Opening/playing .MSV files

hi. Can QT open and/or convert .MSV files? I recorded some narration on a Sony IC Recorder and need to get the recording on to my mac. Please help. Thanks

QuickTime cannot natively play Sony MSV files, and I cannot find any Mac application that can convert that format. Unless you have access to a Windows system - the Sony software reportedly can save/export in other formats - you will probably have to connect the audio output of your recorder to the audio input of your Mac and record the files. There are a number of audio recording applications for Mac that would save the recording an a useful format.

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    <br />

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    Hope someone can come up with an answer or Apple puts in fix.
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    I wonder if there a abetter communiator othat can elp in these matters.
    Try searching. This and similar questions have been asked and answered by dozens, if not by hundreds, of different responders over the last several years and the problems remain basically the same..
    1) Some apps will not accept certain container types,
    2) Some players will not play supported compression formats in unexpected file containers,
    3) Some compression format(s) cannot be played because...
    a) the codec(s) is/are not available for the Mac,
    b) the codec(s) is/are only avaulable for pre-System X operating systems,
    c) the codec(s) is/are only available for post-Power PC models,
    d) the codec(s) is/are disabled by default under Lion and/or Mountain Lion OS, and/or
    e) the codec(s) is/are only installed by "Pro" apps like iMovie, FCE or FCP or must be installed by the user
    4) Some security updates prevent otherwise playable videos from playing for no real apparent reason.
    I fixed the issue but without THESE GENIUS attitude issues... ANYONE with issues in tha rea - I have the fix.
    It is truly amazining that this individual was able to reduce all of these possible issues down to a single solution without even having to define them. Too bad he did not share his miraculous solution here.
    Much easier to work with ppl that are able to communiate on different levels.
    Even easier to work with people that are able to understand the communication at all levels.
    Obviolusly this guy can not.
    Obviously this guy missed the whole point of the posting. Tell your mechanic that your car doesn't work and it it likely elicit more questions than solutions. Without knowing the file container, player, AND the codecs involved it is normally impossible to say why, as in this case, a MOV file plays in one player and not another or why it plays under one operating system and not another. In short, if insufficient information is provided, then no solutions are likely to be given here.

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    Hi Catharsis,
    Switch for OSX does NOT convert MSV files. The only way to do it is with something like CrossOver or Parallells with a windows installation and use the Sony software.
    Had I known this prior, I would not have bought the Sony product which in all other respects is a good piece of equipment. (ICS MX20)

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