Opinions about the big bang xtreme x79 II (for possible purchase)

hello guys!
a dear friend who uses PC for professional video editing (4k 3D) is considering the purchase of Great x79 big bang xtreme II (with intel i7-3960X + Siverstone Temjin T11 + GTX 680 + GTX 580 + Areca ARC-1882-ix-24) ..
strengths and weaknesses of BBXII?
How does the controller asmedia works?

For professional video editing, most of the companies recommend the following setup:
- Intel Core i7 processor
- 32GB RAM (DDR3-1333 or DDR3-1600)
- 2x2TB in RAID0
- Nvidia GTX670 (obviously, GTX680 is a plus).
MSI Big Bang-XPower II + Core i7 3960X are excellent choices.

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    The Mac Mini is a great computer. And, it is capable of doing everything you are asking about.
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    The iMac costs a bit more, but you get a lot for your money.
    And, you can always buy a refurbished iMac from Apple, and get the price as low as $1099.
    Apple Certified Refurbished Products
    Either way you go, you'll get a great computer. You just need to decide how much computer you want for your money.
    If you want a system with a large (and fast) hard drive, a fast graphics card, fast processor, and large screen, then go with the iMac.
    If you just want a computer that will get the job done, and have your own monitor already, then the Mac Mini may be a good purchase for you.
    You should also consider that Adobe has not upgraded their programs to be "Universal" yet. So, they will run using the slower and more demanding "Rosetta" translator built-into OS X.
    This means that you will need more memory (to hold the translated code). It also means that the performance of those programs will be slower. So, you'll want the fastest processor you can get (or afford) to help off-set the reduced performance.
    Basically, Rosetta is a translator that converts PowerPC code to run on Intel processors. This translated code is stored in memory while you are using the program, and therefore requires more memory to operate. So, you'll observe a decrease in performance if you start running low on memory. So, you'll want as much memory as you can get (1 GB or 2 GB would be preferable).
    Additionally, running in Rosetta is slower. So, you'll want a faster processor to help speed things up a bit when using older PowerPC programs.
    It has been said that Photoshop will run acceptably on the iMac, but it is noticeably slower. I could only imagine that it would be even slower on the Mac Mini due to it's slower processor.
    I hope this helps.

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    Quote from: HU16E on 04-August-11, 11:28:03
    Right click 'Computer', then left click 'Properties', 'Advanced system settings', 'Startup and Recovery' 'Settings', uncheck 'Automatically resart'.
    Thanks buddy, now I found.
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    linninaround wrote:
    Meg St._Clair wrote:
    If you buy the version with cellular, it already does.
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    Take a moment and focus on one or two finished files that have support materials ( i.e., sketches, color comps; stock photo search vs. final choice(s) ).  That is invaluable information that shows your thought process and demonstrates a few distinct styles.  Because you are a fledgling artist studying the discipline of graphic design and computer graphics, it is going to be important to show how you arrived at what you arrived at and what problems you were able to solve.  You show a few logo designs.  Start there.  Show scans of your pencils and the choices you present as ideas to your fictional client.  If any of your files are for real, all the better.  Do not be attempted to show out-of-this-world samples.  It will appear you are trying too hard to impress.  Instead, work on the conceptual materials and do not be afraid to show sketches and/or comps.  The potential employer will be more impressed with your ability to reach your final file and see all of the steps, ideas, and resources you used to get there.  Your current dfisplay says nothing about who you are, where you've been, and where you are going.  That's my advice.  Some of your slide show are things that have been done before and could easily be re-generated.  I know of very few employers who want that. So, take one or two of your best original ideas and show how you got those ideas, some of the variations, perhaps some different color coordinations, etc.  Mainly, graphic design is about problem solving.  Show some solutions to common problems.  For instance, go through your local newspaper and find the worst ad you can find ( which includes the worst logo, the worst typography and format, etc.  Take out some layout paper and draft up about three different solutions for a better layout.  Think of the ways you could use photography to tell the story or different fonts to talk to the customer or create a brand identity which includes ad formats, new color scheme, new logo, new fonts.  Scan the comps and put them in your slide show. Be a fictitional client and choose the best ad layout, the most appropriate font, etc.  Put the new logo on signage and/or a vehicle.  Show that in your slide show.  Color scheme, show that.  Create a PDF style guide where you can put all of this new branding into templates and instructional use.  Now we're talking about an impressive portfolio and slide show.

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