Oracle on Xen: Ambigous information - Metalink vs. SAP notes

Note 1173954 - Support of Oracle for VMWare and XEN states:
Oracle is not certifying any of its products on XEN and VMWare virtualized environments.
but Metalink 563608.1 states
As the Xen kernel is shipped by the Operating System Vendor, and it is not tainted, it is fine for Oracle, and it is certified to be used.
Can anyone please elaborate what is correct?

Hi Markus,
the SAP note has been written by the Oracle development support at SAP. These are Oracle guys.
So for SAP customers this is the current state of affairs.
Anyhow, Metalink 563608.1 is about Oracle 11g which is not even released for SAP yet. Also it has not been reviewed yet - so it may be subject to change.
More information are also available in Metalink  249212.1 (VMWare usage).
Anyhow, since SAP is moving strongly towards supporting virtual environments now for quite some time, I would assume, that XEN Support will be given also for Oracle platforms sooner or later.
But for now: better don't use it for production systems.
Best regards,

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    cluster-data > instance  (Tab: "Servers General")
    cluster-data > instance > dispatcher  (Tab: "General")
    cluster-data > instance > server  (Tab: "General")
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    thank you for your helpful and quick answer.
    So the parent node "cluster-data > instance" is not of interest to me?
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    Thank you for helping me out!

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    '#route -n' shows a strange routing Destination Gateway Genmask Interface eth0
    #arping -b -c 1 -I eth0 (The gw) returns empty
    On Domain--0 (Xen)
    # brctl show
    bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
    xenbr0 8000.0050568b3ae4 no vif3.0
    *# ./network-bridge status*
    6: vif3.0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 32
    link/ether fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    3: xenbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
    link/ether 00:50:56:8b:3a:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet scope global xenbr0
    bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
    xenbr0 8000.0050568b3ae4 no vif3.0
    eth0 dev xenbr0 proto kernel scope link src
    default via dev xenbr0
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 xenbr0 UG 0 0 0 xenbr0
    *# ifconfig*
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:56:8B:3A:E4
    RX packets:55619 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:46176 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:4215814 (4.0 MiB) TX bytes:15245752 (14.5 MiB)
    Interrupt:17 Base address:0x2000
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:119 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:119 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:17330 (16.9 KiB) TX bytes:17330 (16.9 KiB)
    vif3.0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
    RX packets:64 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:4845 errors:0 dropped:349 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:32
    RX bytes:7756 (7.5 KiB) TX bytes:419686 (409.8 KiB)
    xenbr0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:56:8B:3A:E4
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:55831 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:45880 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:3474452 (3.3 MiB) TX bytes:15199783 (14.4 MiB)
    # ip link
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:50:56:8b:3a:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    3: xenbr0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
    link/ether 00:50:56:8b:3a:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    6: vif3.0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 32
    link/ether fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

    Alternativ way to correct the gateway problem.:
    Show the device that actually bears your IP
    [root@bdk-esb-ovs11 ~]# ip route show dev 0a004300
    default via  proto kernel  scope link  src
    [root@bdk-esb-ovs11 ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
    [root@bdk-esb-ovs11 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
    Now correct the GATEWAY:
    [root@bdk-esb-ovs11 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
    The network needs restart now, to get the right gateway.
    BEWARE , Do get downtime to restart the network on OVS.
    Alternatively migrate your machine to another OVS .
    # service network restart
    My VM on the OVS server survived a service network restart on its host OVS, but missed 18 pings..
    Regards Martin Rønde Andersen
    [root@bdk-esb-ovs11 ~]# service network restart
    Shutting down interface 0a004300:                          [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface 10267f5e63:                        [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface 106e32ed71:                        [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface 10c3aeca96:                        [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface bond0.103:  Removed VLAN -:bond0.103:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface bond0.104:  Removed VLAN -:bond0.104:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface bond0.253:  Removed VLAN -:bond0.253:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface bond0.254:  Removed VLAN -:bond0.254:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface bond0.255:  Removed VLAN -:bond0.255:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface bond0:                             [  OK  ]
    Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]
    Bringing up loopback interface:                            [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface bond0:                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface bond0.103:  Added VLAN with VID == 103 to IF -:bond0:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface bond0.104:  Added VLAN with VID == 104 to IF -:bond0:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface bond0.253:  Added VLAN with VID == 253 to IF -:bond0:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface bond0.254:  Added VLAN with VID == 254 to IF -:bond0:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface bond0.255:  Added VLAN with VID == 255 to IF -:bond0:-
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface 0a004300:                            [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface 10267f5e63:                          [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface 106e32ed71:                          [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface 10c3aeca96:                          [  OK  ]
    [root@bdk-esb-ovs11 ~]# route
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
    default         UG    0      0        0 0a004300       *        U     0      0        0 0a004300     *          U     0      0        0 10c3aeca96

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    In sql prompt it shows:
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    db_file_multiblock_read_count        integer     128
    and in brtools it shows:
    58 - db_file_multiblock_read_count      both     no      *       yes   128
    But  I got the following error, when i tried to set it null
    1 * Parameter description (desc) ..... [db block to be read each IO]
    2 * Parameter type (type) ............ [integer]
    3 * Current parameter value (parval) . [128]
    4 * Value in spfile (spfval) ......... []
    5 # New parameter value (value) ...... [null]
    6 - Scope for new value (scope) ...... [both]
    7 # Database instance (instance) ..... []
    8 ~ Comment on update (comment) ...... []
    9 - SQL command (command) ............ [alter system reset db_file_multiblock_read_count scope = spfile sid = '*'; alter system reset db_file_multiblock_read_count scope = memory sid = 'MBD']
    BR0662I Enter your choice:
    BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2008-08-14 18.19.22
    BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
    BR0259I Program execution will be continued...
    BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2008-08-14 18.19.23
    BR0301E SQL error -32010 at location BrSqlExecute-1, SQL statement:
    '/* BRSPACE / alter system reset db_file_multiblock_read_count scope = spfile sid = '''
    ORA-32010: cannot find entry to delete in SPFILE
    BR1017E Execution of SQL statement 'alter system reset db_file_multiblock_read_count scope = spfile sid = '*'; alter system reset db_file_multiblock_read_count scope = memory sid = 'MBD'' failed
    BR0669I Cannot continue due to previous warnings or errors - you can go back to repeat the last action
    BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2008-08-14 18.19.23
    BR0671I Enter 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
    Kinldy let me know, what could me wrong.

    Hi Markus,
    As per your suggestion we have downloaded the files from UCLIB_3-20000978.SAR. But now getting the error as
    sapccmsr -DCCMS -j2ee pf=profile value
    INFO: use SAPLOCALHOST hostname
    INFO: CCMS agent sapccmsr working directory is /usr/sap/ccms/XX1_00/sapccmsr
    INFO: CCMS agent sapccmsr config file is /usr/sap/ccms/XX1_00/sapccmsr/csmconf
    INFO: Central Monitoring System is [XX1]. (found in config file)
    INFO: additional Central Monitoring System is [AS2]. (found in config file)
    ERROR: Cannot open Monitoring Segment 0 rtc = 245
    Last reported error: [249]  CCMS monitoring segment has wrong EYE CATCH. It seems to be created as non-unicode segment.
    This program runs as unicode. Please use non-unicode version
    Please suggest

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    Oracle Applications: 11.5.5

    I do not think this is the right place for this question. This forum is for questions concerning the Oracle Scheduler in the database (dbms_scheduler). This looks like it may concern the apps scheduler or concurrent manager.
    You will need to find the appropriate forum for that component.

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    I need your inputs for one of this query
    The query is. Can we do oracle 11g software installation in parallel to SAP upgrade when the system is in Downtime phase.
    The idea is running SAP upgrade and in parallel running oracle 11g software installation. So that we can reduced the time.
    Please share your valuable inputs.
    Anil Shenoy.

    yes, of course.
    using different environment during the installation of the new engine, you could install the new oracle home 11 also tomorrow (including the SBP).
    infact, before the ./RUNINSTALLER you have to set the environment
    setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/SID/112_64
    setenv ORACLE_HOME_SRC /oracle/SID/102_64
    setenv ORACLE_HOME_TGT /oracle/SID/11202
    setenv PATH /oracle/SID/112_64/bin: $PATH

  • SAP Note 378648 - Offline backup support with Oracle Fail Save

    I am trying to implement SAP Note 378648 - Offline backup support with Oracle Fail Save, but am unsure about part of the solution....
    Basically, I have to add several parameters into the Environment Variables of the MS Clustered Servers running Windows Server 2003 for the user xidadm... 
    Fairly straight forward apart from one parameter....
    I am unsure what is required/meant by domain.  Can anyone shed some light??

    Those are environment variables of the Windows user who is running brbackup; usually this is SAPService<SID>.
    You have to set this variables the same way as you set ORACLE_HOME and so on.
    (I am not sure about the details; never worked with MS cluster.)
    hope this helps

  • Oracle Parameter _FIX_CONTROL: EWA vs SAP Note Recommendation?

    We have Oracle on RedHat Linux
    cat /$ORACLE_HOME/sapbundle/version.txt
    SAP Bundle Patch - 201108
    For FIXCONTROL '6055658:OFF'  what recommendation should I take the SAP Note or EWA?
    1) SAP NOTE
    In the SAP Note 1431798 "Oracle 11_2_0  Database Parameter Settings" ...
                    May 12, 2011:
                    added FIXCONTROL '6055658:OFF' for UNIX
                    '6055658:OFF'    UNIX SBP 11201x_date ( date >= 201105 )
    So the SAP Note looks like FIXCONTROL should contain '6055658:OFF'
    2) EWA
    Settings defined but not recommended
    Thanks in advance.

    Hello Bill,
    You should always check and go with the recommendation from the parameter note. 
    10g - 830576
    11g -1431798
    For the fixcontrol  parameters, these were  introduced to allow enabling and disabling of optimizer fixes .  The corresponding patch therefore needs to be installed to enable you to you set the required parameter.  With EWA, this report usually flags any parameter which may require further checking, (ie because a note exists that details behaviour of setting this parameter for example a performance behaviour in OLTP versus OLAP).  EWA is doing this to ensure that the DBA is aware that there is some additional step, info regarding the parameter.  The Colleagues above have already mentioned to run the parameter script which checks it's result against the Oracle version parameter note and flags any incorrect setting and also provides the setting that is recommended.  Before you do this you should check the relevant parameter note for these recommendations. 
    Hope this helps   
    Best Regards
    Edited by: Rachel Holloway on Mar 4, 2012 2:18 PM

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    Still BETA release ?

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    Has anyone applied this patch or skipped the patch?
    In 2007 the USA’s daylight savings starts earlier and ends later, so Oracle’s table of time zone rules should be changed for America.
    The SAP note 1019133 said we probably do not need a patch.
    The Oracle Note 396671.1 said, apply it just in case.
    SAP Note: 1019133
    " In the standard SAP application the JVM and the mentioned datatypes (TSLTZ / TSTZ) are not used. Therefore it's not necessary to apply this patches."
    Oracle Doc: 396671.1
    "If there is no other use of time zone data than stored TSTZ data, and the utltzuv2.sql script shows that none of these use the affected time zones, then you could choose to not apply the new time zone files (even though in such a situation the application would also be very easy, so the advise would still be to do it "just in case")."

    since the oracle notes had said it is the same patch for the DB and client, i just thought :  in an SAP environment, how does a client connect.....
    well, our SAP users use the SAP Login GUI thingy....  which gets them to the SAP instance of their choice, ..... and it's the SAP instance that is then actually the "client" for the oracle DB.....
    so.... well, the SIDadm account must be indicative of how this client process works for SAP because SIDadm can start and stop the Oracle DB....
    so i logged in as SIDadm and looked for the client that way.... i.e.... go to the $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo directory that SIDadm sees and what's there....
    in my case it put me in same dir as the DB files....  so must be getting it from same spot.
    cuz this was something i just made up as i went along and i was very tired at the time, i also ran a find command from the root directory..... i am on Sun.... my find command was :
    find . -name timezone.dat -print
    granted there were a lot of directories i did not have perms to see, but it returned only 2 timezone files for me....
    the one in the $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo directory
    and one in /local..... (which is what we have for some secondary things, not SAP related)....
    so try a big system level find command if on Sun, or something similar on your O/S..... if  you have your SAP and your DB on the same server.... it's got to be on that server somewhere....
    hope that helps.

  • SAP Note 23345 for Oracle Consistency Check

    Dear All,
    I would like to run a Consistency check using backup type = online option via DB VERIFY but unfortunately each time I run the backup online using the below commands I am getting permission error.I have run the commands below using ORA<SIDADM>
    brbackup -u / -m all -w only_rmv -e <parallel degree> -c
    brbackup -u / -m all only_dbv -c -t online -e 3
    brbackup -u / -m all -w only_dbv -e 3 -c
    brbackup -u / -c force -w only_dbv -t online -p init<sidadm>.sap -m ALL -e 3
    brbackup -u / -c force -w only_dbv -p init<sidadm>.sap -m ALL
    I hope someone could provide what is the best command to use in order to execute the Consistency check in Online mode as I am planning to schedule it on weekly basis with the Online option..
    Thank you.

    Do not double post the same question in different forums:
    SAP Note 23345 for Oracle Consistency Check

  • Bex Analyzer - Selection criteria missing after SAP Note application

    Good evening,
      I have this problem with my BeX Analyzer.
    I have import a Sap Note number 0001072913 to resolve a problem. To implement this note the SapNoteAssistant downloads these list of notes :
    I have applicate these list of notes, after the system doesn't make me anymore the popup to insert the selection of criteria filter of query.
    My system information:
    - OS - Windows XP sp.2
    - Excel 2003
    - SapGui 710 Final Release - Version 7100.1.5.1033 - Level Patch 5
    - Sap System - SAP NetWeaver 2004s with SAPBW 700 Patch Level 7
    - Database - Oracle
    When I execute sapbexc710.xla in my local directory C:\Program files\Sap Shared\BW the system give me this result :
    BI 7.10      
    AxInterop.SHDocVw.dll     7100.1.300.1
    BExAddin.dll     7100.1.300.949
    BExAnalyzer.exe     7100.1.300.949
    BExAnalyzer.xla     7100.1.300.21
    BExApi.dll     7100.1.300.949
    BExCAControls.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExCommon.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExCommunication.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExControls.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExControls2.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExDialogOpenSave.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExDiffViewer.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExFormulaParser.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExGeneratedAll.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExInstaller.exe     7100.1.300.949
    BExOpenSaveServices.dll     7100.1.300.110
    BExQueryDesigner.dll     7100.1.300.519
    BExQueryDesignerFormulaParser.dll     7100.1.300.2
    BExQueryDesignerStarter.exe     7100.1.300.519
    BExRDRuler.dll      7100.1.300.366
    BExReportDesigner.dll     7100.1.300.366
    BExReportDesignerStarter.exe     7100.1.300.366
    BExSelectorAPI.dll     7100.1.300.230
    BExSelectorDialog.dll     7100.1.300.230
    BExSharedImageList.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExThemes.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExVariableScreen.dll     7100.1.300.949
    BExWebApplicationDesigner.exe     7100.1.300.387
    BExXMLControls.dll     7100.1.300.132
    BExXMLServices.dll     7100.1.300.132
    Interop.SAPLogonCtrl.dll     7100.1.300.1
    Interop.SHDocVw.dll     7100.1.300.1
    sapbwwmd.ocx     7100.0.4300.0
    SAPWADMXHTML.dll     7100.1.201.2
    WADBackendServices.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADBExData.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADBISPParse.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADChartControlHost.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADConst.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADControllib.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADConversion.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADHTMLEditHost.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADHTMLEditing.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADLowLevelServices.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADMain.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADMapControlHost.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADMetadataGeneration.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADMXHTML.dll     7100.1.300.4
    WADPageobjects.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADPropertiesctl.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADRDHost.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADRDLoader.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADRTFIntellisense.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADRTFIsRegEx.dll     65176
    WADServices.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADSnapShots.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADStyleSheetServices.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADTagLocator.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADTokenSearch.dll     7100.1.300.387
    WADWizTemplate.dll     7100.1.300.387
    sapbexc710.xla     7100.1.300.004
    BW 3.5 Components     
    sapbex.xla     3500.11.051
    sapbex0.xla     7100.0.300.525
    wdba.dll     3500.11.0.58
    wdbbapp.exe     3500.11.0.53
    wdbbctrl.ocx     3500.11.0.139
    wdbbwait.ani     6836
    wdbcbexc.dll     3500.11.0.106
    wdbdadpt.ocx     7005.11.0.202
    wdbfodlg.dll     3500.11.0.128
    wdbmbm2.ocx     3500.11.0.89
    wdboobjb.dll     3500.11.0.39
    wdbpwpub.exe     3500.11.0.341
    wdbranim.exe     3500.11.0.5
    wdbrlog.ocx     3500.11.0.596
    wdbrlog.exe     3500.11.0.6
    wdbrtre2.ocx     3500.11.0.11
    wdbrprn.ocx     3500.11.0.1
    wdbspres.dll     3500.11.0.151
    wdbtask.exe     3500.11.0.23
    wdbvVed.dll     3500.11.0.83
    wdbwpub.exe     3500.11.0.131
    wdbwwiz.dll     3500.11.0.78
    wdbz.ocx     3500.11.0.14
    dforrt.dll     6.0.612.101
    efileio.dll     6144
    ergxlib.dll     9728
    ethrlib.dll     8704
    iso8211.dll     131072
    libtiff.dll     352256
    mo20.lic     391
    OLE for OLAP     
    mdxpars.dll     6405.5.23.15
    SAP GUI core components     
    sapgradp.ocx     7100.1.5.479
    sapcalen.ocx     7100.1.5.126
    sapchart.ocx     7100.1.5.810
    sapbtmp.dll     7100.1.0.1309
    librfc32.dll     7100.1.81.5615
    wdtlog.ocx     7100.1.5.71
    wdttree.ocx     7100.1.5.286
    wdtaocx.ocx     7100.1.5.61
    sapdatap.ocx     7100.1.5.255
    sapfctrl.dll     7100.1.5.320
    sapfcust.exe     7100.1.5.410
    sapfdraw.dll     7100.1.5.256
    sapfewrm.dll     7100.1.5.337
    sapfhook.dll     7100.1.5.206
    SAPCHARTCONTROLLib.dll     6405.5.28.7809
    AxSAPCHARTCONTROLLib.dll     6405.5.28.7809
    Additional components     
    Synfusion components     
    Syncfusion.Core.dll     4.402.0.51
    Syncfusion.Grid.Base.dll     4.402.0.51     4.402.0.51
    Syncfusion.Shared.Base.dll     4.402.0.51
    Syncfusion.Shared.Windows.dll     4.402.0.51
    Syncfusion.Tools.Base.dll     4.402.0.51
    Syncfusion.Tools.Windows.dll     4.402.0.51
    Microsoft core components     
    mfc42.dll     6.2.4131.0
    msvcp60.dll     6.2.3104.0
    msvcrt.dll     7.0.2600.2180
    msvcrt40.dll     5.1.2600.2180
    oleaut32.dll     5.1.2600.3139
    olepro32.dll     5.1.2600.2180
    stdole2.tlb     3.50.5014.0
    ADODB.dll     7.10.3077.0
    dte.olb     7.10.3077.0
    EnvDTE.dll     7.0.9466.0
    Microsoft.mshtml.dll     7.0.3300.0
    Microsoft.StdFormat.dll     7.0.9466.0
    Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll     7.10.3077.0
    Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll     7.10.3077.0
    MSDATASRC.dll     7.0.9466.0
    MSO.DLL     10.0.6714.0
    msoutl.olb     10.0.2607.0
    Office.dll     11.0.5530.0
    stdole.dll     7.0.9466.0
    VSLangProj.dll     7.0.9466.0
    Help me, please.

    Is it just for one query or for all of them...(for all them)
    If allowed in the system create a new one and check...(yes but the query don't work).
    If it has effected all of them you can revert back the note changes.. Check again..
    (to revert back the note is a disaster. There are more notes one above the other... I should set all the objects modified to original version one to one)
    If it works now issue a message to SAP (I think it's a good idea)

  • SAP Note 0001370334: Error while deploying EAR file

    Hi All,
    We have a project requirement where payload should not be visible in both IE(SXMB_MONI) and RWB(Channel Monitoring). We have followed sap note 0001370334 and created .ear file as per sample .ear file given in the sap note.
    Here the problem is when we are trying to deploy that .ear file using NWDS, it is throwing exception :
    [ERROR CODE DPL.DCAPI.1027] SduLoadingException.
    Additional information: 'The information about the development component found in the manifest is either missing or incomplete!
    Manifest attributes are missing or have badly formatted value:
    attribute keylocation is missing
    attribute keyname is missing
    attribute keyvendor is missing
    attribute keycounter is missing
    Kindly provide ur inputs.

    Did you see this link?  Looks like your ear file is not as expected. Please delete and create and deploy again
    /thread/1516905 [original link is broken]

  • Performance tuning in XI, (SAP Note 857530 )

    Could any one pls tell me where to find sap notes.
    I am looking for "SAP Note 857530 "
    Integration process performance(in sap XI).
    or how can I view the performance of the integration process ? or exactly how performance tuning is done.
    pls help,
    Best regards,

    SAP Note:
    Performance bottlenecks when executing integration processes.
    Other terms
    Integration Processes
    This note refers to all notes that are concerned with improving the performance of the ccBPM runtime.
    This note will be continually updated as improvements are made.
    Also read the document "Checklist: Making Correct Use of Integration Processes" in the SAP Library documentation, on SAP Service Marketplace, and in SDN; it contains information about performance issues to bear in mind when you model integration processes.
    Refer to the appended notes and maintain the default code changes by using SNOTE, or by importing the relevant service packs. Note that some performance improvements cannot be implemented by using SNOTE and are instead only available in service packs.

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