Oracle Disk is near to be full

when I checked the oracle disk on windows I found that oracle uses 66 GB and still 842 MB free
is there away to reduce the size?
if I delete some rows from a table, this will reduce the size or I have to do other steps?
Best Regards

please post your database version.
check if undo and temp are in autoextend on mode. if so try to calculate appropriate size required and shrink them.
you can shrink tempfile using "alter database tempfile 'path' resize;' command
but for undo you need to create new undo, make it as default by setting undo_tablespace parameter and then drop old undo tablespace.
if you are having fragmented tables, then you can shrink them using following commands
alter table <table_name> enable row movement;
alter table <table_name> shrink compact;
to see which tables are fragmented, use enterprise manager if your database version is 10g

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    Yes, it means your internal hard drive.
    Time go get out your install disk and run Disk Utility.
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
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    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
    See Lion's Storage Display.
    You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
    Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
    See Where did my Disk Space go?.
    See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.

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    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iWeb's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    3 - launch iWeb and try again.
    NOTE:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.

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    I guess the printer is grabbing the file before it is entirely written…
    Workaround: Do not save to a hot folder. Move the files after exporting to the hot folder.

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    It sounds like a runaway process is filling up your volume.
    Boot in safe mode. First, disconnect all wired peripherals except keyboard, mouse, and monitor, if applicable, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including your login items.
    Use a tool such as the one linked below to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space:
    OmniDiskSweeper - Products - The Omni Group

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    I followed this guy's instructions and it worked:
    I did disable the security (AVG and Zone Alarm) when I tried on my own PC. My wife's laptop which eventually got it working also uses AVG and Zone Alarm but on an XP O/S whereas my PC is Vista - maybe this is why.
    Cheers for you help.
    Message was edited by: bigbadandy

  • Disk Alert - Start Up memory full

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    When I started reading you post I was thinking that your Hard Disk Drive may be too full. However, with 12 GB of available capacity, that should not be a problem unless you have a HDD larger than 120 GB total.
    So let us begin with some simple procedures and see if they help:
    1. Shut down the computer.
    2. Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    3. Turn on the computer.
    4. Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    5. Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the third time.
    6. Release the keys after third chime and immediately hold down "Shift" key. This will make the computer start up in Safe Mode.
    Log into your account
    Empty Trash.
    Restart normally and log in.
    You have probably done this procedure before, but it sounds like a good time to do it again:
    Repair Disk
    Insert Installer disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu (Panther and earlier) or Utilities menu (Tiger) and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    (Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel, and report if it says anything but Verified)
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    If DU reports errors it cannot repair you will need to use a utility like Tech Tool Pro or Disk Warrior
    Post back with an update and with further questions or comments.
    Good luck.

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    select *  from tab1
    tabl where id in
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    select *  from tab2
    tabl where id in
    (select id from stab2@SourceDB2  where updt_seq_num > 167720 and work_grp_id in (2900,2901))
    we couldn't able to retrive data as it's scaning full table scan.
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    Could you please advise how to resolve this issue for source oracle 11i ?
    Please let us know, if you need any information.

    Blocks that are read via full table scans are stored in the buffer cache, but putting them at the MRU end ensures that they don't push the rest of the useful blocks out of the buffer cache. In your example, if you're full scanning a 2 GB table (T) with a 500 MB buffer cache, the first block that is read from T is put at the MRU end of the buffer cache, displacing the previous block that was at the MRU end of the cache. The next block that is read from T is also put at the MRU end of the buffer cache, displacing the previous block that was at the MRU end of the cache, so block #2 from T displaces block #1 from T. So, you're reading 2 GB of data, but you're constantly purging the older blocks, so you're only really using that last block of the buffer cache.

  • Cannot export to jpeg - disk may be locked or full

    I have a colleague, who's unable to export her documents (be it Jpeg or PDF). We're using Windows XP SP3 and CS3.
    Her computer is a 2.4 Ghz P4 (afaik) with 2 GB ram and lots of free harddrive space (80GB+).
    Still, when she try to export a relatively small document, InDesign claims the disk is locked or full. I've tried exporting it on her desktop as well on the server, where she is supposed to save it - but no luck.
    When I try to export to PDF, it claims it's in lack of memory, even though there's still physical memory available, as well as a large page-file.
    I'm quite sure, it's a bug in InDesign - but what do I do about it?
    Thanks in advance

    Hello Eugene - and thanks for your time!
    Unfortunately I was forced to change the page file size, because she was having problems in Illustrator as well. Illustrator claimed she was out of memory, and increasing the page file size helped.
    You're probably right though, but I can't really tell her to change back and forth, depending on which program she wishes to use :-)
    Do you have any other ideas?
    Kind regards
    Just to clarify, here are the precise error-messages (she sent them to me in an email, so I hope they are precise ;-) )
    Export to  jpeg
    Failed to export jpeg file: file  cannot be written disk may be locked of full.
    Export to  PDF
    Unable to display PDF image on the  page

  • I received this message on iWeb: Can't create the file "Mod_footer_bg.jpg." The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges.

    I made some changes to my iWeb site, and when I try to publish it, I get the error message: Can’t create the file “Mod_footer_bg.jpg.” The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges.
    What do I do now?

    Try the troubleshooting steps under "Fix iWeb" here...

  • Disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileg

    HI iWEB Guys,
    I'm at iWEB 2.0.3 (iWEB08). Been using it for a long whie.
    I have 24GB of .mac space with 16GB available - (derived from system/prefs/.mac)
    I am trying to publish a series of files for some work collaboration.
    Some of these objects are more than 2GB. Should not be a problem.
    So, after Ipublish a few of them I get the following error message from iWEB...
    *+Can’t create the file “” The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges.+*
    I have searched the forums and googled many of the usual places. The fixes for the range from "shortening the .MAc password" (which does not work (+this is certain rubbish!+), especially when you shorten it to the lowest permissible limit length ) to suggestions of maniupulating the ~/library/application support/iweb directories. (useless and out of date for iWEB 2.0.3.
    *Other info:* I have also successfully uploaded these files to my iDISK in the hope that I could publish form there. Sadly I get the same error: +Can’t create the file “” The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges.+
    I have tried the following to no avail:
    • with NO other UPLOAD or download network traffic.
    • recreating the iWEB site and the offending page
    • tried with other files
    I have run out of ideas.
    Do you guys have an ideas on this?

    Hi QuicktimeKirk.. thanks for this piece of info. This 2Gb limit is severely painful for iDISK seeing I have so much iDISK storage.
    Thanks for this and may explain some of the error, but one of the failing files is only 1.8GB.. so I guess this is not the problem.
    2) as for playing your statement is not quite correct. And further my reason for wanting them to be uploaded is not for playing, just for sharing with colleagues in a remote work collabroation instead of FTP.
    Thanks for your thoughts anyway.

  • Iweb - when I ask to publish my site ( using ftp) I am suddenly receiving this errorCan't create the file "logo.jpg." The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges. Any ideas please

    Can’t create the file “logo.jpg.” The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges.

    How much free space do you have on your hard drive?  What system and iWeb versions do you have?
    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iWeb's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    3 - launch iWeb and try again.
    NOTE: In Lion and later the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and press the Return key - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    If you're running Mavericks or Yosemite  go to your Home folder and use the View ➙ Show View Options menu to bring the this window:

  • My iWeb Account wont update it says Can't create the file "mwmac_white.png." The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges... This has never happend  I deleted other sources on website and still wont work? Suggestions?

    My iWeb Account wont update it says Can’t create the file “mwmac_white.png.” The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have sufficient access privileges... This has never happend  I deleted other sources on website and still wont work? Suggestions?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    This is the image contained in the file causing the problem...
    I certain the original is contained in the Combo updates and on the OS disks.
    As a temporary fix, click on the image above to open it.
    Use Screen capture (Shift+Command+4) and click on the opposite corners of the image.
    It will be saved as a Screen shot 2011-mm-dd at hh:mm.png
    Right click on the filename in Finder and rename it to mwmac_white.png
    I'm not certain, but the file might need to be moved into the Documents directory in the Subdirectory named for the website name you are editing. That's where it is on my system, but I moved a bunch of files when I restored from Time Machine about 18 months ago.
    I also have many copies of mwmac.png, a separate copy one for each web page where the image appears in my website.

Maybe you are looking for