Operadores de Comparacion y en Hana?

Actualmente tengo unos querys dentro de nodos en archivos XML, debido a esto no puedo usar el operador de comparación regular ( > ) O ( < ) porque interferiría con la sintaxis del XML <>.
por ejemplo
<Query ID="algun_query>
          Select date from Dummy
         if (sysdate &gt; date )
              // ... alguna otra sentencia         
Es posible usar el operador de comparación para este caso " Mayor que" de la manera en que se escribió en la linea 05 del ejemplo ( &gt; )  en Hana ??
Gracias de Antemano!

Cómo tienes asignados los lotes en tus lineas de items actualmente?
se me está ocurriendo una idea apra que puedas hacer ese seguimiento, pero lo que te pueda decir depende de cómo manejes los lotes.
por ejemplo, si me dices que sólo 1 numero de lote aparece en cada línea
o si son varios lotes en una misma línea.
también dependería de si tus lotes están efectivamente en el inventario a la hora de hacer la orden de venta, ya que de eso dependería poder seleccionarlos.
todo el detalle que me puedas dar sobre el tema me ayudará a plantearte una solución.
Requeriría un estricto control de tu procedimiento, pero sería consultar en un campo de usuario los lotes disponibles en la orden de venta y ahí seleccionarlos, luego con esos datos ir copiando hacia la entrega y la factura, pero aguas! los lotes que hayas definido en tu orden de venta, serán los que deberás seleccionar cuando hagas tu entrega, que es donde la parte de lotes se hace efectiva.
y poner una validación, para que eso siempre se cumpla, pero sería hacer varias pruebas ya que requeriría uno que otro conrol de más,
todo depende de toda la información que nos puedas proporcionar sobre tu procedimiento

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    > Danny Hearn
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    Message was edited by: Tom Flanagan

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    Detailed Message: null or empty argument
    Help: http://help.sap.com/hana
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    Submit for subtask with ID [6cd61e09-eb68-4448-86c0-b4319abbdc3f_GetUpdateTypeTask]
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hlm.common.wizard.process.WizardProcessExecutor
    Submit for subtask with ID [6cd61e09-eb68-4448-86c0-b4319abbdc3f_GetUpdateTypeTask]
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hlm.common.wizard.process.WizardProcessExecutor
    Starting execution of subtask with ID [6cd61e09-eb68-4448-86c0-b4319abbdc3f_DeployConfigWithSidAdmTask]
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hlm.common.wizard.process.WizardProcessExecutor
    Starting execution of subtask with ID [6cd61e09-eb68-4448-86c0-b4319abbdc3f_DeployConfigWithSidAdmTask]
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hlm.common.tasks.process.AbstractProcessExecutor
    Starting process [Deploys SAP Host Agent configurations using sidadm credentials, com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.DeployConfigWithSidAdmTask] ({})...
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    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.util.status.StatusTracker
    Status tracker initialized using storage file /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/param/configdeploystatus.properties.
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.context.ProgressObserverAdapter
    Progress [ 0%]
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.context.ProgressObserverAdapter
    Progress [ 0%]
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.AbstractDeployConfigProcessExecutor
    Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations on host  with sidadm credentials.
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.AbstractDeployConfigProcessExecutor
    Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations on host  with sidadm credentials.
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.context.ProgressObserverAdapter
    Process message: Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations on host
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:15 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.context.ProgressObserverAdapter
    Process message: Deploying SAP Host Agent configurations on host
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:16 com.sap.lm.services.hostcontrol.SAPHostControlService
    Deployed Host Agent configurations [/usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdb-plugin.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio-repository.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-sedm-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-repository-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-home-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-client-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-load-controller-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-sda-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdbstudio-deliveryunit.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/newdb-studio-repository-postupdate-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-sda-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-server.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-executable.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/newdb-studio-repository-postupdate.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hdb-plugin-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio-repository-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-load-controller.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-client-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/change-newdb-client-installation-path-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio-repository-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/updatehostagent-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-executable-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-repository.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/updatehostagent.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-load-controller-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/exists-path.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/gen-hdbstudio-deliveryunit.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/change-newdb-studio-repository-installation-path-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server-nzdm.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hdb-plugin.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-installation-number.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-load-controller.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdb-plugin-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-installation-number-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdb-plugin-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-server-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/updatehostagent-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-repository.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-repository-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hostagent-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hostagent.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-hdbeuspack.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-studio-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/chmod-file.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-home.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-sedm.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-repository-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/exists-path-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-client-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-v2.conf] with signature /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/SIGNATURE.SMF on host .
    INFO 2014-05-08 16:05:16 com.sap.lm.services.hostcontrol.SAPHostControlService
    Deployed Host Agent configurations [/usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdb-plugin.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio-repository.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-sedm-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-repository-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-home-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-client-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-load-controller-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-sda-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdbstudio-deliveryunit.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/newdb-studio-repository-postupdate-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-sda-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-server.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-executable.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/newdb-studio-repository-postupdate.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hdb-plugin-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio-repository-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-load-controller.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-client-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/change-newdb-client-installation-path-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-studio-repository-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/updatehostagent-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-executable-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-repository.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/updatehostagent.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-load-controller-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/exists-path.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/gen-hdbstudio-deliveryunit.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/change-newdb-studio-repository-installation-path-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server-nzdm.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hdb-plugin.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-installation-number.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-load-controller.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdb-plugin-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-installation-number-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-hdb-plugin-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-server-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/updatehostagent-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-repository.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-repository-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hostagent-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-hostagent.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-hdbeuspack.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-server-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-client-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-newdb-studio-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/chmod-file.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-client.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/find-java-home.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/detect-sedm.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/install-newdb-studio-repository-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/exists-path-v2.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/update-newdb-client-v3.conf, /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/operations.d/uninstall-newdb-studio-v2.conf] with signature /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/HNB/HLM/SIGNATURE.SMF on host .
    ERROR 2014-05-08 16:05:16 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.AbstractUpdateProcessExecutor
    Process executor failed
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null or empty argument
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.runtime.HlmRuntime.assertNotNullOrEmptyArgumens(HlmRuntime.java:342)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.runtime.HlmRuntime.deployHlmExecutableScripts(HlmRuntime.java:74)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.runtime.HlmRuntime.deployHlmExecutableScripts(HlmRuntime.java:69)
      at com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.AbstractDeployConfigProcessExecutor.deployconfigurations(AbstractDeployConfigProcessExecutor.java:114)
      at com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.DeployConfigWithSidAdmProcessExecutor.executeInternal(DeployConfigWithSidAdmProcessExecutor.java:42)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.tasks.process.AbstractProcessExecutor.startInterruptibleExecution(AbstractProcessExecutor.java:128)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.tasks.process.AbstractProcessExecutor$1.run(AbstractProcessExecutor.java:108)
    ERROR 2014-05-08 16:05:16 com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.AbstractUpdateProcessExecutor
    Process executor failed
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null or empty argument
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.runtime.HlmRuntime.assertNotNullOrEmptyArgumens(HlmRuntime.java:342)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.runtime.HlmRuntime.deployHlmExecutableScripts(HlmRuntime.java:74)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.runtime.HlmRuntime.deployHlmExecutableScripts(HlmRuntime.java:69)
      at com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.AbstractDeployConfigProcessExecutor.deployconfigurations(AbstractDeployConfigProcessExecutor.java:114)
      at com.sap.lm.hana.hlm.update.slpp.task.deployconfig.DeployConfigWithSidAdmProcessExecutor.executeInternal(DeployConfigWithSidAdmProcessExecutor.java:42)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.tasks.process.AbstractProcessExecutor.startInterruptibleExecution(AbstractProcessExecutor.java:128)
      at com.sap.lm.hlm.common.tasks.process.AbstractProcessExecutor$1.run(AbstractProcessExecutor.java:108)
    ERROR 2014-05-08 16:05:16 com.sap.lm.hlm.common.wizard.process.WizardProcessExecutor
    Execution of subtask with ID [6cd61e09-eb68-4448-86c0-b4319abbdc3f_DeployConfigWithSidAdmTask, Execution of 'Deploys SAP Host Agent configurations using sidadm credentials' failed.] has failed: {}
    ERROR 2014-05-08 16:05:16 com.sap.lm.hlm.common.wizard.process.WizardProcessExecutor
    Execution of subtask with ID [6cd61e09-eb68-4448-86c0-b4319abbdc3f_DeployConfigWithSidAdmTask, Execution of 'Deploys SAP Host Agent configurations using sidadm credentials' failed.] has failed: {}
    Could you please help us with this issue?
    Kind Regards,
    Message was edited by: Tom Flanagan

    Hi Alston,
    I'm sorry for the late reply. Are you still experiencing this error?
    I've seen this issue before with another customer and the final resolution was to make sure the /etc/hosts file does not have the ipv6 BEFORE ipv4. Here is an example:
    >> cat /etc/hosts
    # special IPv6 addresses
    ::1             localhost ipv6-localhost
    ff02::3         ipv6-allhosts  abceccd01.sap.com abceccd01  abceccs01.sap.com abceccs01  abccrms01.sap.com abccrms01  abceccs01.sap.com abceccs01      abceccs01-nfs.sap.com  abceccs01-nfs
    The resolution would be to change the ordering. So the IPv6 section appears below the IPv4 section.
    After that is done, perform the following to "reset" HLM.
    1. Stop all browsers that have HLM pages open
    2. Stop the Studio
    3. Execute /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/stop-hlm.sh –f
    4. Check that there are no any left HLM processes
    5. Go to /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/param/
    and rename all files except logging.properties
    6. go to directory: /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM
    and rename directory persistence
    7 restart SAP Host Agent - as root: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec
    8. open HLM ui via browser:
    I hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

  • How to load SAP R/3 tables into a schema in SAP HANA Cloud Platform

    Hello, everyone.
    First of all, my apologies for any basic mistakes, I'm new here, so there's a lot of stuff I don't know yet.
    I need to upload some tables to a schema in my HANA trial account to test some algorithms and see if the kind of application I want to build is possible, but I don't know the best way to do this.
    To my understanding, using the Cloud Connector would merely make my tables visible to my application in the cloud, but it would not actually upload them (or rather, I'm sure there's a way to upload them using it, but I suspect there are far simpler methods out there).
    I think one of the simplest possible methods would be to create the schema, open a tunnel using the console client, and to import the tables to the schema via the HANA Studio. Maybe, if that doesn't work, a CMIS repository could be used (although I'm somewhat skeptical, as I think something like this it's not its intended use). Or maybe there's another possibility I'm not seeing. Either way, I would love to hear some answers that could shed some light on this.
    Also, as I mentioned earlier I'm only using a trial account for this, I don't know if there's any limitation that could prevent me from doing this. I'd also like to hear your opinion on this matter.
    Thank you.

    BUDAT is the technical name for Posting Date field. This field is used many DB Tables/ Strucutres. Using where used option you can find the required tables.
    I suggest you to look at BSEG table for Finace Document postings by Posting Date.

  • HANA Analytical View Display Data Issue

    SAP Experts,
    Need your kind help for the below issue,
    I've created an analytical view from a DSO Active Table in HANA Studio. Through IDT (Information Design Tool), when I tried to view the contents of this DSO table (AYPURDA0100) by connecting to HANA, I see the following error which is mentioned below,
    Error while refreshing the data provider.
    Cause of Error:
    SAP AGSDBODBC DLLHDB General error;7 feature not supported: cannot execute select * on olap cube: zthd/AYPURDA0100: line 1 col 26 (at pos
    Note: The AYPURDA0100 table contents are displayed in HANA Studio. However when a view was created with NO join conditions for the same table with few selected fields including measures, the display data is not working.
    Your views are greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance

    Check out the comments from Marc and Lars in the thread below.

  • How to create a RFC destination for extracting data to HANA

    Hello All,
    Could someone help me in providing a document or note on how to create a RFC destination for extracting data from SAP data source to HANA using SAP LT replication server ?
    I am able to create a data base connection while transforming data from non SAP data source,but wasnt able to transform data which is from SAP abap tables .

    Hi Venkatesh,
    In SM59 t.code we create RFC destinations.
    Go thru the video link for creating RFC destinations step by step
    How to setup a trusted RFC connection between SAP systems: a step-by-step guide - YouTube

  • Are these key fields in 'Direct Update' DSO table in BW on HANA (BW740SP7) correct?

    Pls see below for a very strange behaviour of all active tables of type 'Direct Update' DSO in our system.
    Is this a bug or is this somehow supposed to be like this (i.e. a feature)?
    DSO definition:
    Active table of type 'Column Store' - note fields marked as 'Key' different from DSO definition:
    The DSO table content:
    In ABAP executing the following select on the DSO table:
    The result is garbage (the content of QQQPARST0 lands in /BIC/QQQPAFL0 and QQQSCPRO lands in /BIC/QQQPARA0):

    Dear Sundaresan,
    thanks for this suggestion, but I have posted the question in the following forums:
    SAP Business Warehouse: What is this with the 'Direct' DSO table in BW on HANA (BW740SP7)
    SAP BW powered by HANA: Direct Update DSO keyfields in RSA1 <> SE11 & SELECT returns garbage
    ABAP for SAP HANA: Direct Update DSO keyfields in RSA1 <> SE11 & SELECT returns garbage
    So far no real luck but maybe soon

  • I dont see Roles tab in my hana cloud platform cockpit

    hi All,
    Can anyone help as to why i don't get roles tab in my hana cloud platform cockpit. I have attached the screenshot for your reference.

    hi anu
    you can create a sub package for roles in conent->user->data.
    and can create file like user.hdbrole, admin.hdbrole,, etc
    or Go to Services content menu > HCI OData Provisioning > Manage Roles.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Oracle 9i (SE) Solaris 9 (Alert.log file)

    Hi Guys, How do I clean up my alert.log file. Do I have to delete it completely or only delete the content of the file. Thank you.

  • Can't create iTunes account or change country of iTunes store

    Hello, I hope this is the correct place to post this question. I am set up my iTunes account, and the problem I'm running into has to do with the 'country' setting. Going through the account setup process, at the credit card information screen, I cli

  • Lightroom 2.1 not opening images in cs3

    I had 2.0 and read that there was a problem open images in to photoshop so downloaded 2.1 as it said this would sort it out but I still can't open in 2.1 had no problems at all in lightroom 1.

  • BT Sport Picture Quality has the quality been set ...

    Hi I'm enjoying watching the Norwich v Aston Villa match by mirroring it from my Apple TV to my 42 inch screen . I have no blocking issues with picture now which means that the capacity issue has been relsoved thanks. Looking at the players close up

  • Driver for 3Com OfficeConnect Wireless Card?

    Hi there. Anyone know of way of getting this card to work with a Ti Pbook running 10.4.6? I have a 3com OfficeConnect Wireless Card 54Mbps PC Card (3CRGPC10075) - it came free with my 3com Wireless router, but so far I can't find a driver that will g