Oracle 10g - Date format in SELECT query for CFOUTPUT

Hello, everyone.
The project that I am working on in the dev environment is connected to an Oracle 11g database, but the production side is Oracle 10g.
I have a page that is erroring in production (but not development) when it gets to a date that it needs to display.
A co-worker mentioned that, in 10g, if a date/time is being SELECTed, you have to put it in to_char(), so I did that.
But it's still erroring, and I'm not getting an error message, so I'm assuming that I have an incorrect format for the date in the SELECT.
What is the proper format for SELECTing a date/time when using to_char()?  Right now, I have SELECT to_char(create_date,'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MI') FROM tableA .  Is this not correct for CF to output?
Thank you,

Please see my original post ("I have a page erroring in production (but not in development) when it gets to a date that it needs to display.")  Sorry if it came across as vague.  It made sense, to me, when I typed it.  But, then, I'm usually typing fast just to get the question out there, when I'm in a hurry.
Haven't done a CFDUMP, yet, as every time I make a change in development that needs to be tested in production, I have to notify my supervisor that there are files that need to be copied into production, which can sometimes take a while, so I try to do troubleshooting on dev side - it's a pain in the you-know-what, but that's the kind of environment I'm working in.
As it turns out, changing the format in the SELECT to_char() did the trick.  If anyone else has this issue with Oracle 10g, I'm now using SELECT to_char(create_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI') FROM tableA, and now the CFOUTPUT is processing the whole page.  I guess the MM-DD-YYYY threw CF into a tizzy, breaking the process?
Anyhoo, it's working, now.  Thank you, Dan and Adam, for your thoughts on this.

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    Message was edited by:

    It is a common issue most people don't realize what Oracle does with a query like this. You're comparing strings to dates. Use TO_DATE to convert your string '07-AUG-08' to a date. If you don't, you tell Oracle to convert the string to a date by itself. It may work sometimes but like you've experienced, it is not a very robust or elegant approach.
    Try something like this:
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    FROM vouchers
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    And a tip: the "urgent" keyword might act against you.

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    I don't know if this will help, but we were getting this error in several of the standard OA framework pages and after much pain and aggravation it was determined that visiting the Sourcing Home Page was changing the timezone. For most pages this just changed the timezone that dates were displayed in, but some had this ORA-01801 error and some others had an ORA-01830 error (date format picture ends before converting entire input string). Unfortunately, if you are not using Sourcing at your site, this probably won't help, but if you are, have a look at patch # 4519817.
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    It appears that you can't have a date format that is longer than 68 characters.


    제품 : SQL*PLUS
    작성날짜 : 1997-04-23
    이 문서는 단지 정보 제공을 목적으로 하며 여기에 있는 내용은 통보 없이 변경될
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    될 수 없습니다.
    ORACLE 7은 세기의 전환에 대해 'RR' 이라는 새로운 DATE FORMAT을 제공한다.
    'RR' 은 DATE FORMAT의 마지막 2 DIGITS에 다른 세기에 대한 DATE값을 저장한다는
    것을 제외하고는 'YY' FORMAT과 유사하다.
    다음은 사용자가 지정하는 YEAR를 현재의 YEAR를 기반으로 하여,
    'RR' FORMAT이 RETURN하는 DATE(세기)를 나타낸 것이다.
    현재 YEAR의 지정된 YEAR의 'RR' FORMAT결과
    마지막 2 DIGIT     마지막 2 DIGIT
    0 - 49     0 - 49     현재 세기
    50 - 99      0 - 49 다음 세기
    0 - 49      50 - 99     이전 세기
    50 - 99     50 - 99     현재 세기
    예를 들면, 현재가 1993년이면, 50에서 90사이의 년도는 20세기에 포함되고,
    0에서 49사이의 년도는 21세기에 포함된다. 마찬가지로 현재가 2001년이면
    50에서 90사이의 년도는 20세기에 포함되고, 0에서 49사이의 년도는 21세기에
    다음은 'RR'사용에 대한 예이다.
    이와 같이 RR type을 사용하여 모든 application을 수정하기 곤란할 때에는
    환경변수의 nls_date_format을 변경하여도 된다.
    단, nls_date_format은 이후에 다른 사용자에 의해 변경되어질 수도 있으므로
    application을 수정하는 것이 안전하다.
    SQL> INSERT INTO EMP(empno, deptno, hiredate)
    VALUES(9999, 20, TO_DATE('01-JAN-03', 'DD-MON-RR'));
    1 row created.
    SQL> INSERT INTO EMP(empno, deptno, hiredate)
    VALUES(8888, 20, TO_DATE('01-JAN-67', 'DD-MON-RR'));
    1 row created.
    SQL> SELECT empno, deptno, TO_CHAR(hiredate, 'DD-MON-YYYY') hiredate
    8888 20 01-JAN-1967
    9999 20 01-JAN-2003

    RR was introduced as a Y2K workaround for all those programs that didn't store the century. It has a fixed window - 50 to 99 defaults to twentieth century, 00 to 49 is twenty-first. YY on teh other hand just defaults to the current century. At least in 9.2 it does. I think in earlier version of the database it defaulted to 00 - hence many systems apparently have records that were created in the first century AD.
    SQL> SELECT to_char(to_date('01-JAN-50', 'DD-MON-RR'), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
      2  FROM  dual
      3  /
    SQL> SELECT to_char(to_date('01-JAN-49', 'DD-MON-RR'), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
      2  FROM  dual
      3  /
    SQL> SELECT to_char(to_date('01-JAN-50', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
      2  FROM  dual
      3  /
    SQL> SELECT to_char(to_date('01-JAN-49', 'DD-MON-YY'), 'DD-MON-YYYY')
      2  FROM  dual
      3  /
    SQL> Cheers, APC

  • How to compare dates in a select query in open sql

                       How can I retrieve data pertaining to a specified date using a select query.
    I have inserted date using the following code:
    String dateString = "2009-03-11";
    java.sql.Date date = java.sql.Date.valueOf(dateString);
    PreparedStatement stmt =con.prepareStatement("insert into DATEACCESS"
                                                                            + "(DATETEST)"
                                                                            + "values (?)");
    How can I pass this in a select query,the below mentioned query did not fetch me any results.
    Select * from  DATEACCESS where DATETEST='2009-03-11'

    Has ur date  problem resolved  ?
    If not resolved u can do the following
    As u already have sql date today declared . You want to get the data depending on that date
    As ur query is
    if( today != null)
    String query2 = select * from DATEACCESS where DATETEST<= ?
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(query2);
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
        ////// Here u will get data from query u needed ///
    If this also does not work just print the date and check in which format is it returning u .
    Anuradha Rao
    Edited by: Anuradha Rao on Mar 20, 2009 10:16 AM

  • Select Query for smart form-invoice

    Hi Folks,
    I have to fetch the following fields as per the requirement for desiging a invoice smartform.I had copied lb_bill_invoice smartform into z format.
    Can anyone here please give me the select query for the same.
    fields to fetched are as follows:-
    3.konv-kbetr with respect to vbrk-knumv
    And also what all I have to give in format interface and global definitions of the smartform.
    please help  me in this regard.
    Points will be given.

    declare the variables V_arktx(40) and v_Qty like vbrp-fkimp  and other varaibles for Kbetr, kwert, knumv on the global definitions.
    select  single arktx fkimg into (v_arktx, v_qty) from vbrp
    select single knumv into v_knumv from vbrk where where vbeln = LBBIL_IT_REFPURORD-BIL_NUMBER.
    this select has to fire in the item level and in the loop.
    so have to write in the correct place.
    select kbetr kwert into (v_kbetr, v_kwert) from konv
    where where knumv = v_knumv and kposn = LBBIL_IT_REFPURORD-ITM_NUMBER.

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    plz help me out to find out the actual working of lns process in oracle 10g data guard
    when i use SYNC redo transport
    the output of v$managed_stanbdy is like that ..
    ARCH 9258 CLOSING ARCH 2 498
    ARCH 9260 CLOSING ARCH 1 499
    ARCH 9262 CLOSING ARCH 2 496
    ARCH 9264 CLOSING ARCH 1 497
    LGWR 9206 CLOSING LGWR 2 482
    its not display any info about lns,thats means lns is not working in SYNC redo transport mode ?
    but if i changed it to ASYNC then the out put of v$managed_stanbdy is like this ..
    ARCH 9258 CLOSING ARCH 1 509
    ARCH 9260 CLOSING ARCH 2 510
    ARCH 9262 CLOSING ARCH 1 505
    ARCH 9264 CLOSING ARCH 2 508
    LGWR 9206 CLOSING LGWR 1 503
    LNS 10528 CLOSING LNS 2 510
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    i read in oracle documentation that lns process send redo data from primary,( through network service ) to RFS on standby side.
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    i also read in some blog that lgwr use some extra buffer size from primary db SGA ,to write redo in that buffer ,ans lns read redo from that buffer and send it to RFS on stanby side,
    i m totally confused ..can u plz help me with correct logic behind this .
    thanx in advance.

    On the primary database when you run the v$managed_standby, it shows up the LNS process as this process sends redo info to the standby database and on the standby database the RFS process receives the redo information.
    So on the primary database when you query the v$managed_standby, it shows up LNS and on the standby database when you query the v$managed_standby it shows up RFS. Please let us know where you are running the query.
    Refer this
    Handle:     969752
    Status Level:     Newbie
    Registered:     Nov 6, 2012
    Total Posts:     9
    Total Questions:     2 (2 unresolved)
    Name     Hemendra Singh
    Location     NoidaPlease consider closing your questions by providing appropriate points and marking it as answered. Please keep the forum clean !

  • Can any one send select query for this?

    can any one plese send select query for the following query.please send as early as possible.
    Loop through the I_BSID internal table to fill records in I_OUTPUT.Combine data from I_BSID, I_KNKK, I_KNKK_KNKLI, I_KNA1 and I_KNVV into I_OUTPUT based on the linking conditions .Field Description Source are
    I_OUTPUT-BUKRS     Company code     I_BSID-BUKRS
    I_OUTPUT-KUNNR     Customer number     I_BSID-KUNNR
    I_OUTPUT-NAME1     Customer Name     I_KNA1-NAME1
    I_OUTPUT-KNKLI     Credit account     I_KNKK-KNKLI
    I_OUTPUT-KDGRP     Customer Group     I_KNKK-KDGRP
    I_OUTPUT-KLIMK     Credit Limit     I_KNKK_KNKLI-KLIMK
    I_OUTPUT-KVGR1     Business Unit     I_KNVV-KVGR1
    I_OUTPUT-REBZG     Invoice Number     I_BSID-REBZG
    I_OUTPUT-BLDAT     Invoice Date     I_BSID-BLDAT
    I_OUTPUT-WAERS     Document Currency     I_BSID-WAERS
    I_OUTPUT-DUE_DATE     Due Date     Based on below
      Get the Payment terms days combining I_BSID and I_T052 based on the linking conditions mentioned above.    Note : a) Baseline Date : If baseline date I_BSID-ZFBDT is blank , use the Document Date.b) Payment Term Days :If I_BSID-ZBD3T is not blank, take this as Payment Term Days for Due date calculation.
                       If I_BSID-ZBD3T is Blank, then get payment term days from I_T052 based on I_BSID-ZTERM. If there are more than one record in I_T052 for the given Payment term, get the day part from baseline date and select the first record where the day limit I_T052-ZTAGG is greater than the day part.If I_BSID-ZBD3T is blank and I_BSID-ZTERM is also blank, then take Y000 (Due Immediately) as Payment term and proceed with the above logic. Set the payment term field blank while printing.
    Calculate Due date : For Debits, Determine Due Date = Baseline Date + Payment term Days(not discount days)                                                          For  Credits  Due date = Baseline date.Then, move the amount I_BSID-DMBTR to respective buckets (Not yet Due, Current Due, Past due 1-30, Past Due 31-60 etc.)  Based on the due date.
    praveen kumar.A

    To get Open Items you can use Function module:
    data:i_items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rfpos.
    bukrs = p_bukrs
    kunnr = wa_customer-kunnr
    t_postab = i_items
    no_open_items = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    Table I_items will have all the open items for that Customer in the given company code.
    Well for Clear Items: Try
    Hope it helps.

  • Select query for fetching from 3 tables.

    Can we have a single Select query for fetching same fields (kappl,kschl,vkorg,vtweg,spart,kunwe,datbi,knuma,datab,knumh)
    from 3 tables >> KOTE707,KOTE708 and KOTE709 into an internal table for a particular KUNNR?

    If you have kunnr field in all the 3 tables then it is possible. use inner join as below
    PARAMETERS: p_cityfr TYPE spfli-cityfrom,
                p_cityto TYPE spfli-cityto.
    DATA: BEGIN OF wa,
             fldate TYPE sflight-fldate,
             carrname TYPE scarr-carrname,
             connid   TYPE spfli-connid,
           END OF wa.
                   WITH UNIQUE KEY fldate carrname connid.
    SELECT c~carrname p~connid f~fldate
           FROM ( ( scarr AS c
             INNER JOIN spfli AS p ON p~carrid   = c~carrid
                                  AND p~cityfrom = p_cityfr
                                  AND p~cityto   = p_cityto )
             INNER JOIN sflight AS f ON f~carrid = p~carrid
                                    AND f~connid = p~connid ).
    LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
      WRITE: / wa-fldate, wa-carrname, wa-connid.
    <b>Reward Points if this helps,</b>

  • Error while connecting to oracle 10g data base

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    int CTest_S80AppUi::SetupODBC(void)
    RETCODE rc;
    char *DataSource = OD_DATA_SOURCE;
    char UserId = "system", Password = "manager";
    //if (TEST_CHECK_ERR(SQL_NULL_HSTMT, rc, "SQLAllocEnv", FALSE) < 0) return(-1);
    rc=SQLAllocConnect(Henv, &Hdbc);
    //if (TEST_CHECK_ERR(SQL_NULL_HSTMT, rc, "SQLAllocConnect", FALSE) < 0)
    rc = SQLConnect(Hdbc, (unsigned char *)DataSource, SQL_NTS,
              (unsigned char *)UserId, SQL_NTS,
              (unsigned char *)Password, SQL_NTS);
    bConnected = TRUE;
    //if (TEST_CHECK_ERR(SQL_NULL_HSTMT, rc, "SQLConnect", FALSE) < 0) return(-1);
    SQLAllocStmt(Hdbc, &Hstmt);
    //if (TEST_CHECK_ERR(SQL_NULL_HSTMT, rc, "SQLAllocStmt", FALSE) < 0) return(-1);
    return (1);
    } /* SetupODBC */
    iam getting the return code for SQLConnect as -1.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the reply.
    //syntax means comments.
    chk the following code.
    int SetupODBC(void)
    char *DataSource = "polite";
    char UserId = "system", Password = "manager";
    if ( SQLAllocEnv(&Henv) < 0 )
    return -1;
    if ( SQLAllocConnect(Henv, &Hdbc) < 0 )
    return -1;
    if ( SQLConnect(Hdbc, (unsigned char *)DataSource, SQL_NTS,
    (unsigned char *)UserId, SQL_NTS,
    (unsigned char *)Password, SQL_NTS) < 0 )
    return -1;
    if (SQLAllocStmt(Hdbc, &Hstmt) < 0 )
    return -1;
    return (0);
    As said earlier there is a problem in SQLConnect. It is returning -1.
    But the code should return 0 if successfully connected.
    The info regarding the arguments used in the above methods:
    HENV Henv; /* Handle to ODBC Environment object */
    HDBC Hdbc; /* Handle to ODBC Connection object */
    HSTMT Hstmt; /* Handle to ODBC Statement object */

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    parameters : pmonyr type spmon or
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    Hi All,
    I am new to ABAP, I need a help ,
    I need to select all plants(WERKS) from MARC at Plant/Material level,
    then I need to take all sales organozation(VKORG) from T001w,
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    Can any one help me in writing selection Query for the same?
    Thanks All,

    Its easy for you if you learn SELECT with JOIN to complete your task. So SEARCH the forum with SELECT statement and you will get a lot of examples using which you can write your own.
    If you struck up anywhere revert back.
    Karthik D

  • Creating a Oracle 10g stored procedure as a datasource for  crystal 9 repor

    Can someone direct me to instructions or information on how to create a Oracle 10g stored procedure as a datasource for  my Crystal  Reports 9.0  report?

    i've found this example for you
    and you could be able to get the guides from the SAP guide website for the products
    hope this was helpful
    good luck

  • Select query for dates

    Hi All,
    Could you please help with a SELECT query to retrieve the following dates ...
    sysdate - 1
    sysdate + 1
    Sorry for the miscommunication .. I wanted these dates in a single column as given below
    Jitesh Gurnani
    Edited by: Jitesh Gurnani on May 22, 2012 2:53 AM

    Sorry for the miscommunication .. I wanted these dates in a single column as given below
    select sysdate - level + 2
      from dual
    connect by level <= 3
    order by 1Edited by: Paul Horth on 22-May-2012 02:59

Maybe you are looking for

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