ORACLE configuration as per RAM.

I want to prepare a chart in which as per the RAM size i should have all the details regarding the oracle process & memory configuration to apply. This should be followed at the time of database creation.
for example - i have 8 GB of RAM at one server - so i will use 1 GB for OS,
1GB for anti-virus & other software if any,
4GB for SGA,
1GB for PGA,
n process,
n cursor's,
n session's
other parameters.....n many more.
Overall i need to have a set process for all size of RAM's at each server. I need some experts view. Please also suggest me if any parameter setting will help my database improve.
Windows 2008 server 32-bit.
Let me know the configuration setting for
RAM SIZE - 2GB , 4GB , 8GB, 10GB, 12GB, 14GB, 16GB
My database has many transactions per session in which it uses small data to work on. Its with small size transaction but many transactions per minute.
Please suggest me the best as per your experience what setting i should use for each ram size.
thanks in advance......

Just one note here - Windows 32b os can use much more than the 4 gig, allowing for very large buffer area. It is a bit involved, but well worth the results. By using the /3G switch in the boot.ini file you will immediately give back 1G of ram to the os, causing the kernal to load in the lower 1st G of ram. The /PAE switch allows os and oracle to use above the 4G line. You should also research the /userenv switch to give back a bit more to the kernal for user connections.
Also, turn off shared server and all associated shared server settings, i.e., dispatchers, etc.
Disable any areasize parameters in your init file
Instead of db_cache you must revert back to db_block_buffers which is a calculation of blocks rather than a set G or M figure
You must also set "lock pages in memory" to the oracle user which starts the oracle service. This is set in the admin tools in the local security settings.
There are a few more items you must tweak in the inti file as well so do your homework, but it is possible to have a 32b windows os with 500 plus connections and large buffer cache and an efficiently running DB
Google AWE and PAE and VLM and use_indirect_buffers should give you much of what you need.

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    Following are some very brief explanation:
    Models: a type of BOM(Bill of material) where options can be selected at the time of ordering (e.g. you can select 40 GB HDD or 80 GB HDD when you are buying a laptop).
    Configuration: Final product after user has selected all the options in a model.
    Oracle Configurator: You can call it a module in E-Business suite that supports this functionality of letting users create configurations from predefined Model BOMs at the time of order entry
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    Hope this helps.
    Nitin Darji

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    Running AutoConfig should populate profile options with the correct values. However, you can check the values after running AutoConfig to verify it.
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    ikaros wrote:
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    Is there forums for Oracle Configuration Manager?
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    Identifying If Oracle Configuration Manager Is Already Installed or Configured
    Oracle Configuration Manager is included with many Oracle product lines. To verify if
    it has been included, check for the presence of the ccr directory under $ORACLE_
    HOME. If the ccr directory exists, you must verify whether it has been configured.
    ■ Navigate to the ccr/bin directory and locate emCCR. If emCCR exists, OCM has
       been configured.
    ■ If emCCR is not present under the ccr/bin directory, OCM has been installed but
       not configured.
    If the ccr directory does not exist, Oracle Configuration Manager has not been
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    Note: For the middle-tier of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
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    $INST_TOP/ocm/10.1.2/ and $INST_TOP/ocm/10.1.3/
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    [appldev1@apps1 appldev1]$ ls
    [appldev1@apps1 appldev1]$ find . -name "ccr"
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    [root@apps1 oradev1]# find . -name "ccr"
    ./DEV1/db/tech_st/11.1.0/ccrWhy is that there are lots of "ccr" directories in the appstier?
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    Hi user;
    If you follow Note:Oracle Configuration Manager and E-Business Suite Release 12 Release Notes [ID 406369.1]
    As you can see in note +"Starting with Release 12, Oracle has updated the Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Install, Rapid Clone, and AutoConfig tools to incorporate support for installing and configuring OCM."+
    Please check your Applications context file via section 1. The information will appear in your in the following variables:
    After you confirm this,please check Section 2: Configuring OCM after Installing Release 12
    Modify your Applications context file on each node to add the CSI, OracleMetaLink user name, country code, and proxy values.
    Its mean take backup of Applications context file on each node than add add upper information to your Applications context file on each node and run autconfig each node.(For adding parameter,please follow section 1. The information will appear in your in the following variables: )
    If you dont know how you can edit Applications context file please check:
    Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 [ID 387859.1]

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    setupCCR -R ocm.rsp
    ** Registering installation with Oracle Configuration Manager server(s) **
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    Please see if then following docs help.
    Getting 'Your Login Session Has Expired' Errors In Configurator [ID 364766.1]
    Configurator Time Out Issue Causing Error [ID 1312974.1]
    Webui Initialization Failure, Java.Lang.Outofmemoryerror [ID 412697.1]
    Please also check Apache log files (error_log and access_log) for details about the error.
    For production issues, please always log a SR.

  • Decimal Numbers in Oracle Configurator

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    Item Type Qty
    - 000000x Option Class 0,14444
    - 00000xx Option Class 1
    What occurs:
    When I used decimal numbers on an option class, the structure down of it and the same level of it doesn´t updating on Oracle Configurator.
    There are any error message. But seems that the structure of this point to down is being ignored.
    Today I have ~5,000 items that use the same structure on my BOM that would need to use this funcionality because the unit of measure is liter, and these items have different quantities of consume and all of them can be configured on Oracle Configurator.
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    I don´t know if it´s work because i know that OM have some limitations about, but maybe somebody can help me in this issue.

    Have you found any solutions on this yet?
    I have a similar problem and have an SR open at the mo for it! I am wanting to feed a decimal value out of the model and assign it against the (selected) child of the (selected) option class.
    I have learnt to far that inventory is limited to 4 decimal places so its not going to work if you go over this number.
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    Contribute 'Dummy' * &x1.state() To &x1 FOR ALL &x1 IN {'MJ OUTER MAT OC'.Options()};
    This isn't the correct solution but its nearly there. This assigns the value to all the children of the OC and not just the one that is required causing the whole model to fall over. If you have any solution to your issue or anyone can help me with this one, would be much appreciated.

  • Oracle Configuration Manager Server is unavailable (500)

    I have a few targets that report configuration to My Oracle Support using Oracle Configuration Manager.  Everything was fine until last week, when I noticed that the Last Collection Date wasn't changing.  When I try to manually collect, I get the following error:
    E:\>ora11\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ccr\bin\emccr collect
    Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production
    Copyright (c) 2005, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    Unable to determine if mandatory packages available.
    Error encountered in retrieving update. Oracle Configuration Manager Server is u
    navailable (500).
    Collection and upload failed.
    Anybody else experiencing this same problem?  If so, any ideas how to fix it?

    Turns out this is expected, as Oracle is rolling out a database upgrade.  This notice is posted on MOS:
    Configuration Data in Read-Only Mode
    We are making improvements to the database that holds configuration data for My Oracle Support. During this upgrade, the Customer Configuration Repository (CCR) is currently in read-only mode. You can view configuration data, but will not be able to upload new configurations or change configuration-related systems attributes. The CCR will remain in read-only mode until the planned My Oracle Support outage completes this weekend.
    While CCR is in read-only mode, you will see an error message:
       In the related log file during an automatic attempt to upload a new configuration or for offline Collector users who upload their configuration as a Service Request attachment.
       On pages within My Oracle Support that access the configuration data
       Primarily under the Systems tab
       Sometimes within Patch recommendations and Health Checks
    When the CCR returns to update-mode after the outage, your last successful upload will remain in place as the benchmark for determining differences with the current configuration. The next collection you send will update your configuration and then becomes the configuration used for comparisons.
    Please file a non-technical Service Request or contact Oracle Support if you need help or have additional questions.

  • What is CZGOLD concept in Oracle Configurator?

    Hi Guys,
    If anyone knows about, what is CZGOLD concept in Oracle Configurator?

    Are you referring to CZGold as in an instance?
    In lot of implementations, the Configurator Developer will be on a seperate instance and the rest of the EBS will be on a different instance.
    That Configurator instance may be called CZGold.
    There may be other Gold instances as well. These instances contain those setups that have been verified and are ready to go to production.

  • How to configure the rule in oracle configurator

    Hi All,
       We are trying to create a rule in oracle configurator . The requirement is sum of the quantity of the selected component  should not  exceed 60 quantity. Can someone suggest me how to achieve this ?

    You can use the "Resource" Component to track the quantity of the selected component.
    For example set the "Resource" value to 60 and use the "Consume From" rule to relate the "Selected component" and "Resource". So here every time when the required component is selected, it consumes value from the Resource which is 60.
    The value of the Resource can be positive or Zero but a Resource is violated if its value becomes negative at run time (That is over-consumed).
    Hope this help for your requirement.

  • Connecting to Oracle Configurator schema in EBS 11.5.10

    Is it possible to connect remotely (from different machine) to Oracle Configurator schema using CZWebAppsContext provided no networking issues? I've copied dbc file locally from EBS server and I've tried different CZWebAppsContext constructor calls to no avail. Perhaps I need to modify the dbc file?
    I get following exception:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Null JDBC Connection returned from connection pool.
    Contents of CZWebAppsContext error stack: AOLJ_JAVA_EXCEPTION (MESSAGE=Not able to create new database connection: FND FILE_NOT_READABLE N FILE http://server:1557/OA_HTML/env.txt)
    SECURITY-No gateway reconnect
    AOLJ_JAVA_EXCEPTION (MESSAGE=ProfileCache: getLocalJDBCConnection() == null)
    AOLJ_JAVA_EXCEPTION (MESSAGE=Not able to create new database connection: FND FILE_NOT_READABLE N FILE http://server:1557/OA_HTML/env.txt)
    SECURITY-No gateway reconnect
    AOLJ_JAVA_EXCEPTION (MESSAGE=Not able to create new database connection: FND FILE_NOT_READABLE N FILE http://server:1557/OA_HTML/env.txt)
    SECURITY-No gateway reconnect
    FILE_NOT_READABLE (FILE=http://server:1557/OA_HTML/env.txt)
         at package.TestClass.main(
    Indeed there is no http://server:1557/OA_HTML/env.txt
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException {
         CZWebAppsContext czContext = new CZWebAppsContext("server", "1557", "c:\\Temp\\dcp.dbc" );
         SessionManager mgr = czContext.getSessionManager();
         // line below throws
         boolean valid = mgr.validateLogin(***, ***);
    DBC file:
    #DB Settings
    #Thu Feb 04 17:18:12 CET 2010

    Pl also see ML Note 403261.1. See the aflobbld.sql file for instructions on what parameters to pass.

  • Error in Agent Installation - oracle Configuration Manager

    Hi All,
    I m trying to install Agent using this file "Linux_Grid_Control_agent_download_10_2_0_2_0". In between the installation "i got one screen - "oracle configuration manager proxy setting" even it is optional and i have not checked it .... it is not going next. i dont want to configure it (but when i give values proxy ip and port, not accept it). When I click the next button getting the message "The connection to oracle Configuration Manager can not be established, please check your network connection and proxy settings and try again"
    Please help with this

    Hi Shiju,
    Is there any specific reason for using agent. The latest Grid Control agent release is I would suggest you to install the same. Also you can configure the OCM at a later point of time.
    Hope it helps

  • Is Oracle Configuration Manager Available for Hyperion Planning Servers?

    The "My Oracle Support" site ( describes the values of installing the Oracle Configuration Manager on servers.
    Question: is this available for the Hyperion products or just Oracle databases? If available for Hyperion products, does it add value to tech support?
    Any comments would be appreciated.

    This is partially correct. If you user12136418 are looking for a way to monitor health automatically and get access to web ex session technical support from one console OCM is a great tool. The fact that it is not a thick client in nature nor a windows service makes it ideal for having agents monitor network traffic SNMP and still have all hyperion health monitored without having to run a tool like SCOM. I have been waiting for this tool for a year . Now if only Hyperion would work with IE8. But we all can not have egg in our beer.
    Thank you
    Michael Worthylake
    Systems Analyst
    DJO, LLC
    1430 Decision St.
    Vista, CA 92081-8553 U.S.A.
    Direct: 760-734-5631
    Cell: 760-445-0746
    [email protected]

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