OracleAS log rotation

hello all:)
could anyone explain what's log rotation is all about in 10g r2?

Log rotation, is when you don't want to have Logs to increase in sizes out of manageable, so you define at what size your logs (from almost all componentes) your logs will stop writting a log file and create a new one, there is a lot of criterias for this time, size and the definition of this, has to be done in the specific component.
In this forum we have explain lately, a few examples of this, for OPMN componentes, HTTP, OC4J, you may make a search for this.
Hope this help.

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  • [logging] Problems to configure logging rotation.

    I have an application .ear deployed in weblogic v10.3.1.0
    This application use java.util.logging to write a log file.
          fh = new FileHandler(logFileName,0,1,true);
          fh.setFormatter(new XMLFormatter());
    FileHandler(String pattern, int limit, int count, boolean append)
    pattern - the pattern for naming the output file
    limit - the maximum number of bytes to write to any one file. If this is zero, then there is no limit. (Defaults to no limit).
    count - the number of files to use
    append - specifies append mode
    logFileName is dynamic with date formated like this yyyMMdd + ApplicationName + ".log"
    This file is created but I have also yyyyMMddSEC.log.1, yyyyMMddSEC.log.2, yyyyMMddSEC.log.3,...
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    Log file name: logs/DefaultDomain.log
    Rotation type: None
    Messages accumulate in a single file.
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    Thanks for your help.

    You may want to ask in the WebLogic Server - Diagnostics / WLDF / SNMP forum. They own logging.

  • Weblogic 5.1 SP 6 log rotation

    Hi all,
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    to configure that.
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi there,
    I've managed to configure XSQL with Weblogic 5.1 SP6 and to run the demos from the Oracle site.
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    -Windows NT 4.0
    -Weblogic 5.1 SP 6
    -Oracle 8.1.7
    -Xalan version=2.0.1
    -Xerces version=1_3_1 (Support SAX2)
    CLASSPATH="${oradriver.lib}:${servlets.lib}:${jaxp.lib}:${xerces.lib}:${xalan.lib}:${xsql.lib}:${weblogic.home.dir}/lib/weblogic510sp${weblogic.sp.version}boot.jar:${weblogic.home. dir}/classes/boot"
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    <WebAppServletContext-ads> looking for taglib uri
    /tlds/taglib.tld as resource /WEB-INF/tlds/taglib.tld
    in Web Application root:
    Sat Jun 16 14:30:37 PDT 2001:<E>
    <WebAppServletContext-ads> Servlet failed with
    javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagAttributeInfo: method
    <init>(Ljava/lang/String;ZZLjava/lang/String;)V not
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    My question is that somebody has any ideea of what other type of servlet lib will be needed or if something else in the configuration files has to be modified?
    Thanks in advance,
    dan stepanov

  • Log Rotation

    We are monitoring our logs with several scripts, however we are finding inconsistency with the time of new logs created like access and error. We would like to have it created a new file everyday at 12:01 AM and should end at 11:59 PM.
    Please let me know if someone knows how to do it with some DS Settings.
    Thanks, John.

    These are the links to the official docs for 5.x:
    From this manual you see that the only way to rotate by hand the log files is:
    1) Stop the Directory Server instance
    2) rename current access/error/audit log files
    3) Restart Directory Server instance
    In that case the DS will create a new access/error/audit log file.
    Moreover from:
    We see that in 5.x version the attribute nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtime has a different syntax (single integer value) compared to what it has in 6.x and later releases, that doesn't allow to specify you the exact time to rotate the log files. It will simply rotate after the amount of units expressed by the nsslapd-accesslog-logrotationtimeunit attribute.
    Given that we could mix a bit of both, and set a rotation policy from the Administration Console of the Directory Server Instance->Configuration Tab->Logs:
    - Check the box Unlimited size
    - Create new log every: *1 Day(s)*
    - Click Save
    A pop-up box will inform you that:
    You have set an unlimited size for the log files. Note that this can be dangerous as it can cause problems to your system if the size of the logs is very big. Do you want to continue?
    You can acknowledge this message and click Yes
    This should create a policy to rotate the access log file every 1 day ( = 23h59m59s after last log rotation) regardless of log size. The only advice I have with these settings is that you've to carefully monitor also the filesystem occupation, or set a proper deletion policy.
    Last step is then to sync the log time rotation, you have to 'manually' perform a rotation at midnight

  • GC log rotation question

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    -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=1M
    Prior to these JVM arg additions, on any java application start, your GC log would get wiped. In my case a tomcat server running java code.
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    I did file a bug on this, 9005051. However there is no guarantee your bug request ever makes it to the public bug database and oracle doesn't provide reasoning back to the submitter when the bug is rejected or not looked at, so I don't really know what happened with my bug request.
    If anyone has any insight into this, I would really appreciate it.
    Thank you!

    > Or better yet, where I can find someone to actually answer my question?
    Me! Me! I know the answer to that question...
    Oracle is more than happy for you to pay them for a support\service contract of which part of that will be that you can ask them questions and they will answer them.  Real Oracle engineers and perhaps the very people who created the code in the first place.  Or at least the ones in charge of it now.
    > yet there is no guarantee my bug is even a bug or will even get posted to the bug database
    Yes that is true.
    But I suspect, strongly, that if you have a big enough contract that every bug you post to the database, and that you tell oracle about, will appear promptly and be addressed promptly.
    And if you have a smaller (but not really small) Oracle contract I am rather certain that you can obtain a custom fix.
    Alternatively you can download the source, figure out the problem, and fix it yourself.  Then apply it to your running services.

  • OPMN Log rotation 10.1.2

    How to rotate the OPMN logs in the 10.1.2 environment
    Here is my environment
    Oracle Application Server: 10.1.2
    Sun Soalris 10
    Infrastructure has the following
    Any document which gives step by step implementation of log rotation by size and time
    Is ODL is supported for OPMN log rotation? if then how to do it ?

    The document looking like to rotate the ons.log ipm.log using the configuration change in the opmn.xml file as the
    <log-file path="path" level="level" rotation-size="kBytes" rotation-hour="HOD"/>
    Here are my questions
    1. How can give the rotation-hour (is it timestamp value like 200808020830 yeardaymonthhoursminutes )
    2. Is it going to change the file name like ons200808020830.log ipm200808020830.log , if yes a) ons.log ipm.log files will exist inclusing the above files or not
    3. what about the other log files rotation in the opmn/log directory like (in my previous posting)
    Could you please answer my questions and also give me some sugestion to implement OPMN log rotation.

  • Regarding internal daemon log rotation...

    I found a problem with internal daemon log rotation in iplanet is not happening to troble shoot this issue?

    Web Server 6.0 is EOSLed. Please move to the newer Web Servers 6.1 or 7.0. Check [|]. If you still have problems in these(6.1 or 7.0) versions of Web Server let us know.

  • LMS3.2 Log rotation problem

    we use LMS3.2 (windows single-server)  for ~4500 devices and have a problem with log rotation.
    That's our configured log roation:
    Name with location
    Size (kb)
    No.of Backups
    The backup directory is the same as the usual log directory. The size of the 3 files is already bigger than the configured size in log roation, see:
    dcrclient.log     2,1 GB
    ICServer.log     1,1 GB
    syslog.log        9,7 GB
    After the log roation configuration we restarted the daemon manager, but it's not working. There are no backup files created and the 3 files are still growing.

    After you configure the log rotation you need and restart the daemons, you need to schedule the job. The schedule buttong is available under
    Common Services -> Server -> Admin -> Log Rotation.

  • Extended format of access.log and log rotation

    I am using WebLogic Server 6.1sp1. I want to use extended format of web
    server access log. I also want to use log rotation based on date. But it
    seems not to work together. After my investigation I can say:
    - access.log in common format can be rotated based on date an on size,
    - access.log in extended format (either in its default form or
    completely redefined) cannot be rotated neither based on date nor size.
    In the second case at first time WebLogic tries to rotate logfile
    IOException is thrown with a message like " Failed
    to rename log file on attempt to rotate logs". Than it throws
    IOException with a message "Exception flushing HTTP log file. (Bad file
    descriptor)." when it tries to flush content of logfile to the disk.
    After that WebLogic server stops to write to access.log.
    Is it possible to rotate access.log in extended format?
    Andrzej Derlacki
    Infovide, Poland
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    i am pasting the entries below which i see in the log( access_log ) . I don't see DEBUG in them.
    <AGENT_IP_ADDRESS> - - [29/Jun/2007:09:48:23 -0400] "GET /em/upload?ACTION=HEARTBEAT&EMD
    e0%2e0&X-ORCL-EMCV=10%2e2%2e0%2e1%2e0&X-ORCL-EMSV=10%2e2%2e0%2e1%2e0 HTTP/1.1" 2
    00 5
    <AGENT_IP_ADDRESS>- - [29/Jun/2007:09:48:23 -0400] "GET /em/upload?ACTION=HEARTBEAT&EM
    L-EMOV=4%2e0%2e0&X-ORCL-EMCV=10%2e2%2e0%2e1%2e0&X-ORCL-EMSV=10%2e2%2e0%2e1%2e0 H
    TTP/1.1" 200 5
    <AGENT_IP_ADDRESS> - - [29/Jun/2007:09:48:24 -0400] "GET /em/upload?ACTION=HEARTBEAT&E
    %2e0%2e0&X-ORCL-EMCV=10%2e2%2e0%2e1%2e0&X-ORCL-EMSV=10%2e2%2e0%2e1%2e0 HTTP/1.1"
    200 5

  • ORACLE LOG ERRORS - Bug in oracle??

    we are using oracle log errors to capture oversized err records for varchar2 type fields. Sql is something like:
    INSERT INTO abc (col1,col2) VALUES ('asdsass','weqwewqee') LOG ERRORS INTO abc_err('1') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;
    But, data captured in abc table is trimmed data. Right spaces present in source are being trimmed by oracle while capturing this error table. I have the following queries:
    -Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior?
    -Is it a bug in oracle log errors functionallity??
    -Is there any workaround to use oracle log errors functionality to catch untrimmed data?
    Edited by: user7036480 on Dec 11, 2008 4:22 PM

    user7036480 wrote:
    -Has anyone else experienced this type of behavior? Yes, described in that issue while "log errors into g_logtest_err(1) reject limit 1" (is it you?)
    -Is it a bug in oracle log errors functionallity?? Raise a SR to know.
    -Is there any workaround to use oracle log errors functionality to catch untrimmed data?No.

  • Does oracle log general errors

    Dear experts,
    I am using Oracle I am researching on random ORA-00900:     invalid SQL statement error that we are seeing in production. Does oracle log such errors in alert.log or any tables? If not can we configure to log such errors?

    Dont understand.... you are seeing ORA-00900 in production but don't know where to search this error? where do you see it?It is being logged from application in event log which I do not have access to. I wanted to check if oracle also logs such error some where.
    SQL Banner : SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Nov 28 12:12:25 2012
    SQL :
    DECODE (
    NVL (argument_name, CHR (0))
    ) AS name,
    DECODE (
    'IN', 1,
    'IN/OUT', 3,
    'OUT', DECODE (argument_name, NULL, 6, 2),
    ) AS direction,
    DECODE (
    'BFILE', 101,
    'BLOB', 102,
    'BYTE', 103,
    'CHAR', 104,
    'CLOB', 105,
    'DATE', 106,
    'DECIMAL', 107,
    'DOUBLE', 108,
    'INT16', 111,
    'INT32', 112,
    'INT64', 113,
    'LONG', 109,
    'LONG RAW', 110,
    'NCHAR', 117,
    'NCLOB', 116,
    'NVARCHAR2', 119,
    'RAW', 120,
    'REF CURSOR', 121,
    'SINGLE', 122,
    'TIMESTAMP', 123,                              
    'VARCHAR2', 126,
    'XMLTYPE', 127,
    'NUMBER', 107,
    ) AS oracleType,
    DECODE (
    'BLOB', 0,
    'CHAR', 0,
    'CLOB', 0,
    'LONG RAW', 0,
    'NCHAR', 0,                              
    'NCLOB', 0,                              
    'NVARCHAR2', 0,
    'RAW', 0,
    'VARCHAR2', 2048,                                                            
    ) AS length,
    NVL (data_precision, 255) AS precision,
    NVL (data_scale, 255) AS scale
    data_level = 0
    AND data_type IS NOT NULL
    AND owner = :schemaName
    AND package_name = :packageName
    AND object_name = :methodName
    overload, position
    ******************** EXCEPTION PROPERTIES ********************
    Errors: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleErrorCollection
    Source: Oracle Data Provider for .NET
    Number: 900
    ErrorCode: -2147467259
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: Void HandleErrorHelper(Int32, Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, IntPtr, Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OpoSqlValCtx*, System.Object, System.String, Boolean)
    Edited by: spur230 on Nov 28, 2012 12:13 PM


    Hi Experts,
    9 documents are missing and when they were saved the system showed the message "update has been stopped". This was because of the Oracle LOGS (full).
    When Oracle problem was solved the documents were not found in SM13 to recovered.
    Any clue?
    On the other hand If a have finantial documents in QAS how can I put it on PRD?

    Schedule your backups according to the full backup time.
    Do a test of full backup and fine the time that it takes to complete the full backup. You can include "plus archivelog" if you want your archive logs to be backed up along with the full backup. This is most preferred as this makes restoration easy too.
    If your full backup takes, say, 4 hrs to complete and if you schedule your full backup at 00 00 hrs on your scheduler, then schedule the archive backups after 04 00 hrs. This will solve your problems with missing archive backups.
    >> "But from RMAN specialist I heard that this may cause problems with full backup. During full backup also archive logs are backed up (at the start and end) so there might be a problem with accessing the file that is used by another process. And this may cause problem with full backup - which we want to avoid especially."
    This will throw out errors if your input to full backup consists "delete input" for your archived logs, else the process will not have any problem and succeed.
    Also when one or more of backups run concurrently, "ORA-00230: operation disallowed: snapshot control file enqueue unavailable" error may occur but this is rare case.
    Thank you!!

  • Agent log rotation

    Agent - Sunone Agent 2.1
    Webserver - IIS
    Policy Server - IS 6.0 SP1.
    How do you get the agent log to rotate on size/time? Is there a parameter?
    Currently we have to manually delete it.

    Log rotation feature available in 2.2 web agents. You need to find other ways to do it.

  • Log rotation problem

    We are running WLS 8.1.4 and have had a recurring problem with log rotation for quite a long time. It has happened on every machine we've used, running both Windows 2000 and XP. What we want to do is have our logs roll nightly, but it seems that no matter what time we set in the WLS console, the log ends up rolled at an arbitrary time.
    Our current configuration is the following:
    Server File Name: ourServerName_%MM%-%dd%-%yyyy%.log
    Rotation Type: By Time
    Rotation Time: 04:00
    File Time Span: 24 Hrs
    We have tried many permutations on the Rotation Time field, including removing or adding leading zeros as well as seeing if the time difference is constant due to a time zone issue, but no discernible pattern has emerged.
    For instance, the logs for the last few days have been rolled at exactly 2300, despite being set to roll at 0400. Other times it has been set to roll at 0204, and it will roll at 1104. One other thing to note: the minutes are always correct, but the hours are nearly always off.
    Any ideas?

    No, and I can verify that this problem has showed up at multiple sites configured by multiple people besides myself. As we are precisely following the specs laid out in the WLS 8.1 docs, I can only assume this is a bug.

  • IPlanet 4.1 Web Server - ns-cron process hangs for log rotation

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    Basically it won't rotate any logs, and using either the "Stop" or "Restart" buttons in the console won't shut it down, so you have to kill it manually, then start it again.
    It seems like it will run for a couple days fine, then it will hang up.

    Nope, I've not seen this before. But 4.1 version is really old and no longer supported, you should consider upgrading to a supported version.

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