Optimization and flattening

I am a fairly new user to Adobe and was wondering how to optimize and flatten a pdf using Acrobat Standard XI?

These are Acrobat Pro things. (Probably. "Flattening" means at least three entirely different things, so you can let us know exactly what you mean).

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  • When I add a watermark and flatten the transparency, it duplicates the file within the file.

    When I add a watermark and flatten the transparency, it duplicates the file within the file.  (a 105 pg file becomes 210pgs)

    After doing so, use the Save As command to save the file under a new name.
    This should optimize it and reduce the file's size, sometimes dramatically.

  • In-Place Element Structures, References and Pointers, Compiler Optimization, and General Stupidity

    [The title of this forum is "Labview Ideas". Although this is NOT a direct suggestion for a change or addition to Labview, it seems appropriate to me to post it in this forum.]
    In-Place Element Structures, References and Pointers, Compiler Optimization, and General Stupidity
    I'd like to see NI actually start a round-table discussion about VI references, Data Value references, local variables, compiler optimizations, etc. I'm a C programmer; I'm used to pointers. They are simple, functional, and well defined. If you know the data type of an object and have a pointer to it, you have the object. I am used to compilers that optimize without the user having to go to weird lengths to arrange it. 
    The 'reference' you get when you right click and "Create Reference" on a control or indicator seems to be merely a shorthand read/write version of the Value property that can't be wired into a flow-of-control (like the error wire) and so causes synchronization issues and race conditions. I try not to use local variables.
    I use references a lot like C pointers; I pass items to SubVIs using references. But the use of references (as compared to C pointers) is really limited, and the implementation is insconsistent, not factorial in capabilites, and buggy. For instance, why can you pass an array by reference and NOT be able to determine the size of the array EXCEPT by dereferencing it and using the "Size Array" VI? I can even get references for all array elements; but I don't know how many there are...! Since arrays are represented internally in Labview as handles, and consist of basically a C-style pointer to the data, and array sizing information, why is the array handle opaque? Why doesn't the reference include operators to look at the referenced handle without instantiating a copy of the array? Why isn't there a "Size Array From Reference" VI in the library that doesn't instantiate a copy of the array locally, but just looks at the array handle?
    Data Value references seem to have been invented solely for the "In-Place Element Structure". Having to write the code to obtain the Data Value Reference before using the In-Place Element Structure simply points out how different a Labview reference is from a C pointer. The Labview help page for Data Value References simply says "Creates a reference to data that you can use to transfer and access the data in a serialized way.".  I've had programmers ask me if this means that the data must be accessed sequentially (serially)...!!!  What exactly does that mean? For those of use who can read between the lines, it means that Labview obtains a semaphore protecting the data references so that only one thread can modify it at a time. Is that the only reason for Data Value References? To provide something that implements the semaphore???
    The In-Place Element Structure talks about minimizing copying of data and compiler optimization. Those kind of optimizations are built in to the compiler in virtually every other language... with no special 'construct' needing to be placed around the code to identify that it can be performed without a local copy. Are you telling me that the Labview compiler is so stupid that it can't identify certain code threads as needing to be single-threaded when optimizing? That the USER has to wrap the code in semaphores before the compiler can figure out it should optimize??? That the compiler cannot implement single threading of parts of the user's code to improve execution efficiency?
    Instead of depending on the user base to send in suggestions one-at-a-time it would be nice if NI would actually host discussions aimed at coming up with a coherent and comprehensive way to handle pointers/references/optimization etc. One of the reasons Labview is so scattered is because individual ideas are evaluated and included without any group discussion about the total environment. How about a MODERATED group, available by invitation only (based on NI interactions with users in person, via support, and on the web) to try and get discussions about Labview evolution going?
    Based solely on the number of Labview bugs I've encountered and reported, I'd guess this has never been done, with the user community, or within NI itself.....

    Here are some articles that can help provide some insights into LabVIEW programming and the LabVIEW compiler. They are both interesting and recommended reading for all intermediate-to-advanced LabVIEW programmers.
    NI LabVIEW Compiler: Under the Hood
    VI Memory Usage
    The second article is a little out-of-date, as it doesn't discuss some of the newer technologies available such as the In-Place Element Structure you were referring to. However, many of the general concepts still apply. Some general notes from your post:
    1. I think part of your confusion is that you are trying to use control references and local variables like you would use variables in a C program. This is not a good analogy. Control references are references to user interface controls, and should almost always be used to control the behavior and appearance of those controls, not to store or transmit data like a pointer. LabVIEW is a dataflow language. Data is intended to be stored or transmitted through wires in most cases, not in references. It is admittedly difficult to make this transition for some text-based programmers. Programming efficiently in LabVIEW sometimes requires a different mindset.
    2. The LabVIEW compiler, while by no means perfect, is a complicated, feature-rich set of machinery that includes a large and growing set of optimizations. Many of these are described in the first link I posted. This includes optimizations you'd find in many programming environments, such as dead code elimination, inlining, and constant folding. One optimization in particular is called inplaceness, which is where LabVIEW determines when buffers can be reused. Contrary to your statement, the In-Place Element Structure is not always required for this optimization to take place. There are many circumstances (dating back years before the IPE structure) where LabVIEW can determine inplaceness and reuse buffers. The IPE structure simply helps users enforce inplaceness in some situations where it's not clear enough on the diagram for the LabVIEW compiler to make that determination.
    The more you learn about programming in LabVIEW, the more you realize that inplaceness itself is the closest analogy to pointers in C, not control references or data references or other such things. Those features have their place, but core, fundamental LabVIEW programming does not require them.
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments


    제품 : RMAN
    작성날짜 : 2004-05-20
    오라클 9i RMAN 에서는 백업을 보다 효율적으로 할 수 있는 기능을 보강 했다.
    지금 소개할 "Retention Policies" 기능을 통해서 보다 효율적인 RMAN 백업
    전략을 세울 수 있다.
    1. 백업 화일 최적화 방법 (Backup File Optimization)
    백업 화일 최적화란 백업에 소요되는 공간을 최소화 하는 전략이다. RMAN
    백업시에 같은 정보 (dbid, checkpoint, and resetlogs data 등등) 를 가지고 있는
    화일이 이미 존재하는 백업 셋 내부에 있는지 체크하게 된다. 만일 같은 화일이
    이미 백업 되어 있다면 BACK UP 명령은 해당 화일에 대해서는 백업을 하지 않게
    이때 같은 화일이라고 판단하는 기준은 다음과 같다.
    * Datafile: 같은 DBID, checkpoint SCN, resetlogs SCN 과 time. 데이타 화일은
    반드시정상적으로 offline 되었거나, read-only 이거나, 또는 정상적 으로 close
    되어야 함.
    * Archived redo log: 같은 thread, sequence number, 그리고 같은 Resetlogs
    SCN 과 time.
    * Backup Set: 같은 Backup Set recid 와 stamp.
    RMAN 이 백업을 수행하다가 위와 같은 조건의 화일이 이미 존재함을 확인하면
    이것은 건너뛰게 될 화일의 대상이다. 하지만 이때 바로 Skip 을 결정하지 않고
    정해진 Retention Policies 를 조사 한후에 Skip 여부를 결정 하게 된다.
    만일 백업 명령에 DELETE INPUT option 이 사용되면 RMAN 은 백업이 Skip
    되어도 화일을 지우게 된다.
    RMAN 은 모든 화일에 대한 백업이 Skip 되어도 에러메시지나 경고를 보내지
    그러나 만일 데이터 화일에 대한 백업이 recovery policy window 보다 오래
    된 것 이면 RMAN 은 새로운 백업 화일을 만들기 위해서 화일을 백업 하게 된다.
    자체적인 expirations policy 를 가지고 있는 media manager 를 사용할 경우에는
    이런 백업 최적화 정책을 사용하는 것에 신중을 기해야 한다.
    백업 최적화 를 사용하기 위해서는 CONFIGURE 명령을 사용한다. CONFIGURE
    명령은 명령 수행 이후에 이루어지는 모든 백업에 대해 적용이 된다.
    2. Backup Optimization에 Retention Policies 적용 하기
    Retention Policy 로 백업 최적화를 조절 할 수 있다. 그러나 retention policy를
    이용해서 명시적으로 retention policy를 사용하지 않는다고 해야 한다. 디폴트로
    REDUNDANCY = 1 이 적용 된다.
         a. Recovery Window 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    만일 백업 최적화가 enable 되어 있고 Recovery Window 가 retention policy
    적용을 위해서 셋업 되어 있으면 RMAN 은 항상 가장 최근의 백업이 Recovery
    Window 보다 오래된 데이터 화일을 백업한다.
    예를 들면 다음과 같은 조건에서
    o Today is February 21.
    o The recovery window is 7 days.
    o The most recent backup of tablespace tbs2 to tape is January 3.
    o Tablespace tbs2 is read-only.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스를 테이프로 백업을 하라는 명령을 내리면,
    RMAN 은 이 화일이 1월3일 이후에 변경 사항이 없는데도 불구 하고 백업을 하게
    된다. 이로써 RMAN 은 최근 7일 동안에 최소한 한번의 백업이 있어야 된다는
    조건을 지키게 된다.
    이러한 작동 방식은 media manager 가 오래된 테잎을 제거 해도 되도록 한다.
    그렇지 않다면, media manager 는 1월 3일의 백업을 무한정 가지고 있게 된다.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스의 보다 최근의 백업을 만듦으로 써, RMAN 은
    media manager 가 1월 3일에 백업 했던 테입을 지워도 되도록 한다.
         b. Redundancy 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    Retention policy 로 Redundancy 를 채택 한 경우에 RMAN 은 Redundancy
    에 1을 더한 갯수를 초과하는 오프라인 또는 읽기 전용 화일의 백업을 건너뛴다.
    Redundancy의 갯수를 정한다.
    아래와 같은 백업 최적화 명령을 내린 경우를 예로 든다:
    아카이브 테이블스페이스를 한번도 백업을 받은적이 없고 다음의 작업을 1주일
    동안 한다고 하자.
    Day Action Result Redundant Backup
    Monday Take tablespace archive offline clean.
    Tuesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Wednesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Thursday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Tuesday backup.
    Friday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Saturday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Sunday Run DELETE OBSOLETE. The Tuesday backup is deleted.
    Monday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Wednesday backup.
    화요일, 수요일, 그리고 목요일의 백업은 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 복사 해서
    3개의 백업이 반드시 존재 해야 한다는 조건을 충촉 시킨다. (1+Redundancy)
    금요일과 토요일에는 백업 최적화 조건에 의해서 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를
    복사하지 않게 된다.
    RMAN 은 일요일에는 유효기간이 지난 백업 화일을 지우게 된다. 따라서 화요일에
    만든 백업은 삭제 된다. 월요일의 전체 백업은 3개의 백업이 존재 해야 한다는 조건
    때문에 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 또 다시 백업하게 된다. 이런 방식으로 백업
    사이클이 진행 된다.
    주의 사항:
    자체가 존재 하지 않는다는 의미 이며 백업은 expire 되지 않으며 'DELETE
    OBSOLETE' 명령은 사용 할 수 없게 된다. 후자는 디폴트 RETENTION POLICY
    (REDUNDANCY 1) 를 사용하게 된다는 의미 이다.
    'DELETE OBSOLETE' 명령은 RETENTION POLICY 기준으로 expire 된 백업을
    제거 하라는 명령이다.
    보다 자세한 내용은 Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide and
    Reference의 Backup Optimization 부분을 참고 하시기 바랍니다.
    --------------THE END----------------------------------------------

    Backup optimisation = +- do not copy empty space.
    So, when you issue your BACKUP statement, it backs up the datafile. dot. nothing more.
    In order to achieve what you're testing, look into TFM for BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL x .

  • Issues with Importing and Flattening Complex AI files (Flash CS3)

    Is there an easy way to break apart vector graphics imported
    from Adobe Illustrator? My group creates most of the graphics in
    Adobe Illustrator and then we import them into Flash to animate
    them. Unfortunately, with layers and layers on complex drawings,
    Illustrator 3D, clipping masks, compound paths, etc... Flash tends
    to choke. If we take the time to break the graphics apart to a flat
    drawing, it drastically improve speed, and shrinks the file size of
    the resulting swf. Currently we distribute everything to layers,
    break then, and repeat. If there are clipping masks, then we have
    to enter each clipping group movie clip and delete the mask one by
    one to continue breaking the image apart. It's very time consuming
    and reduces our workflow. Is there a better way?
    Thanks in advance....

    So far, I'd like to report on 3 different solutions to this
    1. Flattening the image in illustrator, by first, expanding
    any 3D objects (usually a good idea to preserve the original 3D
    either in another file -- keep the original), flattening the
    artwork, then release the clipping masks and compound paths, then
    ungrouping everything, and saving the resulting file (Preferably as
    a new file to keep all the original in case it needs to be adjusted
    later). Then import to flash and break it apart.
    Known Issues: Sometimes, pieces of the Illustrator 3D objects
    will move to the front when you release the clipping masks. You can
    move them back in illustrator or flash to correct the problem.
    2. Export the file from illustrator directly to a swf. Then
    drag that swf into the library and flatten the file from there.
    Known issues: The generated curves are approximated and don't
    always match up perfectly.
    3. Export the file from illustrator to a EPS file format,
    then drag the resulting file into flash.
    Known Issues: The generated curves don't always match up to
    the original and some 3D pieces may end up in front that belong in
    the back.
    4. Export as a raster file.
    Known Issues: You cannot zoom in tight when needed and still
    maintain the crisp lines (unless you rasterize at a very high
    resolution. This will unfortunately result in a large file size.
    The most accurate method for preserving original quality so
    far is the original method from the originating post.

  • Transparency and flattening

    I'm using AI CS3 on PC. I've been given an EPS file that was apparently created in AI 11 on Mac. It has no preview (at least not that will show up on PC).
    I opened the file in AI to save it with a preview. When I do a Save As, AI says:
    "When spot colors are used with transparency, changing them to process colors outside of Illustrator can generate unexpected results."
    Does this mean I need to change all of the spot colors in the file to CMYK? The file has been used as-is in the past apparently with no repercussions.
    Then AI says:
    "The document contains artwork that requires flattening."
    What should I do? I find the whole business of transparency and flattening confusing.
    I COULD just use the original EPS file as-is, but I really hate not having a preview.
    FWIW, the EPS will be used in an existing Quark file.

    The first message is just a warning. If you intend to keep the spot color(s) on press, there should be no conversion to process involved. If there is going to be a conversion down the line, you're better off dealing with it within Illustrator. That's what the warning is trying to tell you.
    My guess with the second message is that it has to do with the improved transparency flattening options in newer versions of Illustrator. The document uses transparency, and that means flattening is required (because PostScript does not support transparency).
    I would just let Illustrator do its thing and save out your new EPS with the Windows-compatible preview. If the file was used in the past without problems, you probably don't have to do anything within Illustrator. However, if you see a lot of transparency features in use, you might want to flatten more aggressively, even if that means further tipping the balance away from vector toward raster and ending up with a larger file.
    The preview really won't tell you much (other than position) once in Quark, so make sure you output a proof -- at least to Adobe PDF. Check to make sure each spot color in your Illustrator file goes to its own 'plate' out of Quark.
    Recommended reading: http://www.layersmagazine.com/illustrator-render-photoshop.html

  • Need info on Product interchangeability in SNP using Optimizer and Heuristi

    Can anyone suggest steps to configure product interchangeability in SNP using Optimizer and Heuristics
    we have a scenario for 1:1 config of predecessor and succesor product , same Units, across locations using Full and Forward directions for some combiantions of products.
    I would like to know prerequsites to configure this setup and any good links that lead to config steps.

    You can refer these help library for further help

  • Inline functions in C, gcc optimization and floating point arithmetic issues

    For several days I really have become a fan of Alchemy. But after intensive testing I have found several issues which I'd like to solve but I can't without any help.
    So...I'm porting an old game console emulator written by me in ANSI C. The code is working on both gcc and VisualStudio without any modification or crosscompile macros. The only platform code is the audio and video output which is out of scope, because I have ported audio and video witin AS3.
    Here are the issues:
    1. Inline functions - Having only a single inline function makes the code working incorrectly (although not crashing) even if any optimization is enabled or not (-O0 or O3). My current workarround is converting the inline functions to macros which achieves the same effect. Any ideas why inline functions break the code?
    2. Compiler optimizations - well, my project consists of many C files one of which is called flash.c and it contains the main and exported functions. I build the project as follows:
    gcc -c flash.c -O0 -o flash.o     //Please note the -O0 option!!!
    gcc -c file1.c -O3 -o file1.o
    gcc -c file2.c -O3 -o file2.o
    ... and so on
    gcc *.o -swc -O0 -o emu.swc   //Please note the -O0 option again!!!
    mxmlc.exe -library-path+=emu.swc --target-player=10.0.0 Emu.as
    or file in $( ls *.o ) //Removes the obj files
            rm $file
    If I define any option different from -O0 in gcc -c flash.c -O0 -o flash.o the program stops working correctly exactly as in the inline funtions code (but still does not crash or prints any errors in debug). flash has 4 static functions to be exported to AS3 and the main function. Do you know why?
    If I define any option different from -O0 in gcc *.o -swc -O0 -o emu.swc  the program stops working correctly exactly as above, but if I specify -O1, -O2 or O3 the SWC file gets smaller up to 2x for O3. Why? Is there a method to optimize all the obj files except flash.o because I suspect a similar issue as when compilling it?
    3. Flating point issues - this is the worst one. My code is mainly based on integer arithmetic but on 1-2 places it requires flating point arithmetic. One of them is the conversion of 16-bit 44.1 Khz sound buffer to a float buffer with same sample rate but with samples in the range from -1.0 to 1.0.
    My code:
    void audio_prepare_as()
        uint32 i;
            audiobuffer[i] = (float)snd.buffer[i]/32768;
            audiobuffer[i+1] = (float)snd.buffer[i+1]/32768;
    My audio playback is working perfectly. But not if using the above conversion and I have inspected the float numbers - all incorrect and invalid. I tried other code with simple floats - same story. As if alchemy refuses to work with floats. What is wrong? I have another lace whre I must resize the framebuffer and there I have a float involved - same crap. Please help me?
    Found the floating point problem: audiobuffer is written to a ByteArray and then used in AS. But C floats are obviously not the same as those in AS3. Now the floating point is resolved.
    The optimization issues remain! I really need to speed up my code.
    Thank you in advice!

    Dear Bernd,
    I am still unable to run the optimizations and turn on the inline functions. None of the inline functions contain any stdli function just pure asignments, reads, simple arithmetic and bitwise operations.
    In fact, the file containing the main function and those functions for export in AS3 did have memset and memcpy. I tried your suggestion and put the code above the functions calling memset and memcpy. It did not work soe I put the code in a header which is included topmost in each C file. The only system header I use is malloc.h and it is included topmost. In other C file I use pow, sin and log10 from math.h but I removed it and made the same thing:
    #ifndef _SHARED_H_
    #define _SHARED_H_
    #include <malloc.h>
    static void * custom_memmove( void * destination, const void * source, unsigned int num ) {
      void *result; 
      __asm__("%0 memmove(%1, %2, %3)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(destination), "r"(source), "r"(num)); 
      return result; 
    static void * custom_memcpy ( void * destination, const void * source, unsigned int num ) { 
      void *result; 
      __asm__("%0 memcpy(%1, %2, %3)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(destination), "r"(source), "r"(num)); 
      return result; 
    static void * custom_memset ( void * ptr, int value, unsigned int num ) { 
      void *result; 
      __asm__("%0 memset(%1, %2, %3)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(ptr), "r"(value), "r"(num)); 
      return result; 
    static float custom_pow(float x, int y) {
        float result;
      __asm__("%0 pow(%1, %2)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(x), "r"(y));
      return result;
    static double custom_sin(double x) {
        double result;
      __asm__("%0 sin(%1)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(x));
      return result;
    static double custom_log10(double x) {
        double result;
      __asm__("%0 log10(%1)\n" : "=r"(result) : "r"(x));
      return result;
    #define memmove custom_memmove
    #define memcpy custom_memcpy
    #define memset custom_memset
    #define pow custom_pow
    #define sin custom_sin
    #define log10 custom_log10 
    #include "types.h"
    #include "macros.h"
    #include "m68k.h"
    #include "z80.h"
    #include "genesis.h"
    #include "vdp.h"
    #include "render.h"
    #include "mem68k.h"
    #include "memz80.h"
    #include "membnk.h"
    #include "memvdp.h"
    #include "system.h"
    #include "loadrom.h"
    #include "input.h"
    #include "io.h"
    #include "sound.h"
    #include "fm.h"
    #include "sn76496.h" 
    #endif /* _SHARED_H_ */ 
    It still behave the same way as if nothing was changed (works incorrectly - displays jerk which does not move, whereby the image is supposed to move)
    As I am porting an emulator (Sega Mega Drive) I use manu arrays of function pointers for implementing the opcodes of the CPU's. Could this be an issue?
    I did a workaround for the floating point problem but processing is very slow so I hear only bzzt bzzt but this is for now out of scope. The emulator compiled with gcc runs at 300 fps on a 1.3 GHz machine, whereby my non optimized AVM2 code compiled by alchemy produces 14 fps. The pure rendering is super fast and the problem lies in the computational power of AVM. The frame buffer and the enulation are generated in the C code and only the pixels are copied to AS3, where they are plotted in a BitmapData. On 2.0 GHz Dual core I achieved only 21 fps. Goal is 60 fps to have smooth audio and video. But this is offtopic. After all everything works (slow) without optimization, and I would somehow turn it on. Suggestions?
    Here is the file with the main function:
    #include "shared.h"
    #include "AS3.h"
    #define FRAMEBUFFER_LENGTH    (320*240*4)
    static uint8* framebuffer;
    static uint32  audioSamples;
    AS3_Val sega_rom(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        int size, offset, i;
        uint8 hardware;
        uint8 country;
        uint8 header[0x200];
        uint8 *ptr;
        AS3_Val length;
        AS3_Val ba;
        AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType", &ba);
        country = 0;
        offset = 0;
        length = AS3_GetS(ba, "length");
        size = AS3_IntValue(length);
        ptr = (uint8*)malloc(size);
        AS3_SetS(ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        AS3_ByteArray_readBytes(ptr, ba, size);
        //FILE* f = fopen("boris_dump.bin", "wb");
        //fwrite(ptr, size, 1, f);
        if((size / 512) & 1)
            size -= 512;
            offset += 512;
            memcpy(header, ptr, 512);
            for(i = 0; i < (size / 0x4000); i += 1)
                deinterleave_block(ptr + offset + (i * 0x4000));
        memset(cart_rom, 0, 0x400000);
        if(size > 0x400000) size = 0x400000;
        memcpy(cart_rom, ptr + offset, size);
        /* Free allocated file data */
        hardware = 0;
        for (i = 0x1f0; i < 0x1ff; i++)
            switch (cart_rom[i]) {
         case 'U':
             hardware |= 4;
         case 'J':
             hardware |= 1;
         case 'E':
             hardware |= 8;
        if (cart_rom[0x1f0] >= '1' && cart_rom[0x1f0] <= '9') {
            hardware = cart_rom[0x1f0] - '0';
        } else if (cart_rom[0x1f0] >= 'A' && cart_rom[0x1f0] <= 'F') {
            hardware = cart_rom[0x1f0] - 'A' + 10;
        if (country) hardware=country; //simple autodetect override
        //From PicoDrive
        if (hardware&8)        
            hw=0xc0; vdp_pal=1;
        } // Europe
        else if (hardware&4)    
            hw=0x80; vdp_pal=0;
        } // USA
        else if (hardware&2)    
            hw=0x40; vdp_pal=1;
        } // Japan PAL
        else if (hardware&1)      
            hw=0x00; vdp_pal=0;
        } // Japan NTSC
            hw=0x80; // USA
        if (vdp_pal) {
            vdp_rate = 50;
            lines_per_frame = 312;
        } else {
            vdp_rate = 60;
            lines_per_frame = 262;
        if(cart_rom[0x1b1] == 'A' && cart_rom[0x1b0] == 'R')
            save_start = cart_rom[0x1b4] << 24 | cart_rom[0x1b5] << 16 |
                cart_rom[0x1b6] << 8  | cart_rom[0x1b7] << 0;
            save_len = cart_rom[0x1b8] << 24 | cart_rom[0x1b9] << 16 |
                cart_rom[0x1ba] << 8  | cart_rom[0x1bb] << 0;
            // Make sure start is even, end is odd, for alignment
            // A ROM that I came across had the start and end bytes of
            // the save ram the same and wouldn't work.  Fix this as seen
            // fit, I know it could probably use some work. [PKH]
            if(save_start != save_len)
                if(save_start & 1) --save_start;
                if(!(save_len & 1)) ++save_len;
                save_len -= (save_start - 1);
                saveram = (unsigned char*)malloc(save_len);
                // If save RAM does not overlap main ROM, set it active by default since
                // a few games can't manage to properly switch it on/off.
                if(save_start >= (unsigned)size)
                    save_active = 1;
                save_start = save_len = 0;
                saveram = NULL;
            save_start = save_len = 0;
            saveram = NULL;
        return AS3_Int(0);
    AS3_Val sega_init(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        audioSamples = (44100 / vdp_rate)*2;
        framebuffer = (uint8*)malloc(FRAMEBUFFER_LENGTH);
        return AS3_Int(vdp_rate);
    AS3_Val sega_reset(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        return AS3_Int(0);
    AS3_Val sega_frame(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        uint32 width;
        uint32 height;
        uint32 x, y;
        uint32 di, si, r;
        uint16 p;
        AS3_Val fb_ba;
        AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType", &fb_ba);
        AS3_SetS(fb_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        width = (reg[12] & 1) ? 320 : 256;
        height = (reg[1] & 8) ? 240 : 224;
                di = 1280*y + x<<2;
                si = (y << 10) + ((x + bitmap.viewport.x) << 1);
                p = *((uint16*)(bitmap.data + si));
                framebuffer[di + 3] = (uint8)((p & 0x1f) << 3);
                framebuffer[di + 2] = (uint8)(((p >> 5) & 0x1f) << 3);
                framebuffer[di + 1] = (uint8)(((p >> 10) & 0x1f) << 3);
        AS3_ByteArray_writeBytes(fb_ba, framebuffer, FRAMEBUFFER_LENGTH);
        AS3_SetS(fb_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        r = (width << 16) | height;
        return AS3_Int(r);
    AS3_Val sega_audio(void* self, AS3_Val args)
        AS3_Val ab_ba;
        AS3_ArrayValue(args, "AS3ValType", &ab_ba);
        AS3_SetS(ab_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        AS3_ByteArray_writeBytes(ab_ba, snd.buffer, audioSamples*sizeof(int16));
        AS3_SetS(ab_ba, "position", AS3_Int(0));
        return AS3_Int(0);
    int main()
        AS3_Val romMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_rom);
        AS3_Val initMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_init);
        AS3_Val resetMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_reset);
        AS3_Val frameMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_frame);
        AS3_Val audioMethod = AS3_Function(NULL, sega_audio);
        // construct an object that holds references to the functions
        AS3_Val result = AS3_Object("sega_rom: AS3ValType, sega_init: AS3ValType, sega_reset: AS3ValType, sega_frame: AS3ValType, sega_audio: AS3ValType",
            romMethod, initMethod, resetMethod, frameMethod, audioMethod);
        // Release
        // notify that we initialized -- THIS DOES NOT RETURN!
        // should never get here!
        return 0;

  • PDF Optimizer and Java Scripts

    We have a custom Java Script that is at the bottom of each page of certain PDFs.
    The Java Script is setup to print the date on the bottom of each page if a selected PDF is printed to hard copy.
    Our problems lies in the fact that after adding the Java Scripts, the PDF optimizer doesn't seem to optimize the PDF at all.
    We are still talking about 6MB+ PDF files. When I look at the AUDIT feature in the PDF optimizer, the biggest offender is Fonts.
    I have messed around with tons of settings inside of the PDF optimizer and nothing seems to work.
    We are using Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.1.0.

    You might also look at Adobe's FDF Toolkit.
    This is excellent if you just want your users to be able to fill out an html form and put the data values into a PDF document.

  • Dynamic Optimization and PRO tips

    Is dynamic optimization a new feature on System Center 2012 or it was included in previous versions under a different name?
    What are the main differences between dynamic optimization and PRO tips beside trigger customization?
    Can dynamic optimization work with Operations Manager Monitoring VMM only?

    Your filemaker pro database must be exported as sql in order for you to use it to create a database.
    This may not be a simple create and import into MySQL, see - http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/filemaker_mysql_whitepaper/filemaker_to_mysql _whitepaper01.htm.

  • Zend optimizer and PHP startup: unable to load errors

    I am finding some errors in the log for my site about zend
    optimizer and PHP startup: unable to load dynamic library.
    as far as I know, I have never used PHP and i have never done
    anything with this zend optimizer. i need some help!
    there are some references in there to some pretty strange
    websites. my site is a wedding photography site!
    thanks for any help.
    here is the log:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:44 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:44 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected at
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:45 2008] [error] [client]
    Failed loading /home/vanity1/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so:
    /home/vanity1/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory, referer:
    http://vanitytransformations.com/diamondt/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=57&func=sh owcat&catid=2&page=2
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:50 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:50 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected at
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:53 2008] [error] [client]
    Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable
    configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the
    limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:53 2008] [error] [client]
    Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable
    configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the
    limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:59 2008] [error] [client]
    Failed loading /home/estudio5/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin.so:
    /home/estudio5/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin.so: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory
    [Fri Jun 06 13:33:59 2008] [error] [client]
    Failed loading /home/estudio5/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_ts.so:
    /home/estudio5/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_ts.so: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:09 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:09 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected at
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:14 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:14 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected at
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:21 2008] [error] [client]
    Failed loading /home/vanity1/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so:
    /home/vanity1/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:21 2008] [error] [client]
    Failed loading /home/vanity1/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so:
    /home/vanity1/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4DMUS_enUS204US205&q=gideon +bible+ebay
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:25 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected at
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4DMUS_enUS204US205&q=gideon +bible+ebay
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:26 2008] [error] [client]
    PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:26 2008] [error] [client]
    PHP Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:31 2008] [error] [client]
    PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:31 2008] [error] [client]
    PHP Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0, referer:
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:32 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
    '//home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin' -
    //home/offthema/sourceguardian/ixed.lin: cannot open shared object
    file: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
    [Fri Jun 06 13:34:32 2008] [error] [client] PHP
    Warning: Zend Optimizer for PHP 5.2.x cannot be found (expected at
    '/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.2.2/php-5.2.x/ZendOptimizer.so') -
    try reinstalling the Zend Optimizer in Unknown on line 0

    ..... What???

  • Configuration of Maintenance Optimizer and IMG-configuration

    I am installing SAP Solution Manager 4.0 and two ERP-systems and would like to ask, whether a suitable detailed documentation about
    Configuring Maintenance optimizer
    does exist?
    P.S. Besides the document "Step by step Confugaration of Maintenance Optimizer" or .sim-File.
    Thank  you very much indead!

    Dear Axel,
    Kindly review the URL :
    On the first page at the bottom end you would find an PDF for configuration of Maintenance Optimizer and also an SAP Tutor file for the same.
    Follow the steps and you are ready with the optimizer for downloading packages.
    Hope the above information helps.
    Amit Devale

  • How can I prevent Adobe Acrobat from applying optimizations and compressionsserve on save/save as...

    I am generating mailpiece documents as PDF v1.4 from a document composition tool.  I am using Enfocus Pitstop v10 (v10.1.7.27 to be exact) to remove some unneeded water marks from the produced document.
    My issue is that I need to PRESERVE the original PDF structure as emitted from my composiiton tool and I'm finding that regardless how I proceed, Adobe Acrobat want to resave the PDF as v1.6 and apply a series of optimizations and compressions which alters the original PDF structure.  The reason I need to preserve the strucure of thePDF is to confirm 508 compliance for the emitted PDF documents.
    Note: I've tried various settings in Acrobat Distiller and the Adobe PD printer (thinking they are invoked somewhere inthe backgroud of Acrobat when it goes to save/save as...) but haven't experienced any progress...
    Am I chasing a rabbit here (meaning what I want is NOT possible) or am I missing something in my configuration attempts??

    If you need the final PDF to have the requisite well-formed structure tree (that is, compliant with ISO 14289-1, PDF/UA-1) and thus "accessible" then you need to do the adjustments to your PDF's content streams before establishing that well-formed structure tree.
    Note that PDF  versions 1.4 or above can have that well-formed structure tree - put another way PDF version 1.4 or PDF-1 (PDF is the ISO Standard ISO 32000-1) can have the well-formed structure tree. I can 'build' such a PDF that starts as PDF version 1.4 via Acrobat 5, do some additional post-processing with Acrobat XI Pro which, via a Save As puts the PDF into a new "version" and *not* adversely affect content streams / structure tree.  Your post-processing is what is changing the "guts" not the save to a different version.
    Just becaues - an obtw:
    For those who desire to / need to provide accessible PDF success is predicated in having and understanding the essential reference material.
    ISO 32000-1 (14.8 in particular).
    Document Management – Portable Document Format – Part 1: PDF 1.7, First Edition
    Adobe (Jul 2008)
    This document is an ISO approved copy of the ISO 32000-1 Standards document. By agreement with ISO, Adobe Systems Incorporated is allowed to offer this version of the ISO standard as a free PDF file on their own Web site.
    It is not an official ISO document but the technical content is identical; the page and section numbers are also preserved.
    http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_200 8.pdf
    ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1)
    This you will have to purchase ($104) from the ANSI Web Store.
    http://webstore.ansi.org/FindStandards.aspx?SearchString=iso+14289-1&SearchOption=0&PageNu m=0&SearchTermsArray=null%7ciso+14289-1%7cnull
    The Matterhorn Protocol.
    The resources for Accessible PDF at the AIIM site.
    PDF/UA-1 Technical Implementation Guide: Understanding ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1)
    PDF/UA-1 Technical Implementation Guide: Understanding ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7) (under development)
    Achieving WCAG 2.0 with PDF/UA
    (WCAG 2.0 for PDF IS PDF/UA-1)
    Be well...

  • Touch Optimizer and Mouse optimizer dont work since updates

    I noticed during the last update that the mouse optimizer and touch optimizer programs dont work. When you go to open them it says the application failed to start because its side by side configuration is incorrect. Any ideas?

    Fortunately, I had a ghosted image of my hd, so I just had  to roll it back one week. It is now where it was, one week prior to these upgrades, and there is no sign of any sort of "optomizers".
    I had the update program run again, and sure enough these same upgrades are showing up again, but upon reading them more carefully, they are for the 8 series, might be the reason it is creating a problem on the 5 series. Unfortunately, a complete restore is the only way to be rid of these "upgrades" 
    They really should only be sent down to series 8 machines, as I didn't read it too carefully, and installed it myself, next time I will be a little more careful...

  • Optimize and Repair on the PSE 12 Organizer

    I performed the optimize and repair function on the PSE 12 Organizer because it was running really slow. However, now when I try to open the organizer I get an error message that says Internal Programming Error Organizer cannot open. Can this be fixed?

    If its within warranty and not caused by abuse no doubt it will be FOC.
    However, we have just been through the festive period so I expect things wll take a liitle longer. Apple elves have been very busy packing and sending Xmas gifts.
    Normal service will be resumed first week of Jan 2012.

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  • Steaming content on 6630.

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