Order preservation in data flow

Hi Experts,
                I would like to know whether the order of data flowing through a dataflow is preserved or not.
consider the scenario as follows.
I have a source table
I fetch it to a query transform to set an error flag based on some column values(say if column1 or column2 or column3 is null then error flag is E else null)
Then I have a case statement to split the flow into two based on the error flag value( If Error flag is E then Error else success )
on both the flows i am having one table comparison each before loading it to target tables.
Since i am using sorted input option in table comparison I need the data to be sorted. Should i do it separately using one query transform each before the Table comparisons or can i use an order by in the first Query transform itself. Also If i am using the order by in the first query transform, Will this operation be pushed down to the DB?
Thanks & Regards
Alex Oommen

Hi Ramesh,
               This is just a sample scenario I mentioned. The main intention is that, if the order is preserved then we can do the order by in the retrieval time itself, so that this operation can be pushed down to the DB.
Here in both the legs Error and Success, we are doing an "order by". If its possible to put the order by Q_Fetch Query so that the data retrieved itself will be sorted

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    the order in which Sub data flows ( Optimized SQL ) are executed ?
    Thank you in advance.

    First, if you are using MDX to calculate the value of C - don’t.  MDX script logic can be extremely inefficient from a processing and memory utilization standpoint vs. SQL logic even if the syntax is shorter.
    Logic executes in the order you place the code in the script.  You have three commit blocks and they would execute in that order.  I notice you don't have a commit after the calculation for C.  You should always put a commit statement after each calculation section or you can get uncommitted data even though there is an implied commit after the last line of code executes.  Don't get in the habit of relying on this.
    You can see the logic logs from the temp folders on the file server as suggested above but they will mainly give you the SQL queries generated which can be helpful in debugging scoping issues but they can be hard to sift through.
    I recommend trying putting a commit statement after your calculation of C and that will probably resolve the issue.  I also strongly suggest you switch the calculation to SQL logic to avoid performance issues when you start having these calculations run under high concurrency or on larger volumes of data than what you're probably testing with.

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    BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW - For classic scenario in newer versions of SRM
    BBP_ECS_PO_OUT_BADI     - For extended classic scenario
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    Please correct me if I am wrong. Let me the exact data flow.
    Information on this highly appreciated and will be higly rewared. Thanks in advance.
    Krishna Chaitanya


  • Data flow in R/3 and CRM

    Hi experts
    I am bit confused about the data flow in source systems moving to Delta queue even though i know bits and pices but not able to relate and keep them in order.
    First Scenario- R/3
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    in SM53 we can check the transfer of data records from this delta queue to BW.
    Is my understanding right on the R/3.
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    thanks and regards

    Hi Rahul,
    Execute Transaction: CRMC_R3_ORG_GENERATE
    Select the org u want to copy to CRM.
    Click on 'Generate Selected Lines'.
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel
    <b>Reward with Points!</b>

  • Config issue:  no data flow to profit center

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    Are there any configure steps need to be done in order to let the data flow to profit center?
    please advise.

    version should set to 1.


    제품 : FIN_AR
    작성날짜 : 2003-09-16
    이 문서에서는 AR table들에 대해 어떻게 data가 들어가는지에 대해
    On Account와 Cash Receipt을 기준으로 설명한다.
    1. On Account Credits
    특정 Customer에 대한 Credit정보를 입력했으나, 아직 특정 Invoice에는 Apply되지 않은 정보를 "On Account" credit이라고 한다.
    Credit정보가 들어있기 때문에, Credit Memo와 유사하게 table에 저장된다.
    Credit Memo와 다른 점은 아래와 같다.
    o When first entered the payment schedule will be fully remaining.
    o When first entered no records are inserted into AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLI
    o The line records will have NULL values in
    o The distribution lines have to be typed in as there is no invoice
    to copy them from.
    "On Account"는 같은 Supplier상에서는 어떠한 invoice에 대해서 적용이 가능하다는 점에서,
    특정 invoice에만 apply가 가능한 Credit Memo와는 다르다.
    2. Cash Receipts
    Recipt정보가 입력되면, 아래의 table들에 insert된다.
    입력된 Receipt정보가 특정 invoice와 match되면, 추가 record가
    | | | |
    | RECEIPT |------------------| PAYMENT |
    | | | SCHEDULE |
    | |
    | |
    ^ ^
    /|\ /|\
    | | | |
    | HISTORY | | |
    Receipt에 대한 기본정보가 insert된다. 한 receipt당 한줄이 insert된다.
    Key = CASH_RECEIPT_ID (from sequence AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_S)
    Important Fields
    AMOUNT - Value of receipt in entered currency
    RECEIPT_NUMBER - Payment Number entered by user.
    STATUS - (APP)lied, (UNAPP)lied, (REV)ersed Payment,
    (STOP) payment, (NSF) insufficient funds.
    It will only change to APP once the whole
    amount of the receipt is applied.
    REVERSAL_DATE - NULL unless receipt reversed
    Receipt하나당 한줄의 data가 insert되고, GL로 Posting된 정보가 들어간다.
    Receipt이 reverse되면, 새로운 row가 insert된다.
    Key = CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID (from sequence)
    Important Fields
    CASH_RECEIPT_ID - Foreign key to AR_CASH_RECEIPTS record.
    STATUS - CLEARED for manually input receipts.
    GL_DATE - Accounting date
    POSTING_CONTROL_ID - -3 if unposted
    REVERSAL_POSTING_CONTROL_ID - NULL unless payment reversed
    CURRENT_RECORD_FLAG - Y if this is latest record
    PRV_STAT_CASH_RECEIPT_HIST_ID - Key to previous receipt history record.
    Invoice에 apply된 Total 금액정보가 저장된다.
    Key = PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID (from sequence)
    Important Fields
    CASH_RECEIPT_ID - Foreign key to AR_CASH_RECEIPTS record.
    AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL - Total amount of receipt (usually negative)
    AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING - Unapplied amount of receipt.
    AMOUNT_APPLIED - How much of this receipt is applied .
    STATUS - (OP)en or (CL)osed. Will only be closed if
    All of the fields holding LINE, TAX and FREIGHT amounts are NULL.
    Receipt이 처음 생성될때, 한줄의 data가 이 table에 insert되고,
    invoice에 대해 Apply혹은 Unapply가발생하면, 두줄씩 새롭게 생성된다.
    예를들면, 아래와 같다.
    Record 1 UNAPP 700
    { Record 2      UNAPP       -200
    { Record 3      APP          200      cross referenced to the Invoice
    { Record 4      UNAPP       -500
    { Record 5      APP          500      cross referenced to 2nd Invoice
    The sum of the amounts on records that have a particuar status should add up
    to the running totals on the payment schedulesi, but with the opposite sign.
    i.e. In the example above
    UNAPP = 700 -200 -500 = 0
    APP = 200 + 500 = 700
    Statuses of these records can be:-
    UNAPP - Unapplied
    APP - Applied
    ACC - On Account
    UNID - Unidentified (Customer Not known)
    이러한 record내역은 invoice/credit/receipt에 있는 Transaction History form에서 확인할 수 있다.
    2.5 AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE (Invoice)
    Receipt이 특정 invoice에 apply되면, invoice에 대한 Payment Schedule record가 update된다.
    remaining amount field 값은 Payment금액만큼 줄어들게 된다.
    만약, remaining amount가 "0"가 되면, invoice Payment schedule은 closed상태가 된다.
    예를들어, Receipt금액 "200"이 "1175" invoice금액(Tax금액 175가 포함된)에 apply되었다면, Invoice의 Payment Schedule은 아래와 같이 조정된다.
    Before After
    AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING 1175.00 975.00
    TAX_REMAINING 175.00 175.00
    Note that receipts are applied in a fixed sequence:-
    1. Line Amounts
    2. Tax Amounts
    3. Freight Amounts
    ie The TAX_REMAINING figure will only start to decrease when the
    Reference Documents
    Note : 29277.1 & 29278.1

    This query works fine for me:
                AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL CR,
                AR_RECEIPT_METHODS RM
                AND CR.ORG_ID = <org_id>
                CR.TYPE order by receipt_date desc
    Let me know if it worked.


    제품 : FIN_AR
    작성날짜 : 2003-09-16
    이 문서에서는 AR table들에 대해 어떻게 data가 들어가는지에 대해
    Invoice transaction을 기준으로 설명한다.
    1. Invoice
    User가 invoice를 입력하면, 아래의 table들에 data가 insert된다.
    o RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL (Invoice Header)
    o RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL (Line Details)
    o RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL (Information for posting to GL)
    o RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_SALESREPS_ALL (Sales Credit Information)
    일단, invoice가 "Complete"되면, 아래의 table에 한줄(혹은 그 이상)이
    추가로 Insert된다.
    o AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL (Running Totals for Invoice Amounts)
    대체로 하나의 invoice는 하나의 Payment schedule record를 가지지만,
    만약 할부(Installment)로 Pay처리되는 invoice라면, installment하나당
    하나의 Payment schedule record를 가진다.
    | | /| |
    | TRX |---------------<-| PAYMENT |
    | | \| SCHEDULE |
    | |
    | |
    ^ -------
    /|\ |
    ------------ |
    | | |
    | TRX_LINES | |
    _| | |
    / ------------ |
    | | | |
    \__/ | |
    ^ |
    /|\ |
    | |
    | GL_DIST |
    | |
    Invoice의 Header정보(Customer, Invoice Number, date.. etc)를 담고 있는 table이다.
    Invoice하나당 한줄의 정보가 Insert된다.
    Key = CUSTOMER_TRX_ID (generated from sequence RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_S)
    Important Fields
    TRX_NUMBER - User Entered Invoice Number
    TRX_DATE - Invoice Date
    Invoice의 Line정보(수금 item및 금액, Tax등)가 insert되는 table이다.
    Invoice하나당 한줄이상을 가진다.
    Important Fields
    QUANTITY_INVOICED - Line Quantity
    UNIT_SELLING_PRICE - Price per unit
    EXTENDED_AMOUNT - Quantity * Price
    LINK_TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID - Null for LINE, for TAX and FREIGHT lines
    contains the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID of
    associated LINE record
    GL로 Posting될 정보가 담겨져 있다.
    Invoice Line당 한줄 + Invoice Header 한줄로 이루어져 있다.
    (예를들어, Invoice의 Line이 총 3줄이라면, RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL table에는 총 4줄의 정보가 담기게 된다.)
    Key = CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID (from sequence)
    Important Fields
    Null if this relates to Invoice Header.
    AMOUNT - Value of distribution - entered currency
    ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT - Value of distribution - book currency
    POSTING_CONTROL_ID - -3 if unposted
    GL_DATE - Accounting date.
    GL_POSTED_DATE - Date Invoice posted to GL.
    해당 invoice가 입력될때 함께 입력된 Sales Person에 대한 정보가
    담겨져 있다.
    해당 invoice에 대해서 Line, Tax, 운송비 등 각각의 항목에 대한 Total값과
    Remaining값을 담고 있다.
    대체로 Invoice당 한줄이 insert된다.
    Important Fields
    STATUS - (OP)en or (CL)losed
    ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED - 31-DEC-4712 if still open, otherwise
    date payment schedule closed.
    GL_DATE_CLOSED - 31-DEC-4712 if still open, otherwise the
    gl date of the closing transaction.
    AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL - Invoice Total Amount
    AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING - Total Amount outstanding for Invoice.
    AMOUNT_LINE_ITEMS_ORIGINAL - Sum of Invoice Line amounts.
    AMOUNT_LINE_ITEMS_REMAINING - Outstanding Line amounts.
    TAX_ORIGINAL - Total Tax for Invoice.
    TAX_REMAINING - Outstanding Tax for Invoice
    FREIGHT_ORIGINAL - Total Freight For Invoice
    FREIGHT_REMAINING - Outstanding Freight
    AMOUNT_APPLIED - Total payments applied to this Invoice.
    AMOUNT_CREDITED - Total Credit Memos applied.
    AMOUNT_ADJUSTED - Total value of adjustments.
    The payment schedule should balance within itself, ie the following
    should be true:-
    Reference Documents
    Note : 29277.1

    The basic flow of data is
    ERP tables - source snapshots - source views (eg MRP_AP%) - staging tables (MSC_ST%) - ODS tables ( MSC%)
    Check out note 412375.1. This is the flow for sales order data for ASCP.

  • Creating order in future date

    Hi All,
    Can we create order for future date, if yes..then what are the settings required for correct delivery date and pricing date to flow
    Help required
    Edited by: Anil SD on Jan 3, 2008 9:59 AM
    Edited by: Anil SD on Jan 30, 2008 7:43 AM

    It is possible to create an order in the future data. However, to regularise the options in Sales order for Delivery date and Pricing date, please go to doc. type config. using T.Code VOV8 and select the order type. Down there you can see a section for " Requested delivery data/pricing date/purchase order date". You can manipulate using the options there - whether or not you want a delivery date to be proposed in your sales order & also if you want to have the delivery date as the pricing date as well - i think this should meet your requirement.
    Award points if useful.

  • Data flow diagram - missing information stores

    I am creating data flow diagrams using sql developer data modeler. Often, the information stores that I created and used in the Data Flow Diagrams in the process model are simpy gone when save, close and reopen the model. Even the XML files on the disk are gone. I am using version 2.0.0 build 584. Any idea why this is happening?

    There is a SQLDeveloper version 2.1.1 (Patch 1) out there.
    You could try with that one, just in order to see whether your problem still persist.
    If so, let is know.

  • Data flows and technical terms

    Hi all,
    Anyone please give me SD data flow i.e what is sales order and when it will be generated and how it is linked with billing and delivery and what is invoice, cost centre, profit center, business area, wbs element etc.
    And also the purchase data flow ie Purchase order purchase requisition, material document etc.
    Provide me what exactly these mean in simple words.
    I am new to BI and i am very confused with these technical  terms.

    Cost centre & profit Centre Hierarchy:
    you have to look at the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Profit Center Accounting, Master Data -> Create/Change/Display Hierarchy or something similar..with Transaction Code:KCH3 .
    But if you want specfic one , need to build a specific hierarchy in R3 and load it in BW.
    You can also build it directly in BW.
    If it is product hierachy u have to generate the levels in R/3 side (using same transaction in SBIW), which activates PRODH1, PRODH2...etc.
    SBIW or SAP reference IMG under General Logistics -> Master Material -> Material or Settings for Central Fields -> Sales-Relevant Data -> Define Product Hierarchies
    Please check this link for the detailed procedure to create hiearchy;
    Create Hierarchy in R/3 -Sample
    Pls chk this links;
    Re: Hierarchy Loading from R/3 to BW
    Product Hirarchies for 0MATERIAL (from R3)
    R/3 Hierarchy Text upload issue
    Hope this helps,
    CSM Reddy

  • F4 help and data flow

                 I created online sale order interactive form using ABAP. In web dynpro component I maintained Display type as native. In the form Layout type as ZCI layout. In form layout I drag and drop the Value help button and Submit button form web dynpro native tab. Now buttons are working but data flow is not happening so I am not able to create sales order.
                But if I use Display type as ActiveX ,form Layout as Standard, Buttons From Webdynpro activeX. In this case f4 help is not working but data flow was happening so I am able create sales order. I need f4 help and as well as I should able to create sales order.
    So please help me.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Mohan,
    For ZCI Layout in the Designer have you inserted the WebDynpro Script. If not goto Layout Designer and in the WebDynpro Tool Bar goto Utilities->(select) Insert WebDynpro Script.
    To check whether the Script is inserted or not, goto Palette->Heirarchy of Adobe Form Toolbar and in Heirarchy scroll down to Variables, in the variables you'll find one script object i.e. "containerFoundation_JS". If this is present then it will work.
    If it is not inserted then use the Report FP_ZCI_UPDATE.
    Pradeep Goli

  • Error: 0xC020902A at Data Flow Task, XML Source [24515]: The "component "XML Source" (24515)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "MsgLev1" (26196)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error o

    When I was Importing data from XML to SqlServer using SSIS , I am getting this error. The import is working if i use small file and not working if I use large XMl file. Can any one of you guys help me out with the issue?
    Error: 0xC020902A at Data Flow Task, XML Source [24515]: The "component "XML Source" (24515)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "MsgLev1" (26196)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
    Error: 0xC02092AF at Data Flow Task, XML Source [24515]: The component "XML Source" (24515) was unable to process the XML data. Pipeline component has returned HRESULT error code 0xC020902A from a method call.
    Error: 0xC0047038 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on component "XML Source" (24515) returned error code 0xC02092AF.  The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
    Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED.  Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
    Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED.  Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
    Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED.  Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
    Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED.  Thread "WorkThread3" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
    Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED.  Thread "WorkThread4" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
    Error: 0xC0047039 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED.  Thread "WorkThread2" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.
    Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED.  Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
    Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED.  Thread "WorkThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
    Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED.  Thread "WorkThread2" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
    Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED.  Thread "WorkThread3" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.
    Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED.  Thread "WorkThread4" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

    The reason is in the first line of the error.  It doesn't have anything to do with the size of your XML file - it has to do with the contents of the "MsgLev1" column.  You (or the XSD) has indicated that the values in this column not exceed a certain size - but one of the values in the file that's failing is larger than that.
    In order to fix the problem, you're going to need to increase the allocated space for that column.  In order to do that, you're going to need to find out what the required size of that data is - either from someone who ought to know, or by direct examination of the file.  If you want to know which entity has this overly large data element in it, you need to configure the error handling of the XML Source to "redirect truncation errors".  Then you can hook up the XML Source's error output to another destination where you can see which rows are problematic.
    Talk to me on

  • COMM_SRTUCTURE is uknown when migrating data flow bw 3.x to 7.4

    Dear ALL,
    2LIS_13_VDHDR data flow migrating 3.x to 7.x , ABAP syntax error COMM_STRUCTURE is unknown infosoure transformation level, present we are using 7.4 sp5 . after migration ABAP code
          BEGIN OF _ty_s_TG_1_full,
    *      InfoObject: 0CHNGID Change Run ID.
            CHNGID           TYPE /BI0/OICHNGID,
    *      InfoObject: 0RECORDTP Record type.
            RECORDTP           TYPE /BI0/OIRECORDTP,
    *      InfoObject: 0REQUID Request ID.
            REQUID           TYPE /BI0/OIREQUID,
    *      InfoObject: 0CALDAY Calendar Day.
            CALDAY           TYPE /BI0/OICALDAY,
    *      InfoObject: 0CALMONTH Calendar Year/Month.
            CALMONTH           TYPE /BI0/OICALMONTH,
    *      InfoObject: 0CALWEEK Calendar year / week.
            CALWEEK           TYPE /BI0/OICALWEEK,
    *      InfoObject: 0FISCPER Fiscal year / period.
            FISCPER           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCPER,
    *      InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant.
            FISCVARNT           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCVARNT,
    *      InfoObject: 0BILLTOPRTY Bill-to party.
            BILLTOPRTY           TYPE /BI0/OIBILLTOPRTY,
    *      InfoObject: 0COMP_CODE Company code.
            COMP_CODE           TYPE /BI0/OICOMP_CODE,
    *      InfoObject: 0DISTR_CHAN Distribution Channel.
            DISTR_CHAN           TYPE /BI0/OIDISTR_CHAN,
    *      InfoObject: 0DOC_CATEG Sales Document Category.
            DOC_CATEG           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_CATEG,
    *      InfoObject: 0PLANT Plant.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
    *      InfoObject: 0SALESORG Sales Organization.
            SALESORG           TYPE /BI0/OISALESORG,
    *      InfoObject: 0SALES_GRP Sales group.
            SALES_GRP           TYPE /BI0/OISALES_GRP,
    *      InfoObject: 0SALES_OFF Sales Office.
            SALES_OFF           TYPE /BI0/OISALES_OFF,
    *      InfoObject: 0SHIP_TO Ship-To Party.
            SHIP_TO           TYPE /BI0/OISHIP_TO,
    *      InfoObject: 0SOLD_TO Sold-to party.
            SOLD_TO           TYPE /BI0/OISOLD_TO,
    *      InfoObject: 0VERSION Version.
            VERSION           TYPE /BI0/OIVERSION,
    *      InfoObject: 0VTYPE Value Type for Reporting.
            VTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIVTYPE,
    *      InfoObject: 0DIVISION Division.
            DIVISION           TYPE /BI0/OIDIVISION,
    *      InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
    *      InfoObject: 0SHIP_POINT Shipping point.
            SHIP_POINT           TYPE /BI0/OISHIP_POINT,
    *      InfoObject: 0PAYER Payer.
            PAYER           TYPE /BI0/OIPAYER,
    *      InfoObject: 0DOC_CLASS Document category /Quotation/Order/Deliver
            DOC_CLASS           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_CLASS,
    *      InfoObject: 0DEB_CRED Credit/debit posting (C/D).
            DEB_CRED           TYPE /BI0/OIDEB_CRED,
    *      InfoObject: 0SALESEMPLY Sales Representative.
            SALESEMPLY           TYPE /BI0/OISALESEMPLY,
    *      InfoObject: 0SUBTOT_1S Subtotal 1 from pricing proced. for condit
    *ion in stat. curr..
            SUBTOT_1S           TYPE /BI0/OISUBTOT_1S,
    *      InfoObject: 0SUBTOT_2S Subtotal 2 from pricing proced. for condit
    *ion in stat. curr..
            SUBTOT_2S           TYPE /BI0/OISUBTOT_2S,
    *      InfoObject: 0SUBTOT_3S Subtotal 3 from pricing proced.for conditi
    *on in stat. curr..
            SUBTOT_3S           TYPE /BI0/OISUBTOT_3S,
    *      InfoObject: 0SUBTOT_4S Subtotal 4 from pricing proced. for condit
    *ion in stat. curr..
            SUBTOT_4S           TYPE /BI0/OISUBTOT_4S,
    *      InfoObject: 0SUBTOT_5S Subtotal 5 from pricing proced. for condit
    *ion in stat. curr..
            SUBTOT_5S           TYPE /BI0/OISUBTOT_5S,
    *      InfoObject: 0SUBTOT_6S Subtotal 6 from pricing proced. for condit
    *ion in stat. curr..
            SUBTOT_6S           TYPE /BI0/OISUBTOT_6S,
    *      InfoObject: 0OPORDQTYBM Open orders quantity in base unit of meas
            OPORDQTYBM           TYPE /BI0/OIOPORDQTYBM,
    *      InfoObject: 0OPORDVALSC Net value of open orders in statistics cu
            OPORDVALSC           TYPE /BI0/OIOPORDVALSC,
    *      InfoObject: 0QUANT_B Quantity in base units of measure.
            QUANT_B           TYPE /BI0/OIQUANT_B,
    *      InfoObject: 0DOCUMENTS No. of docs.
            DOCUMENTS           TYPE /BI0/OIDOCUMENTS,
    *      InfoObject: 0DOC_ITEMS Number of Document Items.
            DOC_ITEMS           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_ITEMS,
    *      InfoObject: 0NET_VAL_S Net value in statistics currency.
            NET_VAL_S           TYPE /BI0/OINET_VAL_S,
    *      InfoObject: 0COST_VAL_S Cost in statistics currency.
            COST_VAL_S           TYPE /BI0/OICOST_VAL_S,
    *      InfoObject: 0GR_WT_KG Gross weight in kilograms.
            GR_WT_KG           TYPE /BI0/OIGR_WT_KG,
    *      InfoObject: 0NT_WT_KG Net weight in kilograms.
            NT_WT_KG           TYPE /BI0/OINT_WT_KG,
    *      InfoObject: 0VOLUME_CDM Volume in cubic decimeters.
            VOLUME_CDM           TYPE /BI0/OIVOLUME_CDM,
    *      InfoObject: 0HDCNT_LAST Number of Employees.
            HDCNT_LAST           TYPE /BI0/OIHDCNT_LAST,
    *      InfoObject: 0CRM_PROD Product.
            CRM_PROD           TYPE /BI0/OICRM_PROD,
    *      InfoObject: 0CP_CATEG Category.
            CP_CATEG           TYPE /BI0/OICP_CATEG,
    *      InfoObject: 0FISCYEAR Fiscal year.
            FISCYEAR           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCYEAR,
    *      InfoObject: 0BP_GRP BP: Business Partner Group (from Hierarchy).
            BP_GRP           TYPE /BI0/OIBP_GRP,
    *      InfoObject: 0STAT_CURR Statistics Currency.
            STAT_CURR           TYPE /BI0/OISTAT_CURR,
    *      InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Base Unit of Measure.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
    *      InfoObject: 0PROD_CATEG Product Category.
            PROD_CATEG           TYPE /BI0/OIPROD_CATEG,
    *      InfoObject: 0VOLUME Volume.
            VOLUME           TYPE /BI0/OIVOLUME,
    *      InfoObject: 0VOLUMEUNIT Volume unit.
            VOLUMEUNIT           TYPE /BI0/OIVOLUMEUNIT,
    *      InfoObject: 0FISCPER3 Posting period.
            FISCPER3           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCPER3,
    *      InfoObject: 0SALES_DIST Sales District.
            SALES_DIST           TYPE /BI0/OISALES_DIST,
    *      InfoObject: 0BILL_TYPE Billing type.
            BILL_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIBILL_TYPE,
    *      InfoObject: 0MOVE_PLANT Receiving Plant/Issuing Plant.
            MOVE_PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVE_PLANT,
    *      InfoObject: 0SHIP_COND Shipping conditions.
            SHIP_COND           TYPE /BI0/OISHIP_COND,
    *      InfoObject: 0AB_RFBSK Status for Transfer to Accounting.
            AB_RFBSK           TYPE /BI0/OIAB_RFBSK,
    *      InfoObject: 0AB_FKSTO Indicator: Document Is Cancelled.
            AB_FKSTO           TYPE /BI0/OIAB_FKSTO,
    *      InfoObject: 0CUST_GRP5 Customer Group 5.
            CUST_GRP5           TYPE /BI0/OICUST_GRP5,
    *      InfoObject: ZCU_COND1 Constomer Condition Group 1.
            /BIC/ZCU_COND1           TYPE /BIC/OIZCU_COND1,
    *      InfoObject: ZCU_COND2 Customer Condition Group 2.
            /BIC/ZCU_COND2           TYPE /BIC/OIZCU_COND2,
    *      InfoObject: ZBATCHCD Batch Code.
            /BIC/ZBATCHCD           TYPE /BIC/OIZBATCHCD,
    *      InfoObject: 0BATCH Batch number.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
    *      InfoObject: ZBATCH Batch number.
            /BIC/ZBATCH           TYPE /BIC/OIZBATCH,
    *      Field: RECORD Data record number.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,
          END   OF _ty_s_TG_1_full.
    * Additional declaration for update rule interface
        MONITOR       type standard table of rsmonitor  WITH HEADER LINE,
        MONITOR_RECNO type standard table of rsmonitors WITH HEADER LINE,
    * global definitions from update rules
    * TABLES: ...
    DATA: IN    TYPE F,
          OUT   TYPE F,
          DENOM TYPE F,
          NUMER TYPE F.
    * Def. of 'credit-documents': following doc.categ. are 'credit docs'
    *   reversal invoice (N)
    *   credit memo  (O)
    *   internal credit memo (6)
    * Credit-documents are delivered with negative sign. Sign is switched
    * to positive to provide positive key-figures in the cube.
    * The combination of characteristics DE_CRED and DOC-CLASS provides
    * a comfortable way to distinguisch e.g. positive incoming orders or
    * order returns.
    * Def. der 'Soll-Dokumente': folgende Belegtypen sind 'Soll-Belege'
    *   Storno Rechnung (N)
    *   Gutschrift (O)
    *   Interne Verrechn. Gutschr. (6)
    * Soll-Dokumente werden mit negativem Vorzeichen geliefert. Um die Kenn-
    * zahlen positiv in den Cube zu schreiben, wird das Vorzeich. gedreht
    * Die Kombination der Merkmale DEB_CRED und DOC-CLASS gibt Ihnen die
    * Möglichkeit schnell z.B. zwischen Auftrags-Eingang oder Retouren zu
    * unterscheiden.
    FORM routine_0002
       P_MONITOR         structure rsmonitor
        RESULT         TYPE _ty_s_TG_1_full-DOCUMENTS
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    * init variables
    * fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
       RESULT = RESULT * ( -1 ).
      p_monitor[] = MONITOR[].
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_0002
    FORM routine_0003
       P_MONITOR         structure rsmonitor
        RESULT         TYPE _ty_s_TG_1_full-DEB_CRED
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    * init variables
    * fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
        RESULT = 'C'.
        RESULT = 'D'.
      RETURNCODE = 0.
      p_monitor[] = MONITOR[].
    E:Field "COMM_STRUCTURE-NO_INV" is unknown. It is neither in one of the
    specified tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" statement.
    communication structure chaged to sours fields but no uses , please suggest how can i proceed , Thanks in Advance immediate replay
    Thanks & Regards
    Ramesh G

    Hi Gareth,
    You have two options:
    1. Transport from BW 3.1 to BI 7.0. You'll need to create a transport route between both systems. This may cause you some troubles in the future when you want to modify the objects you transported.
    2. As there are few objects, you can use XML export utility from Transport connection. There, you make an XML file with the objects you need to transport. One thing that you may take care of, in this option, is that the business content objects you are exporting need to be activated in the destination system. Another problem is that querys are not exported.
    Since it's only a cube, maybe you can create the objects manually. Look that in BI 7.0 there are several new functionalities, i don't know how transport or xml export would work.
    Hope this helps.

  • SSIS 2005 and SSIS 2012 Have Different Data Flow Output

    Hi Guys,
    I'm currently converting our SSIS 2005 packages to 2012 and I'm finding an odd difference on the Data Flow Output when it imports a txt file to a table.
    We have a pipe delimited file ( contains a totals on the bottom row).
    CATNO|Title|Total Stk Avail|Stk on Order|Rank|QOH|Allocated|Reserved|BackOrd|WIP|Cleared|Held
    CATNUM000067|Fast and Furious|9804|0||9804|0|0|0|0|0|0
    CATNUM000029|Brave with Kinect|0|0||0|0|0|0|0|0|0
    CATNUM000029|Big Hero|0|0||0|0|0|0|0|0|0
    CATNUM000013|James Bond|121|0||121|0|0|0|0|0|0
    ,Total Available Stock,524259
    And these are the settings for the flat file connection
    In SSIS 2005, the total rows are being omitted automatically by the data flow. Basically only 7 rows are inserted whereas in SSIS 2012. 8 rows were inserted including the totals.
    if we think about it, SSIS 2012 is correct since we just feed what's ever in the file.
    But on the conversion and testing perspective, it's now harder as there's discrepancies between those 2 version.
    I just like to check if there's any other discrepancies in terms on results/output between SSIS 2005 and SSIS 2012
    Many thanks. 

    Hi Vinxster,
    After testing the issue that Flat File Connection Manager cannot handle file with total row in my SQL Server 2005 environment, I can reproduce it.
    Based on my research, the issue is caused by the Column Delimiter gets first preference and then Row delimiter. This is by design in SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2.
    Good news is that the issue is fixed in SQL Server Data Tools which comes with SQL Server 2012. In SQL Server 2012, by default, the Flat File Connection Manager always checks for a row delimiter in unquoted data, and starts a new row when a row delimiter
    is found. This enables the connection manager to correctly parse files with rows that are missing column fields.
    If you want to fix the issue in SQL Server 2005, there is a sample component posted to the CodePlex that might help you with this:
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • MM data flow

    My dear Friends,
    I want Data flow Co with SD and MM with examples please..
    Email : - [email protected]

    <b>Link Between SAP SD, MM & FI</b>
    1. In SAP you will always get integration with other modules. SD will interact with FI, MM will interact with SD :-
    1a. Looking at MM and SD interaction first, take the scenario of a third party order process. This process uses a purchase order (which is sent to your vendor). Also invoice verification is used further along the process to check that the invoice you send to your customer is the same material and quantity as that which the vendor sends to you (but obviously shipped 
    directly to your customer). 
    1b. Billing is an SD function. But SAP needs to know, when processing a customer's payment, to which GL account the payment has to be processed. For instance payment of a UK based material would be placed in a different GL account to that of a non-UK based material. Furthermore, a UK based customer may have a different GL account to that of an Export customer. This is configured in Account Determination.
    2. ABAPers are there to essential do some bespoke development. Your integration, or interaction, with them would be when specifying the tables, fields, input fields, a simple process explanation, data mapping (if doing an interface from one system to another) etc.                
    <b>The link between SD and MM :-</b>
    1. When you create sales order in SD, all the details of the items are copied from Material master of MM.
    2. MRP and availibility check related data is also taken from MM although you control this data in SD also.
    3. While you create inbound/outbound delivery with reference to a sales order,the shipping point determination takes place with the help of the loading group, plant data, shipping conditions etc. This also refers to Material Master.
    4. The material which you are entering in a sales order must be extended to the sales area of your sales order/customer otherwise you cannot transact with this material.
    There are many such links between SD and MM.
    <b>Now the link between SD and FI :-</b>
    1. Whenever you create a delivery with reference to a sales order, goods movement takes place in the bacgground. eg. In case of standard sales order, you create an outbound goods delivery to the customer.
    Here movement 601 takes place. This movement is configured in MM. Also, this movement hits some G/L account in FI. Every such movement of good s hits some G/L account.
    2. The accounts posting in FI is done with reference to the billing documents (invoice, debit note, credit note etc) created in SD. Thus this is a link between SD and FI
    3. Tax determination: In case of a tax determination also, there is a direct link between SD and MM
    SD Integration points with other modules
    SD module is highly integrated with the other modules in SAP.
    Sales Order –
    Integration Points                      Module
    •Availability Check             -       MM
    •Credit Check                   -       FI
    •Costing                        -       CO/ MM
    •Tax Determination              -       FI
    •Transfer of Requirements       -       PP/ MM
    Delivery & Goods Issue –
    Integration Points                      Module
    •Availability Check             -       MM
    •Credit Check                   -       FI
    •Reduces stock                  -       MM
    •Reduces Inventory $            -       FI/ CO
    •Requirement Eliminated         -       PP/ MM
    Billing -
    Integration Points                      Module
    •Debit A/R                      -       FI/ CO
    •Credit Revenue                 -       FI/ CO
    •Updates G/ L                   -       FI/ CO
      (Tax, discounts, surcharges, etc.)
    •Milestone Billing              -       PS
    Return Delivery & Credit Memo -
    Integration Points                      Module
    •Increases Inventory            -       MM
    •Updates G/ L                   -       FI
    •Credit Memo                    -       FI
    •Adjustment to A/R              -       FI
    •Reduces Revenue                -       FI
    SD Transaction Code Flow: 
    Inquiry / Document type IN
    Tcode for creation VA11,VA12,VA13. tables VBAK,VBAP
    Quotation / QT
    Tcode for creation VA21,VA22,VA23. tables VBAK,VBAP
    Purchase Order PO
    Tcode for creation ME21,ME22,ME23. tables EKKO,EKPO.
    Sales Order OR
    Tcode for creation VA01,VA02,VA03. tables VBAK,VBAP
    Delivery LF
    Tcode for creation VL01,VL02,VL03. tables LIKP,LIPS
    Billing MN
    Tcode for creation VF01,VF02,VF03. tables VBRK,VBRP
    To create a sales order we need purchase order number and custmer number.  Before that, to create a purchase order we need to have material no, vendor no.
    To create vendor tcode is 
    xk01(create), xk02(change) , xk03(display)
    Tables are lfa1.
    To create custmer tcode is xd01, xd02, xd03.
    Table is kna1.
    After creating sales order using this no we can create delivery note tcode is vl01.
    Reward if useful.
    Message was edited by:

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