Oracle 8i in IRIX

I'm installing Oracle 8.1.6i in IRIX with
64 bits. But the client applications are
compiled with n32.
It seems that there exists an "Oracle N32 Client Development Kit" that allows to do that, but I cannot find any information about it, and it doesn't seem to come in the CDs.
Do you know where it is ?

bhatt t wrote:
Hi Hari,
I also installed Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition in Windows Server 2003 on a IBM Server(which is lower model than you with 2GB RAM etc.) successfully and also installed it successfully on Windows Server 2000 on a much lower model of IBM server.
I worked with it for a long time without any problem.
So, don't be confuse. There may be other type of software/hardware problem with you, but sure this is not a compatibility problem i.e. Oracle 8i is good with Server 2000/2003.Until such time as it isn't. And running that combination will just about guarantee no support from Oracle when something goes wrong.
It's like IBM told us when COBOL-85 came out. We can continue to use the older compiler and everything will work exactly the same, until such time as it doesn't.

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    great help to know.

    Which version of Oracle's JDBC driver are you using? Have you tried using the 8.1.6 version of our JDBC driver?
    Please also take a look at the FAQ:

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    I would not blame ORACLE - I think the problem is
    with the EGCS and the libraries.
    I have emails from the linux.devel on these.
    For e.g. a simple program such as
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    FILE *fp = stderr;
    main() {
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    I have had other programs such as pdksh (ksh) also
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    Freddy Wissing (guest) wrote:
    : Oracle Development Team wrote:
    : : Oracle 8.0.5.x is certified on GLIBC 2.1 system and a patch
    : : is available for this.
    : : The patch available for download contains two files -
    : : README including instructions for applying the patch and
    : : the patch file glibcpatch.tgz (compressed tar). Follow the
    : : instructions provided in the README to apply this patch.
    : : This patch is available for both 8.0.5 Standard and
    : : Editions of Oracle.
    : : Get Technical!
    : :
    : I agree with the others. Referring back to an older library
    : merely for compatibility's sake is different from forward
    : motion. I 've been having nuttin' but trouble with the compat
    : stuff, and now my pro-c stuff won't work at all. (separate
    : There needs to be REAL glibc-2.1 linking. I hesitate to run
    : anything important (no less mission critical) on top of these
    : compat packages, and it's truly making me rethink my strategy
    : using RedHat/Oracle unless I revert back to RedHat 5.2, which I
    : liked.
    : If you are already publishing a real fix for this, please
    : disregard. Otherwise, please do us this favor. There's a
    : tremendous RedHat 6.0 population out there.
    : Freddy Wissing

  • Oracle 8.0.5 certified on GLIBC 2.1 system (e.g., RH 6.0)

    Oracle 8.0.5.x is certified on GLIBC 2.1 system and a patch
    is available for this.
    The patch available for download contains two files -
    README including instructions for applying the patch and
    the patch file glibcpatch.tgz (compressed tar). Follow the
    instructions provided in the README to apply this patch.
    This patch is available for both 8.0.5 Standard and Enterprise
    Editions of Oracle.
    Get Technical!

    I would not blame ORACLE - I think the problem is
    with the EGCS and the libraries.
    I have emails from the linux.devel on these.
    For e.g. a simple program such as
    #include "stdio.h"
    FILE *fp = stderr;
    main() {
    gives error on Redhat 6.0, Caldera 2.2!
    It works on Solaris, IRIX, AIX, Redhat 5.2 and
    even with Visual C++ 6!
    I have had other programs such as pdksh (ksh) also
    dumping on Redhat 6.0 and Caldera 2.2
    (even after I compile everything from source!).
    I have also had nothing but trouble with other databases
    on 6.0. I think new kernels should go through a lot more
    testing before being released like this.
    I am also debating whether to move back to Redhat 5.2!
    Freddy Wissing (guest) wrote:
    : Oracle Development Team wrote:
    : : Oracle 8.0.5.x is certified on GLIBC 2.1 system and a patch
    : : is available for this.
    : : The patch available for download contains two files -
    : : README including instructions for applying the patch and
    : : the patch file glibcpatch.tgz (compressed tar). Follow the
    : : instructions provided in the README to apply this patch.
    : : This patch is available for both 8.0.5 Standard and
    : : Editions of Oracle.
    : : Get Technical!
    : :
    : I agree with the others. Referring back to an older library
    : merely for compatibility's sake is different from forward
    : motion. I 've been having nuttin' but trouble with the compat
    : stuff, and now my pro-c stuff won't work at all. (separate
    : There needs to be REAL glibc-2.1 linking. I hesitate to run
    : anything important (no less mission critical) on top of these
    : compat packages, and it's truly making me rethink my strategy
    : using RedHat/Oracle unless I revert back to RedHat 5.2, which I
    : liked.
    : If you are already publishing a real fix for this, please
    : disregard. Otherwise, please do us this favor. There's a
    : tremendous RedHat 6.0 population out there.
    : Freddy Wissing

  • Oracle 8.0.5, WAS 3.0.2, Redhat 6.1

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    Any help is appreciated.
    -Jim Wartnick

    I would not blame ORACLE - I think the problem is
    with the EGCS and the libraries.
    I have emails from the linux.devel on these.
    For e.g. a simple program such as
    #include "stdio.h"
    FILE *fp = stderr;
    main() {
    gives error on Redhat 6.0, Caldera 2.2!
    It works on Solaris, IRIX, AIX, Redhat 5.2 and
    even with Visual C++ 6!
    I have had other programs such as pdksh (ksh) also
    dumping on Redhat 6.0 and Caldera 2.2
    (even after I compile everything from source!).
    I have also had nothing but trouble with other databases
    on 6.0. I think new kernels should go through a lot more
    testing before being released like this.
    I am also debating whether to move back to Redhat 5.2!
    Freddy Wissing (guest) wrote:
    : Oracle Development Team wrote:
    : : Oracle 8.0.5.x is certified on GLIBC 2.1 system and a patch
    : : is available for this.
    : : The patch available for download contains two files -
    : : README including instructions for applying the patch and
    : : the patch file glibcpatch.tgz (compressed tar). Follow the
    : : instructions provided in the README to apply this patch.
    : : This patch is available for both 8.0.5 Standard and
    : : Editions of Oracle.
    : : Get Technical!
    : :
    : I agree with the others. Referring back to an older library
    : merely for compatibility's sake is different from forward
    : motion. I 've been having nuttin' but trouble with the compat
    : stuff, and now my pro-c stuff won't work at all. (separate
    : There needs to be REAL glibc-2.1 linking. I hesitate to run
    : anything important (no less mission critical) on top of these
    : compat packages, and it's truly making me rethink my strategy
    : using RedHat/Oracle unless I revert back to RedHat 5.2, which I
    : liked.
    : If you are already publishing a real fix for this, please
    : disregard. Otherwise, please do us this favor. There's a
    : tremendous RedHat 6.0 population out there.
    : Freddy Wissing

  • How to connect to Oracle?

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    Hi There,
    I wrote an app for a customer in .NET 2005( VC#) and using microsoft's data provider for oracle. I have oracleXE 10g on my laptop to test my app. there's no problem when testing on my laptop. but after I installed the app to the customer's client pc, I couldn't reach the server on another main pc. the server is oracle 8 installed on IRIX(unix based) OS and the client is the same version on the client PC.
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    I will file a CR to update the license file in the kit.
    Meanwhile you can contact support to get a temp/eval license.
    Shirish Panse wrote:
    I downloaded the evalution copy of Weblogic Server Version 5.1 SP12 for the Windows
    NT. However I am unable to run the Weblogic server because of the license expiration
    error. The license file contains old expiration date.
    Could you pls send me the updated license file?
    Shirish Panse

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    7.3.2 by the same command anymore.
    What should I do to solve this problem?
    I can compile Pro*C program but get the same response :
    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    password is right for sure, server just doesn't accept.

    My problem is a little different from your. I have both
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    to Oracle 8.0.4 using both sqlplus and embeded SQL. However,
    I could not connect to Oracle 7.3.2 by sqlplus or embeded SQL.
    Error Message: ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host
    or object does not exist
    It's is a bug or it's not support to connect to old Oracle
    Version??? If anyone have a solution please let me know.
    Larry Gump (guest) wrote:
    : Hi!
    : I have an Oracle 7.3.2 for Irix installed before.
    : When I install Oracle 8.0.5 for Linux without Pro*C,
    : I can connect Oracle 7.3.2 by "sqlplus scott/tiger@remote".
    : But if I include Pro*C installed, I can't connect Oracle
    : 7.3.2 by the same command anymore.
    : What should I do to solve this problem?
    : I can compile Pro*C program but get the same response :
    : ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
    : password is right for sure, server just doesn't accept.

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    In our environment, there are distributed databases and background processes running on different systems ( windows NT and SGI IRIX ) the application uses Oracle Background processes which have Database account names and login to processes running on different machines..
    In an environment which has 250+ systems, changing passwords every 60 days or so becomes very cumbersome and problematic: If one network link is down, the password change is not done on one system and the next time the application tries to access a remote process it does not work..
    Currently, the password changes are restricted to once a year ..
    In the long run, it would be a better solution to replace this set-up with a industry standard secure architecture (i.e. one using PKI tokens, Certificate Authority etc..)
    Currently, I am looking at Oracle Wallet Manager as a possible solution .. will appreciate, if you can give me some feedback, whether this will be feasible ..
    Thank you ..

    I would like to share my idea.
    Use Oracle Internet Directory (LDAP), single sign-on, SSL (Oracle Wallet), keberos and Windows Native Authentication.
    Check OracleAS 10g (10.1.2) documentations.
    We did all the above which were included in the the integration of OracleAS 9.0.4 with Oracle Applications 11.5.10.

  • Oracle on Cobalt Raq?

    I would like to know if it is possible to install Oracle for
    Linux on the Cobalt Raq microserver
    which runs Linux 2.0
    We currently have a database developed with Oracle on Unix but now I need to move it to a
    Cobalt raq mircoserver. Is it possible?
    I am also looking for technical assistance.
    Thank you for your help :-)
    Elena Vera
    mailto:[email protected]

    Cobalt machines run on MIPS processors, not x86, and I believe
    Oracle has said they are only going to support x86, although
    I'd love to see an Alpha version--much better backplane for I/O
    and without the physical memory limitations! :)
    I don't think the Cobalt machines are really ideal for something
    as big as Oracle anyway--they're great for workgroup networking,
    but they don't have a lot of power (although the new Qube 2 has
    a bit more power) for something like Oracle, and don't come with
    a lot of memory, and with only one (IDE) disk. If you must put
    the database on the Cobalt, you'd probably have to try something
    like PostgreSQL (although last time I tried, PG wouldn't compile
    on MIPS/IRIX, so I wouldn't hold my breath for something newer
    like MIPS/Linux--but you never know). You may want to ask the
    people at Cobalt Micro whether they have ported anything or know
    of anything that will run on them. I'm sure you aren't the first
    person to want to do this. Otherwise, the alternatives are to
    get a regular PC with Linux to install O8, or (as someone already
    suggested) wait for the Oracle 8i Appliance to come-out.
    Elena Vera (guest) wrote:
    : I would like to know if it is possible to install Oracle for
    : Linux on the Cobalt Raq microserver
    : which runs Linux 2.0
    : We currently have a database developed with Oracle on Unix
    : but now I need to move it to a
    : Cobalt raq mircoserver. Is it possible?
    : I am also looking for technical assistance.
    : Thank you for your help :-)
    : Elena Vera
    : MallorcaWeb
    : htttp://
    : mailto:[email protected]

  • Error while invoking a WS-Security secured web service from Oracle BPEL..

    Hi ,
    We are facing some error while invoking a WS-Security secured web service from our BPEL Process on the windows platform(SOA
    For the BPEL process we are following the same steps as given in an AMIS blog : - []
    but sttill,after deploying it and passing values in it,we are getting the following error on the console :-
    “Header [] for ultimate recipient is required but not present in the message”
    Any pointers in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    Hi James,
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    We've tried to call that web service from an HTML designed in Visual Studios with the same username and password and its working fine.
    But on the BPEL console, we are getting the error as mentioned.
    Also if you can tell me how to set the user name and password in the header of the parter link.I could not find how to do it.

  • Error while running a customize report in oracle ebs

    Hi ..
    can anybody suggest how to solve the follwing error while running a customize report in oracle ebs?
    XXIFMS: Version : UNKNOWN
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Current system time is 03-JUN-2011 11:09:24
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    P_DATE_FROM='2010/04/01 00:00:00'
    P_DATE_TO='2011/06/03 00:00:00'
    Forcing NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to: '.,' for XDO processing
    APPLLCSP Environment Variable set to :
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    stat_low = 9
    stat_high = 0
    emsg:was terminated by signal 9 rwrun: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Program was terminated by signal 9
    Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running Oracle*Report for your concurrent request 1068011.
    Review your concurrent request log and/or report output file for more detailed information.
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
    Beginning post-processing of request 1068011 on node D0005 at 03-JUN-2011 11:09:24.
    Post-processing of request 1068011 failed at 03-JUN-2011 11:09:24 with the error message:
    One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 03-JUN-2011 11:09:24

    Please post the details of the application release, database version and OS.
    Is the issue with this specific concurrent program?
    Can you find any errors in the CM/OPP log files?
    Please see if these docs help.
    On R12.1.1/Solaris Platform While Generating Oracle Reports Files Failed With Error " rwconverter: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory [ID 1067786.1]
    Apps UPG Fail With Error Ld.So.1: Rwserver: Fatal: Librw.So [ID 961222.1]

  • HELP! Can not install Oracle 8.1.5 w/ RedHat 6.1!

    I can not get Oracle 8.1.5 to install onto Linux RedHat 6.1. The
    Oracle installation script generates several errors. I have
    tried several attempts, using different options, but they all
    generate errors.
    Please help. The Oracle Installation scripts appear to be very
    buggy... or perhaps they are incompatible with the standard
    RedHat 6.1 release. Either way, it is very frustrating.
    I have documented one of my (failed) installation attempts below.
    Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
    I am installing Oracle onto a Dell Latitude CPi PC w/ 128MB RAM,
    a 366MHz Pentium II, and RedHat 6.1 (using the standard Linux
    2.2.12-2 kernel). RedHat was installed using the standard "Gnome
    Workstation" configuration.
    The Oralce CD is labeled:
    "Oralce 8i Enterprise Edition
    Release 8.1.5
    for Linux
    (c) Oracle Corporation 1999"
    I got this CD about one week ago at Oracle OpenWorld '99 in Los
    Angeles... it should be their "latest & greatest" version so far.
    1. Pre-Installation and ./runInstall
    I created an "oracle" Unix account w/ groups "oinstall" (the
    primary group) and "dba" (a secondary group).
    I created directories /u01 through /u04, belonging to oracle.
    I setup .cshrc and sourced it, containing:
    umask 022
    setenv DISPLAY `hostname`:0
    xhost +
    setenv ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle
    setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/8.1.5
    setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest
    setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    setenv NLS_LANG US7ASCII
    I downloaded jre116_v5 and installed to /usr/local/jre.
    Finally, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    cd /mnt/cdrom
    Problem: I got the error (from ./runInstall):
    Initializing Java Virtual Machine from /usr/local/jre/bin/jre.
    Please wait...
    Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
    : Bad address
    Workaround: Executed the following commands instead:
    cd /mnt/cdrom/install/linux
    3. and
    I selected the following options (from ./
    Source: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.jar
    Destination: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    Typical (585MB)
    Installable Components: Oralce Intelligent Agent
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest
    Directory for Database Files: /u02
    Then (when instructed by ./, I attempted to execute
    (from the
    "root" Unix account):
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    Problem: I got the error:
    "bash: ./ Permission denied"
    The execute bit was not set.
    Workaround: I executed:
    chmod a+x
    5. Configuration Tools
    The Oracle Installer (./ attempted to execute:
    A. Net8 Configuration Agent
    B. Oracle Database Configuration Agent
    Problem: The "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" failed with
    the following error message:
    "One or more tools have failed. It is recommended but not
    required that these tools succeed for this installation.
    You can now select these tools, read its details to examine
    why they have failed, fix those problems, and retry them.
    Or, you can click "Next" to continue."
    When I selected the "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" for
    more info, I got the following additional details (as the cause
    of the error):
    "A required command line argument is missing."
    The log file
    "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log" recorded:
    "Command which is being spawned is /usr/local/jre/bin/jre
    DBCreateWizard /createtype seed /numusers NO_VALUE /apptype
    NO_VALUE /cartridges NO_VALUE /options NO_VALUE /demos NO_VALUE
    /seedloc NO_VALUE /sid cprtest /orahome
    /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5 /orabase /u01/app/oracle /dbloc
    /u02 /clususer NO_VALUE /cluspswd NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE
    Invalid Exit Code. The following result code will be used for
    configuration tool: 1
    Configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    Workaround: There is obviously nothing I can do to fix this
    problem. It appears to be an internal bug in ./
    Therefore, I selected "Next" and executed "dbassist" directly.
    6. dbassist
    I executed:
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "JNLS Execution:oracle.ntpg.jnls.JNLSException
    Unable to find any National Character Sets. Please
    check your Oracle installation."
    Workaround: Press "OK" and ignore the error.
    7. dbassist (cont.)
    I selected the following options:
    Create database
    Copy existing database files from the CD
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "CD-ROM drive not detected on this system.
    Database not created."
    (Note: I've been running the installation scripts from the
    CDROM drive this entire time. "df" shows the CDROM drive
    mounted on /mnt/cdrom. "ls /mnt/cdrom" works too.)
    Workaround: Abort (which generated the additional error: "Unable
    to create database. DBCA-00003: No CD-ROM drive detected.") and
    run dbassist again, this time using different parameters.
    8. dbassist, again
    I executed "dbassist" again and selected the following options:
    Create database
    Create new database files
    Concurrently connected users: 5
    Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and iM demos
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest2
    Create database now
    Problem: I got the following error:
    "ORA-01012: not logged on"
    Workaround: Try, try again.
    9. dbassist, one last time
    Executed "dbassist" once more and selected the following options:
    Create database
    Create new database files
    Concurrently connected users: 5
    Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and interMedia
    Global Database Name:
    SID: cprtest3
    Output creation script
    Then, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/install
    setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest3
    Problem: I got the following output:
    "Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning and Java options
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Connected.
    SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started.
    ORA-01012: not logged on
    SVRMGR> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>
    8> 9> CREATE DATABASE "cprtest3"
    ORA-01012: not logged on
    SVRMGR> Disconnected."
    Workaround: Beats me.
    10. sqlplus
    I attempted to execute sqlplus, but got the following error
    "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus: Permission denied."
    The execute bit was not set.
    Workaround: I executed:
    chmod a+x /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus
    I gave up for now... there were just too many things wrong with
    this installation, starting with the very first command I was
    supposed to execute (./runInstaller).
    I can't fathom why Oracle's installation script has so many bugs.
    Am I just doing something terribly wrong?
    Please help.

    I'm using enlightenment version 0.15.5-41, which is more recent
    than the 0.15.5-37 version (containing the Oracle installer
    patch) that you recommended. Unfortunately, it fails when using
    this version.
    I also tried installing Oracle using twm, with enlightenment
    disabled. This didn't help either.
    Furthermore, the errors that I'm encountering in the OUI are
    not just toward the end of the installation. They happen from
    the very beginning, right after I enter "./runInstall", and
    continue every step of the way.
    Calvin Mitchell (guest) wrote:
    : Check out my thread: "Assistants Failure Toward end of Oracle
    : Install" to see where i've gone with this.
    : if your running Enlightenment as your window manager you need
    : upgrade to 0.15.5-37, that will solve the OUI error.
    : Let me know if you solve any of your problems.
    : Chris Russell (guest) wrote:
    : : I can not get Oracle 8.1.5 to install onto Linux RedHat 6.1.
    : The
    : : Oracle installation script generates several errors. I have
    : : tried several attempts, using different options, but they all
    : : generate errors.
    : : Please help. The Oracle Installation scripts appear to be
    : : buggy... or perhaps they are incompatible with the standard
    : : RedHat 6.1 release. Either way, it is very frustrating.
    : : I have documented one of my (failed) installation attempts
    : below.
    : : Does anyone have any words of wisdom?
    : : I am installing Oracle onto a Dell Latitude CPi PC w/ 128MB
    : RAM,
    : : a 366MHz Pentium II, and RedHat 6.1 (using the standard Linux
    : : 2.2.12-2 kernel). RedHat was installed using the standard
    : "Gnome
    : : Workstation" configuration.
    : : The Oralce CD is labeled:
    : : "Oralce 8i Enterprise Edition
    : : Release 8.1.5
    : : for Linux
    : : (c) Oracle Corporation 1999"
    : : I got this CD about one week ago at Oracle OpenWorld '99 in
    : : Angeles... it should be their "latest & greatest" version so
    : far.
    : : 1. Pre-Installation and ./runInstall
    : : I created an "oracle" Unix account w/ groups "oinstall" (the
    : : primary group) and "dba" (a secondary group).
    : : I created directories /u01 through /u04, belonging to oracle.
    : : I setup .cshrc and sourced it, containing:
    : : umask 022
    : : setenv DISPLAY `hostname`:0
    : : xhost +
    : : setenv ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle
    : : setenv ORACLE_HOME ${ORACLE_BASE}/product/8.1.5
    : : setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest
    : : setenv PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
    : : setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${ORACLE_HOME}/lib
    : : setenv NLS_LANG US7ASCII
    : : I downloaded jre116_v5 and installed to /usr/local/jre.
    : : Finally, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    : : cd /mnt/cdrom
    : : ./runInstall
    : : Problem: I got the error (from ./runInstall):
    : : Initializing Java Virtual Machine from
    : /usr/local/jre/bin/jre.
    : : Please wait...
    : : Error in CreateOUIProcess(): -1
    : : : Bad address
    : : Workaround: Executed the following commands instead:
    : : cd /mnt/cdrom/install/linux
    : : ./
    : : 3. and
    : : I selected the following options (from ./
    : : Source: /mnt/cdrom/stage/products.jar
    : : Destination: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    : : Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition
    : : Typical (585MB)
    : : Installable Components: Oralce Intelligent Agent
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest
    : : Directory for Database Files: /u02
    : : Then (when instructed by ./, I attempted to execute
    : : (from the
    : : "root" Unix account):
    : : cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
    : : ./
    : : Problem: I got the error:
    : : "bash: ./ Permission denied"
    : : The execute bit was not set.
    : : Workaround: I executed:
    : : chmod a+x
    : : ./
    : : 5. Configuration Tools
    : : The Oracle Installer (./ attempted to execute:
    : : A. Net8 Configuration Agent
    : : B. Oracle Database Configuration Agent
    : : Problem: The "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" failed
    : : the following error message:
    : : "One or more tools have failed. It is recommended but not
    : : required that these tools succeed for this installation.
    : : You can now select these tools, read its details to
    : : why they have failed, fix those problems, and retry them.
    : : Or, you can click "Next" to continue."
    : : When I selected the "Oracle Database Configuration Agent" for
    : : more info, I got the following additional details (as the
    : : of the error):
    : : "A required command line argument is missing."
    : : The log file
    : : "/u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/logs/installActions.log"
    : recorded:
    : : "Command which is being spawned is /usr/local/jre/bin/jre
    : : -Duser.dir=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/assistants/dbca/jlib
    : : -classpath
    : 3_1_10.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/jlib/share-
    : cle/product/8.1.5/jlib/help-
    : 3_0_7.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/jlib/oracle_ice-
    : n.jar
    : : DBCreateWizard /createtype seed /numusers NO_VALUE /apptype
    : : NO_VALUE /cartridges NO_VALUE /options NO_VALUE /demos
    : : /seedloc NO_VALUE /sid cprtest /orahome
    : : /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5 /orabase /u01/app/oracle /dbloc
    : : /u02 /clususer NO_VALUE /cluspswd NO_VALUE /nodeinfo NO_VALUE
    : : /gdbName
    : : Invalid Exit Code. The following result code will be used
    : : configuration tool: 1
    : : Configuration tool Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    : : failed"
    : : Workaround: There is obviously nothing I can do to fix this
    : : problem. It appears to be an internal bug in ./
    : : Therefore, I selected "Next" and executed "dbassist"
    : : 6. dbassist
    : : I executed:
    : : dbassist
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "JNLS Execution:oracle.ntpg.jnls.JNLSException
    : : Unable to find any National Character Sets. Please
    : : check your Oracle installation."
    : : Workaround: Press "OK" and ignore the error.
    : : 7. dbassist (cont.)
    : : I selected the following options:
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Copy existing database files from the CD
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "CD-ROM drive not detected on this system.
    : : Database not created."
    : : (Note: I've been running the installation scripts from the
    : : CDROM drive this entire time. "df" shows the CDROM drive
    : : mounted on /mnt/cdrom. "ls /mnt/cdrom" works too.)
    : : Workaround: Abort (which generated the additional error:
    : "Unable
    : : to create database. DBCA-00003: No CD-ROM drive detected.")
    : and
    : : run dbassist again, this time using different parameters.
    : : 8. dbassist, again
    : : I executed "dbassist" again and selected the following
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Create new database files
    : : Hybrid
    : : Concurrently connected users: 5
    : : Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and iM demos
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest2
    : : Create database now
    : : Problem: I got the following error:
    : : "ORA-01012: not logged on"
    : : Workaround: Try, try again.
    : : 9. dbassist, one last time
    : : Executed "dbassist" once more and selected the following
    : options:
    : : Create database
    : : Typical
    : : Create new database files
    : : Hybrid
    : : Concurrently connected users: 5
    : : Options: Oralce interMedia, Oralce JServer, and interMedia
    : : demos
    : : Global Database Name:
    : : SID: cprtest3
    : : Output creation script
    : : Then, I executed (from the "oracle" Unix account):
    : : cd /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/install
    : : setenv ORACLE_SID cprtest3
    : : ./
    : : Problem: I got the following output:
    : : "Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
    : : (c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights
    : : Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    : : With the Partitioning and Java options
    : : PL/SQL Release - Production
    : : SVRMGR> SVRMGR> Connected.
    : : SVRMGR> ORACLE instance started.
    : : ORA-01012: not logged on
    : : SVRMGR> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7>
    : : 8> 9> CREATE DATABASE "cprtest3"
    : : ORA-01012: not logged on
    : : SVRMGR> Disconnected."
    : : Workaround: Beats me.
    : : 10. sqlplus
    : : I attempted to execute sqlplus, but got the following error
    : : message:
    : : "/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus: Permission
    : denied."
    : : The execute bit was not set.
    : : Workaround: I executed:
    : : chmod a+x /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/sqlplus
    : : sqlplus
    : : I gave up for now... there were just too many things wrong
    : : this installation, starting with the very first command I was
    : : supposed to execute (./runInstaller).
    : : I can't fathom why Oracle's installation script has so many
    : bugs.
    : : Am I just doing something terribly wrong?
    : : Please help.

  • Logical operators in Oracle select query

    Hello all,
    Can i use logical operators in oracle select queries?
    for 1 and 0 =0 ; 1 or 0 =0
    if i have two fileds in a table COL1 have a value of 1010 and COL2 have a value of 0001.
    Is there any way to use select col1 or col2 from table? where or is a logical operator?

    NB wrote:
    Hello all,
    Can i use logical operators in oracle select queries?Sure; Oracle has the logical operators AND, NOT and OR. All the comparison operators, including >, >=, = !=, EXISTS, IN, IS NULL, LIKE and REGEXP_LIKE are really logical operators, since they return logical values. You can use them in SELECT statements, and other places, too.
    for 1 and 0 =0 ; 1 or 0 =0
    if i have two fileds in a table COL1 have a value of 1010 and COL2 have a value of 0001.It's unclear what you want. Maybe you'd be interested in the BITAND function:
    BITAND is the only logical function that I know of. Many other functions, especially numberical fucntions such as MOD, have applications in logic.
    Is there any way to use select col1 or col2 from table? where or is a logical operator?Whenever you have a question, please post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements), and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.

  • Strange scenario,Oracle can not display the data in mysql correctly

    I use Heterogeneous Service+ODBC to achieve "oracle access mysql"(any other method?),and now i find Oracle can not display the data in mysql correctly:
    mysql> create table tst(id int,name varchar(10));
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> insert into tst values(1,'a');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select * from tst;
    | id | name |
    | 1 | a |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show create table tst\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
    Table: tst
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `tst` (
    `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    -------------oracle ------------------
    SQL> select count(*) from "tst"@mysql;
    SQL> select * from "tst"@mysql;
    SQL> desc "tst"@mysql;
    Name Null? Type
    id NUMBER(10)

    You can make the following query on the result page:
    "select * from the_table where movietitle = ? and cinema = ?"
    then you set movietitle and cinema to those which the user selected. If the resultset contains more than 0 rows, that means the movie is available.
    Below is the sample code, it assumes you have a connection to the database:
    PreparedStatement stat = myConnection.prepareStatement("select * from the_table where movietitle = ? and cinema = ?");
    stat.setString(1, usersMovieTitleSelection);
    stat.setString(2, usersCinemaSelection);
    ResultSet res = stat.executeQuery();
    if ( {
    out.print("The movie is available");
    } else {
    out.print("The movie is not available");
    }Now just add that to your JSP page. Enjoy ! =)

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