Oracle and processor xeon

I want to install oracle on a serveur with a processor xeon EM64T and the system is Redhat ES 3.
What is the version of oracle that i need (oracle for linux x86-64 or oracle for linux ia64 ?)
Because, with the oracle for linux x86-64, i have always the error : ld cant find cr1t.o. the installer dont take the library in /usr/lib64, it take the library only in /usr/lib.
if anyone have an idea ?

Hmm.. unbreakable support strikes again?
MetaLink Certify says status "Certified"...
BUT under additional info it says "9.2 is only certified on AMD64. EM64T is projected" Great.
Since 10g does not have this extra note, maybe big-O just forgot to mention it does not actually work? ;-)

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    whether Oracle(10 g) software is processor dependent
    ie for AMD separate software
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    Sorry to be pedantic, but Oracle software is processor dependent i.e. each particular distribution you download will work on one and only one processor family. The Oracle software is compiled into the machine code of the target processor, which is clearly processor specific. There is no such thing as a Universal Computer Processor Instruction Set, which all processors understand. (Java works at a much higher level than individual processor instructions).
    However, Oracle makes its software available on many platforms i.e. compiles its source code for each of many combinations of operating system and processor. You need to establish the processor and operating system combination you have, and get the distribution of Oracle for that combination.
    So you cannot run a copy of the Sun Solaris SPARC processor distribution of the Oracle software, on a Windows system with Intel processors, or on an IBM AIX system with Power processors. But you can get a copy of the Oracle software ported to each of these systems, that will work on it.
    As suggested, check Metalink for your specific combination of processor and operating system. And be aware that some processors are compatible with others, so AMD processors are Intel compatible. Which means that anything that runs on an Intel Pentium Xeon type processor will run on an AMD processor too.

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    <xsl:param name="value"/>
    <xsl:param name="name"/>
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    <xsl:param name="detail"/>
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    This is a known bug in the HTML Output method of which is incorrectly
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    This will be fixed in The workaround
    is to have some content defaulted into the <textarea> so that it's not an empty element.

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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <schema xmlns =
    targetNamespace = "file://c:/abc"
    xmlns:trial1 = "file://c:/abc">
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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Catalogue xmlns:trial1 =
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    Hi Vicky,
    I downloaded the schema processor recently and had the same problem that you did. Basically the answer is that the URL is a reference -- the processor will not go out to check it. Try this:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    xmlns = ""
    targetNamespace = "">
    <element name="Catalogue" type="CatType"/>
    <complexType name="CatType">
    <element name="Title" type="string"/>
    <element name="Volume" type="integer"/>
    <element name="Publisher" type="string"/>
    Trial1.xml: (note: the name is not Trial11.xml)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    xmlns = ""
    xmlns:xsi = ""
    xsi:schemaLocation = " trial1.xsd">
    <Title>the book</Title>
    [This assumes that both files are in the currentworking directory.]
    I hope this helps.

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    I am having a hard time to find out best linux distro for installing Oracle11g, so i am planning to switch to MySQL. Please help, Thanks in advance.

    Oracle_Walker wrote:
    I am having a hard time to find out best linux distro for installing Oracle11g, Then you must be "looking for love in all the wrong places."
    What's so hard about finding a "best linux distro for installing Oracle11g"? The supported distros are listed in the fine Installation Guide for Linux. At the top of the list is Oracle's own Oracle Linux, which is in the same family as Red Hat.
    so i am planning to switch to MySQL. Please help, Thanks in advance.

  • Oracle and empty strings

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    3. buy a commercial driver that makes difference between empty and null (using aforementioned approaches ?).
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    Thanks in advance

    jschell wrote:
    nichele wrote:
    jwenting wrote:
    If NULL really is different in your context from an empty string you're going to have to define some sequence of characters as indicating an empty string.yes, this is what i need to implement.Sounds like a flawed design then.
    I'm wondering what's the best approach in order to avoid to change all my application isolating this behavior somewhere (wrapping the jdbc driver for instance).That doesn't make much sense to me. You should already have a database layer. You change the database layer. If you don't have a database layer then that means you have another design flaw. And in that case I would really not be the one that needs to maintain that code base.I thought a bit about the value of your answer...but i didn't find it ....sorry but i don't like who replies on forum just to say bad design/bad choice etc...if you have any kind of suggestion you are welcome, otherwise you can spend your time in doing something else instead of reply to this thread.

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    Many thanks for your help.

    userLynx wrote:
    I have an oracle database (10.2) and I have a query that needs to compare data on the Oracle database to data on a MS SQL server DB. I'm using a DB Link between the two databases.
    How would I compare the date fields?
    I have a table that has a date as one of the fields and I need to restrict the records where the date is equal to the date on SQL, however the formats are different:
    My query is as follows:
    SELECT mkt_css_name,
    FROM power_move@cmdt,
    enroll_que@tcis eq,
    WHERE eq.css_account_number = pmv_css_acct_no
    AND eq.requestor_type = 'P'
    AND eq.status IN ('A','P','G','S')
    AND eq.marketer_id = mkt_seq_no
    AND pmv_service_type IN ('G','D')
    And Pmv_Gas_Mktr_No = Eq.Marketer_Id
    AND pmv_received_timestamp= eq.enroll_date ;
    The problem is that the date is stored in Oracle in the following format: DD-MON-YYYY and in SQL as 'YYYY-DD-MM HH:MI:SSSSSS'
    for example: Data in Oracle would be 27-JAN-2012 and in SQL as 2012-01-27 00:00:00.000
    I get an error when I compile.
    How do you reconcile the formats when the syntax is different between databases?
    Thanks, SeanDATE datatypes do NOT have any "format"
    DATE datatype is stored in internal binary notation.
    use TO_CHAR to display, present & compare the DATE datatypes

  • How do I set miminum # of connections for pool with Oracle and Tomcat?

    I can't seem to find any attribute to initialize the number of connections for my connection pool. Here is my current context.xml file under my /App1 directory:
    <Context path="/App1" docBase="App1"
    debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
    <Resource name="App1ConnectionPool" auth="Container"
    user="app1" password="app1" />
    I've been googling and reading forums, but haven't found a way to establish the minimum number of connections. I've tried all sorts of parameters like InitialLimit, MinLimit, MinActive, etc, with no success.
    Here is some sample code that I am testing:
    package web;
    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class ConnectionPool {
    String message = "Not Connected";
    public void init() {
    OracleConnection conn = null;
    ResultSet rst = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
    Context initContext = new InitialContext();
    Context envContext = (Context) initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env");
    OracleDataSource ds = (OracleDataSource) envContext.lookup("App1ConnectionPool");
    message = "Here.";
         String user = ds.getUser();
    if (envContext == null)
    throw new Exception("Error: No Context");
    if (ds == null)
    throw new Exception("Error: No DataSource");
    if (ds != null) {
    message = "Trying to connect...";
    conn = (OracleConnection) ds.getConnection();
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.put("PROXY_USER_NAME", "adavey/xxx");
    if (conn != null) {
    message = "Got Connection " + conn.toString() + ", ";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rst = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT username, server from v$session where username is not null");
    while ( {
    message = "DS User: " + user + "; DB User: " + rst.getString(1) + "; Server: " + rst.getString(2);
    rst = null;
    stmt = null;
    conn.close(); // Return to connection pool
    conn = null; // Make sure we don't close it twice
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    // Always make sure result sets and statements are closed,
    // and the connection is returned to the pool
    if (rst != null) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    rst = null;
    if (stmt != null) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    stmt = null;
    if (conn != null) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    conn = null;
    public String getMessage() {
    return message;
    I'm using a utility to repeatedly call a JSP page that uses this class and displays the message variable. This utility allows me to specify the number of concurrent web requests and an overall number of requests to try. While that is running, I look at V$SESSION in Oracle and occassionaly, I will see a brief entry for app1 or adavey depending on the timing of my query and how far along the code has processed in this example. So it seems that I am only using one connection at a time and not a true connection pool.
    Is it possible that I need to use the oci driver instead of the thin driver? I've looked at the javadoc for oci and the OCIConnectionPool has a setPoolConfig method to set initial, min and max connections. However, it appears that this can only be set via Java code and not as a parameter in my context.xml resource file. If I have to set it each time I get a database connection, it seems like it sort of defeats the purpose of having Tomcat maintain the connection pool for me and that I need to implement my own connection pool. I'm a newbie to this technology so I really don't want to go this route.
    Any advice on setting up a proper connection pool that works with Tomcat and Oracle proxy sessions would be greatly appreciated.

    Well I did some more experiments and I am able to at least create a connection pool within my example code:
    package web;
    import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.Properties;
    public class ConnectionPool {
    String message = "Not Connected";
    public void init() {
    OracleConnection conn = null;
    ResultSet rst = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
    Context initContext = new InitialContext();
    Context envContext = (Context) initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env");
    OracleDataSource ds = (OracleDataSource) envContext.lookup("App1ConnectionPool");
    message = "Here.";
         String user = ds.getUser();
    if (envContext == null)
    throw new Exception("Error: No Context");
    if (ds == null)
    throw new Exception("Error: No DataSource");
    if (ds != null) {
    message = "Trying to connect...";
    boolean cache_enabled = ds.getConnectionCachingEnabled();
    if (!cache_enabled){
    Properties cacheProps = new Properties();
              conn = (OracleConnection) ds.getConnection();
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.put("PROXY_USER_NAME", "adavey/xyz");
    if (conn != null) {
    message = "Got Connection " + conn.toString() + ", ";
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    //rst = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT 'Success obtaining connection' FROM DUAL");
    rst = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT user, SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') from dual");
    while ( {
    message = "DS User: " + user + "; DB User: " + rst.getString(1) + "; sys_context: " + rst.getString(2);
    message += "; Was cache enabled?: " + cache_enabled;
    rst = null;
    stmt = null;
    conn.close(OracleConnection.PROXY_SESSION); // Return to connection pool
    conn = null; // Make sure we don't close it twice
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    // Always make sure result sets and statements are closed,
    // and the connection is returned to the pool
    if (rst != null) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    rst = null;
    if (stmt != null) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    stmt = null;
    if (conn != null) {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    conn = null;
    public String getMessage() {
    return message;
    In my context.xml file, I tried to specify the same Connection Cache Properties as attributes, but no luck:
    <Context path="/App1" docBase="App1"
    debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
    <Resource name="App1ConnectionPool" auth="Container"
    user="app1" password="app1"
    ConnectionCachingEnabled="1" MinLimit="5" MaxLimit="20"/>
    These attributes seemed to have no effect:
    ConnectionCachingEnabled="1" ; also tried "true"
    So basically if I could find some way to get these attributes set within the context.xml file instead of my code, I would be a happy developer :-)
    Oh well, it's almost Miller time here on the east coast. Maybe a few beers will help me find the solution I'm looking for.

  • I am new to using Oracle, and I am trying to create an add/insert stored pr

    I am new to using Oracle, and I am trying to create an add/insert stored procedure for a table. The PROD_CD and PLAN_CD fields in my table can have no value (empty or null) Can you please check my code and let me know what I am doing wrong?
    Table definition:
    -- Grant/Revoke object privileges
    grant select, insert, update, delete on DCWEB.USER_PLAN_PREFERENCE to HIGGIB1;
    Stored Procedure Definition:
    procedure setUserPlanPref (
    userid in varchar2,
    prod_cd in varchar2,
    plan_cd in varchar2,
    state_lst in varchar2,
    state_nm in varchar2
    currentTimestamp timestamp := current_timestamp;
    insert into user_plan_preference (userid, prod_cd, plan_cd, state_lst, state_nm, lst_update_ts)
    values (upper(userid), upper(prod_cd), upper(plan_cd), upper(state_lst), upper(state_nm), currentTimestamp);
    when dup_val_on_index then
    update user_plan_preference up set
    up.userid = upper(userid),
    up.prod_cd = upper(prod_cd),
    up.plan_cd = upper(plan_cd),
    up.state_lst = upper(state_lst),
    up.state_nm = upper(state_nm),
    up.lst_update_ts = currentTimestamp
    where up.userid = upper(userid)
    and up.prod_cd = upper(prod_cd)
    and up.plan_cd = upper(plan_cd);
    when others then
    when others then
    I am unable to insert a record calling the stored procedure with values: DCWEB4578, , 2P, CA, CALIFORNIA but when I change to the string "NULL", the insert succeeds. When I try to call the stored procedure to update the inserted record with values: DCWEB4578, "NULL", 2P, CO, COLORODO the update does not happen since I still see the original record in the table. Please advise. Thanks in advance for your help.

    938319 wrote:
    I am new to using OracleWelcome to the forum: please read the FAQ and forum sticky threads (if you haven't done so already), and ensure you've updated your profile with a real handle instead of "938319".
    You'll get a faster, more effective response to your questions by including as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s)
    With APEX we're fortunate to have a great resource in where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproducing things there is the best way to troubleshoot most issues, especially those relating to layout and visual formatting. If you expect a detailed answer then it's appropriate for you to take on a significant part of the effort by getting as far as possible with an example of the problem on before asking for assistance with specific issues, which we can then see at first hand.
    Thanks for posting the complete code, it makes it so much easier to understand the problem, but always post code wrapped in tags<tt>\...\</tt> tags to preserve formatting and special characters.
    and I am trying to create an add/insert stored procedure for a table.Does this have anything to do with APEX, for which this is the forum? General SQL &amp PL/SQL matters should be directed to the {forum:id=75} forum.
    The PROD_CD and PLAN_CD fields in my table can have no value (empty or null) Can you please check my code and let me know what I am doing wrong?This:
    when others then
    when others then
    rollback;Remove it all.
    Commits should be issued by end user/client software on completion of a transaction. This means <tt>commit;</tt> should almost never appear in PL/SQL code. The main exception to this is in <tt>dbms_job/secheduler</tt> scheduled processes that have no client or UI. If this code is executed from APEX, then APEX issues more than enough commits anyway.
    exceptions are just a way of ensuring your code is buggy.<tt>when others</tt> exceptions are just a way of ensuring your code is buggy.
    I am unable to insert a record calling the stored procedure with values: DCWEB4578, , 2P, CA, CALIFORNIA but when I change to the string "NULL", the insert succeeds. When I try to call the stored procedure to update the inserted record with values: DCWEB4578, "NULL", 2P, CO, COLORODO the update does not happen since I still see the original record in the table. Please advise. Thanks in advance for your help.With the <tt>commit</tt>s and <tt>when others...</tt> removed from the code you'll have a chance of seeing what's actually happening. Note that the entire procedure can be simplified by writing as a MERGE</tt> statement.

  • Matching data types b/w oracle and sql server

    anyone here knows if there is a list of data types supported by both oracle and sql server (regardless of releases & versions?
    an immediate response would be highly appreciated.

    The following post might be of assistance to you:
    If this is what you're looking for, then mark the question as answered and closed.

  • Hi All, We are in to Release is a specific requirement to Prevent users from creating Manual Sales Orders in oracle and yet users should be able to book the Sales Orders Imported from CRM system into Orcale.Please advise.

    Hi All, We are in to Release is a specific requirement to Prevent users from creating Manual Sales Orders in Oracle and  yet users should be able to book the Sales Orders Imported from CRM system into Orcale.Please advise.

    Thanks for your advise.
    However, I missed to mention that we have two set of users  One is for Finished Goods and another for Spares.
    Only Spares users need to be prevented from creating Direct/Manual Sales Orders in Oracle.
    As you suggested, if this will be done at Form level, that may Disallow FG users also to create Manula Sales Orders which should not be the case.
    Further, I tried to test one scenario through Processing Constraints but it did not work.
    Validation Type
    Short Name
    Validation Semantics
    Created By
    Equal To
    Processing Cosntraint
    Order Header
    User Action
    Not Allowed
    Validation Entity
    Record Set
    Validation Template
    Order Header
    Above Created
    Please advise.

  • Is there a way of Apple increasing my memory and processors?

    Is there a way of Apple increasing my memory and processors so that my 2010 MacBook will run faster? I use 3D programs and filmmaking editing software, and my laptop, as awesome as it is, can't quite keep up with what I do. The programs I am using:
    Blender (Open source 3D software)
    Final Cut Express
    iMovie '09 (usually editing off an external hard drive)
    I make most of my films in HD too.
    I heard that you can manually replace the RAM and stuff, but Im not too keen on it. Being me, I might brake something. But does anyone know of a safe and secure place to buy extra RAM and memory and processors for a 2010 MacBook.

    The only way to upgrade processors is to buy a new Mac. In your case a MacBook Pro would be more appropriate for the tasks you're undertaking.
    Your MacBook will only take a maximum of 4GB RAM.
    In addition to etresoft's recommendation, Crucial Memory is reliable and equally good service. I think this is the RAM for your model, but to be on the safe side, use the "scan my system" option to getthe exact match. e%202%20Duo%20%2813-inch%20White%29&Cat=RAM
    Message was edited by: noondaywitch

  • How to find out when data was deleted from table in oracle and Who deleted that

    HI Experts,
    Help me for below query:
    how to find out when data was deleted from table in oracle and Who deleted that ?
    I did that to fidn out some data from dba_tab_modifications, but I m not sure that what timestamp shows, wether it shows for update,insert or delete time ?
    TABLE_OWNER                    TABLE_NAME                        INSERTS    UPDATES    DELETES     TIMESTAMP         DROP_SEGMENTS TRU
    PRODCTL                        F9001                                                     1683         46       2171            11-12-13 18:23:39             0                   NO
    Audit is enable in my enviroment?
    customer is facing the issue and data missing in the table and I told him that yes there is a delete at 11-12-13 18:23:39 in table after seeing the DELETS column and timestamp in dba_tab_modifications, but not sure I am right or not
    SQL> show parameter audit
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    audit_file_dest                      string      /oracle/admin/pbowe/adump
    audit_sys_operations                 boolean     TRUE
    audit_syslog_level                   string
    audit_trail                          string      DB, EXTENDED
    please help

    LOGMiner --> Using LogMiner to Analyze Redo Log Files
    AUDIT --> Configuring and Administering Auditing

  • How to create xml file from Oracle and sending the same xml file to an url

    How to create xml file from Oracle and sending the same xml file to an url

    SQL/XML (XMLElement, XMLForest, XMLAgg, etc) and UTL_HTTP.
    Whether that works for you with the version of Oracle you have, your requirements, and needs is another story. A little detail goes a long way.

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