Orange Pictures in certain indoor light w/or w/o flash

I am on my 3rd iPhone 4 with the exact same problem. Pictures come out Pumpkin Orange in certain types of indoor light.They are over saturated in color and noisy. There is also flare and trailing burn in from lights.
Compared to a friends iPhone there are no issues or discoloration at all and the pictures look great. His iPhone 4 was purchased at the same store the same night as I purchased mine.
My wife has the same issues. This scenario goes for Video as well as Still Shots.
I have compared my friends iPhone 4 to my original and two replacement phones, all with the same result. Same exact side by side pictures, and mine are all Orange. I need the Camera to work correctly. I will keep bringing it back until I get a good one, as they are out there.
I have friends around the country who are experiencing the same issue. I am a 20 Year FanBoy so I am forgiving, but I wish I did not sell my 3GS. Hopefully they can fix it with Software and a WhiteBalance correction or some other fix. SOON!!!

The issue here is that Chrome includes a built in version of Flash Player that it maintains and it updates.  You can verify you're using the latest version of Chrome by going to it's "About Google Chrome" menu. 
It does appear that you've successfully uninstalled the other versions (used for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc.)
What kind of crashes are you getting?

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