Oracle VM support experiences?

I've been "playing with" Oracle VM for a year or so, and we're getting serious about it now. We bought new servers, and a support contract, and I'm trying to get this thing into production. I have filed a couple of SR's, and it's too early to judge the whether I'm going to get acceptable support.
To those of you who are paying for support: What do you think of the value of the support you're getting? Is it truly better than asking questions here? Are the people knowledgable? Can you really get hold of a person who is really competent at Oracle VM server and manager, when you have a serious problem? Do they make you first deal with people who seem to know little more than asking questions from a script?
Just wondering. I don't want to depend on Oracle support, and find it lacking, when the chips are down.

Well… I don't want to bash on Oracle Support - especially sinde we're on an Oracle forum, but I found Oracle Support to be… well… slow, to say the least.
I always ask my questions on this forum as well, since there are a couple of very respnsive people around which almost always respond with helpful tipps.
On the other hand, I don't seem to have a lot of issues with my Oracle VM cluster… ;)

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    user1115373 wrote:
    Hi All,
    Currently I'm going as Oracle dba in production support team. I'm getting call from Configuration Management team as come to this team. I dont have much knowledge about CM. Now my question is
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    The following resources should be of help:
    Oracle9i Database Release 2 (9.2) Documentation Library
    In particular, check out the following:
    Java Developer's Guide
    Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide
    XML API Reference - XDK and Oracle XML DB
    XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB
    XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK
    If that doesn't help, then try the following:
    OracleJVM and Java Stored Procedures
    XML Technology Center
    Good Luck,

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    Regarding job titles:
    "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less."
    (Lewis Carroll - Through the Looking Glass)
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    - Programmer/Analyst I
    - Programmer/Analyst II
    - Programmer/Analyst III
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    Please, review this guide:
    It is the 11.2 version of the manual but the manual gets improved from release to release so it is better to read this version. Refer to the 10.2 version of the manual to verify the languages and territories that are supported in 10.2:
    Note, Oracle has multiple levels of language support. The levels are, in increasing number of languages supported at this level:
    1. Oracle Text supports advanced linguistic operations for the given language.
    2. Error messages and user interface of many tools, including administrative tools, are translated to the given language.
    3. Error messages and user interface of many end-user tools, but not administrative tools, are translated to the given language.
    4. Oracle Text supports basic linguistic operations (e.g. stemming) for the given language.
    5. Sorting according to conventions of the given language is supported.
    6. Date, number and currency formatting according to conventions of the given language/territory is supported.
    7. Text in the given language can be stored.
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    Date, number and currency formatting depends mainly on territories (countries), not languages.
    Level 7, which is the ability of the database to store text in a given language and do some basic text processing on it, like SUBSTR, INSTR or LIKE, practically contains all languages of the world. The prerequisite is that the database character set is AL32UTF8.
    -- Sergiusz

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    Message was edited by:

    Hi All,
    Which frameworks does oracle portal support exactly?.
    Message was edited by:

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    Here is a previous link that could be interesting to you:
    Re: Employee Access to ULN or Public Yum?
    You can also install wireshark and dependend packages using oracle public yum by following the instructions on
    # yum install wireshark
    # yum install wireshark-gnome

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    You may try to install Oracle 10gXE on Vista compatibility mode.
    Else, Oracle 10gXE is delivered for Windows 32 bit. I've never tried to install it on 64 bit. It may work.
    Hope this help.
    Best regards,

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    Yes, i have already put a micro SIM. I ve read about other people with the same problem..
    El rojo y el blanco me vuela la mente!

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