Oracle9iAS Web services

Can somebody tell me where i can find the download for Oracle9iAS UDDI registry or the complete web services bundle ?

The UDDI registry is in the Oracle9iAS product itself rather than being available standalone. You can download the full Oracle9iAS Release 2 at:
It is also available in the standard edition of the application server but for the moment only the enterprise edition of Oracle9iAS R2 is available for download. Also bear in mind it is currently available for HP-UX, Solaris and Linux. I am told Windows 2000 is due shortly, however, I don't know an exact date.

Similar Messages

  • Oracle9iAS Web services download

    I want to set up a web service UDDI registry. I am trying to look for the Oracle9iAS Web services bundle to download. Does anybody know where can i find the software to download.

    The UDDI registry is in the Oracle9iAS product itself rather than being available standalone. You can download the full Oracle9iAS Release 2 at:
    It is also available in the standard edition of the application server but for the moment only the enterprise edition of Oracle9iAS R2 is available for download. Also bear in mind it is currently available for HP-UX, Solaris and Linux. I am told Windows 2000 is due shortly, however, I don't know an exact date.

  • Oracle9iAS Web servics sample

    Have a look at the new web services sample which demonstrates how to build different type of web services(stateless java,
    stateful java, stateless EJB & PL/SQL) and consume it in a typical eBusiness application. Viewlets are also provided as how the
    services need to be built, which are available both online and with the sample distribution.

    You should have no problem using Web Cache to accelerate a PL/SQL driven site. Any site that delivers content via HTTP is a good candidate for Web Cache. Try downloading the standalone Web Cache software from OTN, and be sure to read the manual to learn about how it works and how to configure it.

  • Authenticated Web Services

    How would you build an authenticated Web Services?
    Building web services are fun. I have a JSP application running on one machine and OC4J running on the other machine where all my web services are deployed. However, I don't want just anybody hitting my web services and getting data. I have the users logging into the application but the web services are just open, kind of in public mode. How does the web service know who is authorized to talk to it? How would you design the web service for authentication?

    You can start by using SSL as per this writeup/tutorial jar/zip file here:
    If you are using the Oracle9iAS Web services implementation, there is full support for basic and digest authentication ... check out:
    With relatively little effort you can set up the same level of security that exists for todays HTML based Web applications.

  • Type mismatch on SOAP Web Service method invocation

    When I run the generated client for a web service, I get the following error, which I can get rid of by using a primitive type (e.g. String) as the parameter to doSomething instead of wstest.test2.APIClass3, i.e. the SOAP server seems happy handling wstest.test2.APIClass1 as a return type, but not a similar class as a parameter type:
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Server; msg=type mismatch [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]]
         wstest.test2.APIClass1 wstest.test2.EmbeddedStatelessTest2Stub.doSomething(wstest.test2.APIClass3)
         void wstest.test2.EmbeddedStatelessTest2Stub.main(java.lang.String[])
    I am using JDeveloper9i 9.0.3 Preview and the standalone OC4J 9.0.3 that came with it. I followed the Oracle9i JDeveloper 9.0.3 Web Services Quickstart Install ( to get OC4J running standalone. I had to register the stateless EJB provider, and the WEB services wizard didn't manage to include APIClass2 (an instance of which is contained in APIClass1) in the .dd so I added it manually which works fine with APIClass1 as the method return type.
    Sorry for the length of this posting, but I wasn't sure which bits would be relevant.
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <!--Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services WSDL Generator-->
    <!--Date Created: Wed Sep 11 15:54:08 BST 2002-->
    <complexType name="wstest_test2_APIClass3" jdev:packageName="wstest.test2" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="Name" type="string"/>
    <element name="Value" type="double"/>
    <complexType name="wstest_test2_APIClass1" jdev:packageName="wstest.test2" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="Name" type="string"/>
    <element name="Value" type="double"/>
    <element name="APIClass2" type="ns1:wstest_test2_APIClass2"/>
    <complexType name="wstest_test2_APIClass2" jdev:packageName="wstest.test2" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="IntegerValue" type="int"/>
    <element name="DoubleValue" type="double"/>
    <element name="Name" type="string"/>
    <message name="doSomething0Request">
    <part name="p0" type="ns1:wstest_test2_APIClass3"/>
    <message name="doSomething0Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:wstest_test2_APIClass1"/>
    <portType name="StatelessTest2PortType">
    <operation name="doSomething">
    <input name="doSomething0Request" message="tns:doSomething0Request"/>
    <output name="doSomething0Response" message="tns:doSomething0Response"/>
    <binding name="StatelessTest2Binding" type="tns:StatelessTest2PortType">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <operation name="doSomething">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
    <input name="doSomething0Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="wstest.test2.StatelessTest2" encodingStyle=""/>
    <output name="doSomething0Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="wstest.test2.StatelessTest2" encodingStyle=""/>
    <service name="StatelessTest2">
    <port name="StatelessTest2Port" binding="tns:StatelessTest2Binding">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:8888/soap/servlet/soaprouter"/>
    Deployment Decriptor
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <!--Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services Deployment Descriptor Generator-->
    <!--This Deployment Descriptor file is for use with the Oracle9iAS Release 2 / Apache 2.2 SOAP Server SOAP Server-->
    <!--Date Created: Wed Sep 11 15:54:09 BST 2002-->
    <isd:option key="JNDILocation" value="StatelessTest2"/>
    <isd:option key="DeploymentName" value="StatelessTest2"/>
    package wstest.test2;
    import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface StatelessTest2 extends EJBObject {
    * @webmethod
    APIClass1 doSomething(APIClass3 p0) throws RemoteException;
    package wstest.test2.impl;
    import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import wstest.test2.APIClass1;
    import wstest.test2.APIClass2;
    import wstest.test2.APIClass3;
    public class StatelessTest2Bean implements SessionBean {
    public void ejbCreate() {
    public void ejbActivate() {
    public void ejbPassivate() {
    public void ejbRemove() {
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
    public APIClass1 doSomething(APIClass3 p0) {
    APIClass1 ac1 = new APIClass1();
    ac1.setName(p0.getName() + "1");
    APIClass2 ac2 = ac1.getAPIClass2();
    ac2.setName(p0.getName() + "2");
    ac2.setIntegerValue(new Integer(ac1.getValue().intValue()));
    ac2.setDoubleValue(new Double(ac1.getValue().doubleValue() * 2.0));
    return ac1;
    I change the http port from 8988 to 8888 to get this working. Also, the generated referenced a new class APIClass31, also generated, but as it didn't make any difference to the problem I replaced it with APIClass3, which has essentially the same characteristics.
    package wstest.test2;
    import oracle.soap.transport.http.OracleSOAPHTTPConnection;
    import org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer;
    import org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry;
    import org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName;
    import org.apache.soap.Constants;
    import org.apache.soap.Fault;
    import org.apache.soap.SOAPException;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Call;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Parameter;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Response;
    import wstest.test2.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import wstest.test2.APIClass1;
    import wstest.test2.APIClass2;
    import wstest.test2.APIClass3;
    * Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services Stub/Skeleton Generator.
    * Date Created: Wed Sep 11 15:41:19 BST 2002
    * WSDL URL: file:/C:/Projects/WSTest/Test2/src/wstest/test2/StatelessTest2.wsdl
    public class EmbeddedStatelessTest2Stub
    public EmbeddedStatelessTest2Stub()
    m_httpConnection = new OracleSOAPHTTPConnection();
    m_smr = new SOAPMappingRegistry();
    BeanSerializer beanSer = new BeanSerializer();
    m_smr.mapTypes(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC, new QName("http://wstest.test2/IStatelessTest2.xsd", "wstest_test2_APIClass1"), wstest.test2.APIClass1.class, beanSer, beanSer);
    m_smr.mapTypes(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC, new QName("http://wstest.test2/IStatelessTest2.xsd", "wstest_test2_APIClass2"), wstest.test2.APIClass2.class, beanSer, beanSer);
    m_smr.mapTypes(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC, new QName("http://wstest.test2/IStatelessTest2.xsd", "wstest_test2_APIClass3"), wstest.test2.APIClass3.class, beanSer, beanSer);
    public static void main(String[] args)
    EmbeddedStatelessTest2Stub stub = new EmbeddedStatelessTest2Stub();
    // Add your own code here.
    APIClass3 ac3 = new APIClass3();
    ac3.setValue(new Double(17.36));
    printAPIClass3("Input", ac3);
    APIClass1 retAc1 = stub.doSomething(ac3);
    printAPIClass1("Return", retAc1);
    catch(Exception ex)
    public String endpoint = "";
    private OracleSOAPHTTPConnection m_httpConnection = null;
    private SOAPMappingRegistry m_smr = null;
    public APIClass1 doSomething(APIClass3 p0) throws Exception
    APIClass1 returnVal = null;
    URL endpointURL = new URL(endpoint);
    Call call = new Call();
    Vector params = new Vector();
    params.addElement(new Parameter("p0", wstest.test2.APIClass3.class, p0, null));
    Response response = call.invoke(endpointURL, "");
    if (!response.generatedFault())
    Parameter result = response.getReturnValue();
    returnVal = (APIClass1)result.getValue();
    Fault fault = response.getFault();
    throw new SOAPException(fault.getFaultCode(), fault.getFaultString());
    return returnVal;
    private static void printAPIClass3(String prefix, APIClass3 ac3)
    System.out.println(prefix + ": [" + ac3.getName() + ", " + ac3.getValue() + "]");
    private static void printAPIClass1(String prefix, APIClass1 ac1)
    APIClass2 ac2 = ac1.getAPIClass2();
    System.out.println(prefix + ": [" + ac1.getName() + ", " + ac1.getValue() + " ["
    + ac2.getName() + ", " + ac2.getIntegerValue() + ", " + ac2.getDoubleValue()
    + "]]");
    public void setMaintainSession(boolean maintainSession)
    public boolean getMaintainSession()
    return m_httpConnection.getMaintainSession();
    public void setTransportProperties(Properties props)
    public Properties getTransportProperties()
    return m_httpConnection.getProperties();
    package wstest.test2;
    public class APIClass1 implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private Double value;
    private APIClass2 apiClass2;
    public APIClass1() {
    name = new String("");
    value = new Double(0.0);
    apiClass2 = new APIClass2();
    public String getName() {
    return name;
    public void setName(String newName) {
    name = new String(newName);
    public Double getValue() {
    return value;
    public void setValue(Double newValue) {
    value = new Double(newValue.doubleValue());
    public APIClass2 getAPIClass2() {
    return apiClass2;
    public void setAPIClass2(APIClass2 newAPIClass2) {
    apiClass2 = new APIClass2();
    package wstest.test2;
    public class APIClass2 implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private Integer iVal;
    private Double dVal;
    public APIClass2() {
    iVal = new Integer(0);
    dVal = new Double(0.0);
    name = new String("");
    public Integer getIntegerValue() {
    return iVal;
    public void setIntegerValue(Integer newIVal) {
    iVal = new Integer(newIVal.intValue());
    public Double getDoubleValue() {
    return dVal;
    public void setDoubleValue(Double newDoubleValue) {
    dVal = new Double(newDoubleValue.doubleValue());
    public String getName() {
    return name;
    public void setName(String newName) {
    name = new String(newName);
    package wstest.test2;
    public class APIClass3 implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private Double value;
    public APIClass3() {
    public String getName() {
    return name;
    public void setName(String newName) {
    name = new String(newName);
    public Double getValue() {
    return value;
    public void setValue(Double newValue) {
    value = new Double(newValue.doubleValue());
    package wstest.test2;
    * Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services Stub/Skeleton Generator.
    * Date Created: Wed Sep 11 10:44:56 BST 2002
    * <pre>
    * &lt;complexType name="wstest_test2_APIClass3" jdev:packageName="wstest.test2" xmlns:jdev="">
    * &lt;all>
    * &lt;element name="Name" type="string"/>
    * &lt;element name="Value" type="double"/>
    * &lt;/all>
    * &lt;/complexType>
    * </pre>
    public class APIClass31 {
    private String m_Name;
    private Double m_Value;
    public APIClass31() {
    public APIClass31(String Name, Double Value) {
    m_Name = Name;
    m_Value = Value;
    public void setName(String Name) {
    m_Name = Name;
    public String getName() {
    return m_Name;
    public void setValue(Double Value) {
    m_Value = Value;
    public Double getValue() {
    return m_Value;

    I believe this is a bug in JDev/OC4J 9.0.3 that is being further investigated right now. I have duplicated your problem in a simpler test case and folks are looking into it.

  • Error on deploying a Web Service on 9iAS release 2

    Hi, somebody could help me on deploying a Web Service on 9iAS release 2?, I have applied the UDDI patch through the file downloaded from otn web site. But on the J2EE Web Service Deploying Wizard (OEM Web Site), at the Web Service configuration stage, a message is displayed telling me that a Web Service must be deployed if the 9iAS instance which has an infrastructure connection, and this is not my case (I don't want to install the infrastructure. The UDDISYS schema was installed on a simple 9i DB release 2 successfully and for the orauddi application deployed I had created a Data Source for this user).
    On trying to do the same task from JDeveloper 9.0.3, an error ADM is displayed advincing the searching of errors in the log.xml file located on IAS_HOME/dcm/logs directory. Below I have copy the last part of this file, corresponding to the error day.
    <MSG_TEXT>[TM] Config/LoadEdit/ImportExport Adapter resync error</MSG_TEXT>
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.datastore.DataStore.getOutOfSyncPluginConfigData(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.repository.RepositoryImpl.syncUpFromPersistence(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.configsvc.ConfigurationServiceImpl.syncUp(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.ConfigAdapter.resync(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.resync(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.resync(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.sysInit(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.init(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.execute(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.main(Unknown Source)
    <MSG_TEXT>[ RM ] Exception in repository API getDBConnect()</MSG_TEXT>
    <SUPPL_DETAIL><![CDATA[oracle.ias.repository.schema.SchemaException: Unable to connect to Directory Server:javax.naming.CommunicationException: localhost:389 [Root exception is Connection refused: connect]
         at oracle.ias.repository.IASSchema.getDBConnect(
         at oracle.ias.repository.IASSchema.getDBConnect(
         at oracle.ias.repository.SchemaManager.getDBConnect(
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.SeedDbAccess.getDBConnect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.PersistenceManager.getSeedInfo(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.persistence.PersistenceManager.isDBConfigured(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.sysInit(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.InstanceManager.init(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.execute(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.cmdline.DcmCmdLine.main(Unknown Source)
    But, I can deploy this Web Service in the OC4J embedded on JDeveloper, successfully (from JDeveloper). Any idea?
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Because you do not have an infrastructure database, you will not be able to deploy your web service from OEM as one of its steps is to register the service in the UDDI registy - the Web service deployment and UDDI registration are tied tightly together in OEM right now.
    All is not lost, however. You have two routes to deploy the Web Service on Oracle9iAS:
    1. Use DCM, which is the command line interface to deploy applications/webservices/wars/ears on Oracle9iAS. It does not have the dependency on UDDI.
    To deploy a Web service using DCM, say your Web service ear file were named test.ear your deployment command would look something like:
    c:\oracle\ora903\dcm\bin\dcmctl deployApplication -file test.ear
    See the doc for much more detail to let you tailor DCM to do all the stuff that is available through EM or specific to your application:
    2. In JDeveloper 9.0.3, there is a DCM Servlet that lets you do remote deployment to Oracle9iAS:
    I suspect your deployment problem from Oracle9i JDeveloper may be (this may be an incorrect assumption) due to trying to use a connection that is setup as if Oracle9iAS is a standalone OC4J.

  • Expose Object Oriented Service code as Web Services?

    Hello All,
    I would appreciate for your insight on this matter!
    Web Services are basically RPC (Procedure Oriented) over Soap. Each service invocation by a client results a procedure execution on the server side (In many case, a service class may need to be instantiated before the procedure can be called).
    Suppose I have developed server-side logics in Object Oriented manners. How can I expose the OO server logics as Web Services? Does JDeveloper handle OO services any different from PO (procedure-oriented) services as far as the generated wrapper code/interface and WSDL?
    Specifically, I have the following example in mind. Assume we are able to successfully expose an OO services. A client calls one of the OO service (let's say service1 in portType1) the 1st time, and establish some transit state (not committing into DB), the same client subsequently calls another service (service2) of the same server portType1. How would the server retrieve the transit state established earlier by service1 while executing service2? (note, this situation would not be resulted in a procedure-oriented case. since each RPC call is independent from the others)
    I realize that "stateful" deployment may be of an option. However, stateful seems relying on client cooperation (e.g., via cookies) to establish context across multiple invocations. This may or may not be possible given an arbitrary client parties write its client code based on a WSDL.
    Another option I can think about is for Jdeveloper to generated different code for PO services vs. OO services. However, it seems not the case in current Jdeveloper.
    Thank you so much!

    Web services in general have two styles of invocation: RPC style and Doc style. RPC maps as you say directly to methods on Java class (or if a DB PL/SQL package to procedures and functions).
    The alternative, DOC, generally (though not all the time) maps to a message oriented interface. Often DOC style Web services map to messaging infrastructure such as Java Message Service Queues and Topics.
    That said RPC works well with EJB's, the component model for J2EE.
    Often what folks will do is build a service layer that is very coarse grained when exposing backend infrastructure as Web services. This abstraction typically hides a more OO underpinning (or quite often hides a very procedural backend too).
    The bottom line is the Web services do not force an OO paradigm but nor do they hinder you in any way from adopting an OO paradigm.
    In terms of JDeveloper currently it supports RPC and supports DOC only with some tweaking. On the server side, the Oracle9iAS infrastructure supports both DOC and RPC.
    Hope this is a start to answering what I think is a hard question to answer!

  • Web services with Jdeveloper using weblogic as server

    I try to test creating PL/SQL web services by using a connection hosted by weblogic server instead of OC4J. The problem is what I try to publish a package of the database in the second stage when it asks for the connection to use, in the list I don't found the connection I create to weblogic . It presents as choice only connections used the server OC4J.
    I do not Know if it is possible to publish a package as web service by using weblogic server connection, and how to do it.
    can anyone help me please .

    Web services can only be published to BEA if you install Apache SOAP on BEA and use the Apache SOAP option of JDeveloper. The J2EE Web Services implementation framework is specific to Oracle9iAS.
    The PL/SQL Web Services server implementation is based on the J2EE Web Services option and as a result is not really portable to BEA.
    To publish a PL/SQL Web service on BEA with JDeveloper you would have to write the Java wrapper code to invoke the stored procedure using standard JDBC and then publish that Java class as a Web service using Apache SOAP. Then if you had Apache SOAP installed on BEA you would be set.
    Portability of Web services implementations is a big feature coming with JAX-RPC - currently what most vendors have is interoperability between implementations because of things like SOAPBuilders and WS-I. When JAX-RPC becomes part of J2EE 1.4 roughly in June and vendors start putting out implementations on it you should get closer to portability.
    In the meantime, the easiest way to get portability is to use the same SOAP server on both servers - Apache SOAP is a good example.
    Hope this helps.

  • Web Services Tutorial (9.0.3)

    I'm new at Web Services using Oracle9iAS ( am having a problem running the tutorial at
    I manage to get to the point of deploying the Web Service and everything is fine. I then create the Web Service Stub and that seems to be created OK, but when I come to run it I get the error:
    C:\OC4J\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=1328 -classpath C:\WorkArea\JDeveloper\Project\classes;C:\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\soap\lib\soap.jar;C:\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\jlib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;C:\jlib\jssl-1_2.jar;C:\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;C:\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;C:\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar HelloImplStub
    Debugger connected to local process.
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsupported response content type "text/html", must be: "text/xml". Response was:
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>500 Internal Server Error</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>500 Internal Server Error</H1><PRE>Servlet error: Cannot generate Class: C:\OC4J\j2ee\home\application-deployments\WorkspaceStatelessJava-ProjectStatelessJava-WS\WebServices\temp\__java_stateless_rpc\ '.' expected
    import IHelloImpl;
    1 error
         at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.getEnvelopeString(
         at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(
         at HelloImplStub.sayHello(
         at HelloImplStub.main(
    Debugger disconnected from local process.
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    I have even tried creating the client using Axis but receive the same error message, so the problem is withthe Web Service.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I'm new at Web Services using Oracle9iAS ( am having a problem running the tutorial at
    I manage to get to the point of deploying the Web Service and everything is fine. I then create the Web Service Stub and that seems to be created OK, but when I come to run it I get the error:
    C:\OC4J\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -client -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=1328 -classpath C:\WorkArea\JDeveloper\Project\classes;C:\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\soap\lib\soap.jar;C:\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\jlib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;C:\jlib\jssl-1_2.jar;C:\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;C:\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;C:\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar HelloImplStub
    Debugger connected to local process.
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsupported response content type "text/html", must be: "text/xml". Response was:
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>500 Internal Server Error</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>500 Internal Server Error</H1><PRE>Servlet error: Cannot generate Class: C:\OC4J\j2ee\home\application-deployments\WorkspaceStatelessJava-ProjectStatelessJava-WS\WebServices\temp\__java_stateless_rpc\ '.' expected
    import IHelloImpl;
    1 error
         at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.getEnvelopeString(
         at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(
         at HelloImplStub.sayHello(
         at HelloImplStub.main(
    Debugger disconnected from local process.
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    I have even tried creating the client using Axis but receive the same error message, so the problem is withthe Web Service.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

  • Using Web Service a Data Source for my Report

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to use a Web service as a PDS for my Oracle9ias reports.
    I have a few questions on this.
    1) Can the webservice Return a Complex data type e.g java.util.Vector? If Yes, How does the report extract data frm the Vecor?
    2) If the first option isn't feasible, Can I go for a array of objects as return values provided those objects are serializable?Again how would the report extract data from array of objects?
    3) OR is it advisable to go for Document style web service that returns me an XML document?

    what do do you mean by that???
    i hope i helped....

  • XML Schema mapping error when generating web service

    I have created a method in java that returns an array of an object type (a user defined class). When tried to generate a web service JDeveloper did not allow me to select the method, giving the following "Why not.." explanation: "One or more parameters did not have an XML Schema mapping and/or serializer specified".
    Can anyone help me in this?

    Thanks Mike for your advice it did work when I changed the setters and getters names, and managed to create a web service with Apache Soap profile. I created the client stub and client application to run the web service but it keep coming with soap-env error messages.
    Error message I get when running the client side:
    F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -ojvm -classpath F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdev\mywork\OrbatListArray\OrbatClient\classes;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\soap\lib\soap.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jlib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jlib\jssl-1_2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar orbatclientpackage.OrbatListArrayClient
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Server.BadTargetObjectURI; msg=Unable to resolve target object(orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatListArray): orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatListArray [java.lang.ClassNotFoundException]]     orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatType[] orbatclientpackage.OrbatListArrayStub.getOrbatListArray()     void orbatclientpackage.OrbatListArrayClient.main(java.lang.String[]) in thread main
    Process exited with exit code 1.
    My wsdl file is:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <!--Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services WSDL Generator-->
    <!--Date Created: Wed Oct 23 11:16:29 BST 2002-->
    <complexType name="ArrayOfOrbatType" xmlns:wsdl="">
    <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="ns1:orbatlistarraypackage_OrbatType[]"/>
    <complexType name="orbatlistarraypackage_OrbatType" jdev:packageName="orbatlistarraypackage" xmlns:jdev="">
    <element name="OrbatName" type="string"/>
    <element name="OrbatID" type="int"/>
    <message name="getOrbatListArray0Request"/>
    <message name="getOrbatListArray0Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:ArrayOfOrbatType"/>
    <portType name="OrbatListArrayPortType">
    <operation name="getOrbatListArray">
    <input name="getOrbatListArray0Request" message="tns:getOrbatListArray0Request"/>
    <output name="getOrbatListArray0Response" message="tns:getOrbatListArray0Response"/>
    <binding name="OrbatListArrayBinding" type="tns:OrbatListArrayPortType">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <operation name="getOrbatListArray">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
    <input name="getOrbatListArray0Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatListArray" encodingStyle=""/>
    <output name="getOrbatListArray0Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatListArray" encodingStyle=""/>
    <service name="OrbatListArray">
    <port name="OrbatListArrayPort" binding="tns:OrbatListArrayBinding">
    <soap:address location=""/>
    My OrbatListArrayDescriptor.dd file:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <!--Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services Deployment Descriptor Generator-->
    <!--This Deployment Descriptor file is for use with the Oracle9iAS Release 2 / Apache 2.2 SOAP Server SOAP Server-->
    <!--Date Created: Wed Oct 23 11:16:29 BST 2002-->
    <isd:java class="orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatListArray" static="false"/>
    My Client Web Service Stub class file:
    package orbatclientpackage;
    import oracle.soap.transport.http.OracleSOAPHTTPConnection;
    import org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer;
    import org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry;
    import org.apache.soap.util.xml.QName;
    import org.apache.soap.Constants;
    import org.apache.soap.Fault;
    import org.apache.soap.SOAPException;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Call;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Parameter;
    import org.apache.soap.rpc.Response;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatType;
    import java.util.Properties;
    * Generated by the Oracle9i JDeveloper Web Services Stub/Skeleton Generator.
    * Date Created: Wed Oct 23 11:19:42 BST 2002
    * WSDL URL: file:/F:/JDev9i-0-3/jdev/mywork/OrbatListArray/OrbatListArrayProject/src/orbatlistarraypackage/OrbatListArray.wsdl
    public class OrbatListArrayStub
    public OrbatListArrayStub()
    m_httpConnection = new OracleSOAPHTTPConnection();
    m_smr = new SOAPMappingRegistry();
    BeanSerializer beanSer = new BeanSerializer();
    m_smr.mapTypes(Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC, new QName("http://orbatlistarraypackage/IOrbatListArray.xsd", "orbatlistarraypackage_OrbatType"), orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatType.class, beanSer, beanSer);
    public String endpoint = "";
    private OracleSOAPHTTPConnection m_httpConnection = null;
    private SOAPMappingRegistry m_smr = null;
    public OrbatType[] getOrbatListArray() throws Exception
    OrbatType[] returnVal = null;
    URL endpointURL = new URL(endpoint);
    Call call = new Call();
    Vector params = new Vector();
    Response response = call.invoke(endpointURL, "");
    if (!response.generatedFault())
    Parameter result = response.getReturnValue();
    returnVal = (OrbatType[])result.getValue();
    Fault fault = response.getFault();
    throw new SOAPException(fault.getFaultCode(), fault.getFaultString());
    return returnVal;
    public void setMaintainSession(boolean maintainSession)
    public boolean getMaintainSession()
    return m_httpConnection.getMaintainSession();
    public void setTransportProperties(Properties props)
    public Properties getTransportProperties()
    return m_httpConnection.getProperties();
    My Client application main file:
    package orbatclientpackage;
    public class OrbatListArrayClient
    public OrbatListArrayClient()
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    OrbatListArrayStub s = new OrbatListArrayStub();
    // File xmlFile;
    // BufferedWriter in;
    // xmlFile = new File("f:\\OrbatSoap", "OrbatXMLList.xml");
    // PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(xmlFile)));
    // out.println(s.getOrbatListArray());
    // out.flush();
    When I deployed it to jar I copied the jar file in the following directory:
    <jdevloper home>\soap\webapps\soap\soap\Web-inf\lib\
    I then tried and created a client stub in the same package using JDeveloper 9.0.3 wizard for creating sample java client and added a line to call my getOrbatListArray method and print it to the screen. I get another soap error message, saying:
    F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -ojvm -classpath F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdev\mywork\OrbatListArray\OrbatListArrayProject\classes;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdbc\lib\nls_charset12.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\rdbms\jlib\xsu12.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\lib\xmlcomp.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\soap\lib\soap.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jlib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\jlib\jssl-1_2.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;F:\JDev9i-0-3\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar orbatlistarraypackage.EmbeddedOrbatListArrayStub
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:IOException; msg=Connection refused: connect; Connection refused: connect]     void org.apache.soap.SOAPException.<init>(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Throwable)     void oracle.soap.transport.http.OracleSOAPHTTPConnection.send(, java.lang.String, java.util.Hashtable, org.apache.soap.Envelope, org.apache.soap.encoding.SOAPMappingRegistry, org.apache.soap.rpc.SOAPContext)     org.apache.soap.rpc.Response org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(, java.lang.String)     orbatlistarraypackage.OrbatType1[] orbatlistarraypackage.EmbeddedOrbatListArrayStub.getOrbatListArray()     void orbatlistarraypackage.EmbeddedOrbatListArrayStub.main(java.lang.String[]) exited with exit code 0.
    Sorry for the length of this message, but I am getting desparate.
    Thanks again for all you help

  • Oracle 9i Web Services Quickstart Install TCP tunneling problem

    When I try to run the OTNGUIDGenerator example using the TCP Tunneling portion of the Oracle 9i Web Services Quickstart
    Install I get this in the From localhost8900 tunnel window:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <ns1:getGUID xmlns:ns1="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
    I get this in the From window:
    HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
    Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 20:38:06 GMT
    Server: Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE
    Content-Length: 171
    Connection: Close
    Content-Type: text/html
    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>404 Not Found</H1>Resource /j2ee-web/ not found on this server</BODY></HTML>
    This is my webservices stub
    public class OTNGUIDGeneratorStub
    /** public String endpoint = ""; */
    public String endpoint = "";
    private OracleSOAPHTTPConnection m_httpConnection = null;
    public OTNGUIDGeneratorStub()
    System.setProperty("oracle.soap.transport.noHTTPClient", "true");
    m_httpConnection = new OracleSOAPHTTPConnection();
    Properties props = new Properties();
    /** props.put(OracleSOAPHTTPConnection.PROXY_AUTH_TYPE, "basic");
    props.put(OracleSOAPHTTPConnection.PROXY_HOST, "");
    props.put(OracleSOAPHTTPConnection.PROXY_PORT, "375");
    props.put(OracleSOAPHTTPConnection.PROXY_USERNAME, "fowlerji");
    props.put(OracleSOAPHTTPConnection.PROXY_PASSWORD, "F1234567*g"); */
    Not sure what to call the server - this works okay when I'm not using tunneling and using our proxy server??

    I think your problem is that you have a proxy user/password and the TCP Monitor (both the command line and built-in 9.0.3 version) do not support that - they only support specification of the proxy server itself :-(
    It is a feature request that I hope will make it into the late spring/early summer release of JDeveloper - I wrote it up as a request based on the number of folks who faced this issue with these tutorials.

  • Problem depolying Web Service in 9.0.3

    After getting JDevloper up & working OK, I'm now trying to deploy a web service. I'm following the tutorial for deploying a Java Web Service (
    All is fine until the actual deployment when I recieve this in the log:
    "---- Deployment started. ---- 29/07/2005 14:00:12
    Wrote WAR file to C:\WorkArea\JDeveloper\Project\WebServices.war
    Wrote EAR file to C:\WorkArea\JDeveloper\Project\WorkspaceStatelessJava-ProjectStatelessJava-WS.ear
    Invoking OC4J admin tool...
    c:\OC4J\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe -jar C:\j2ee\home\admin.jar ormi:// admin -deploy -file C:\WorkArea\JDeveloper\Project\WorkspaceStatelessJava-ProjectStatelessJava-WS.ear -deploymentName WorkspaceStatelessJava-ProjectStatelessJava-WS
    Error: javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup error: javax.naming.AuthenticationException: Invalid username/password for default (admin); nested exception is:
         javax.naming.AuthenticationException: Invalid username/password for default (admin)
    Exit status of OC4J admin tool (-deploy): 1
    Elapsed time for deployment: 4 seconds
    #### Deployment incomplete. #### 29/07/2005 14:00:16
    The password to admin is welcome which is what I configured in JDeveloper. I can run the admin tool from the command line using welcome as a password, so what's up?
    I'm using Oracle9ias 9.0.3

    If you use Oracle AS:
    Set the security username and password for OC4J access:
    http://localhost:18100/ -> j2eeApplications -> your_web_app -> Security
    Be sure to grant RMI access to the user group.
    !!You need to restart server for changes to take effect!!
    http://localhost:18100/ -> "Restart all"

  • Publish PL/SQL with Web Service with errors ...

    Good day, I installed on my pc the example of the following link:
    Unfortunately, when try to perform it on the window where running Oracle9iAS comes restored the following mistake :
    Node started with id=-1716454166
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.LRUStatementCache.searchExplicitCache(LRUStatement
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection.getStatementWithKey(OracleConnect
    at sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext$OracleContext.prepareOracleStatement(Ex
    at rocco.Company.addemp(Company.sqlj:42)
    at rocco.__CompanySPWrapper.invokeMethod(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterC
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletReque
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(Ser
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpReques
    at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    at Source)
    and on the JDeveloper window show the mistake:
    C:\jdev\jdk\bin\javaw.exe -ojvm -classpath C:\jdev project\PLSQL\Project1\classes;C:\jdev\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\jdev\sqlj\lib\runtime12.jar;C:\jdev\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar;C:\jdev\jdbc\lib\nls_charset12.jar;C:\jdev\jdev\lib\jdev-rt.jar;C:\jdev\soap\lib\soap.jar;C:\jdev\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\jdev\jlib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar;C:\jdev\jlib\jssl-1_2.jar;C:\jdev\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;C:\jdev\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;C:\jdev\j2ee\home\lib\http_client.jar mypackage1.RoccoCompanyWebServiceStub
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Server; msg=[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Server; msg=]]
         void mypackage1.RoccoCompanyWebServiceStub.addemp(rocco.Employee)
         void mypackage1.RoccoCompanyWebServiceStub.main(java.lang.String[])
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    It seems been depicted all correctly, but although this do not succeed to complete the tutorial with the test puts into practice.
    Someone it is able to be me of help.
    Thanks one thousand.

    there is a tutorial:
    "Developing a Web Service from a PL/SQL Package"
    I think you need Oracle AS, because you need an instance which "talks" http....

  • Calling web service with SSL (HTTPS) hangs client stub

    If anyone can help it would make my day! I've spent way too much time on this!!!
    I'm running:
    - Web service is running on Linux RedHat with Oracle9iAS 9.0.3
    - Client is running from Windows XP under Jdeveloper
    I've successfully installed and run the web security demo "ws_security" at
    This demo goes through installing the web service, certificates, etc... and the demo runs fine. I'm also able to connect to the web service from a browser using https://server1:4443/CreditCardValidator/CreditCardValidator. I can download the proxy, look at the WSDL, etc...
    Now I've written my own very simple stateless java class web service, deployed it to 9iAS , and then downloaded the proxy stub jar. Using the proxy stub I can call my web service and everything works fine.
    Then I configure the web service to use HTTPS by making the following changes to the proxy stub (per the ws_security demo).
    1) Copy the following 5 lines to the proxy stub
    2) modify the "m_soapURL" by changing "http" to "https" and the port number to 4443
    3) add the following 3 jar files to my projects library class list:
    C:\Program Files\jdev9031\jlib\jssl-1_2.jar
    C:\Program Files\jdev9031\jdk\jre\lib\ext\jcert.jar
    C:\Program Files\jdev9031\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\jdev9031\jlib\javax-ssl-1_2.jar
    When I run the proxy stub it just hangs. I've traced the hang to the "Response response = call.invoke(new URL(m_soapURL), soapActionURI);" statement in the "makeSOAPCallRPC" method in the proxy stub.
    Again, this works fine if I simply change the "m_soapURL" to use "http" instead of "https". It looks like it's hanging on the client side and the call is never making it to the server.
    Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!!!

    Could you explain it a little more, please.
    Since my first message, I used the wallet manager to add the certificate the server where the web service is at, uses.
    What else do I need to make it work??
    Thanks in advance again.

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