Oracle for Linux & NT Network

Is there any somewhat simple way to setup a RedHat server with
Oracle8 and have it function the same for the W95 clients using
SQL as it does when using Oracle on an NT server?? If anyone has
any info I'd greatly appriciate it. Thanks

Very easy. What's the difference to Oracle? Just use Net8 or
SQL*Net. On the server side, start listener ('lsnrctl start');
on the client side, use Net8 easy config to add new connecting
string/service pointing to the server using TCP/IP.
Robert XU
Yvette Giles (guest) wrote:
: Is there any somewhat simple way to setup a RedHat server with
: Oracle8 and have it function the same for the W95 clients using
: SQL as it does when using Oracle on an NT server?? If anyone
: any info I'd greatly appriciate it. Thanks

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    Hi Shane,
    Oracle has only released client software for Intel Macs, but not the full database server software. If you want to run the Oracle database on your Mac, I suggest installing on a supported OS running in a virtual machine (VMware Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox). Michael McLaughlin has a very thorough post on his blog about using an Intel Mac as a client for a database server running in VMware Fusion.
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    Thanks cgawoods for the advice...
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cgawoods ():
    I've done Cold Fusion installs on Solaris 2.6, and am an OCP DBA. If you download the Oracle 8.0.5 EE (RedHat 5.2) or Oracle8i EE(Redhat 6.0-6.2) Server programs, you may use the "Server" installation as an Oracle Client. Once you get Oracle installed, you will need to configure the tnsnames.ora file to point to your remote database. Then, you will need to point Cold Fusion to the $ORACLE_HOME where you installed the Oracle Server software. You will want (and probably need) to use the "native" oracle driver for Cold Fusion instead of the ODBC driver. Once the Oracle installation is complete, and you can "tnsping" the Oracle instance on NT, you should be able to configure Cold Fusion to talk to your Oracle database. It's just a matter of reading Allaire's documentation on configuring Cold Fusion for use with Oracle at that point.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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    Your download does not appear to be correct, I would expect a much different result from unzipping.
    I would check this out and follow it to the letter if I were doing it :
    Install Oracle 11gR2 on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Best Regards
    PavanG is probably correct, in that case you should look at this :
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    Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu 11.10 howto
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    Look at this documentation website for Oracle8i.
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    I think you experienced a server in flux. I just tried it and it works. If it continues to fail, then post more details about how you navigated from the page you referenced.

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    So that we may better diagnose DOWNLOAD problems, please provide the following information.
    - Server name
    - Filename otn/linux/oracle8/linux81701.tar
    - Date/Time 21 Feb 2002 11 pm
    - Browser + Version IE 5.50.4134.0600CO
    - O/S + Version Windows 2000 service pack 2
    - Error Msg
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    Ralph. has the answer for it.
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