Opening Logic 9 sessions in Logic 8/Express and vice versa

I'm working on a college assignment in Logic Pro 9 on my laptop. I need to be able to bring my work into to college and work on it there also. But the computers in college only have Logic 8 and Logic Express.
My Logic Pro 9 sessions wouldn't open in Logic 8 or Logic Express in college. What do I do?
I need to be able to save work in Logic 9 and work on it in Logic 8 in college and work on stuff in Logic 9 on my laptop that was saved in Logic 8.
Any advice?

I can easily open my Logic Pro 9 sessions in Logic Express 8... no big problems. Only the lack of Spacedesigner/Delaydesigner. They will be greyed out and simply not work in LE.
Do you get an error or so?

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    PM6500/300 (603e)   Mac OS 9.1.x  

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    Eriksimon wrote:
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                                  } else {
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    public function rotateTo(xTarget, yTarget):Void {
                        targetRotation = Math.atan2((yTarget-this.yPos), xTarget-this.xPos)*180/Math.PI;
                        if (this.angleRot-targetRotation>180) {
                                  this.angleRot -= 360;
                        } else if (this.angleRot-targetRotation<-180) {
                                  this.angleRot += 360;
                        if (this.angleRot-targetRotation<0) {
                        } else {
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    Canozzie11 wrote:
    Sorry, just to be clear...
    You cannot open keynote in Powerpoint.
    But you can open a powerpoint in Keynote.
    Yes correct
    I'm not sure what you mean by "you must export to powerpoint in keynote to convert files".  How do you do that?
    In Keynote;    File > Export > PowerPoint

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    Thank you for your time and clear answers.
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    For you first question I would say that yes you can highlight a PDF on a tablet and then open it on laptop.
    Secondly, if you ask which tablet is less expensive, then I must tell you that there is no connection of the tablet purchase on the basis of your needs.
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    Hope this information is relevant for you.
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    and same i have to call the java class to jsp page which insert statements to sql server,
    Please Help Me.

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    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    public class StuInfo extends Object {
    //main method begins execution of Java application
    public static void main (String args[]){
    String StuFile = "C://"+iD+".txt"; // Here i have to get the session varaible.(ID)
    try {
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    internet access and iTunes works nicely. That can't
    be the solution?!
    Got a hint for me?
    One of the problems with WEP is that the actual standard relies on a 10 character HEX key for 40bit WEP and a 26 character HEX key for 128bit WEP.
    In order to make things easier for people, vendors use certain algorithms to convert simple alphanumeric passwords (or passphrases) into HEX keys, thus enabling people to use simple memorable WEP password rather than lengthy HEX keys.
    The problem is that different vendors use different algorithms to generate the HEX key and therefore a ASCII password on an AEBS will be hashed differently on a Netgear client and vice versa.
    One thing is a 13 character 128 bit WEP password will be hashed by all vendors in the same way (if you use 40bit WEP then a 5 character password is required).
    Having said that, this will only work if they use an algorithm, some don't and in these cases you must use the HEX key regardless of the length of the plain text password.
    AirPort: Joining an encrypted wireless network
    Choosing a password for networks that use Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

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