GTK theme setting programs that are stand-alone from any DE or WM. gtk-theme-switch2, which is in the repositories, is one of them. You can also just edit your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file on which you can find information on how to setup via Google. Cheers.

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    Last edited by praavDa (2009-04-27 10:15:30)

    I doubt you can get Eclipse to use a Swing look and Feel, but you can find a lighter GTK theme and do this:
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    27 : 0 : "Escape" : 32 : "Exit"
    19 : 0 : "Pause / Break" : 36 : "Commit"
    Forms Function     Hex     Dec
    CANCEL     3     3
    CLEAR     0C     12
    SHIFT     10     16
    CONTROL     11     17
    ALT     12     18
    PAUSE     13     19
    CAPS_LOCK     14     20
    ESCAPE     1B     27
    SPACE     20     32
    PAGE_UP     21     33
    PAGE_DOWN     22     34
    END     23     35
    HOME     24     36
    LEFT     25     37
    UP     26     38
    RIGHT     27     39
    DOWN     28     40
    COMMA     2C     44
    PERIOD     2E     45
    SLASH     2F     46
    0     30     48
    1     31     49
    2     32     50
    3     33     51
    4     34     52
    5     35     53
    6     36     54
    7     37     55
    8     38     56
    9     39     57
    SEMICOLON     3B     59
    EQUALS     3D     61
    A     41     65
    B     42     66
    C     43     67
    D     44     68
    E     45     69
    F     46     70
    G     47     71
    H     48     72
    I     49     73
    J     4A     74
    K     4B     75
    L     4C     76
    M     4D     77
    N     4E     78
    O     4F     79
    P     50     80
    Q     51     81
    R     52     82
    S     53     83
    T     54     84
    U     55     85
    V     56     86
    W     57     87
    X     58     88
    Y     59     89
    Z     5A     90
    OPEN_BRACKET     5B     91
    BACK_SLASH     5C     92
    CLOSE_BRACKET     5D     93
    NUMPAD0     60     96
    NUMPAD1     61     97
    NUMPAD2     62     98
    NUMPAD3     63     99
    NUMPAD4     64     100
    NUMPAD5     65     101
    NUMPAD6     66     102
    NUMPAD7     67     103
    NUMPAD8     68     104
    NUMPAD9     69     105
    MULTIPLY     6A     106
    ADD     6B     107
    SEPARATER     6C     108
    SUBTRACT     6D     109
    DECIMAL     6E     110
    DIVIDE     6F     111
    F1     70     112
    F2     71     113
    F3     72     114
    F4     73     115
    F5     74     116
    F6     75     117
    F7     76     118
    F8     77     119
    F9     78     120
    F10     79     121
    F11     7A     122
    F12     7B     123
    DELETE     7F     124
    NUM_LOCK     90     144
    SCROLL_LOCK     91     145
    PRINTSCREEN     9A     154
    INSERT     9B     155
    HELP     9C     156
    META     9D     157
    BACK_QUOTE     C0     192
    QUOTE     DE     222
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  • Openbox Theme from GTK theme [beta]

    Something like this surely exists, here is my version..
    Creates an Openbox Theme from your chosen GTK Theme ... 1), 2), 3)...
    1) you need to launch your theme changing from a script like this (instead of calling your GTK switcher directly)
    # call your gtk theme switcher and as it quits create a matching openbox theme
    # command for gtk theme switcher
    # path to auto openbox theme generator script
    # launch obconf (so you can select the newly made theme)
    2) For that to work you also need this next script in ~/bin/auto-openbox-theme and made executable
    # Looks for the current GTK theme and automatically creates a matching Openbox theme
    # The script fails on themes not following the Clearlooks convention..
    # ..future improvements will account for this - for now the script politely fails on such themes.
    # function used to see if script is generating empty results from GTK it can't handle yet
    function emptycheck {
    if [ -s $myfile ]
    echo "$myfile has data."
    echo "$myfile is empty."
    xmessage "Sorry this gtk is not handled yet. You should not select the generated Openbox Theme this time."
    # main script #
    # copy ~/.gtkrc-2.0 to a new file and remove all data except theme name line (!d = don't delete)
    sed /gtk-theme-name/!d ~/.gtkrc-2.0 > ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # remove string before gtk theme name and return info to this file (-i)
    sed -i s/gtk-theme-name=// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # strip off all (/g) speach marks (\") and return info to this file (-i)
    sed -i s/\"//g ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # place the theme name in a variable
    mygtktheme=$(cat ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info)
    # copy file called mygtktheme to a new file
    sed /gtk_color_scheme/!d ~/.themes/"$mygtktheme"/gtk-2.0/gtkrc > ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # strip the line down to just colours
    sed -i s/gtk_color_scheme\ =\ \"// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/gtk-color-scheme\ =\ \"// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/fg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/bg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/base_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/text_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/selected_bg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/selected_fg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/tooltip_bg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/tooltip_fg_color\:#// ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i s/\"//g ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # force \n to be a true line break so colours on individual lines
    sed -i s/\n/\\n/g ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    sed -i 's/\\//g' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info
    # store some colours for use in Openbox theme
    # don't delete (!d) line number n and place it in a text file colournX
    # where X is used later to aid production of Openbox theme
    sed '1!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour1V
    sed '2!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour2W
    sed '3!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour3X
    sed '4!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour4Y
    sed '5!d' ~/.gtk-match-openbox-info > /tmp/colour5Z
    # check if we have empty data from unhandled GTK themes
    # hold the above in varibles
    myV=$(cat /tmp/colour1V)
    myW=$(cat /tmp/colour2W)
    myX=$(cat /tmp/colour3X)
    myY=$(cat /tmp/colour4Y)
    myZ=$(cat /tmp/colour5Z)
    # make Openbox theme by replacing VWXYZ in template with colours
    sed s/VVVVVV/$myV/g ~/.themes/obthemetemplate/openbox-3/TEMPLATE > /tmp/obtheme
    sed -i s/WWWWWW/$myW/g /tmp/obtheme
    sed -i s/XXXXXX/$myX/g /tmp/obtheme
    sed -i s/YYYYYY/$myY/g /tmp/obtheme
    sed s/ZZZZZZ/$myZ/g /tmp/obtheme > ~/.themes/obthemetemplate/openbox-3/themerc
    # update rc.xml
    #urxvt -e /usr/bin/obconf
    3) AND you need this folder in your ~/.themes/ folder - download it, extract and copy to ~/.themes
    4) (optional but welcome) Post your fails, post your abusive and constructive criticism, and post your "hey why don't you use this 5million times better version here?"'s
    thanks, bye

    Works fine here. Thanks for the script, it's quite handy and I got at last a nice OB theme witch fits with the murrina chrome gtk theme

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    Make sure all drives are formatted as "Mac OS Extended". (Journalling preferred, but not necessary).

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    The hard drive may be dying anyway, or the directory damaged because it is so full.  You should never let the hard drive get over 85% full.
    A -36 error is a read/write error.
    All you did with the power is reset the SMC.  Does nothing to reset everything to factory settings. 
    Do you have your original 10.4 installer discs for the MacBook?
    Is your data backed up?


    i would like to know where do i find delivery completed indicator in PO?

    Hii Prashant,
            Go to transaction me21n or me22n or me23n anddisplay your PO using the other doocument option (icon on left of check icon).Then in the item details in the <b>delivery tab</b> you can see the delivery completed indicator.Hope this will solve your issue.
    Reward if Useful
    Thanx and Regards

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    Message was edited by: Thomas Thomaser1
    Message was edited by: Thomas Thomaser1
    Message was edited by: Thomas Thomaser1

    Where can I find AFP I/O errors?
    And by the way - after trying this for two days, it JUST worked! Not sure why or how or for how long, but this seems like massive bully.

  • Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in.....

    Hello everyone.
    I burned about 10 TDK DVDr's about a month ago. I didn't get any errors while burning them and put them directly into cd cases to prevent them from getting scratches or marks. I just took them out to copy the files back to my Macbook. As soon as i start to drag and drop the files, the dvd player starts reading the files, copies some of them, and about 20 seconds in to the copy it powers down and displays the following message. This is true for all 10 of the dvds i burned. It copies to my hard drive for about half a minute...and then the drive powers down.
    "Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in (NAME OF CD) could not be read or written (Error Code-36)."
    Does anybody have any suggestions? I'd hate to think that all of the dvds are coasters now because i have data on them.

    hi easeupjosh,
    did you ever get help with your DVD-Rs?
    I am having the same problem and was wondering if there's someway I can salvage the data on my DVDs?

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    Any help appreciated - Thanks

    Hi oneltwots, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Well, in pure Apple File System talk... -36 ioErr I/O error (bummers)
    Not very helpful, but generally means a Drive quit being Readable or Writable since starting the operation...

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    Yes, you can have bad blocks or other physical damage on a usb drive, the same as a firewire, or eSATA. Just because you can reformat the drive, doesn't mean the drive is okay. You reformat, yet the problem recurs. That is a sign of a bad drive. If it were an OS issue then the reformat should fix it.
    You might want to check the drives with a utility from Prosoft called DriveGenius It's the "Swiss Army Knife" of utilities, including the ability to repartition "on the fly" (A little scary for my tastes). But Prosoft is a trusted software manufacturer. Downloaded the trial (it has more bells & whistles than you can believe) But the trial will run all hardware tests without the repair feature, and give you a report.
    Also, you can download and use Applejack for repair.

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    So basically Apple is hiding which networks allow rentals vs. purchase until you buy an ATV2,
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    Hi Andrew, what all is connected USB wise?
    One way to test is to Safe Boot from the HD, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, Test for Sleep/Wake problem in Safe Mode...
    PS. Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive
    Reboot, test again.
    If it only does it in Regular Boot, then it could be some hardware problem like Video card, (Quartz is turned off in Safe Mode), or Airport, or some USB or Firewire device, or 3rd party add-on, Check System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items window to see if it or something relevant is listed.
    Check the System Preferences>Other Row, for 3rd party Pref Panes.
    Also look in these if they exist, some are invisible...

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