Oracle functions with PowerPivot

Hi All,
I have a requirement of building reports using Oracle functions in PowerPivot.
I have tried using Table Import Wizard and Command Type=StoredProcedure in th ePowerPivot.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,

I don't think we can use Oracle functions/stored procedures in PowerPivot, please see the similar thread below:
I would suggest you elaborate your requirement with more detail.  
Elvis Long
TechNet Community Support

Similar Messages

  • I can't execute oracle functions with c#.  i'm using oracle 9i version.

    i have a problem trying to execute an oracle function with The Oracle version i'm using is Oracle 9i.
    This is the function definition: (it's defined and working right because i have tryed it with SQLWorksheet)
    CREATE OR REPLACE Function NRegistros return integer is
    Numero integer(4);
    select count(*) into Numero from singles;
    return Numero;
    END NRegistros;
    But with c#.Net i can't acces it because i get an error: "this is not a procedure or is not defined". And i think the code is right. In fact in the same code you can see that i'm using an stored procedure and i have not problems. But with the function i have problems. Is it possible that "OracleClient" can't work with Oracle9i functions??. This is the code:
    OracleParameter Parametro = new OracleParameter("Name", OracleType.VarChar,10);
    OracleParameter ParametroFuncion = new OracleParameter("Retorno", OracleType.Int32, 4);
    Parametro.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    ParametroFuncion.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
    OracleConnection Conexion = new OracleConnection("Data Source=DISCOS;User Id=SYSTEM;Password=a0000;");
    OracleCommand Todos = new OracleCommand();
    OracleCommand Procedimiento = new OracleCommand();
    OracleCommand Funcion = new OracleCommand();
    Todos.Connection = Conexion;
    Todos.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    Todos.CommandText="select * from singles";
    Procedimiento.Connection = Conexion;
    Procedimiento.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    Procedimiento.CommandText = "Procedimiento";
    Funcion.Connection = Conexion;
    Funcion.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    Funcion.CommandText = "NRegistros";
    OracleDataReader Lector = Todos.ExecuteReader();
    BindingSource Discos = new BindingSource();
    Discos.DataSource = Lector;
    dgvSingles.DataSource = Discos;
    lblRegistroProcedimiento.Text = Procedimiento.Parameters["Name"].Value.ToString();
    Edited by: user11921281 on 22-nov-2009 20:32

    thank you very much. It was a stupid error, sorry. There was one line left :
    OracleParameter Parametro = new OracleParameter("Name", OracleType.VarChar,10);
    OracleParameter ParametroFuncion = new OracleParameter("Retorno", OracleType.Int32, 4);
    Parametro.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
    ParametroFuncion.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
    OracleConnection Conexion = new OracleConnection("Data Source=DISCOS;User Id=SYSTEM;Password=a0000;");
    OracleCommand Todos = new OracleCommand();
    OracleCommand Procedimiento = new OracleCommand();
    OracleCommand Funcion = new OracleCommand();
    Todos.Connection = Conexion;
    Todos.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    Todos.CommandText="select * from singles";
    Procedimiento.Connection = Conexion;
    Procedimiento.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    Procedimiento.CommandText = "Procedimiento";
    Funcion.Connection = Conexion;
    Funcion.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    Funcion.CommandText = "NRegistros";
    Funcion.Parameters.Add(ParametroFuncion); //<--------------------- That one !!! (yes it was a stupid error jeje)
    OracleDataReader Lector = Todos.ExecuteReader();
    BindingSource Discos = new BindingSource();
    Discos.DataSource = Lector;
    dgvSingles.DataSource = Discos;
    lblRegistroProcedimiento.Text = Procedimiento.Parameters["Name"].Value.ToString();

  • Debug an oracle function with toad 7.4, oracle 9i

    i wanna debug an oracle function with toad 7.4
    so i wanna give param to this function and fix breakpoint and verfy some variables values ... etc
    could you show me how debug it?

    Do you have the Toad Debugger? Thats the extra cost option which you get for free in OracleSqlDeveloper.
    If you have the ToadDebugger, Read the Manual
    If not , download OracleSqlDeveloper and use it. It's free, and written by Oracle.

  • Oracle Function with out parameters

    Hi, I'm trying to access a stored function on an oracle server with 2 out parameters, 2 in parameters and an out ref cursor.
    PL/SQL looks like this
    nStatusCode OUT INTEGER,
    sStatusMsg OUT VARCHAR2,
    sUsrNr           IN VARCHAR2,
    sPassword           IN VARCHAR2,
    crsReturn OUT pck_cursor.retRecordSet
    I drag the function onto dataset designer and it successfully maps the results to the datatable, it maps datatypes for first out parameters to decimal and string.
    the method genearated for fill by looks like (out decimal?,out string,string, string, out object)
    problem is, everytime i try to call this function it gives me casting exceptions for the first 2 out parameters, for the decimal it's not specified in more detail. for the other one it says there was an exception casting from OracleString to string. If I change the PL/SQL function to leave the first 2 out parameters away it works fine. Do I manually need to change the TableAdapter definitions??

    I think I found the problem but not a good solution. It seems to be a problem with auto code generation for TableAdapters in the Dataset wizard. In the Parameter Definition for the Command I set DbType.Decimal and DbType.Sting for the SqlDbtype Property of the out params. The GetData and Fill Method is generated with Fill(out decimal? out1, out string out2). When I look in the generated code ith first sets the SqlDbtype as written but after this also the OracleDbtype to OracleDbType.Decimal and OracleDbType.Varchar2. The casting these types before returning the throws the exception. Any idea how to change this behavior?

  • Executing a oracle function with parameters ...

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to execute this part of the code:
    <cfdirectory action="list"
    <cfoutput query="currentDir">
    <cfset filename = sharedPath & name>
    <cfif find(".csv",name)>
    <cfexecute name = ""
    arguments = """#name#"" ""#sharedPath#"""
    variable = "Variables.upload_progress"
    timeout = "500">
    <td colspan="3" class="text">
    <cfquery name="getvalcount"
    SELECT pk_cpv_drop_file_upload.sf_drop_validate_and_count(replace(#name#,".csv","")) FROM dual
    <cfoutput> #getvalcount.sf_drop_validate_and_count# </cfoutput>
    but I'm receiving the error from oracle telling: illegal zero-length identifier
    My question is...
    IS there a way to pass the parameter #name# to this function sf_drop_validate_and_count ? or should I work with parameters to a stored procedure?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi ALL,
    Just to inform you that I've found a solution when you need to apply variables as a parameter:
    preserveSingleQuotes function will keep the string like this 'dadsadsad' and so, you can use it inside your functions, procedures, etc..
    Thanks for all the reponses I've received.
    Best regards

  • Union  dataset from oracle function with dataset from a postgres function

    I retrieve two sets of data,
    one from an oracle database using  Command_1    select * from  table(functionname(param1, param2))
    one from postgres database using  Command_2     select * from  functionname(param1, param2)
    i can join  the two tables (Command_1 and Command_2) with database expert > links
    I would like to know if it is possible to UNION the two sets

    Don't think so.
    I have only done that by linking from Oracle to the other database and forming the union in Oracle.

  • Oracle Function with a select into problem

    Here is one that I cannot figure out. I'm trying to select the median of a set of events in a purchase qty. I have the selects working in SQL. It returns the correct answer for several sets of test data. However, when I put this into a function to be able to call during more complex queries it doesn't work. I've tested the function several different ways and it's looking like the select median into v_median2... is not working. Please help!
    Here is the code... When this is run what ever is in v_plant is returned. IE: If you pass 1122 into with getmedian('4567','12345678-0001') this returns 4567 at the output. I've bypassed the v_plant and v_material in the select part below and it still output 4567.
    If you run the select (with test data put in place of v_plant and v_material in a sqlplus window without the INTO v_median2) it would return a 12.
    If you run this function as is it would return 4567.
    Here is the output from the dbms_output tests.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getmedian(v_plant IN VARCHAR2, v_material IN VARCHAR2)
    v_median2 NUMBER;
    SELECT MEDIAN INTO v_median2
    FROM (SELECT abs(quantity_in_unit_entry) AS MEDIAN
    FROM tbl_transactions
    WHERE plant = v_plant
    AND material = v_material
    AND movement_type IN ('961','261','201')
    ORDER BY quantity_in_unit_entry DESC))
    WHERE ROWNUMs = ( select round(COUNT(1)/2,0) AS TOTAL2
    from tbl_transactions t
    WHERE plant = v_plant
    AND material = v_material
    AND t.movement_type IN ('961','261','201'));
    RETURN v_median2;

    It looks like another one of those cases where the pl/sql engine doesn't yet handle everything that the sql engine does. The usual solution is to execute the part that only works in sql dynamically. Try this:
      (v_plant    IN VARCHAR2,
       v_material IN VARCHAR2)
      RETURN         NUMBER
      v_rownums      NUMBER          := 0;
      v_sql          VARCHAR2 (4000) := NULL;
      v_median2      NUMBER          := 0;
      SELECT ROUND (COUNT (1) / 2, 0)
      INTO   v_rownums
      FROM   tbl_transactions
      WHERE  plant = v_plant
      AND    material = v_material
      AND    movement_type IN
             ('961', '261', '201');
      v_sql :=
      'SELECT median
       FROM   (SELECT ROWNUM AS rownums,
               FROM   (SELECT   ABS (quantity_in_unit_entry)
                                    AS median
                       FROM     tbl_transactions
                       WHERE    plant = :v_plant
                       AND      material = :v_material
                       AND      movement_type IN
                                (''961'', ''261'', ''201'')
                       ORDER BY quantity_in_unit_entry DESC))
       WHERE  rownums = :v_rownums';
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql INTO v_median2
      USING v_plant, v_material, v_rownums;
      RETURN v_median2;
    END getmedian;

  • Help - Oracle function w/RETURN VIEW_NAME%ROWTYPE

    I have a fairly complex Oracle function with a signature like this:
    FUNCTION get_some_data
    in_param_one VARCHAR2
    , in_param_two VARCHAR2
    (The internal logic of the function is such that it will return at most one row.)
    I have sample code from MSDN that outlines calling functions in .Net, like this:
    // create the command for the function
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
    cmd.Connection = conn;
    cmd.CommandText = "GET_EMPLOYEE_EMAIL";
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    // add the parameters, including the return parameter to retrieve
    // the return value
    cmd.Parameters.Add("p_employee_id", OracleType.Number).Value = 101;
    cmd.Parameters.Add("p_email", OracleType.VarChar, 25).Direction =
    // execute the function
    // output the result
    Console.WriteLine("Email address is: " + cmd.Parameters["p_email"].Value);
    I don't see an available OracleType to fit the '...%ROWTYPE' return value.
    I think the Oracle code is doing inferred 'table inlining' but it may, instead, be using an inferred refcursor (clearly I'm no DBA). Everything I've been able to find online when googling for how to handle this in .Net doesn't seem to match this situation.
    How can I call this function and get the data back in C#? Please note that I don't have the authority to modify the package to make it explicitly return a refcursor.
    Thank you for any light you can shed!

    Here's a "quick and dirty" example using the HR sample schema that I think might be enough to get you going...
    Pl/SQL (used to mimic your function that returns %rowtype):
    create or replace function get_country_row (p_id in varchar2) return countries%rowtype as
      cursor emp_cur is select * from countries where country_id = p_id;
      emp_rec emp_cur%rowtype;
      open emp_cur;
      fetch emp_cur into emp_rec;
      close emp_cur;
      return emp_rec;
    end;C# Code:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Text;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;
    using Oracle.DataAccess.Types;
    namespace RowTypeTest
      /// <summary>
      /// Summary description for Class1.
      /// </summary>
      class Class1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
          // create and open connection
          string constr = "User Id=hr; Password=hr; Data Source=oranet; Pooling=false";
          OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(constr);
          // build anonymous pl/sql block to get the data
          StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();
          sbSQL.Append("declare ");
          sbSQL.Append("  l_country_row countries%rowtype; ");
          sbSQL.Append("begin ");
          sbSQL.Append("  l_country_row   := get_country_row(:p_id); ");
          sbSQL.Append("  :p_country_id   := l_country_row.country_id; ");
          sbSQL.Append("  :p_country_name := l_country_row.country_name; ");
          sbSQL.Append("  :p_region_id    := l_country_row.region_id; ");
          // input parameter for country id
          OracleParameter p_id = new OracleParameter();
          p_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
          p_id.Size = 2;
          p_id.Value = "UK";
          p_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
          // input/output parameter for country id
          // this is redundant but we are selecting * from the table...
          OracleParameter p_country_id = new OracleParameter();
          p_country_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
          p_country_id.Size = 2;
          p_country_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
          // input/output parameter for country name
          OracleParameter p_country_name = new OracleParameter();
          p_country_name.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;
          p_country_name.Size = 40;
          p_country_name.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
          // input/output parameter for region id
          OracleParameter p_region_id = new OracleParameter();
          p_region_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal;
          p_region_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
          // create command object
          OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
          cmd.CommandText = sbSQL.ToString();
          // add parameters to command
          // get the data
          // display data retrieved
          Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}", p_country_id.Value, p_country_name.Value, p_region_id.Value);
          // clean up objects
    UK, United Kingdom, 1This only works if the stored function returns a single row and obviously has no error handling, etc. but I hope it helps a bit...
    - Mark

  • Oracle Spatial functionality with WFS

    Hi all
    My first post here so be gentle on me ;-)
    This may be an obvious question but here goes ...
    When using a WFS client can you access the full SDO_... SQL functions within Oracle Spatial? I've had a read of the WFS spec and it is all a bit vague on how the queries get passed through to the data store.
    Also with the WFS locking, is this done at the web server level? If so how would that impact on any direct access to the database? A bit dangerous??
    Appreciate any advice on WFS implemtations with a 9i back end. I want to retain the full native Oracle functionality and still deploy via WFS ... a pipe dream??

    Thanks for your response Andreas
    Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear, I realise the WFS client will never directly access the data source, that it is the WFS server that makes the request to the data store, not the client, but can the call be passed through to Oracle as native SQL?
    I think I found the answer in the OGC Filter Encoding Imp Spec where it desribes in great detail the optional filter component of a WFS request. It desribes the CQL filter operators that include some spatial operators. These could, I understand, be translated from CGL and Feature based schema to SQL (in GML?) and relational based schema.
    While I don't think at first glance that the spatial operators in CQL match all the Oracle SDO_ functions they probably go far enough for most normal users.
    Am I on the right track?
    Does anyone know of any work that has been done in this filter translation to SQL and if it has been implemented successfully anywhere.
    I think the locks would still pose a problem, but that's for another day :-)

  • Nth_value() function with IGNORE NULLS in oracle 10g

    Is there any easy way to mimic ORACLE 11g nth_value() function with IGNORE NULLS clause in 10g or earlier Oracle release?

    SQL> select  ename,
      2          sal,
      3          nth_value(sal,5) over() fifth_min_sal
      4    from  emp
      5    order by sal
      6  /
    ENAME             SAL FIFTH_MIN_SAL
    SMITH             800           1250
    JAMES             950           1250
    ADAMS            1100           1250
    WARD             1250           1250
    MARTIN           1250           1250
    MILLER           1300           1250
    TURNER           1500           1250
    ALLEN            1600           1250
    CLARK            2450           1250
    BLAKE            2850           1250
    JONES            2975           1250
    ENAME             SAL FIFTH_MIN_SAL
    SCOTT            3000           1250
    FORD             3000           1250
    KING             5000           1250
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> select  ename,
      2          sal,
      3          min(case rn when 5 then sal end) over() fifth_min_sal
      4    from  (
      5           select  ename,
      6                   sal,
      7                   row_number() over(order by sal nulls last) rn
      8             from  emp
      9          )
    10    order by sal
    11  /
    ENAME             SAL FIFTH_MIN_SAL
    SMITH             800           1250
    JAMES             950           1250
    ADAMS            1100           1250
    WARD             1250           1250
    MARTIN           1250           1250
    MILLER           1300           1250
    TURNER           1500           1250
    ALLEN            1600           1250
    CLARK            2450           1250
    BLAKE            2850           1250
    JONES            2975           1250
    ENAME             SAL FIFTH_MIN_SAL
    SCOTT            3000           1250
    FORD             3000           1250
    KING             5000           1250
    14 rows selected.
    SQL> SY.

  • Tricky: Calling Oracle Function in an Package with DAO over ODBC

    our customer is using Oracle Enterprise Edition. We've to create an interface from our Microsoft Access 2000 application to the oracle system.
    We want to call a Oracle Package-Function with DAO over ODBC.
    We are using VBA with Microsoft Access 2000 SP3.
    The ADO solution that works is:
    Public Function CallSProcADO()
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Dim cmdWrite As ADODB.Command
    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim param As ADODB.Parameter
    On Error GoTo err_handler
    Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
    conn.Open "dsn=xxx;UID=xxx;PWD=xxx;"
    Set cmdWrite = New ADODB.Command
    cmdWrite.ActiveConnection = conn
    cmdWrite.CommandText = "{ ? = call XXX.PACKAGENAME.FUNCTION(?,?)}"
    cmdWrite.Parameters(0).Direction = adParamReturnValue
    cmdWrite.Parameters(0).Type = adInteger
    cmdWrite.Parameters(1).Direction = adParamInput
    cmdWrite.Parameters(1).Type = adVarChar
    cmdWrite.Parameters(1).Value = "C0045/2006"
    cmdWrite.Parameters(2).Direction = adParamInput
    cmdWrite.Parameters(2).Type = adVarChar
    cmdWrite.Parameters(2).Value = "J"
    MsgBox "Successfull!"
    Exit Function
    MsgBox "Error!"
    End Function
    Now we want to know if it's possible to use DAO to do the same.
    best regards

    During binding, strings are generally skipped. As such, you should first try replacing XMLType('?') with XMLType(?). You don't need to specify '?' because the system knows the proper type from your SQLBindParameter call.
    Also, you should try replacing:
    sr = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_LONGVARCHAR, 0, 0,(SQLPOINTER)3, 0, &type[2]);
    sr = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_LONGVARCHAR, 0, 0,(SQLPOINTER)buf, BUFSIZE, &type[2]);

  • Oracle Resource Manager function with SAP BI7

    Have anyone considered or using Oracle Database Resource Manager (Oracle 10.2) feature for SAP BI application in your site? I dont see a single OSS hit on this feature.
    We have a SAP BI system that has few power users (who can run large STAR_TRANSFORMATION queries that analyzes large volume of data) and the main user community (our sales force > 3000+ users) who can run smaller queries of such nature or queries of different types.
    We want to see if there is any way we can control the resource utilization on the database server.
    Thanks in advance,

    > Of course, this would require an additional specifications such as SERVICE in the TNS and Listener files.
    Yes - but I'm not sure if that would give the necessary effect. Once the statement reaches the database kernel engine, it gets processed, no matter if you limit the TNS/listener usage because TNS is no more involved when the statement reaches the OLAP engine.
    > In the BI environment, I'm thinking you need this db feature to control database resources when loads and reports overlaps or even several small and large queries run concurrently despite however many app server a system has, all these come to the database.
    I think SAPs answer is: Buy a bigger box (or use RAC to distribute the load)
    > The big question is whether SAP would support such a setup.
    The feature is not listed explicitly in note 105047 - Support for Oracle functions in the SAP environment. I'd make a call at BC-DB-ORA and ask what they think about that.
    I understand your problem very well but I doubt, that there's an easy way of accomplishing this with standard tools.

  • Does ORACLE functions work with Oracle Database 10G

    I am wondering if ORACLE functions work with Oracle Database 10G or is it mandatory to use OCI functions?
    Thanks in advance!

    I was able to run a simple query with ora_* functions using 10g on Windows.
    The Oracle OCI calls used by PHP's ora extension still exist in the Oracle 10g libraries
    But I cannot recommend this obsolete extension.
    -- cj

  • Oracle map function  with spatial

    Hi Experts,
    I have a database10.2.0.4 in red hat 5.0. the java application at 32 bit winrow 2003 sp2 server with tocmat ISS server6.0.
    Last week, the IE or forefox broower could not display oracle map when window server updated into 2008.
    all of other oracle function works well. We do not get any error message for this event.
    Does any expert have experience for this issue?

    Try looking at this as a first step that will give you a primer on getting data in and out of Oracle Spatial.  You will find lots of tutorials on the web.  There is no substitute for reading the manuals -
    I can highly recommend a book called Pro Oracle Spatial The 12c version is due out in June but the 11g version will get you started,

  • How to install Oracle 10g with its grid functionality on Linux?

    Well, I thought changing the subject line might help to convey the meaning of what I want better. Here's my earlier post from a few hours earlier.
    I need carry out TPC-C benchmarking test for Oracle 10g (using one, two and four servers; basically using the grid in case of multiple servers). I have installed oracle 10g (with default options) on all the four servers, but beyond that I have no idea as to how can I invoke the grid option in order to carry out the tests-by my statement, I mean do I need to choose grid option while installing Oracle or is it the case that I specify the grid option in the code that I write for carrying out the tests. The OS is LInux (Scientific Linux).
    An unrelated problem-one of the servers is 64 bit while others are 32 bit, and proper versions of oracle have been installed. Neglecting the obvious fact that this will make comparisons difficult does anyone anticipate any other problem?
    Many Thanks!

    Do you think that the installation of RAC can be done
    in a week? yes, as long as you know what you are doing and can catch the concept quickly and good at following instructions.
    Moreover, we do not have a cluster-all we
    have are four servers that are separate. Do you know
    if the name Real Application Clusters implies that
    the servers have to be in a cluster?
    The basic idea of RAC is all these hosts need to share same set of storage. The most popular such storage are SAN and NAS.
    An example of building RAC on linux

Maybe you are looking for